Abstract:Medical quality control indicators are essential to assess the qualifications of healthcare institutions for medical services. With the impressive performance of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 in the medical field, leveraging these technologies for the Medical Quality Control Indicator Calculation (MQCIC) presents a promising approach. In this work, (1) we introduce a real-world task MQCIC and propose an open-source Chinese electronic medical records (EMRs)-based dataset (CMQCIC-Bench) comprising 785 instances and 76 indicators. (2) We propose a semi-automatic method to enhance the rule representation. Then we propose the Clinical Facts-based Inferential Rule (CF-IR) method that disentangles the clinical fact verification and inferential rule reasoning actions. (3) We conduct comprehensive experiments on 20 representative LLMs, covering general and medical models. Our findings reveal that CF-IR outperforms Chain-of-Thought methods in MQCIC tasks. (4) We conduct an error analysis and investigate the capabilities of clinical fact verification and inferential rule reasoning, providing insights to improve performance in the MQCIC further. The dataset and code is available in this repo https://anonymous.4open.science/r/C-MQCIC-1151.
Abstract:Clinical diagnosis is critical in medical practice, typically requiring a continuous and evolving process that includes primary diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and final diagnosis. However, most existing clinical diagnostic tasks are single-step processes, which does not align with the complex multi-step diagnostic procedures found in real-world clinical settings. In this paper, we propose a multi-step diagnostic task and annotate a clinical diagnostic dataset (MSDiagnosis). This dataset includes primary diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and final diagnosis questions. Additionally, we propose a novel and effective framework. This framework combines forward inference, backward inference, reflection, and refinement, enabling the LLM to self-evaluate and adjust its diagnostic results. To assess the effectiveness of our proposed method, we design and conduct extensive experiments. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. We also provide a comprehensive experimental analysis and suggest future research directions for this task.
Abstract:Previous works of negation understanding mainly focus on negation cue detection and scope resolution, without identifying negation subject which is also significant to the downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a new negation triplet extraction (NTE) task which aims to extract negation subject along with negation cue and scope. To achieve NTE, we devise a novel Syntax&Semantic-Enhanced Negation Extraction model, namely SSENE, which is built based on a generative pretrained language model (PLM) {of Encoder-Decoder architecture} with a multi-task learning framework. Specifically, the given sentence's syntactic dependency tree is incorporated into the PLM's encoder to discover the correlations between the negation subject, cue and scope. Moreover, the semantic consistency between the sentence and the extracted triplet is ensured by an auxiliary task learning. Furthermore, we have constructed a high-quality Chinese dataset NegComment based on the users' reviews from the real-world platform of Meituan, upon which our evaluations show that SSENE achieves the best NTE performance compared to the baselines. Our ablation and case studies also demonstrate that incorporating the syntactic information helps the PLM's recognize the distant dependency between the subject and cue, and the auxiliary task learning is helpful to extract the negation triplets with more semantic consistency.
Abstract:Open information extraction (OpenIE) aims to extract the schema-free triplets in the form of (\emph{subject}, \emph{predicate}, \emph{object}) from a given sentence. Compared with general information extraction (IE), OpenIE poses more challenges for the IE models, {especially when multiple complicated triplets exist in a sentence. To extract these complicated triplets more effectively, in this paper we propose a novel generative OpenIE model, namely \emph{DualOIE}, which achieves a dual task at the same time as extracting some triplets from the sentence, i.e., converting the triplets into the sentence.} Such dual task encourages the model to correctly recognize the structure of the given sentence and thus is helpful to extract all potential triplets from the sentence. Specifically, DualOIE extracts the triplets in two steps: 1) first extracting a sequence of all potential predicates, 2) then using the predicate sequence as a prompt to induce the generation of triplets. Our experiments on two benchmarks and our dataset constructed from Meituan demonstrate that DualOIE achieves the best performance among the state-of-the-art baselines. Furthermore, the online A/B test on Meituan platform shows that 0.93\% improvement of QV-CTR and 0.56\% improvement of UV-CTR have been obtained when the triplets extracted by DualOIE were leveraged in Meituan's search system.
Abstract:Text-to-image (T2I) synthesis has recently achieved significant advancements. However, challenges remain in the model's compositionality, which is the ability to create new combinations from known components. We introduce Winoground-T2I, a benchmark designed to evaluate the compositionality of T2I models. This benchmark includes 11K complex, high-quality contrastive sentence pairs spanning 20 categories. These contrastive sentence pairs with subtle differences enable fine-grained evaluations of T2I synthesis models. Additionally, to address the inconsistency across different metrics, we propose a strategy that evaluates the reliability of various metrics by using comparative sentence pairs. We use Winoground-T2I with a dual objective: to evaluate the performance of T2I models and the metrics used for their evaluation. Finally, we provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of these metrics and the capabilities of current T2I models in tackling challenges across a range of complex compositional categories. Our benchmark is publicly available at https://github.com/zhuxiangru/Winoground-T2I .
Abstract:Taxonomy expansion task is essential in organizing the ever-increasing volume of new concepts into existing taxonomies. Most existing methods focus exclusively on using textual semantics, leading to an inability to generalize to unseen terms and the "Prototypical Hypernym Problem." In this paper, we propose Visual Taxonomy Expansion (VTE), introducing visual features into the taxonomy expansion task. We propose a textual hypernymy learning task and a visual prototype learning task to cluster textual and visual semantics. In addition to the tasks on respective modalities, we introduce a hyper-proto constraint that integrates textual and visual semantics to produce fine-grained visual semantics. Our method is evaluated on two datasets, where we obtain compelling results. Specifically, on the Chinese taxonomy dataset, our method significantly improves accuracy by 8.75 %. Additionally, our approach performs better than ChatGPT on the Chinese taxonomy dataset.
Abstract:POI tagging aims to annotate a point of interest (POI) with some informative tags, which facilitates many services related to POIs, including search, recommendation, and so on. Most of the existing solutions neglect the significance of POI images and seldom fuse the textual and visual features of POIs, resulting in suboptimal tagging performance. In this paper, we propose a novel Multi-Modal Model for POI Tagging, namely M3PT, which achieves enhanced POI tagging through fusing the target POI's textual and visual features, and the precise matching between the multi-modal representations. Specifically, we first devise a domain-adaptive image encoder (DIE) to obtain the image embeddings aligned to their gold tags' semantics. Then, in M3PT's text-image fusion module (TIF), the textual and visual representations are fully fused into the POIs' content embeddings for the subsequent matching. In addition, we adopt a contrastive learning strategy to further bridge the gap between the representations of different modalities. To evaluate the tagging models' performance, we have constructed two high-quality POI tagging datasets from the real-world business scenario of Ali Fliggy. Upon the datasets, we conducted the extensive experiments to demonstrate our model's advantage over the baselines of uni-modality and multi-modality, and verify the effectiveness of important components in M3PT, including DIE, TIF and the contrastive learning strategy.
Abstract:In light of the success of the pre-trained language models (PLMs), continual pre-training of generic PLMs has been the paradigm of domain adaption. In this paper, we propose QUERT, A Continual Pre-trained Language Model for QUERy Understanding in Travel Domain Search. QUERT is jointly trained on four tailored pre-training tasks to the characteristics of query in travel domain search: Geography-aware Mask Prediction, Geohash Code Prediction, User Click Behavior Learning, and Phrase and Token Order Prediction. Performance improvement of downstream tasks and ablation experiment demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed pre-training tasks. To be specific, the average performance of downstream tasks increases by 2.02% and 30.93% in supervised and unsupervised settings, respectively. To check on the improvement of QUERT to online business, we deploy QUERT and perform A/B testing on Fliggy APP. The feedback results show that QUERT increases the Unique Click-Through Rate and Page Click-Through Rate by 0.89% and 1.03% when applying QUERT as the encoder. Our code and downstream task data will be released for future research.
Abstract:Taxonomy is formulated as directed acyclic concepts graphs or trees that support many downstream tasks. Many new coming concepts need to be added to an existing taxonomy. The traditional taxonomy expansion task aims only at finding the best position for new coming concepts in the existing taxonomy. However, they have two drawbacks when being applied to the real-scenarios. The previous methods suffer from low-efficiency since they waste much time when most of the new coming concepts are indeed noisy concepts. They also suffer from low-effectiveness since they collect training samples only from the existing taxonomy, which limits the ability of the model to mine more hypernym-hyponym relationships among real concepts. This paper proposes a pluggable framework called Generative Adversarial Network for Taxonomy Entering Evaluation (GANTEE) to alleviate these drawbacks. A generative adversarial network is designed in this framework by discriminative models to alleviate the first drawback and the generative model to alleviate the second drawback. Two discriminators are used in GANTEE to provide long-term and short-term rewards, respectively. Moreover, to further improve the efficiency, pre-trained language models are used to retrieve the representation of the concepts quickly. The experiments on three real-world large-scale datasets with two different languages show that GANTEE improves the performance of the existing taxonomy expansion methods in both effectiveness and efficiency.
Abstract:Prompt tuning is an emerging way of adapting pre-trained language models to downstream tasks. However, the existing studies are mainly to add prompts to the input sequence. This way would not work as expected due to the intermediate multi-head self-attention and feed-forward network computation, making model optimization not very smooth. Hence, we propose a novel tuning way called layer tuning, aiming to add learnable parameters in Transformer layers. Specifically, we focus on layer tuning for feed-forward network in the Transformer, namely FL-tuning. It introduces additional units into the hidden layer of each feed-forward network. We conduct extensive experiments on the public CLUE benchmark. The results show that: 1) Our FL-tuning outperforms prompt tuning methods under both full-data and few-shot settings in almost all cases. In particular, it improves accuracy by 17.93% (full-data setting) on WSC 1.0 and F1 by 16.142% (few-shot setting) on CLUENER over P-tuning v2. 2) Our FL-tuning is more stable and converges about 1.17 times faster than P-tuning v2. 3) With only about 3% of Transformer's parameters to be trained, FL-tuning is comparable with fine-tuning on most datasets, and significantly outperforms fine-tuning (e.g., accuracy improved by 12.9% on WSC 1.1) on several datasets. The source codes are available at https://github.com/genggui001/FL-Tuning.