Abstract:With the rise and ubiquity of larger deep learning models, the need for high-quality compression techniques is growing in order to deploy these models widely. The sheer parameter count of these models makes it difficult to fit them into the memory constraints of different hardware. In this work, we present a novel approach to model compression by merging similar parameter groups within a model, rather than pruning away less important parameters. Specifically, we select, align, and merge separate feed-forward sublayers in Transformer models, and test our method on language modeling, image classification, and machine translation. With our method, we demonstrate performance comparable to the original models while combining more than a third of model feed-forward sublayers, and demonstrate improved performance over a strong layer-pruning baseline. For instance, we can remove over 21% of total parameters from a Vision Transformer, while maintaining 99% of its original performance. Additionally, we observe that some groups of feed-forward sublayers exhibit high activation similarity, which may help explain their surprising mergeability.
Abstract:Recent advances in automatic quality estimation for machine translation have exclusively focused on written language, leaving the speech modality underexplored. In this work, we formulate the task of quality estimation for speech translation (SpeechQE), construct a benchmark, and evaluate a family of systems based on cascaded and end-to-end architectures. In this process, we introduce a novel end-to-end system leveraging pre-trained text LLM. Results suggest that end-to-end approaches are better suited to estimating the quality of direct speech translation than using quality estimation systems designed for text in cascaded systems. More broadly, we argue that quality estimation of speech translation needs to be studied as a separate problem from that of text, and release our data and models to guide further research in this space.
Abstract:We present a number of systems for the Voice Privacy Challenge, including voice conversion based systems such as the kNN-VC method and the WavLM voice Conversion method, and text-to-speech (TTS) based systems including Whisper-VITS. We found that while voice conversion systems better preserve emotional content, they struggle to conceal speaker identity in semi-white-box attack scenarios; conversely, TTS methods perform better at anonymization and worse at emotion preservation. Finally, we propose a random admixture system which seeks to balance out the strengths and weaknesses of the two category of systems, achieving a strong EER of over 40% while maintaining UAR at a respectable 47%.
Abstract:Advances in speech technology now allow unprecedented access to personally identifiable information through speech. To protect such information, the differential privacy field has explored ways to anonymize speech while preserving its utility, including linguistic and paralinguistic aspects. However, anonymizing speech while maintaining emotional state remains challenging. We explore this problem in the context of the VoicePrivacy 2024 challenge. Specifically, we developed various speaker anonymization pipelines and find that approaches either excel at anonymization or preserving emotion state, but not both simultaneously. Achieving both would require an in-domain emotion recognizer. Additionally, we found that it is feasible to train a semi-effective speaker verification system using only emotion representations, demonstrating the challenge of separating these two modalities.
Abstract:Probabilistic Structured Queries (PSQ) is a cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) method that uses translation probabilities statistically derived from aligned corpora. PSQ is a strong baseline for efficient CLIR using sparse indexing. It is, therefore, useful as the first stage in a cascaded neural CLIR system whose second stage is more effective but too inefficient to be used on its own to search a large text collection. In this reproducibility study, we revisit PSQ by introducing an efficient Python implementation. Unconstrained use of all translation probabilities that can be estimated from aligned parallel text would in the limit assign a weight to every vocabulary term, precluding use of an inverted index to serve queries efficiently. Thus, PSQ's effectiveness and efficiency both depend on how translation probabilities are pruned. This paper presents experiments over a range of modern CLIR test collections to demonstrate that achieving Pareto optimal PSQ effectiveness-efficiency tradeoffs benefits from multi-criteria pruning, which has not been fully explored in prior work. Our Python PSQ implementation is available on GitHub(https://github.com/hltcoe/PSQ) and unpruned translation tables are available on Huggingface Models(https://huggingface.co/hltcoe/psq_translation_tables).
Abstract:Low-resource named entity recognition is still an open problem in NLP. Most state-of-the-art systems require tens of thousands of annotated sentences in order to obtain high performance. However, for most of the world's languages, it is unfeasible to obtain such annotation. In this paper, we present a transfer learning scheme, whereby we train character-level neural CRFs to predict named entities for both high-resource languages and low resource languages jointly. Learning character representations for multiple related languages allows transfer among the languages, improving F1 by up to 9.8 points over a loglinear CRF baseline.
Abstract:Self-supervised large language models have demonstrated the ability to perform Machine Translation (MT) via in-context learning, but little is known about where the model performs the task with respect to prompt instructions and demonstration examples. In this work, we attempt to characterize the region where large language models transition from in-context learners to translation models. Through a series of layer-wise context-masking experiments on \textsc{GPTNeo2.7B}, \textsc{Bloom3B}, \textsc{Llama7b} and \textsc{Llama7b-chat}, we demonstrate evidence of a "task recognition" point where the translation task is encoded into the input representations and attention to context is no longer necessary. We further observe correspondence between the low performance when masking out entire layers, and the task recognition layers. Taking advantage of this redundancy results in 45\% computational savings when prompting with 5 examples, and task recognition achieved at layer 14 / 32. Our layer-wise fine-tuning experiments indicate that the most effective layers for MT fine-tuning are the layers critical to task recognition.
Abstract:Lexical ambiguity is a challenging and pervasive problem in machine translation (\mt). We introduce a simple and scalable approach to resolve translation ambiguity by incorporating a small amount of extra-sentential context in neural \mt. Our approach requires no sense annotation and no change to standard model architectures. Since actual document context is not available for the vast majority of \mt training data, we collect related sentences for each input to construct pseudo-documents. Salient words from pseudo-documents are then encoded as a prefix to each source sentence to condition the generation of the translation. To evaluate, we release \docmucow, a challenge set for translation disambiguation based on the English-German \mucow \cite{raganato-etal-2020-evaluation} augmented with document IDs. Extensive experiments show that our method translates ambiguous source words better than strong sentence-level baselines and comparable document-level baselines while reducing training costs.
Abstract:Zero-shot In-context learning is the phenomenon where models can perform the task simply given the instructions. However, pre-trained large language models are known to be poorly calibrated for this task. One of the most effective approaches to handling this bias is to adopt a contrastive decoding objective, which accounts for the prior probability of generating the next token by conditioning on some context. This work introduces an Anti-Language Model objective with a decay factor designed to address the weaknesses of In-context Machine Translation. We conduct our experiments across 3 model types and sizes, 3 language directions, and for both greedy decoding and beam search ($B=5$). The proposed method outperforms other state-of-art decoding objectives, with up to $20$ BLEU point improvement from the default objective observed in some settings.
Abstract:We introduce HK-LegiCoST, a new three-way parallel corpus of Cantonese-English translations, containing 600+ hours of Cantonese audio, its standard traditional Chinese transcript, and English translation, segmented and aligned at the sentence level. We describe the notable challenges in corpus preparation: segmentation, alignment of long audio recordings, and sentence-level alignment with non-verbatim transcripts. Such transcripts make the corpus suitable for speech translation research when there are significant differences between the spoken and written forms of the source language. Due to its large size, we are able to demonstrate competitive speech translation baselines on HK-LegiCoST and extend them to promising cross-corpus results on the FLEURS Cantonese subset. These results deliver insights into speech recognition and translation research in languages for which non-verbatim or ``noisy'' transcription is common due to various factors, including vernacular and dialectal speech.