Abstract:Accurate information is crucial for democracy as it empowers voters to make informed decisions about their representatives and keeping them accountable. In the US, state election commissions (SECs), often required by law, are the primary providers of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to voters, and secondary sources like non-profits such as League of Women Voters (LWV) try to complement their information shortfall. However, surprisingly, to the best of our knowledge, there is neither a single source with comprehensive FAQs nor a study analyzing the data at national level to identify current practices and ways to improve the status quo. This paper addresses it by providing the {\bf first dataset on Voter FAQs covering all the US states}. Second, we introduce metrics for FAQ information quality (FIQ) with respect to questions, answers, and answers to corresponding questions. Third, we use FIQs to analyze US FAQs to identify leading, mainstream and lagging content practices and corresponding states. Finally, we identify what states across the spectrum can do to improve FAQ quality and thus, the overall information ecosystem. Across all 50 U.S. states, 12% were identified as leaders and 8% as laggards for FIQS\textsubscript{voter}, while 14% were leaders and 12% laggards for FIQS\textsubscript{developer}.
Abstract:Transformer-based models have revolutionized the field of image super-resolution (SR) by harnessing their inherent ability to capture complex contextual features. The overlapping rectangular shifted window technique used in transformer architecture nowadays is a common practice in super-resolution models to improve the quality and robustness of image upscaling. However, it suffers from distortion at the boundaries and has limited unique shifting modes. To overcome these weaknesses, we propose a non-overlapping triangular window technique that synchronously works with the rectangular one to mitigate boundary-level distortion and allows the model to access more unique sifting modes. In this paper, we propose a Composite Fusion Attention Transformer (CFAT) that incorporates triangular-rectangular window-based local attention with a channel-based global attention technique in image super-resolution. As a result, CFAT enables attention mechanisms to be activated on more image pixels and captures long-range, multi-scale features to improve SR performance. The extensive experimental results and ablation study demonstrate the effectiveness of CFAT in the SR domain. Our proposed model shows a significant 0.7 dB performance improvement over other state-of-the-art SR architectures.
Abstract:Jointly learning multiple tasks with a unified model can improve accuracy and data efficiency, but it faces the challenge of task interference, where optimizing one task objective may inadvertently compromise the performance of another. A solution to mitigate this issue is to allocate task-specific parameters, free from interference, on top of shared features. However, manually designing such architectures is cumbersome, as practitioners need to balance between the overall performance across all tasks and the higher computational cost induced by the newly added parameters. In this work, we propose \textit{InterroGate}, a novel multi-task learning (MTL) architecture designed to mitigate task interference while optimizing inference computational efficiency. We employ a learnable gating mechanism to automatically balance the shared and task-specific representations while preserving the performance of all tasks. Crucially, the patterns of parameter sharing and specialization dynamically learned during training, become fixed at inference, resulting in a static, optimized MTL architecture. Through extensive empirical evaluations, we demonstrate SoTA results on three MTL benchmarks using convolutional as well as transformer-based backbones on CelebA, NYUD-v2, and PASCAL-Context.
Abstract:To truly grasp reasoning ability, a Natural Language Inference model should be evaluated on counterfactual data. TabPert facilitates this by assisting in the generation of such counterfactual data for assessing model tabular reasoning issues. TabPert allows a user to update a table, change its associated hypotheses, change their labels, and highlight rows that are important for hypothesis classification. TabPert also captures information about the techniques used to automatically produce the table, as well as the strategies employed to generate the challenging hypotheses. These counterfactual tables and hypotheses, as well as the metadata, can then be used to explore an existing model's shortcomings methodically and quantitatively.
Abstract:There is a parameter ubiquitous throughout the deep learning world: learning rate. There is likewise a ubiquitous question: what should that learning rate be? The true answer to this question is often tedious and time consuming to obtain, and a great deal of arcane knowledge has accumulated in recent years over how to pick and modify learning rates to achieve optimal training performance. Moreover, the long hours spent carefully crafting the perfect learning rate can come to nothing the moment your network architecture, optimizer, dataset, or initial conditions change ever so slightly. But it need not be this way. We propose a new answer to the great learning rate question: the Autonomous Learning Rate Controller. Find it at https://github.com/fastestimator/ARC
Abstract:It is no secret amongst deep learning researchers that finding the right data augmentation strategy during training can mean the difference between a state-of-the-art result and a run-of-the-mill ranking. To that end, the community has seen many efforts to automate the process of finding the perfect augmentation procedure for any task at hand. Unfortunately, even recent cutting-edge methods bring massive computational overhead, requiring as many as 100 full model trainings to settle on an ideal configuration. We show how to achieve even better performance in just 7: with Random Unidimensional Augmentation. Source code is available at https://github.com/fastestimator/RUA
Abstract:Large web-crawled corpora represent an excellent resource for improving the performance of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems across several language pairs. However, since these corpora are typically extremely noisy, their use is fairly limited. Current approaches to dealing with this problem mainly focus on filtering using heuristics or single features such as language model scores or bi-lingual similarity. This work presents an alternative approach which learns weights for multiple sentence-level features. These feature weights which are optimized directly for the task of improving translation performance, are used to score and filter sentences in the noisy corpora more effectively. We provide results of applying this technique to building NMT systems using the Paracrawl corpus for Estonian-English and show that it beats strong single feature baselines and hand designed combinations. Additionally, we analyze the sensitivity of this method to different types of noise and explore if the learned weights generalize to other language pairs using the Maltese-English Paracrawl corpus.
Abstract:Low-resource Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) is typically tasked with improving the translation performance on one or more language pairs with the aid of high-resource language pairs. In this paper, we propose two simple search based curricula -- orderings of the multilingual training data -- which help improve translation performance in conjunction with existing techniques such as fine-tuning. Additionally, we attempt to learn a curriculum for MNMT from scratch jointly with the training of the translation system with the aid of contextual multi-arm bandits. We show on the FLORES low-resource translation dataset that these learned curricula can provide better starting points for fine tuning and improve overall performance of the translation system.
Abstract:We propose a new deep learning model for goal-driven tasks that require intuitive physical reasoning and intervention in the scene to achieve a desired end goal. Its modular structure is motivated by hypothesizing a sequence of intuitive steps that humans apply when trying to solve such a task. The model first predicts the path the target object would follow without intervention and the path the target object should follow in order to solve the task. Next, it predicts the desired path of the action object and generates the placement of the action object. All components of the model are trained jointly in a supervised way; each component receives its own learning signal but learning signals are also backpropagated through the entire architecture. To evaluate the model we use PHYRE - a benchmark test for goal-driven physical reasoning in 2D mechanics puzzles.
Abstract:The problem of building a coherent and non-monotonous conversational agent with proper discourse and coverage is still an area of open research. Current architectures only take care of semantic and contextual information for a given query and fail to completely account for syntactic and external knowledge which are crucial for generating responses in a chit-chat system. To overcome this problem, we propose an end to end multi-stream deep learning architecture which learns unified embeddings for query-response pairs by leveraging contextual information from memory networks and syntactic information by incorporating Graph Convolution Networks (GCN) over their dependency parse. A stream of this network also utilizes transfer learning by pre-training a bidirectional transformer to extract semantic representation for each input sentence and incorporates external knowledge through the the neighborhood of the entities from a Knowledge Base (KB). We benchmark these embeddings on next sentence prediction task and significantly improve upon the existing techniques. Furthermore, we use AMUSED to represent query and responses along with its context to develop a retrieval based conversational agent which has been validated by expert linguists to have comprehensive engagement with humans.