Abstract:Dynamic vision sensors (DVS) are bio-inspired devices that capture visual information in the form of asynchronous events, which encode changes in pixel intensity with high temporal resolution and low latency. These events provide rich motion cues that can be exploited for various computer vision tasks, such as action recognition. However, most existing DVS-based action recognition methods lose temporal information during data transformation or suffer from noise and outliers caused by sensor imperfections or environmental factors. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework that preserves and exploits the spatiotemporal structure of event data for action recognition. Our framework consists of two main components: 1) a point-wise event masked autoencoder (MAE) that learns a compact and discriminative representation of event patches by reconstructing them from masked raw event camera points data; 2) an improved event points patch generation algorithm that leverages an event data inlier model and point-wise data augmentation techniques to enhance the quality and diversity of event points patches. To the best of our knowledge, our approach introduces the pre-train method into event camera raw points data for the first time, and we propose a novel event points patch embedding to utilize transformer-based models on event cameras.
Abstract:Neural surface reconstruction relies heavily on accurate camera poses as input. Despite utilizing advanced pose estimators like COLMAP or ARKit, camera poses can still be noisy. Existing pose-NeRF joint optimization methods handle poses with small noise (inliers) effectively but struggle with large noise (outliers), such as mirrored poses. In this work, we focus on mitigating the impact of outlier poses. Our method integrates an inlier-outlier confidence estimation scheme, leveraging scene graph information gathered during the data preparation phase. Unlike previous works directly using rendering metrics as the reference, we employ a detached color network that omits the viewing direction as input to minimize the impact caused by shape-radiance ambiguities. This enhanced confidence updating strategy effectively differentiates between inlier and outlier poses, allowing us to sample more rays from inlier poses to construct more reliable radiance fields. Additionally, we introduce a re-projection loss based on the current Signed Distance Function (SDF) and pose estimations, strengthening the constraints between matching image pairs. For outlier poses, we adopt a Monte Carlo re-localization method to find better solutions. We also devise a scene graph updating strategy to provide more accurate information throughout the training process. We validate our approach on the SG-NeRF and DTU datasets. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate that our methods can consistently improve the reconstruction qualities and pose accuracies.
Abstract:Learning-based simulators show great potential for simulating particle dynamics when 3D groundtruth is available, but per-particle correspondences are not always accessible. The development of neural rendering presents a new solution to this field to learn 3D dynamics from 2D images by inverse rendering. However, existing approaches still suffer from ill-posed natures resulting from the 2D to 3D uncertainty, for example, specific 2D images can correspond with various 3D particle distributions. To mitigate such uncertainty, we consider a conventional, mechanically interpretable framework as the physical priors and extend it to a learning-based version. In brief, we incorporate the learnable graph kernels into the classic Discrete Element Analysis (DEA) framework to implement a novel mechanics-integrated learning system. In this case, the graph network kernels are only used for approximating some specific mechanical operators in the DEA framework rather than the whole dynamics mapping. By integrating the strong physics priors, our methods can effectively learn the dynamics of various materials from the partial 2D observations in a unified manner. Experiments show that our approach outperforms other learned simulators by a large margin in this context and is robust to different renderers, fewer training samples, and fewer camera views.
Abstract:Recent advancements in humanoid robotics, including the integration of hierarchical reinforcement learning-based control and the utilization of LLM planning, have significantly enhanced the ability of robots to perform complex tasks. In contrast to the highly developed humanoid robots, the human factors involved remain relatively unexplored. Directly controlling humanoid robots with the brain has already appeared in many science fiction novels, such as Pacific Rim and Gundam. In this work, we present E2H (EEG-to-Humanoid), an innovative framework that pioneers the control of humanoid robots using high-frequency non-invasive neural signals. As the none-invasive signal quality remains low in decoding precise spatial trajectory, we decompose the E2H framework in an innovative two-stage formation: 1) decoding neural signals (EEG) into semantic motion keywords, 2) utilizing LLM facilitated motion generation with a precise motion imitation control policy to realize humanoid robotics control. The method of directly driving robots with brainwave commands offers a novel approach to human-machine collaboration, especially in situations where verbal commands are impractical, such as in cases of speech impairments, space exploration, or underwater exploration, unlocking significant potential. E2H offers an exciting glimpse into the future, holding immense potential for human-computer interaction.
Abstract:Diffusion models have been widely employed in the field of 3D manipulation due to their efficient capability to learn distributions, allowing for precise prediction of action trajectories. However, diffusion models typically rely on large parameter UNet backbones as policy networks, which can be challenging to deploy on resource-constrained devices. Recently, the Mamba model has emerged as a promising solution for efficient modeling, offering low computational complexity and strong performance in sequence modeling. In this work, we propose the Mamba Policy, a lighter but stronger policy that reduces the parameter count by over 80% compared to the original policy network while achieving superior performance. Specifically, we introduce the XMamba Block, which effectively integrates input information with conditional features and leverages a combination of Mamba and Attention mechanisms for deep feature extraction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the Mamba Policy excels on the Adroit, Dexart, and MetaWorld datasets, requiring significantly fewer computational resources. Additionally, we highlight the Mamba Policy's enhanced robustness in long-horizon scenarios compared to baseline methods and explore the performance of various Mamba variants within the Mamba Policy framework. Our project page is in https://andycao1125.github.io/mamba_policy/.
Abstract:Rendering high-fidelity images from sparse point clouds is still challenging. Existing learning-based approaches suffer from either hole artifacts, missing details, or expensive computations. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to render high-quality images from sparse points. This method first attempts to bridge the 3D Gaussian Splatting and point cloud rendering, which includes several cascaded modules. We first use a regressor to estimate Gaussian properties in a point-wise manner, the estimated properties are used to rasterize neural feature descriptors into 2D planes which are extracted from a multiscale extractor. The projected feature volume is gradually decoded toward the final prediction via a multiscale and progressive decoder. The whole pipeline experiences a two-stage training and is driven by our well-designed progressive and multiscale reconstruction loss. Experiments on different benchmarks show the superiority of our method in terms of rendering qualities and the necessities of our main components.
Abstract:Sequential modeling has demonstrated remarkable capabilities in offline reinforcement learning (RL), with Decision Transformer (DT) being one of the most notable representatives, achieving significant success. However, RL trajectories possess unique properties to be distinguished from the conventional sequence (e.g., text or audio): (1) local correlation, where the next states in RL are theoretically determined solely by current states and actions based on the Markov Decision Process (MDP), and (2) global correlation, where each step's features are related to long-term historical information due to the time-continuous nature of trajectories. In this paper, we propose a novel action sequence predictor, named Mamba Decision Maker (MambaDM), where Mamba is expected to be a promising alternative for sequence modeling paradigms, owing to its efficient modeling of multi-scale dependencies. In particular, we introduce a novel mixer module that proficiently extracts and integrates both global and local features of the input sequence, effectively capturing interrelationships in RL datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MambaDM achieves state-of-the-art performance in Atari and OpenAI Gym datasets. Furthermore, we empirically investigate the scaling laws of MambaDM, finding that increasing model size does not bring performance improvement, but scaling the dataset amount by 2x for MambaDM can obtain up to 33.7% score improvement on Atari dataset. This paper delves into the sequence modeling capabilities of MambaDM in the RL domain, paving the way for future advancements in robust and efficient decision-making systems. Our code will be available at https://github.com/AndyCao1125/MambaDM.
Abstract:Latent scene representation plays a significant role in training reinforcement learning (RL) agents. To obtain good latent vectors describing the scenes, recent works incorporate the 3D-aware latent-conditioned NeRF pipeline into scene representation learning. However, these NeRF-related methods struggle to perceive 3D structural information due to the inefficient dense sampling in volumetric rendering. Moreover, they lack fine-grained semantic information included in their scene representation vectors because they evenly consider free and occupied spaces. Both of them can destroy the performance of downstream RL tasks. To address the above challenges, we propose a novel framework that adopts the efficient 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) to learn 3D scene representation for the first time. In brief, we present the Query-based Generalizable 3DGS to bridge the 3DGS technique and scene representations with more geometrical awareness than those in NeRFs. Moreover, we present the Hierarchical Semantics Encoding to ground the fine-grained semantic features to 3D Gaussians and further distilled to the scene representation vectors. We conduct extensive experiments on two RL platforms including Maniskill2 and Robomimic across 10 different tasks. The results show that our method outperforms the other 5 baselines by a large margin. We achieve the best success rates on 8 tasks and the second-best on the other two tasks.
Abstract:Event cameras offer promising advantages such as high dynamic range and low latency, making them well-suited for challenging lighting conditions and fast-moving scenarios. However, reconstructing 3D scenes from raw event streams is difficult because event data is sparse and does not carry absolute color information. To release its potential in 3D reconstruction, we propose the first event-based generalizable 3D reconstruction framework, called EvGGS, which reconstructs scenes as 3D Gaussians from only event input in a feedforward manner and can generalize to unseen cases without any retraining. This framework includes a depth estimation module, an intensity reconstruction module, and a Gaussian regression module. These submodules connect in a cascading manner, and we collaboratively train them with a designed joint loss to make them mutually promote. To facilitate related studies, we build a novel event-based 3D dataset with various material objects and calibrated labels of grayscale images, depth maps, camera poses, and silhouettes. Experiments show models that have jointly trained significantly outperform those trained individually. Our approach performs better than all baselines in reconstruction quality, and depth/intensity predictions with satisfactory rendering speed.
Abstract:Event camera, a novel bio-inspired vision sensor, has drawn a lot of attention for its low latency, low power consumption, and high dynamic range. Currently, overfitting remains a critical problem in event-based classification tasks for Spiking Neural Network (SNN) due to its relatively weak spatial representation capability. Data augmentation is a simple but efficient method to alleviate overfitting and improve the generalization ability of neural networks, and saliency-based augmentation methods are proven to be effective in the image processing field. However, there is no approach available for extracting saliency maps from SNNs. Therefore, for the first time, we present Spiking Layer-Time-wise Relevance Propagation rule (SLTRP) and Spiking Layer-wise Relevance Propagation rule (SLRP) in order for SNN to generate stable and accurate CAMs and saliency maps. Based on this, we propose EventRPG, which leverages relevance propagation on the spiking neural network for more efficient augmentation. Our proposed method has been evaluated on several SNN structures, achieving state-of-the-art performance in object recognition tasks including N-Caltech101, CIFAR10-DVS, with accuracies of 85.62% and 85.55%, as well as action recognition task SL-Animals with an accuracy of 91.59%. Our code is available at https://github.com/myuansun/EventRPG.