Abstract:While large language models (LLMs) excel in generating coherent and contextually rich outputs, their capacity to efficiently handle long-form contexts is limited by fixed-length position embeddings. Additionally, the computational cost of processing long sequences increases quadratically, making it challenging to extend context length. To address these challenges, we propose Long-form Context Injection with Recurrent Compression (LCIRC), a method that enables the efficient processing long-form sequences beyond the model's length limit through recurrent compression without retraining the entire model. We further introduce query dependent context modeling, which selectively compresses query-relevant information, ensuring that the model retains the most pertinent content. Our empirical results demonstrate that Query Dependent LCIRC (QD-LCIRC) significantly improves LLM's ability to manage extended contexts, making it well-suited for tasks that require both comprehensive context understanding and query relevance.
Abstract:Current benchmarks for video segmentation are limited to annotating only salient objects (i.e., foreground instances). Despite their impressive architectural designs, previous works trained on these benchmarks have struggled to adapt to real-world scenarios. Thus, developing a new video segmentation dataset aimed at tracking multi-granularity segmentation target in the video scene is necessary. In this work, we aim to generate multi-granularity video segmentation dataset that is annotated for both salient and non-salient masks. To achieve this, we propose a large-scale, densely annotated multi-granularity video object segmentation (MUG-VOS) dataset that includes various types and granularities of mask annotations. We automatically collected a training set that assists in tracking both salient and non-salient objects, and we also curated a human-annotated test set for reliable evaluation. In addition, we present memory-based mask propagation model (MMPM), trained and evaluated on MUG-VOS dataset, which leads to the best performance among the existing video object segmentation methods and Segment SAM-based video segmentation methods. Project page is available at https://cvlab-kaist.github.io/MUG-VOS.
Abstract:Large-scale vision-language models like CLIP have demonstrated impressive open-vocabulary capabilities for image-level tasks, excelling in recognizing what objects are present. However, they struggle with pixel-level recognition tasks like semantic segmentation, which additionally require understanding where the objects are located. In this work, we propose a novel method, PixelCLIP, to adapt the CLIP image encoder for pixel-level understanding by guiding the model on where, which is achieved using unlabeled images and masks generated from vision foundation models such as SAM and DINO. To address the challenges of leveraging masks without semantic labels, we devise an online clustering algorithm using learnable class names to acquire general semantic concepts. PixelCLIP shows significant performance improvements over CLIP and competitive results compared to caption-supervised methods in open-vocabulary semantic segmentation. Project page is available at https://cvlab-kaist.github.io/PixelCLIP
Abstract:We propose a new framework that automatically generates high-quality segmentation masks with their referring expressions as pseudo supervisions for referring image segmentation (RIS). These pseudo supervisions allow the training of any supervised RIS methods without the cost of manual labeling. To achieve this, we incorporate existing segmentation and image captioning foundation models, leveraging their broad generalization capabilities. However, the naive incorporation of these models may generate non-distinctive expressions that do not distinctively refer to the target masks. To address this challenge, we propose two-fold strategies that generate distinctive captions: 1) 'distinctive caption sampling', a new decoding method for the captioning model, to generate multiple expression candidates with detailed words focusing on the target. 2) 'distinctiveness-based text filtering' to further validate the candidates and filter out those with a low level of distinctiveness. These two strategies ensure that the generated text supervisions can distinguish the target from other objects, making them appropriate for the RIS annotations. Our method significantly outperforms both weakly and zero-shot SoTA methods on the RIS benchmark datasets. It also surpasses fully supervised methods in unseen domains, proving its capability to tackle the open-world challenge within RIS. Furthermore, integrating our method with human annotations yields further improvements, highlighting its potential in semi-supervised learning applications.
Abstract:We introduce a new attention mechanism, dubbed structural self-attention (StructSA), that leverages rich correlation patterns naturally emerging in key-query interactions of attention. StructSA generates attention maps by recognizing space-time structures of key-query correlations via convolution and uses them to dynamically aggregate local contexts of value features. This effectively leverages rich structural patterns in images and videos such as scene layouts, object motion, and inter-object relations. Using StructSA as a main building block, we develop the structural vision transformer (StructViT) and evaluate its effectiveness on both image and video classification tasks, achieving state-of-the-art results on ImageNet-1K, Kinetics-400, Something-Something V1 & V2, Diving-48, and FineGym.
Abstract:Referring image segmentation (RIS) aims to find a segmentation mask given a referring expression grounded to a region of the input image. Collecting labelled datasets for this task, however, is notoriously costly and labor-intensive. To overcome this issue, we propose a simple yet effective zero-shot referring image segmentation method by leveraging the pre-trained cross-modal knowledge from CLIP. In order to obtain segmentation masks grounded to the input text, we propose a mask-guided visual encoder that captures global and local contextual information of an input image. By utilizing instance masks obtained from off-the-shelf mask proposal techniques, our method is able to segment fine-detailed Istance-level groundings. We also introduce a global-local text encoder where the global feature captures complex sentence-level semantics of the entire input expression while the local feature focuses on the target noun phrase extracted by a dependency parser. In our experiments, the proposed method outperforms several zero-shot baselines of the task and even the weakly supervised referring expression segmentation method with substantial margins. Our code is available at https://github.com/Seonghoon-Yu/Zero-shot-RIS.
Abstract:Audiovisual automatic speech recognition (AV-ASR) aims to improve the robustness of a speech recognition system by incorporating visual information. Training fully supervised multimodal models for this task from scratch, however is limited by the need for large labelled audiovisual datasets (in each downstream domain of interest). We present AVFormer, a simple method for augmenting audio-only models with visual information, at the same time performing lightweight domain adaptation. We do this by (i) injecting visual embeddings into a frozen ASR model using lightweight trainable adaptors. We show that these can be trained on a small amount of weakly labelled video data with minimum additional training time and parameters. (ii) We also introduce a simple curriculum scheme during training which we show is crucial to enable the model to jointly process audio and visual information effectively; and finally (iii) we show that our model achieves state of the art zero-shot results on three different AV-ASR benchmarks (How2, VisSpeech and Ego4D), while also crucially preserving decent performance on traditional audio-only speech recognition benchmarks (LibriSpeech). Qualitative results show that our model effectively leverages visual information for robust speech recognition.
Abstract:Vision-language (VL) pre-training has recently gained much attention for its transferability and flexibility in novel concepts (e.g., cross-modality transfer) across various visual tasks. However, VL-driven segmentation has been under-explored, and the existing approaches still have the burden of acquiring additional training images or even segmentation annotations to adapt a VL model to downstream segmentation tasks. In this paper, we introduce a novel image-free segmentation task where the goal is to perform semantic segmentation given only a set of the target semantic categories, but without any task-specific images and annotations. To tackle this challenging task, our proposed method, coined IFSeg, generates VL-driven artificial image-segmentation pairs and updates a pre-trained VL model to a segmentation task. We construct this artificial training data by creating a 2D map of random semantic categories and another map of their corresponding word tokens. Given that a pre-trained VL model projects visual and text tokens into a common space where tokens that share the semantics are located closely, this artificially generated word map can replace the real image inputs for such a VL model. Through an extensive set of experiments, our model not only establishes an effective baseline for this novel task but also demonstrates strong performances compared to existing methods that rely on stronger supervision, such as task-specific images and segmentation masks. Code is available at https://github.com/alinlab/ifseg.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce Vid2Seq, a multi-modal single-stage dense event captioning model pretrained on narrated videos which are readily-available at scale. The Vid2Seq architecture augments a language model with special time tokens, allowing it to seamlessly predict event boundaries and textual descriptions in the same output sequence. Such a unified model requires large-scale training data, which is not available in current annotated datasets. We show that it is possible to leverage unlabeled narrated videos for dense video captioning, by reformulating sentence boundaries of transcribed speech as pseudo event boundaries, and using the transcribed speech sentences as pseudo event captions. The resulting Vid2Seq model pretrained on the YT-Temporal-1B dataset improves the state of the art on a variety of dense video captioning benchmarks including YouCook2, ViTT and ActivityNet Captions. Vid2Seq also generalizes well to the tasks of video paragraph captioning and video clip captioning, and to few-shot settings. Our code is publicly available at https://antoyang.github.io/vid2seq.html.
Abstract:Existing works on open-vocabulary semantic segmentation have utilized large-scale vision-language models, such as CLIP, to leverage their exceptional open-vocabulary recognition capabilities. However, the problem of transferring these capabilities learned from image-level supervision to the pixel-level task of segmentation and addressing arbitrary unseen categories at inference makes this task challenging. To address these issues, we aim to attentively relate objects within an image to given categories by leveraging relational information among class categories and visual semantics through aggregation, while also adapting the CLIP representations to the pixel-level task. However, we observe that direct optimization of the CLIP embeddings can harm its open-vocabulary capabilities. In this regard, we propose an alternative approach to optimize the image-text similarity map, i.e. the cost map, using a novel cost aggregation-based method. Our framework, namely CAT-Seg, achieves state-of-the-art performance across all benchmarks. We provide extensive ablation studies to validate our choices. Project page: https://ku-cvlab.github.io/CAT-Seg/.