Abstract:360-degree cameras streamline data collection for radiance field 3D reconstruction by capturing comprehensive scene data. However, traditional radiance field methods do not address the specific challenges inherent to 360-degree images. We present SC-OmniGS, a novel self-calibrating omnidirectional Gaussian splatting system for fast and accurate omnidirectional radiance field reconstruction using 360-degree images. Rather than converting 360-degree images to cube maps and performing perspective image calibration, we treat 360-degree images as a whole sphere and derive a mathematical framework that enables direct omnidirectional camera pose calibration accompanied by 3D Gaussians optimization. Furthermore, we introduce a differentiable omnidirectional camera model in order to rectify the distortion of real-world data for performance enhancement. Overall, the omnidirectional camera intrinsic model, extrinsic poses, and 3D Gaussians are jointly optimized by minimizing weighted spherical photometric loss. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that our proposed SC-OmniGS is able to recover a high-quality radiance field from noisy camera poses or even no pose prior in challenging scenarios characterized by wide baselines and non-object-centric configurations. The noticeable performance gain in the real-world dataset captured by consumer-grade omnidirectional cameras verifies the effectiveness of our general omnidirectional camera model in reducing the distortion of 360-degree images.
Abstract:Recent developments in monocular depth estimation methods enable high-quality depth estimation of single-view images but fail to estimate consistent video depth across different frames. Recent works address this problem by applying a video diffusion model to generate video depth conditioned on the input video, which is training-expensive and can only produce scale-invariant depth values without camera poses. In this paper, we propose a novel video-depth estimation method called Align3R to estimate temporal consistent depth maps for a dynamic video. Our key idea is to utilize the recent DUSt3R model to align estimated monocular depth maps of different timesteps. First, we fine-tune the DUSt3R model with additional estimated monocular depth as inputs for the dynamic scenes. Then, we apply optimization to reconstruct both depth maps and camera poses. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Align3R estimates consistent video depth and camera poses for a monocular video with superior performance than baseline methods.
Abstract:Images of coral reefs provide invaluable information, which is essentially critical for surveying and monitoring the coral reef ecosystems. Robust and precise identification of coral reef regions within surveying imagery is paramount for assessing coral coverage, spatial distribution, and other statistical analyses. However, existing coral reef analytical approaches mainly focus on sparse points sampled from the whole imagery, which are highly subject to the sampling density and cannot accurately express the coral ambulance. Meanwhile, the analysis is both time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is also limited to coral biologists. In this work, we propose CoralSCOP-LAT, an automatic and semi-automatic coral reef labeling and analysis tool, specially designed to segment coral reef regions (dense pixel masks) in coral reef images, significantly promoting analysis proficiency and accuracy. CoralSCOP-LAT leverages the advanced coral reef foundation model to accurately delineate coral regions, supporting dense coral reef analysis and reducing the dependency on manual annotation. The proposed CoralSCOP-LAT surpasses the existing tools by a large margin from analysis efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility. We perform comprehensive evaluations from various perspectives and the comparison demonstrates that CoralSCOP-LAT not only accelerates the coral reef analysis but also improves accuracy in coral segmentation and analysis. Our CoralSCOP-LAT, as the first dense coral reef analysis tool in the market, facilitates repeated large-scale coral reef monitoring analysis, contributing to more informed conservation efforts and sustainable management of coral reef ecosystems. Our tool will be available at https://coralscop.hkustvgd.com/.
Abstract:Visual object tracking and segmentation in omnidirectional videos are challenging due to the wide field-of-view and large spherical distortion brought by 360{\deg} images. To alleviate these problems, we introduce a novel representation, extended bounding field-of-view (eBFoV), for target localization and use it as the foundation of a general 360 tracking framework which is applicable for both omnidirectional visual object tracking and segmentation tasks. Building upon our previous work on omnidirectional visual object tracking (360VOT), we propose a comprehensive dataset and benchmark that incorporates a new component called omnidirectional video object segmentation (360VOS). The 360VOS dataset includes 290 sequences accompanied by dense pixel-wise masks and covers a broader range of target categories. To support both the development and evaluation of algorithms in this domain, we divide the dataset into a training subset with 170 sequences and a testing subset with 120 sequences. Furthermore, we tailor evaluation metrics for both omnidirectional tracking and segmentation to ensure rigorous assessment. Through extensive experiments, we benchmark state-of-the-art approaches and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed 360 tracking framework and training dataset. Homepage: https://360vots.hkustvgd.com/
Abstract:Creating large-scale virtual urban scenes with variant styles is inherently challenging. To facilitate prototypes of virtual production and bypass the need for complex materials and lighting setups, we introduce the first vision-and-text-driven texture stylization system for large-scale urban scenes, StyleCity. Taking an image and text as references, StyleCity stylizes a 3D textured mesh of a large-scale urban scene in a semantics-aware fashion and generates a harmonic omnidirectional sky background. To achieve that, we propose to stylize a neural texture field by transferring 2D vision-and-text priors to 3D globally and locally. During 3D stylization, we progressively scale the planned training views of the input 3D scene at different levels in order to preserve high-quality scene content. We then optimize the scene style globally by adapting the scale of the style image with the scale of the training views. Moreover, we enhance local semantics consistency by the semantics-aware style loss which is crucial for photo-realistic stylization. Besides texture stylization, we further adopt a generative diffusion model to synthesize a style-consistent omnidirectional sky image, which offers a more immersive atmosphere and assists the semantic stylization process. The stylized neural texture field can be baked into an arbitrary-resolution texture, enabling seamless integration into conventional rendering pipelines and significantly easing the virtual production prototyping process. Extensive experiments demonstrate our stylized scenes' superiority in qualitative and quantitative performance and user preferences.
Abstract:Referring image segmentation is a challenging task that involves generating pixel-wise segmentation masks based on natural language descriptions. Existing methods have relied mostly on visual features to generate the segmentation masks while treating text features as supporting components. This over-reliance on visual features can lead to suboptimal results, especially in complex scenarios where text prompts are ambiguous or context-dependent. To overcome these challenges, we present a novel framework VATEX to improve referring image segmentation by enhancing object and context understanding with Vision-Aware Text Feature. Our method involves using CLIP to derive a CLIP Prior that integrates an object-centric visual heatmap with text description, which can be used as the initial query in DETR-based architecture for the segmentation task. Furthermore, by observing that there are multiple ways to describe an instance in an image, we enforce feature similarity between text variations referring to the same visual input by two components: a novel Contextual Multimodal Decoder that turns text embeddings into vision-aware text features, and a Meaning Consistency Constraint to ensure further the coherent and consistent interpretation of language expressions with the context understanding obtained from the image. Our method achieves a significant performance improvement on three benchmark datasets RefCOCO, RefCOCO+ and G-Ref. Code is available at: https://nero1342.github.io/VATEX\_RIS.
Abstract:Photorealistic reconstruction relying on 3D Gaussian Splatting has shown promising potential in robotics. However, the current 3D Gaussian Splatting system only supports radiance field reconstruction using undistorted perspective images. In this paper, we present OmniGS, a novel omnidirectional Gaussian splatting system, to take advantage of omnidirectional images for fast radiance field reconstruction. Specifically, we conduct a theoretical analysis of spherical camera model derivatives in 3D Gaussian Splatting. According to the derivatives, we then implement a new GPU-accelerated omnidirectional rasterizer that directly splats 3D Gaussians onto the equirectangular screen space for omnidirectional image rendering. As a result, we realize differentiable optimization of the radiance field without the requirement of cube-map rectification or tangent-plane approximation. Extensive experiments conducted in egocentric and roaming scenarios demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art reconstruction quality and high rendering speed using omnidirectional images. To benefit the research community, the code will be made publicly available once the paper is published.
Abstract:Video object segmentation is a fundamental research problem in computer vision. Recent techniques have often applied attention mechanism to object representation learning from video sequences. However, due to temporal changes in the video data, attention maps may not well align with the objects of interest across video frames, causing accumulated errors in long-term video processing. In addition, existing techniques have utilised complex architectures, requiring highly computational complexity and hence limiting the ability to integrate video object segmentation into low-powered devices. To address these issues, we propose a new method for self-supervised video object segmentation based on distillation learning of deformable attention. Specifically, we devise a lightweight architecture for video object segmentation that is effectively adapted to temporal changes. This is enabled by deformable attention mechanism, where the keys and values capturing the memory of a video sequence in the attention module have flexible locations updated across frames. The learnt object representations are thus adaptive to both the spatial and temporal dimensions. We train the proposed architecture in a self-supervised fashion through a new knowledge distillation paradigm where deformable attention maps are integrated into the distillation loss. We qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate our method and compare it with existing methods on benchmark datasets including DAVIS 2016/2017 and YouTube-VOS 2018/2019. Experimental results verify the superiority of our method via its achieved state-of-the-art performance and optimal memory usage.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated a powerful ability to answer various queries as a general-purpose assistant. The continuous multi-modal large language models (MLLM) empower LLMs with the ability to perceive visual signals. The launch of GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) has generated significant interest in the research communities. GPT-4V(ison) has demonstrated significant power in both academia and industry fields, as a focal point in a new artificial intelligence generation. Though significant success was achieved by GPT-4V, exploring MLLMs in domain-specific analysis (e.g., marine analysis) that required domain-specific knowledge and expertise has gained less attention. In this study, we carry out the preliminary and comprehensive case study of utilizing GPT-4V for marine analysis. This report conducts a systematic evaluation of existing GPT-4V, assessing the performance of GPT-4V on marine research and also setting a new standard for future developments in MLLMs. The experimental results of GPT-4V show that the responses generated by GPT-4V are still far away from satisfying the domain-specific requirements of the marine professions. All images and prompts used in this study will be available at https://github.com/hkust-vgd/Marine_GPT-4V_Eval
Abstract:Text-to-image diffusion techniques have shown exceptional capability of producing high-quality images from text descriptions. This indicates that there exists a strong correlation between the visual and textual domains. In addition, text-image discriminative models such as CLIP excel in image labelling from text prompts, thanks to the rich and diverse information available from open concepts. In this paper, we leverage these technical advances to solve a challenging problem in computer vision: camouflaged instance segmentation. Specifically, we propose a method built upon a state-of-the-art diffusion model, empowered by open-vocabulary to learn multi-scale textual-visual features for camouflaged object representations. Such cross-domain representations are desirable in segmenting camouflaged objects where visual cues are subtle to distinguish the objects from the background, especially in segmenting novel objects which are not seen in training. We also develop technically supportive components to effectively fuse cross-domain features and engage relevant features towards respective foreground objects. We validate our method and compare it with existing ones on several benchmark datasets of camouflaged instance segmentation and generic open-vocabulary instance segmentation. Experimental results confirm the advances of our method over existing ones. We will publish our code and pre-trained models to support future research.