Abstract:Gender-neutral language reflects societal and linguistic shifts towards greater inclusivity by avoiding the implication that one gender is the norm over others. This is particularly relevant for grammatical gender languages, which heavily encode the gender of terms for human referents and over-relies on masculine forms, even when gender is unspecified or irrelevant. Language technologies are known to mirror these inequalities, being affected by a male bias and perpetuating stereotypical associations when translating into languages with extensive gendered morphology. In such cases, gender-neutral language can help avoid undue binary assumptions. However, despite its importance for creating fairer multi- and cross-lingual technologies, inclusive language research remains scarce and insufficiently supported in current resources. To address this gap, we present the multilingual mGeNTe dataset. Derived from the bilingual GeNTE (Piergentili et al., 2023), mGeNTE extends the original corpus to include the English-Italian/German/Spanish language pairs. Since each language pair is English-aligned with gendered and neutral sentences in the target languages, mGeNTE enables research in both automatic Gender-Neutral Translation (GNT) and language modelling for three grammatical gender languages.
Abstract:Following the remarkable success of Large Language Models (LLMs) in NLP tasks, there is increasing interest in extending their capabilities to speech -- the most common form in communication. To integrate speech into LLMs, one promising approach is dense feature prepending (DFP) which prepends the projected speech representations to the textual representations, allowing end-to-end training with the speech encoder. However, DFP typically requires connecting a text decoder to a speech encoder. This raises questions about the importance of having a sophisticated speech encoder for DFP, and how its performance compares with a standard encoder-decoder (i.e. cross-attention) architecture. In order to perform a controlled architectural comparison, we train all models from scratch, rather than using large pretrained models, and use comparable data and parameter settings, testing speech-to-text recognition (ASR) and translation (ST) on MuST-C v1.0 and CoVoST2 datasets. We study the influence of a speech encoder in DFP. More importantly, we compare DFP and cross-attention under a variety of configurations, such as CTC compression, sequence-level knowledge distillation, generation speed and GPU memory footprint on monolingual, bilingual and multilingual models. Despite the prevalence of DFP over cross-attention, our overall results do not indicate a clear advantage of DFP.
Abstract:Gender-fair language aims at promoting gender equality by using terms and expressions that include all identities and avoid reinforcing gender stereotypes. Implementing gender-fair strategies is particularly challenging in heavily gender-marked languages, such as Italian. To address this, the Gender-Fair Generation challenge intends to help shift toward gender-fair language in written communication. The challenge, designed to assess and monitor the recognition and generation of gender-fair language in both mono- and cross-lingual scenarios, includes three tasks: (1) the detection of gendered expressions in Italian sentences, (2) the reformulation of gendered expressions into gender-fair alternatives, and (3) the generation of gender-fair language in automatic translation from English to Italian. The challenge relies on three different annotated datasets: the GFL-it corpus, which contains Italian texts extracted from administrative documents provided by the University of Brescia; GeNTE, a bilingual test set for gender-neutral rewriting and translation built upon a subset of the Europarl dataset; and Neo-GATE, a bilingual test set designed to assess the use of non-binary neomorphemes in Italian for both fair formulation and translation tasks. Finally, each task is evaluated with specific metrics: average of F1-score obtained by means of BERTScore computed on each entry of the datasets for task 1, an accuracy measured with a gender-neutral classifier, and a coverage-weighted accuracy for tasks 2 and 3.
Abstract:Spurred by the demand for interpretable models, research on eXplainable AI for language technologies has experienced significant growth, with feature attribution methods emerging as a cornerstone of this progress. While prior work in NLP explored such methods for classification tasks and textual applications, explainability intersecting generation and speech is lagging, with existing techniques failing to account for the autoregressive nature of state-of-the-art models and to provide fine-grained, phonetically meaningful explanations. We address this gap by introducing Spectrogram Perturbation for Explainable Speech-to-text Generation (SPES), a feature attribution technique applicable to sequence generation tasks with autoregressive models. SPES provides explanations for each predicted token based on both the input spectrogram and the previously generated tokens. Extensive evaluation on speech recognition and translation demonstrates that SPES generates explanations that are faithful and plausible to humans.
Abstract:The rise of foundation models (FMs), coupled with regulatory efforts addressing their risks and impacts, has sparked significant interest in open-source models. However, existing speech FMs (SFMs) fall short of full compliance with the open-source principles, even if claimed otherwise, as no existing SFM has model weights, code, and training data publicly available under open-source terms. In this work, we take the first step toward filling this gap by focusing on the 24 official languages of the European Union (EU). We collect suitable training data by surveying automatic speech recognition datasets and unlabeled speech corpora under open-source compliant licenses, for a total of 950k hours. Additionally, we release automatic transcripts for 441k hours of unlabeled data under the permissive CC-BY license, thereby facilitating the creation of open-source SFMs for the EU languages.
Abstract:Gender bias in machine translation (MT) is recognized as an issue that can harm people and society. And yet, advancements in the field rarely involve people, the final MT users, or inform how they might be impacted by biased technologies. Current evaluations are often restricted to automatic methods, which offer an opaque estimate of what the downstream impact of gender disparities might be. We conduct an extensive human-centered study to examine if and to what extent bias in MT brings harms with tangible costs, such as quality of service gaps across women and men. To this aim, we collect behavioral data from 90 participants, who post-edited MT outputs to ensure correct gender translation. Across multiple datasets, languages, and types of users, our study shows that feminine post-editing demands significantly more technical and temporal effort, also corresponding to higher financial costs. Existing bias measurements, however, fail to reflect the found disparities. Our findings advocate for human-centered approaches that can inform the societal impact of bias.
Abstract:The remarkable performance achieved by Large Language Models (LLM) has driven research efforts to leverage them for a wide range of tasks and input modalities. In speech-to-text (S2T) tasks, the emerging solution consists of projecting the output of the encoder of a Speech Foundational Model (SFM) into the LLM embedding space through an adapter module. However, no work has yet investigated how much the downstream-task performance depends on each component (SFM, adapter, LLM) nor whether the best design of the adapter depends on the chosen SFM and LLM. To fill this gap, we evaluate the combination of 5 adapter modules, 2 LLMs (Mistral and Llama), and 2 SFMs (Whisper and SeamlessM4T) on two widespread S2T tasks, namely Automatic Speech Recognition and Speech Translation. Our results demonstrate that the SFM plays a pivotal role in downstream performance, while the adapter choice has moderate impact and depends on the SFM and LLM.
Abstract:This paper describes the FBK's participation in the Simultaneous Translation Evaluation Campaign at IWSLT 2024. For this year's submission in the speech-to-text translation (ST) sub-track, we propose SimulSeamless, which is realized by combining AlignAtt and SeamlessM4T in its medium configuration. The SeamlessM4T model is used "off-the-shelf" and its simultaneous inference is enabled through the adoption of AlignAtt, a SimulST policy based on cross-attention that can be applied without any retraining or adaptation of the underlying model for the simultaneous task. We participated in all the Shared Task languages (English->{German, Japanese, Chinese}, and Czech->English), achieving acceptable or even better results compared to last year's submissions. SimulSeamless, covering more than 143 source languages and 200 target languages, is released at: https://github.com/hlt-mt/FBK-fairseq/.
Abstract:Streaming speech-to-text translation (StreamST) is the task of automatically translating speech while incrementally receiving an audio stream. Unlike simultaneous ST (SimulST), which deals with pre-segmented speech, StreamST faces the challenges of handling continuous and unbounded audio streams. This requires additional decisions about what to retain of the previous history, which is impractical to keep entirely due to latency and computational constraints. Despite the real-world demand for real-time ST, research on streaming translation remains limited, with existing works solely focusing on SimulST. To fill this gap, we introduce StreamAtt, the first StreamST policy, and propose StreamLAAL, the first StreamST latency metric designed to be comparable with existing metrics for SimulST. Extensive experiments across all 8 languages of MuST-C v1.0 show the effectiveness of StreamAtt compared to a naive streaming baseline and the related state-of-the-art SimulST policy, providing a first step in StreamST research.
Abstract:Subtitling plays a crucial role in enhancing the accessibility of audiovisual content and encompasses three primary subtasks: translating spoken dialogue, segmenting translations into concise textual units, and estimating timestamps that govern their on-screen duration. Past attempts to automate this process rely, to varying degrees, on automatic transcripts, employed diversely for the three subtasks. In response to the acknowledged limitations associated with this reliance on transcripts, recent research has shifted towards transcription-free solutions for translation and segmentation, leaving the direct generation of timestamps as uncharted territory. To fill this gap, we introduce the first direct model capable of producing automatic subtitles, entirely eliminating any dependence on intermediate transcripts also for timestamp prediction. Experimental results, backed by manual evaluation, showcase our solution's new state-of-the-art performance across multiple language pairs and diverse conditions.