Abstract:Time series analysis has witnessed the inspiring development from traditional autoregressive models, deep learning models, to recent Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs). Efforts in leveraging vision models for time series analysis have also been made along the way but are less visible to the community due to the predominant research on sequence modeling in this domain. However, the discrepancy between continuous time series and the discrete token space of LLMs, and the challenges in explicitly modeling the correlations of variates in multivariate time series have shifted some research attentions to the equally successful Large Vision Models (LVMs) and Vision Language Models (VLMs). To fill the blank in the existing literature, this survey discusses the advantages of vision models over LLMs in time series analysis. It provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the existing methods, with dual views of detailed taxonomy that answer the key research questions including how to encode time series as images and how to model the imaged time series for various tasks. Additionally, we address the challenges in the pre- and post-processing steps involved in this framework and outline future directions to further advance time series analysis with vision models.
Abstract:Causal inference is an imperative foundation for decision-making across domains, such as smart health, AI for drug discovery and AIOps. Traditional statistical causal discovery methods, while well-established, predominantly rely on observational data and often overlook the semantic cues inherent in cause-and-effect relationships. The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has ushered in an affordable way of leveraging the semantic cues for knowledge-driven causal discovery, but the development of LLMs for causal discovery lags behind other areas, particularly in the exploration of multi-modality data. To bridge the gap, we introduce MATMCD, a multi-agent system powered by tool-augmented LLMs. MATMCD has two key agents: a Data Augmentation agent that retrieves and processes modality-augmented data, and a Causal Constraint agent that integrates multi-modal data for knowledge-driven inference. Delicate design of the inner-workings ensures successful cooperation of the agents. Our empirical study across seven datasets suggests the significant potential of multi-modality enhanced causal discovery.
Abstract:Graph representation learning (GRL), enhanced by graph augmentation methods, has emerged as an effective technique achieving performance improvements in wide tasks such as node classification and graph classification. In self-supervised GRL, paired graph augmentations are generated from each graph. Its objective is to infer similar representations for augmentations of the same graph, but maximally distinguishable representations for augmentations of different graphs. Analogous to image and language domains, the desiderata of an ideal augmentation method include both (1) semantics-preservation; and (2) data-perturbation; i.e., an augmented graph should preserve the semantics of its original graph while carrying sufficient variance. However, most existing (un-)/self-supervised GRL methods focus on data perturbation but largely neglect semantics preservation. To address this challenge, in this paper, we propose a novel method, Explanation-Preserving Augmentation (EPA), that leverages graph explanation techniques for generating augmented graphs that can bridge the gap between semantics-preservation and data-perturbation. EPA first uses a small number of labels to train a graph explainer to infer the sub-structures (explanations) that are most relevant to a graph's semantics. These explanations are then used to generate semantics-preserving augmentations for self-supervised GRL, namely EPA-GRL. We demonstrate theoretically, using an analytical example, and through extensive experiments on a variety of benchmark datasets that EPA-GRL outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) GRL methods, which are built upon semantics-agnostic data augmentations.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become a building block in graph data processing, with wide applications in critical domains. The growing needs to deploy GNNs in high-stakes applications necessitate explainability for users in the decision-making processes. A popular paradigm for the explainability of GNNs is to identify explainable subgraphs by comparing their labels with the ones of original graphs. This task is challenging due to the substantial distributional shift from the original graphs in the training set to the set of explainable subgraphs, which prevents accurate prediction of labels with the subgraphs. To address it, in this paper, we propose a novel method that generates proxy graphs for explainable subgraphs that are in the distribution of training data. We introduce a parametric method that employs graph generators to produce proxy graphs. A new training objective based on information theory is designed to ensure that proxy graphs not only adhere to the distribution of training data but also preserve essential explanatory factors. Such generated proxy graphs can be reliably used for approximating the predictions of the true labels of explainable subgraphs. Empirical evaluations across various datasets demonstrate our method achieves more accurate explanations for GNNs.
Abstract:In large IT systems, software deployment is a crucial process in online services as their code is regularly updated. However, a faulty code change may degrade the target service's performance and cause cascading outages in downstream services. Thus, software deployments should be comprehensively monitored, and their anomalies should be detected timely. In this paper, we study the problem of anomaly detection for deployments. We begin by identifying the challenges unique to this anomaly detection problem, which is at entity-level (e.g., deployments), relative to the more typical problem of anomaly detection in multivariate time series (MTS). The unique challenges include the heterogeneity of deployments, the low latency tolerance, the ambiguous anomaly definition, and the limited supervision. To address them, we propose a novel framework, semi-supervised hybrid Model for Entity-Level Online Detection of anomalY (MELODY). MELODY first transforms the MTS of different entities to the same feature space by an online feature extractor, then uses a newly proposed semi-supervised deep one-class model for detecting anomalous entities. We evaluated MELODY on real data of cloud services with 1.2M+ time series. The relative F1 score improvement of MELODY over the state-of-the-art methods ranges from 7.6% to 56.5%. The user evaluation suggests MELODY is suitable for monitoring deployments in large online systems.
Abstract:Various contrastive learning approaches have been proposed in recent years and achieve significant empirical success. While effective and prevalent, contrastive learning has been less explored for time series data. A key component of contrastive learning is to select appropriate augmentations imposing some priors to construct feasible positive samples, such that an encoder can be trained to learn robust and discriminative representations. Unlike image and language domains where ``desired'' augmented samples can be generated with the rule of thumb guided by prefabricated human priors, the ad-hoc manual selection of time series augmentations is hindered by their diverse and human-unrecognizable temporal structures. How to find the desired augmentations of time series data that are meaningful for given contrastive learning tasks and datasets remains an open question. In this work, we address the problem by encouraging both high \textit{fidelity} and \textit{variety} based upon information theory. A theoretical analysis leads to the criteria for selecting feasible data augmentations. On top of that, we propose a new contrastive learning approach with information-aware augmentations, InfoTS, that adaptively selects optimal augmentations for time series representation learning. Experiments on various datasets show highly competitive performance with up to 12.0\% reduction in MSE on forecasting tasks and up to 3.7\% relative improvement in accuracy on classification tasks over the leading baselines.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose REASON, a novel framework that enables the automatic discovery of both intra-level (i.e., within-network) and inter-level (i.e., across-network) causal relationships for root cause localization. REASON consists of Topological Causal Discovery and Individual Causal Discovery. The Topological Causal Discovery component aims to model the fault propagation in order to trace back to the root causes. To achieve this, we propose novel hierarchical graph neural networks to construct interdependent causal networks by modeling both intra-level and inter-level non-linear causal relations. Based on the learned interdependent causal networks, we then leverage random walks with restarts to model the network propagation of a system fault. The Individual Causal Discovery component focuses on capturing abrupt change patterns of a single system entity. This component examines the temporal patterns of each entity's metric data (i.e., time series), and estimates its likelihood of being a root cause based on the Extreme Value theory. Combining the topological and individual causal scores, the top K system entities are identified as root causes. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets with case studies demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed framework.
Abstract:Personalized Federated Learning (PFL) which collaboratively trains a federated model while considering local clients under privacy constraints has attracted much attention. Despite its popularity, it has been observed that existing PFL approaches result in sub-optimal solutions when the joint distribution among local clients diverges. To address this issue, we present Federated Modular Network (FedMN), a novel PFL approach that adaptively selects sub-modules from a module pool to assemble heterogeneous neural architectures for different clients. FedMN adopts a light-weighted routing hypernetwork to model the joint distribution on each client and produce the personalized selection of the module blocks for each client. To reduce the communication burden in existing FL, we develop an efficient way to interact between the clients and the server. We conduct extensive experiments on the real-world test beds and the results show both the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed FedMN over the baselines.
Abstract:During the past several years, a surge of multi-lingual Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) has been proposed to achieve state-of-the-art performance in many cross-lingual downstream tasks. However, the understanding of why multi-lingual PLMs perform well is still an open domain. For example, it is unclear whether multi-Lingual PLMs reveal consistent token attributions in different languages. To address this, in this paper, we propose a Cross-lingual Consistency of Token Attributions (CCTA) evaluation framework. Extensive experiments in three downstream tasks demonstrate that multi-lingual PLMs assign significantly different attributions to multi-lingual synonyms. Moreover, we have the following observations: 1) the Spanish achieves the most consistent token attributions in different languages when it is used for training PLMs; 2) the consistency of token attributions strongly correlates with performance in downstream tasks.
Abstract:We target the task of cross-lingual Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) in the direct zero-shot setting, by incorporating syntactic features from Universal Dependencies (UD), and the key features we use are the syntactic relations within each sentence. While previous work has demonstrated effective syntax-guided MRC models, we propose to adopt the inter-sentence syntactic relations, in addition to the rudimentary intra-sentence relations, to further utilize the syntactic dependencies in the multi-sentence input of the MRC task. In our approach, we build the Inter-Sentence Dependency Graph (ISDG) connecting dependency trees to form global syntactic relations across sentences. We then propose the ISDG encoder that encodes the global dependency graph, addressing the inter-sentence relations via both one-hop and multi-hop dependency paths explicitly. Experiments on three multilingual MRC datasets (XQuAD, MLQA, TyDiQA-GoldP) show that our encoder that is only trained on English is able to improve the zero-shot performance on all 14 test sets covering 8 languages, with up to 3.8 F1 / 5.2 EM improvement on-average, and 5.2 F1 / 11.2 EM on certain languages. Further analysis shows the improvement can be attributed to the attention on the cross-linguistically consistent syntactic path.