Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have enabled new ways to satisfy information needs. Although great strides have been made in applying them to settings like document ranking and short-form text generation, they still struggle to compose complete, accurate, and verifiable long-form reports. Reports with these qualities are necessary to satisfy the complex, nuanced, or multi-faceted information needs of users. In this perspective paper, we draw together opinions from industry and academia, and from a variety of related research areas, to present our vision for automatic report generation, and -- critically -- a flexible framework by which such reports can be evaluated. In contrast with other summarization tasks, automatic report generation starts with a detailed description of an information need, stating the necessary background, requirements, and scope of the report. Further, the generated reports should be complete, accurate, and verifiable. These qualities, which are desirable -- if not required -- in many analytic report-writing settings, require rethinking how to build and evaluate systems that exhibit these qualities. To foster new efforts in building these systems, we present an evaluation framework that draws on ideas found in various evaluations. To test completeness and accuracy, the framework uses nuggets of information, expressed as questions and answers, that need to be part of any high-quality generated report. Additionally, evaluation of citations that map claims made in the report to their source documents ensures verifiability.
Abstract:The principal goal of the TREC Neural Cross-Language Information Retrieval (NeuCLIR) track is to study the impact of neural approaches to cross-language information retrieval. The track has created four collections, large collections of Chinese, Persian, and Russian newswire and a smaller collection of Chinese scientific abstracts. The principal tasks are ranked retrieval of news in one of the three languages, using English topics. Results for a multilingual task, also with English topics but with documents from all three newswire collections, are also reported. New in this second year of the track is a pilot technical documents CLIR task for ranked retrieval of Chinese technical documents using English topics. A total of 220 runs across all tasks were submitted by six participating teams and, as baselines, by track coordinators. Task descriptions and results are presented.
Abstract:This paper describes the submission runs from the HLTCOE team at the CIRAL CLIR tasks for African languages at FIRE 2023. Our submissions use machine translation models to translate the documents and the training passages, and ColBERT-X as the retrieval model. Additionally, we present a set of unofficial runs that use an alternative training procedure with a similar training setting.
Abstract:This is the first year of the TREC Neural CLIR (NeuCLIR) track, which aims to study the impact of neural approaches to cross-language information retrieval. The main task in this year's track was ad hoc ranked retrieval of Chinese, Persian, or Russian newswire documents using queries expressed in English. Topics were developed using standard TREC processes, except that topics developed by an annotator for one language were assessed by a different annotator when evaluating that topic on a different language. There were 172 total runs submitted by twelve teams.
Abstract:The advent of transformer-based models such as BERT has led to the rise of neural ranking models. These models have improved the effectiveness of retrieval systems well beyond that of lexical term matching models such as BM25. While monolingual retrieval tasks have benefited from large-scale training collections such as MS MARCO and advances in neural architectures, cross-language retrieval tasks have fallen behind these advancements. This paper introduces ColBERT-X, a generalization of the ColBERT multi-representation dense retrieval model that uses the XLM-RoBERTa (XLM-R) encoder to support cross-language information retrieval (CLIR). ColBERT-X can be trained in two ways. In zero-shot training, the system is trained on the English MS MARCO collection, relying on the XLM-R encoder for cross-language mappings. In translate-train, the system is trained on the MS MARCO English queries coupled with machine translations of the associated MS MARCO passages. Results on ad hoc document ranking tasks in several languages demonstrate substantial and statistically significant improvements of these trained dense retrieval models over traditional lexical CLIR baselines.
Abstract:We introduce a curriculum learning approach to adapt generic neural machine translation models to a specific domain. Samples are grouped by their similarities to the domain of interest and each group is fed to the training algorithm with a particular schedule. This approach is simple to implement on top of any neural framework or architecture, and consistently outperforms both unadapted and adapted baselines in experiments with two distinct domains and two language pairs.
Abstract:Machine translation systems based on deep neural networks are expensive to train. Curriculum learning aims to address this issue by choosing the order in which samples are presented during training to help train better models faster. We adopt a probabilistic view of curriculum learning, which lets us flexibly evaluate the impact of curricula design, and perform an extensive exploration on a German-English translation task. Results show that it is possible to improve convergence time at no loss in translation quality. However, results are highly sensitive to the choice of sample difficulty criteria, curriculum schedule and other hyperparameters.
Abstract:To better understand the effectiveness of continued training, we analyze the major components of a neural machine translation system (the encoder, decoder, and each embedding space) and consider each component's contribution to, and capacity for, domain adaptation. We find that freezing any single component during continued training has minimal impact on performance, and that performance is surprisingly good when a single component is adapted while holding the rest of the model fixed. We also find that continued training does not move the model very far from the out-of-domain model, compared to a sensitivity analysis metric, suggesting that the out-of-domain model can provide a good generic initialization for the new domain.
Abstract:The paper summarizes the development of the LVCSR system built as a part of the Pashto speech-translation system at the SCALE (Summer Camp for Applied Language Exploration) 2015 workshop on "Speech-to-text-translation for low-resource languages". The Pashto language was chosen as a good "proxy" low-resource language, exhibiting multiple phenomena which make the speech-recognition and and speech-to-text-translation systems development hard. Even when the amount of data is seemingly sufficient, given the fact that the data originates from multiple sources, the preliminary experiments reveal that there is little to no benefit in merging (concatenating) the corpora and more elaborate ways of making use of all of the data must be worked out. This paper concentrates only on the LVCSR part and presents a range of different techniques that were found to be useful in order to benefit from multiple different corpora
Abstract:Most work on building knowledge bases has focused on collecting entities and facts from as large a collection of documents as possible. We argue for and describe a new paradigm where the focus is on a high-recall extraction over a small collection of documents under the supervision of a human expert, that we call Interactive Knowledge Base Population (IKBP).