Abstract:Converging societal and technical factors have transformed language technologies into user-facing applications employed across languages. Machine Translation (MT) has become a global tool, with cross-lingual services now also supported by dialogue systems powered by multilingual Large Language Models (LLMs). This accessibility has expanded MT's reach to a vast base of lay users, often with little to no expertise in the languages or the technology itself. Despite this, the understanding of MT consumed by this diverse group of users -- their needs, experiences, and interactions with these systems -- remains limited. This paper traces the shift in MT user profiles, focusing on non-expert users and how their engagement with these systems may change with LLMs. We identify three key factors -- usability, trust, and literacy -- that shape these interactions and must be addressed to align MT with user needs. By exploring these dimensions, we offer insights to guide future MT with a user-centered approach.
Abstract:Gender-neutral language reflects societal and linguistic shifts towards greater inclusivity by avoiding the implication that one gender is the norm over others. This is particularly relevant for grammatical gender languages, which heavily encode the gender of terms for human referents and over-relies on masculine forms, even when gender is unspecified or irrelevant. Language technologies are known to mirror these inequalities, being affected by a male bias and perpetuating stereotypical associations when translating into languages with extensive gendered morphology. In such cases, gender-neutral language can help avoid undue binary assumptions. However, despite its importance for creating fairer multi- and cross-lingual technologies, inclusive language research remains scarce and insufficiently supported in current resources. To address this gap, we present the multilingual mGeNTe dataset. Derived from the bilingual GeNTE (Piergentili et al., 2023), mGeNTE extends the original corpus to include the English-Italian/German/Spanish language pairs. Since each language pair is English-aligned with gendered and neutral sentences in the target languages, mGeNTE enables research in both automatic Gender-Neutral Translation (GNT) and language modelling for three grammatical gender languages.
Abstract:Gender-fair language aims at promoting gender equality by using terms and expressions that include all identities and avoid reinforcing gender stereotypes. Implementing gender-fair strategies is particularly challenging in heavily gender-marked languages, such as Italian. To address this, the Gender-Fair Generation challenge intends to help shift toward gender-fair language in written communication. The challenge, designed to assess and monitor the recognition and generation of gender-fair language in both mono- and cross-lingual scenarios, includes three tasks: (1) the detection of gendered expressions in Italian sentences, (2) the reformulation of gendered expressions into gender-fair alternatives, and (3) the generation of gender-fair language in automatic translation from English to Italian. The challenge relies on three different annotated datasets: the GFL-it corpus, which contains Italian texts extracted from administrative documents provided by the University of Brescia; GeNTE, a bilingual test set for gender-neutral rewriting and translation built upon a subset of the Europarl dataset; and Neo-GATE, a bilingual test set designed to assess the use of non-binary neomorphemes in Italian for both fair formulation and translation tasks. Finally, each task is evaluated with specific metrics: average of F1-score obtained by means of BERTScore computed on each entry of the datasets for task 1, an accuracy measured with a gender-neutral classifier, and a coverage-weighted accuracy for tasks 2 and 3.
Abstract:Spurred by the demand for interpretable models, research on eXplainable AI for language technologies has experienced significant growth, with feature attribution methods emerging as a cornerstone of this progress. While prior work in NLP explored such methods for classification tasks and textual applications, explainability intersecting generation and speech is lagging, with existing techniques failing to account for the autoregressive nature of state-of-the-art models and to provide fine-grained, phonetically meaningful explanations. We address this gap by introducing Spectrogram Perturbation for Explainable Speech-to-text Generation (SPES), a feature attribution technique applicable to sequence generation tasks with autoregressive models. SPES provides explanations for each predicted token based on both the input spectrogram and the previously generated tokens. Extensive evaluation on speech recognition and translation demonstrates that SPES generates explanations that are faithful and plausible to humans.
Abstract:Gender bias in machine translation (MT) is recognized as an issue that can harm people and society. And yet, advancements in the field rarely involve people, the final MT users, or inform how they might be impacted by biased technologies. Current evaluations are often restricted to automatic methods, which offer an opaque estimate of what the downstream impact of gender disparities might be. We conduct an extensive human-centered study to examine if and to what extent bias in MT brings harms with tangible costs, such as quality of service gaps across women and men. To this aim, we collect behavioral data from 90 participants, who post-edited MT outputs to ensure correct gender translation. Across multiple datasets, languages, and types of users, our study shows that feminine post-editing demands significantly more technical and temporal effort, also corresponding to higher financial costs. Existing bias measurements, however, fail to reflect the found disparities. Our findings advocate for human-centered approaches that can inform the societal impact of bias.
Abstract:Machine translation (MT) models are known to suffer from gender bias, especially when translating into languages with extensive gendered morphology. Accordingly, they still fall short in using gender-inclusive language, also representative of non-binary identities. In this paper, we look at gender-inclusive neomorphemes, neologistic elements that avoid binary gender markings as an approach towards fairer MT. In this direction, we explore prompting techniques with large language models (LLMs) to translate from English into Italian using neomorphemes. So far, this area has been under-explored due to its novelty and the lack of publicly available evaluation resources. We fill this gap by releasing Neo-GATE, a resource designed to evaluate gender-inclusive en-it translation with neomorphemes. With Neo-GATE, we assess four LLMs of different families and sizes and different prompt formats, identifying strengths and weaknesses of each on this novel task for MT.
Abstract:Current voice recognition approaches use multi-task, multilingual models for speech tasks like Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) to make them applicable to many languages without substantial changes. However, broad language coverage can still mask performance gaps within languages, for example, across genders. We systematically evaluate multilingual ASR systems on gendered performance gaps. Using two popular models on three datasets in 19 languages across seven language families, we find clear gender disparities. However, the advantaged group varies between languages. While there are no significant differences across groups in phonetic variables (pitch, speaking rate, etc.), probing the model's internal states reveals a negative correlation between probe performance and the gendered performance gap. I.e., the easier to distinguish speaker gender in a language, the more the models favor female speakers. Our results show that group disparities remain unsolved despite great progress on multi-tasking and multilinguality. We provide first valuable insights for evaluating gender gaps in multilingual ASR systems. We release all code and artifacts at https://github.com/g8a9/multilingual-asr-gender-gap.
Abstract:Gender-neutral translation (GNT) that avoids biased and undue binary assumptions is a pivotal challenge for the creation of more inclusive translation technologies. Advancements for this task in Machine Translation (MT), however, are hindered by the lack of dedicated parallel data, which are necessary to adapt MT systems to satisfy neutral constraints. For such a scenario, large language models offer hitherto unforeseen possibilities, as they come with the distinct advantage of being versatile in various (sub)tasks when provided with explicit instructions. In this paper, we explore this potential to automate GNT by comparing MT with the popular GPT-4 model. Through extensive manual analyses, our study empirically reveals the inherent limitations of current MT systems in generating GNTs and provides valuable insights into the potential and challenges associated with prompting for neutrality.
Abstract:As part of the WMT-2023 "Test suites" shared task, in this paper we summarize the results of two test suites evaluations: MuST-SHE-WMT23 and INES. By focusing on the en-de and de-en language pairs, we rely on these newly created test suites to investigate systems' ability to translate feminine and masculine gender and produce gender-inclusive translations. Furthermore we discuss metrics associated with our test suites and validate them by means of human evaluations. Our results indicate that systems achieve reasonable and comparable performance in correctly translating both feminine and masculine gender forms for naturalistic gender phenomena. Instead, the generation of inclusive language forms in translation emerges as a challenging task for all the evaluated MT models, indicating room for future improvements and research on the topic.
Abstract:Gender inequality is embedded in our communication practices and perpetuated in translation technologies. This becomes particularly apparent when translating into grammatical gender languages, where machine translation (MT) often defaults to masculine and stereotypical representations by making undue binary gender assumptions. Our work addresses the rising demand for inclusive language by focusing head-on on gender-neutral translation from English to Italian. We start from the essentials: proposing a dedicated benchmark and exploring automated evaluation methods. First, we introduce GeNTE, a natural, bilingual test set for gender-neutral translation, whose creation was informed by a survey on the perception and use of neutral language. Based on GeNTE, we then overview existing reference-based evaluation approaches, highlight their limits, and propose a reference-free method more suitable to assess gender-neutral translation.