Abstract:Plug-and-play approaches to solving inverse problems such as restoration and super-resolution have recently benefited from Diffusion-based generative priors for natural as well as medical images. However, solutions often use the standard albeit computationally intensive route of training and inferring with the whole image on the diffusion prior. While patch-based approaches to evaluating diffusion priors in plug-and-play methods have received some interest, they remain an open area of study. In this work, we explore the feasibility of the usage of patches for training and inference of a diffusion prior on MRI images. We explore the minor adaptation necessary for artifact avoidance, the performance and the efficiency of memory usage of patch-based methods as well as the adaptability of whole image training to patch-based evaluation - evaluating across multiple plug-and-play methods, tasks and datasets.
Abstract:Building trusted datasets is critical for transparent and responsible Medical AI (MAI) research, but creating even small, high-quality datasets can take years of effort from multidisciplinary teams. This process often delays AI benefits, as human-centric data creation and AI-centric model development are treated as separate, sequential steps. To overcome this, we propose ScaleMAI, an agent of AI-integrated data curation and annotation, allowing data quality and AI performance to improve in a self-reinforcing cycle and reducing development time from years to months. We adopt pancreatic tumor detection as an example. First, ScaleMAI progressively creates a dataset of 25,362 CT scans, including per-voxel annotations for benign/malignant tumors and 24 anatomical structures. Second, through progressive human-in-the-loop iterations, ScaleMAI provides Flagship AI Model that can approach the proficiency of expert annotators (30-year experience) in detecting pancreatic tumors. Flagship Model significantly outperforms models developed from smaller, fixed-quality datasets, with substantial gains in tumor detection (+14%), segmentation (+5%), and classification (72%) on three prestigious benchmarks. In summary, ScaleMAI transforms the speed, scale, and reliability of medical dataset creation, paving the way for a variety of impactful, data-driven applications.
Abstract:How can we test AI performance? This question seems trivial, but it isn't. Standard benchmarks often have problems such as in-distribution and small-size test sets, oversimplified metrics, unfair comparisons, and short-term outcome pressure. As a consequence, good performance on standard benchmarks does not guarantee success in real-world scenarios. To address these problems, we present Touchstone, a large-scale collaborative segmentation benchmark of 9 types of abdominal organs. This benchmark is based on 5,195 training CT scans from 76 hospitals around the world and 5,903 testing CT scans from 11 additional hospitals. This diverse test set enhances the statistical significance of benchmark results and rigorously evaluates AI algorithms across various out-of-distribution scenarios. We invited 14 inventors of 19 AI algorithms to train their algorithms, while our team, as a third party, independently evaluated these algorithms on three test sets. In addition, we also evaluated pre-existing AI frameworks--which, differing from algorithms, are more flexible and can support different algorithms--including MONAI from NVIDIA, nnU-Net from DKFZ, and numerous other open-source frameworks. We are committed to expanding this benchmark to encourage more innovation of AI algorithms for the medical domain.
Abstract:The release of nnU-Net marked a paradigm shift in 3D medical image segmentation, demonstrating that a properly configured U-Net architecture could still achieve state-of-the-art results. Despite this, the pursuit of novel architectures, and the respective claims of superior performance over the U-Net baseline, continued. In this study, we demonstrate that many of these recent claims fail to hold up when scrutinized for common validation shortcomings, such as the use of inadequate baselines, insufficient datasets, and neglected computational resources. By meticulously avoiding these pitfalls, we conduct a thorough and comprehensive benchmarking of current segmentation methods including CNN-based, Transformer-based, and Mamba-based approaches. In contrast to current beliefs, we find that the recipe for state-of-the-art performance is 1) employing CNN-based U-Net models, including ResNet and ConvNeXt variants, 2) using the nnU-Net framework, and 3) scaling models to modern hardware resources. These results indicate an ongoing innovation bias towards novel architectures in the field and underscore the need for more stringent validation standards in the quest for scientific progress.
Abstract:Accurately segmenting thin tubular structures, such as vessels, nerves, roads or concrete cracks, is a crucial task in computer vision. Standard deep learning-based segmentation loss functions, such as Dice or Cross-Entropy, focus on volumetric overlap, often at the expense of preserving structural connectivity or topology. This can lead to segmentation errors that adversely affect downstream tasks, including flow calculation, navigation, and structural inspection. Although current topology-focused losses mark an improvement, they introduce significant computational and memory overheads. This is particularly relevant for 3D data, rendering these losses infeasible for larger volumes as well as increasingly important multi-class segmentation problems. To mitigate this, we propose a novel Skeleton Recall Loss, which effectively addresses these challenges by circumventing intensive GPU-based calculations with inexpensive CPU operations. It demonstrates overall superior performance to current state-of-the-art approaches on five public datasets for topology-preserving segmentation, while substantially reducing computational overheads by more than 90%. In doing so, we introduce the first multi-class capable loss function for thin structure segmentation, excelling in both efficiency and efficacy for topology-preservation.
Abstract:The accurate detection of suspicious regions in medical images is an error-prone and time-consuming process required by many routinely performed diagnostic procedures. To support clinicians during this difficult task, several automated solutions were proposed relying on complex methods with many hyperparameters. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of DEtection TRansformer (DETR) models for volumetric medical object detection. In contrast to previous works, these models directly predict a set of objects without relying on the design of anchors or manual heuristics such as non-maximum-suppression to detect objects. We show by conducting extensive experiments with three models, namely DETR, Conditional DETR, and DINO DETR on four data sets (CADA, RibFrac, KiTS19, and LIDC) that these set prediction models can perform on par with or even better than currently existing methods. DINO DETR, the best-performing model in our experiments demonstrates this by outperforming a strong anchor-based one-stage detector, Retina U-Net, on three out of four data sets.
Abstract:Accurately identifying white matter tracts in medical images is essential for various applications, including surgery planning and tract-specific analysis. Supervised machine learning models have reached state-of-the-art solving this task automatically. However, these models are primarily trained on healthy subjects and struggle with strong anatomical aberrations, e.g. caused by brain tumors. This limitation makes them unsuitable for tasks such as preoperative planning, wherefore time-consuming and challenging manual delineation of the target tract is typically employed. We propose semi-automatic entropy-based active learning for quick and intuitive segmentation of white matter tracts from whole-brain tractography consisting of millions of streamlines. The method is evaluated on 21 openly available healthy subjects from the Human Connectome Project and an internal dataset of ten neurosurgical cases. With only a few annotations, the proposed approach enables segmenting tracts on tumor cases comparable to healthy subjects (dice=0.71), while the performance of automatic methods, like TractSeg dropped substantially (dice=0.34) in comparison to healthy subjects. The method is implemented as a prototype named atTRACTive in the freely available software MITK Diffusion. Manual experiments on tumor data showed higher efficiency due to lower segmentation times compared to traditional ROI-based segmentation.
Abstract:Foundation models have taken over natural language processing and image generation domains due to the flexibility of prompting. With the recent introduction of the Segment Anything Model (SAM), this prompt-driven paradigm has entered image segmentation with a hitherto unexplored abundance of capabilities. The purpose of this paper is to conduct an initial evaluation of the out-of-the-box zero-shot capabilities of SAM for medical image segmentation, by evaluating its performance on an abdominal CT organ segmentation task, via point or bounding box based prompting. We show that SAM generalizes well to CT data, making it a potential catalyst for the advancement of semi-automatic segmentation tools for clinicians. We believe that this foundation model, while not reaching state-of-the-art segmentation performance in our investigations, can serve as a highly potent starting point for further adaptations of such models to the intricacies of the medical domain. Keywords: medical image segmentation, SAM, foundation models, zero-shot learning
Abstract:Owing to success in the data-rich domain of natural images, Transformers have recently become popular in medical image segmentation. However, the pairing of Transformers with convolutional blocks in varying architectural permutations leaves their relative effectiveness to open interpretation. We introduce Transformer Ablations that replace the Transformer blocks with plain linear operators to quantify this effectiveness. With experiments on 8 models on 2 medical image segmentation tasks, we explore -- 1) the replaceable nature of Transformer-learnt representations, 2) Transformer capacity alone cannot prevent representational replaceability and works in tandem with effective design, 3) The mere existence of explicit feature hierarchies in transformer blocks is more beneficial than accompanying self-attention modules, 4) Major spatial downsampling before Transformer modules should be used with caution.
Abstract:There has been exploding interest in embracing Transformer-based architectures for medical image segmentation. However, the lack of large-scale annotated medical datasets make achieving performances equivalent to those in natural images challenging. Convolutional networks, in contrast, have higher inductive biases and consequently, are easily trainable to high performance. Recently, the ConvNeXt architecture attempted to modernize the standard ConvNet by mirroring Transformer blocks. In this work, we improve upon this to design a modernized and scalable convolutional architecture customized to challenges of data-scarce medical settings. We introduce MedNeXt, a Transformer-inspired large kernel segmentation network which introduces - 1) A fully ConvNeXt 3D Encoder-Decoder Network for medical image segmentation, 2) Residual ConvNeXt up and downsampling blocks to preserve semantic richness across scales, 3) A novel technique to iteratively increase kernel sizes by upsampling small kernel networks, to prevent performance saturation on limited medical data, 4) Compound scaling at multiple levels (depth, width, kernel size) of MedNeXt. This leads to state-of-the-art performance on 4 tasks on CT and MRI modalities and varying dataset sizes, representing a modernized deep architecture for medical image segmentation.