Abstract:Diffusion models have demonstrated impressive performance in generating high-quality videos from text prompts or images. However, precise control over the video generation process, such as camera manipulation or content editing, remains a significant challenge. Existing methods for controlled video generation are typically limited to a single control type, lacking the flexibility to handle diverse control demands. In this paper, we introduce Diffusion as Shader (DaS), a novel approach that supports multiple video control tasks within a unified architecture. Our key insight is that achieving versatile video control necessitates leveraging 3D control signals, as videos are fundamentally 2D renderings of dynamic 3D content. Unlike prior methods limited to 2D control signals, DaS leverages 3D tracking videos as control inputs, making the video diffusion process inherently 3D-aware. This innovation allows DaS to achieve a wide range of video controls by simply manipulating the 3D tracking videos. A further advantage of using 3D tracking videos is their ability to effectively link frames, significantly enhancing the temporal consistency of the generated videos. With just 3 days of fine-tuning on 8 H800 GPUs using less than 10k videos, DaS demonstrates strong control capabilities across diverse tasks, including mesh-to-video generation, camera control, motion transfer, and object manipulation.
Abstract:Recent developments in monocular depth estimation methods enable high-quality depth estimation of single-view images but fail to estimate consistent video depth across different frames. Recent works address this problem by applying a video diffusion model to generate video depth conditioned on the input video, which is training-expensive and can only produce scale-invariant depth values without camera poses. In this paper, we propose a novel video-depth estimation method called Align3R to estimate temporal consistent depth maps for a dynamic video. Our key idea is to utilize the recent DUSt3R model to align estimated monocular depth maps of different timesteps. First, we fine-tune the DUSt3R model with additional estimated monocular depth as inputs for the dynamic scenes. Then, we apply optimization to reconstruct both depth maps and camera poses. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Align3R estimates consistent video depth and camera poses for a monocular video with superior performance than baseline methods.
Abstract:Recent advances in video diffusion models have unlocked new potential for realistic audio-driven talking video generation. However, achieving seamless audio-lip synchronization, maintaining long-term identity consistency, and producing natural, audio-aligned expressions in generated talking videos remain significant challenges. To address these challenges, we propose Memory-guided EMOtion-aware diffusion (MEMO), an end-to-end audio-driven portrait animation approach to generate identity-consistent and expressive talking videos. Our approach is built around two key modules: (1) a memory-guided temporal module, which enhances long-term identity consistency and motion smoothness by developing memory states to store information from a longer past context to guide temporal modeling via linear attention; and (2) an emotion-aware audio module, which replaces traditional cross attention with multi-modal attention to enhance audio-video interaction, while detecting emotions from audio to refine facial expressions via emotion adaptive layer norm. Extensive quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that MEMO generates more realistic talking videos across diverse image and audio types, outperforming state-of-the-art methods in overall quality, audio-lip synchronization, identity consistency, and expression-emotion alignment.
Abstract:Dynamic scenes rendering is an intriguing yet challenging problem. Although current methods based on NeRF have achieved satisfactory performance, they still can not reach real-time levels. Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has gar?nered researchers attention due to their outstanding rendering quality and real?time speed. Therefore, a new paradigm has been proposed: defining a canonical 3D gaussians and deforming it to individual frames in deformable fields. How?ever, since the coordinates of canonical 3D gaussians are filled with noise, which can transfer noise into the deformable fields, and there is currently no method that adequately considers the aggregation of 4D information. Therefore, we pro?pose Denoised Deformable Network with Temporal-Spatial Aggregation for Dy?namic Scene Rendering (DN-4DGS). Specifically, a Noise Suppression Strategy is introduced to change the distribution of the coordinates of the canonical 3D gaussians and suppress noise. Additionally, a Decoupled Temporal-Spatial Ag?gregation Module is designed to aggregate information from adjacent points and frames. Extensive experiments on various real-world datasets demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art rendering quality under a real-time level.
Abstract:3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS), known for its groundbreaking performance and efficiency, has become a dominant 3D representation and brought progress to many 3D vision tasks. However, in this work, we reveal a significant security vulnerability that has been largely overlooked in 3DGS: the computation cost of training 3DGS could be maliciously tampered by poisoning the input data. By developing an attack named Poison-splat, we reveal a novel attack surface where the adversary can poison the input images to drastically increase the computation memory and time needed for 3DGS training, pushing the algorithm towards its worst computation complexity. In extreme cases, the attack can even consume all allocable memory, leading to a Denial-of-Service (DoS) that disrupts servers, resulting in practical damages to real-world 3DGS service vendors. Such a computation cost attack is achieved by addressing a bi-level optimization problem through three tailored strategies: attack objective approximation, proxy model rendering, and optional constrained optimization. These strategies not only ensure the effectiveness of our attack but also make it difficult to defend with simple defensive measures. We hope the revelation of this novel attack surface can spark attention to this crucial yet overlooked vulnerability of 3DGS systems.
Abstract:Dynamic scene reconstruction is a long-term challenge in the field of 3D vision. Recently, the emergence of 3D Gaussian Splatting has provided new insights into this problem. Although subsequent efforts rapidly extend static 3D Gaussian to dynamic scenes, they often lack explicit constraints on object motion, leading to optimization difficulties and performance degradation. To address the above issues, we propose a novel deformable 3D Gaussian splatting framework called MotionGS, which explores explicit motion priors to guide the deformation of 3D Gaussians. Specifically, we first introduce an optical flow decoupling module that decouples optical flow into camera flow and motion flow, corresponding to camera movement and object motion respectively. Then the motion flow can effectively constrain the deformation of 3D Gaussians, thus simulating the motion of dynamic objects. Additionally, a camera pose refinement module is proposed to alternately optimize 3D Gaussians and camera poses, mitigating the impact of inaccurate camera poses. Extensive experiments in the monocular dynamic scenes validate that MotionGS surpasses state-of-the-art methods and exhibits significant superiority in both qualitative and quantitative results. Project page: https://ruijiezhu94.github.io/MotionGS_page
Abstract:3D object detection is essential for understanding 3D scenes. Contemporary techniques often require extensive annotated training data, yet obtaining point-wise annotations for point clouds is time-consuming and laborious. Recent developments in semi-supervised methods seek to mitigate this problem by employing a teacher-student framework to generate pseudo-labels for unlabeled point clouds. However, these pseudo-labels frequently suffer from insufficient diversity and inferior quality. To overcome these hurdles, we introduce an Agent-based Diffusion Model for Semi-supervised 3D Object Detection (Diff3DETR). Specifically, an agent-based object query generator is designed to produce object queries that effectively adapt to dynamic scenes while striking a balance between sampling locations and content embedding. Additionally, a box-aware denoising module utilizes the DDIM denoising process and the long-range attention in the transformer decoder to refine bounding boxes incrementally. Extensive experiments on ScanNet and SUN RGB-D datasets demonstrate that Diff3DETR outperforms state-of-the-art semi-supervised 3D object detection methods.
Abstract:Transformers have demonstrated impressive results for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation. However, the quadratic complexity of transformer makes computation cost high, limiting the number of points that can be processed simultaneously and impeding the modeling of long-range dependencies. Drawing inspiration from the great potential of recent state space models (SSM) for long sequence modeling, we introduce Mamba, a SSM-based architecture, to the point cloud domain and propose Mamba24/8D, which has strong global modeling capability under linear complexity. Specifically, to make disorderness of point clouds fit in with the causal nature of Mamba, we propose a multi-path serialization strategy applicable to point clouds. Besides, we propose the ConvMamba block to compensate for the shortcomings of Mamba in modeling local geometries and in unidirectional modeling. Mamba24/8D obtains state of the art results on several 3D point cloud segmentation tasks, including ScanNet v2, ScanNet200 and nuScenes, while its effectiveness is validated by extensive experiments.
Abstract:We present Locally Orderless Networks (LON) and its theoretic foundation which links it to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), to Scale-space histograms, and measurement theory. The key elements are a regular sampling of the bias and the derivative of the activation function. We compare LON, CNN, and Scale-space histograms on prototypical single-layer networks. We show how LON and CNN can emulate each other, how LON expands the set of functionals computable to non-linear functions such as squaring. We demonstrate simple networks which illustrate the improved performance of LON over CNN on simple tasks for estimating the gradient magnitude squared, for regressing shape area and perimeter lengths, and for explainability of individual pixels' influence on the result.
Abstract:Foundation segmentation models, while powerful, pose a significant risk: they enable users to effortlessly extract any objects from any digital content with a single click, potentially leading to copyright infringement or malicious misuse. To mitigate this risk, we introduce a new task "Anything Unsegmentable" to grant any image "the right to be unsegmented". The ambitious pursuit of the task is to achieve highly transferable adversarial attacks against all prompt-based segmentation models, regardless of model parameterizations and prompts. We highlight the non-transferable and heterogeneous nature of prompt-specific adversarial noises. Our approach focuses on disrupting image encoder features to achieve prompt-agnostic attacks. Intriguingly, targeted feature attacks exhibit better transferability compared to untargeted ones, suggesting the optimal update direction aligns with the image manifold. Based on the observations, we design a novel attack named Unsegment Anything by Simulating Deformation (UAD). Our attack optimizes a differentiable deformation function to create a target deformed image, which alters structural information while preserving achievable feature distance by adversarial example. Extensive experiments verify the effectiveness of our approach, compromising a variety of promptable segmentation models with different architectures and prompt interfaces. We release the code at https://github.com/jiahaolu97/anything-unsegmentable.