Abstract:PLAID, an efficient implementation of the ColBERT late interaction bi-encoder using pretrained language models for ranking, consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance in monolingual, cross-language, and multilingual retrieval. PLAID differs from ColBERT by assigning terms to clusters and representing those terms as cluster centroids plus compressed residual vectors. While PLAID is effective in batch experiments, its performance degrades in streaming settings where documents arrive over time because representations of new tokens may be poorly modeled by the earlier tokens used to select cluster centroids. PLAID Streaming Hierarchical Indexing that Runs on Terabytes of Temporal Text (PLAID SHIRTTT) addresses this concern using multi-phase incremental indexing based on hierarchical sharding. Experiments on ClueWeb09 and the multilingual NeuCLIR collection demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach both for the largest collection indexed to date by the ColBERT architecture and in the multilingual setting, respectively.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have enabled new ways to satisfy information needs. Although great strides have been made in applying them to settings like document ranking and short-form text generation, they still struggle to compose complete, accurate, and verifiable long-form reports. Reports with these qualities are necessary to satisfy the complex, nuanced, or multi-faceted information needs of users. In this perspective paper, we draw together opinions from industry and academia, and from a variety of related research areas, to present our vision for automatic report generation, and -- critically -- a flexible framework by which such reports can be evaluated. In contrast with other summarization tasks, automatic report generation starts with a detailed description of an information need, stating the necessary background, requirements, and scope of the report. Further, the generated reports should be complete, accurate, and verifiable. These qualities, which are desirable -- if not required -- in many analytic report-writing settings, require rethinking how to build and evaluate systems that exhibit these qualities. To foster new efforts in building these systems, we present an evaluation framework that draws on ideas found in various evaluations. To test completeness and accuracy, the framework uses nuggets of information, expressed as questions and answers, that need to be part of any high-quality generated report. Additionally, evaluation of citations that map claims made in the report to their source documents ensures verifiability.