Abstract:In modern large-scale deep learning, a prevalent and effective workflow for solving low-data problems is adapting powerful pre-trained foundation models (FMs) to new tasks via parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT). However, while empirically effective, the resulting solutions lack generalisation guarantees to certify their accuracy - which may be required for ethical or legal reasons prior to deployment in high-importance applications. In this paper we develop a novel transfer learning approach that is designed to facilitate non-vacuous learning theoretic generalisation guarantees for downstream tasks, even in the low-shot regime. Specifically, we first use upstream tasks to train a distribution over PEFT parameters. We then learn the downstream task by a sample-and-evaluate procedure -- sampling plausible PEFTs from the trained diffusion model and selecting the one with the highest likelihood on the downstream data. Crucially, this confines our model hypothesis to a finite set of PEFT samples. In contrast to learning in the typical continuous hypothesis spaces of neural network weights, this facilitates tighter risk certificates. We instantiate our bound and show non-trivial generalization guarantees compared to existing learning approaches which lead to vacuous bounds in the low-shot regime.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) has enabled the training of multilingual large language models (LLMs) on diverse and decentralized multilingual data, especially on low-resource languages. To improve client-specific performance, personalization via the use of parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) modules such as LoRA is common. This involves a personalization strategy (PS), such as the design of the PEFT adapter structures (e.g., in which layers to add LoRAs and what ranks) and choice of hyperparameters (e.g., learning rates) for fine-tuning. Instead of manual PS configuration, we propose FedP$^2$EFT, a federated learning-to-personalize method for multilingual LLMs in cross-device FL settings. Unlike most existing PEFT structure selection methods, which are prone to overfitting low-data regimes, FedP$^2$EFT collaboratively learns the optimal personalized PEFT structure for each client via Bayesian sparse rank selection. Evaluations on both simulated and real-world multilingual FL benchmarks demonstrate that FedP$^2$EFT largely outperforms existing personalized fine-tuning methods, while complementing a range of existing FL methods.
Abstract:Data point selection (DPS) is becoming a critical topic in deep learning due to the ease of acquiring uncurated training data compared to the difficulty of obtaining curated or processed data. Existing approaches to DPS are predominantly based on a bi-level optimisation (BLO) formulation, which is demanding in terms of memory and computation, and exhibits some theoretical defects regarding minibatches. Thus, we propose a novel Bayesian approach to DPS. We view the DPS problem as posterior inference in a novel Bayesian model where the posterior distributions of the instance-wise weights and the main neural network parameters are inferred under a reasonable prior and likelihood model. We employ stochastic gradient Langevin MCMC sampling to learn the main network and instance-wise weights jointly, ensuring convergence even with minibatches. Our update equation is comparable to the widely used SGD and much more efficient than existing BLO-based methods. Through controlled experiments in both the vision and language domains, we present the proof-of-concept. Additionally, we demonstrate that our method scales effectively to large language models and facilitates automated per-task optimization for instruction fine-tuning datasets.
Abstract:We tackle the general differentiable meta learning problem that is ubiquitous in modern deep learning, including hyperparameter optimization, loss function learning, few-shot learning, invariance learning and more. These problems are often formalized as Bi-Level optimizations (BLO). We introduce a novel perspective by turning a given BLO problem into a stochastic optimization, where the inner loss function becomes a smooth probability distribution, and the outer loss becomes an expected loss over the inner distribution. To solve this stochastic optimization, we adopt Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) MCMC to sample inner distribution, and propose a recurrent algorithm to compute the MC-estimated hypergradient. Our derivation is similar to forward-mode differentiation, but we introduce a new first-order approximation that makes it feasible for large models without needing to store huge Jacobian matrices. The main benefits are two-fold: i) Our stochastic formulation takes into account uncertainty, which makes the method robust to suboptimal inner optimization or non-unique multiple inner minima due to overparametrization; ii) Compared to existing methods that often exhibit unstable behavior and hyperparameter sensitivity in practice, our method leads to considerably more reliable solutions. We demonstrate that the new approach achieves promising results on diverse meta learning problems and easily scales to learning 87M hyperparameters in the case of Vision Transformers.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) research has made progress in developing algorithms for distributed learning of global models, as well as algorithms for local personalization of those common models to the specifics of each client's local data distribution. However, different FL problems may require different personalization strategies, and it may not even be possible to define an effective one-size-fits-all personalization strategy for all clients: depending on how similar each client's optimal predictor is to that of the global model, different personalization strategies may be preferred. In this paper, we consider the federated meta-learning problem of learning personalization strategies. Specifically, we consider meta-nets that induce the batch-norm and learning rate parameters for each client given local data statistics. By learning these meta-nets through FL, we allow the whole FL network to collaborate in learning a customized personalization strategy for each client. Empirical results show that this framework improves on a range of standard hand-crafted personalization baselines in both label and feature shift situations.
Abstract:We release a new Bayesian neural network library for PyTorch for large-scale deep networks. Our library implements mainstream approximate Bayesian inference algorithms: variational inference, MC-dropout, stochastic-gradient MCMC, and Laplace approximation. The main differences from other existing Bayesian neural network libraries are as follows: 1) Our library can deal with very large-scale deep networks including Vision Transformers (ViTs). 2) We need virtually zero code modifications for users (e.g., the backbone network definition codes do not neet to be modified at all). 3) Our library also allows the pre-trained model weights to serve as a prior mean, which is very useful for performing Bayesian inference with the large-scale foundation models like ViTs that are hard to optimise from scratch with the downstream data alone. Our code is publicly available at: \url{https://github.com/SamsungLabs/BayesDLL}\footnote{A mirror repository is also available at: \url{https://github.com/minyoungkim21/BayesDLL}.}.
Abstract:We propose a novel hierarchical Bayesian model for learning with a large (possibly infinite) number of tasks/episodes, which suits well the few-shot meta learning problem. We consider episode-wise random variables to model episode-specific target generative processes, where these local random variables are governed by a higher-level global random variate. The global variable helps memorize the important information from historic episodes while controlling how much the model needs to be adapted to new episodes in a principled Bayesian manner. Within our model framework, the prediction on a novel episode/task can be seen as a Bayesian inference problem. However, a main obstacle in learning with a large/infinite number of local random variables in online nature, is that one is not allowed to store the posterior distribution of the current local random variable for frequent future updates, typical in conventional variational inference. We need to be able to treat each local variable as a one-time iterate in the optimization. We propose a Normal-Inverse-Wishart model, for which we show that this one-time iterate optimization becomes feasible due to the approximate closed-form solutions for the local posterior distributions. The resulting algorithm is more attractive than the MAML in that it is not required to maintain computational graphs for the whole gradient optimization steps per episode. Our approach is also different from existing Bayesian meta learning methods in that unlike dealing with a single random variable for the whole episodes, our approach has a hierarchical structure that allows one-time episodic optimization, desirable for principled Bayesian learning with many/infinite tasks. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/minyoungkim21/niwmeta}.
Abstract:We propose a novel hierarchical Bayesian approach to Federated Learning (FL), where our model reasonably describes the generative process of clients' local data via hierarchical Bayesian modeling: constituting random variables of local models for clients that are governed by a higher-level global variate. Interestingly, the variational inference in our Bayesian model leads to an optimisation problem whose block-coordinate descent solution becomes a distributed algorithm that is separable over clients and allows them not to reveal their own private data at all, thus fully compatible with FL. We also highlight that our block-coordinate algorithm has particular forms that subsume the well-known FL algorithms including Fed-Avg and Fed-Prox as special cases. Beyond introducing novel modeling and derivations, we also offer convergence analysis showing that our block-coordinate FL algorithm converges to an (local) optimum of the objective at the rate of $O(1/\sqrt{t})$, the same rate as regular (centralised) SGD, as well as the generalisation error analysis where we prove that the test error of our model on unseen data is guaranteed to vanish as we increase the training data size, thus asymptotically optimal.
Abstract:We tackle the domain generalisation (DG) problem by posing it as a domain adaptation (DA) task where we adversarially synthesise the worst-case target domain and adapt a model to that worst-case domain, thereby improving the model's robustness. To synthesise data that is challenging yet semantics-preserving, we generate Fourier amplitude images and combine them with source domain phase images, exploiting the widely believed conjecture from signal processing that amplitude spectra mainly determines image style, while phase data mainly captures image semantics. To synthesise a worst-case domain for adaptation, we train the classifier and the amplitude generator adversarially. Specifically, we exploit the maximum classifier discrepancy (MCD) principle from DA that relates the target domain performance to the discrepancy of classifiers in the model hypothesis space. By Bayesian hypothesis modeling, we express the model hypothesis space effectively as a posterior distribution over classifiers given the source domains, making adversarial MCD minimisation feasible. On the DomainBed benchmark including the large-scale DomainNet dataset, the proposed approach yields significantly improved domain generalisation performance over the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Recent sharpness-aware minimisation (SAM) is known to find flat minima which is beneficial for better generalisation with improved robustness. SAM essentially modifies the loss function by reporting the maximum loss value within the small neighborhood around the current iterate. However, it uses the Euclidean ball to define the neighborhood, which can be inaccurate since loss functions for neural networks are typically defined over probability distributions (e.g., class predictive probabilities), rendering the parameter space non Euclidean. In this paper we consider the information geometry of the model parameter space when defining the neighborhood, namely replacing SAM's Euclidean balls with ellipsoids induced by the Fisher information. Our approach, dubbed Fisher SAM, defines more accurate neighborhood structures that conform to the intrinsic metric of the underlying statistical manifold. For instance, SAM may probe the worst-case loss value at either a too nearby or inappropriately distant point due to the ignorance of the parameter space geometry, which is avoided by our Fisher SAM. Another recent Adaptive SAM approach stretches/shrinks the Euclidean ball in accordance with the scale of the parameter magnitudes. This might be dangerous, potentially destroying the neighborhood structure. We demonstrate improved performance of the proposed Fisher SAM on several benchmark datasets/tasks.