Abstract:360-degree cameras streamline data collection for radiance field 3D reconstruction by capturing comprehensive scene data. However, traditional radiance field methods do not address the specific challenges inherent to 360-degree images. We present SC-OmniGS, a novel self-calibrating omnidirectional Gaussian splatting system for fast and accurate omnidirectional radiance field reconstruction using 360-degree images. Rather than converting 360-degree images to cube maps and performing perspective image calibration, we treat 360-degree images as a whole sphere and derive a mathematical framework that enables direct omnidirectional camera pose calibration accompanied by 3D Gaussians optimization. Furthermore, we introduce a differentiable omnidirectional camera model in order to rectify the distortion of real-world data for performance enhancement. Overall, the omnidirectional camera intrinsic model, extrinsic poses, and 3D Gaussians are jointly optimized by minimizing weighted spherical photometric loss. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that our proposed SC-OmniGS is able to recover a high-quality radiance field from noisy camera poses or even no pose prior in challenging scenarios characterized by wide baselines and non-object-centric configurations. The noticeable performance gain in the real-world dataset captured by consumer-grade omnidirectional cameras verifies the effectiveness of our general omnidirectional camera model in reducing the distortion of 360-degree images.
Abstract:Accurately measuring the geometry and spatially-varying reflectance of real-world objects is a complex task due to their intricate shapes formed by concave features, hollow engravings and diverse surfaces, resulting in inter-reflection and occlusion when photographed. Moreover, issues like lens flare and overexposure can arise from interference from secondary reflections and limitations of hardware even in professional studios. In this paper, we propose a novel approach using polarized reflectance field capture and a comprehensive statistical analysis algorithm to obtain highly accurate surface normals (within 0.1mm/px) and spatially-varying reflectance data, including albedo, specular separation, roughness, and anisotropy parameters for realistic rendering and analysis. Our algorithm removes image artifacts via analytical modeling and further employs both an initial step and an optimization step computed on the whole image collection to further enhance the precision of per-pixel surface reflectance and normal measurement. We showcase the captured shapes and reflectance of diverse objects with a wide material range, spanning from highly diffuse to highly glossy - a challenge unaddressed by prior techniques. Our approach enhances downstream applications by offering precise measurements for realistic rendering and provides a valuable training dataset for emerging research in inverse rendering. We will release the polarized reflectance fields of several captured objects with this work.
Abstract:Integrating aerial imagery-based scene generation into applications like autonomous driving and gaming enhances realism in 3D environments, but challenges remain in creating detailed content for occluded areas and ensuring real-time, consistent rendering. In this paper, we introduce Skyeyes, a novel framework that can generate photorealistic sequences of ground view images using only aerial view inputs, thereby creating a ground roaming experience. More specifically, we combine a 3D representation with a view consistent generation model, which ensures coherence between generated images. This method allows for the creation of geometrically consistent ground view images, even with large view gaps. The images maintain improved spatial-temporal coherence and realism, enhancing scene comprehension and visualization from aerial perspectives. To the best of our knowledge, there are no publicly available datasets that contain pairwise geo-aligned aerial and ground view imagery. Therefore, we build a large, synthetic, and geo-aligned dataset using Unreal Engine. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses on this synthetic dataset display superior results compared to other leading synthesis approaches. See the project page for more results: https://chaoren2357.github.io/website-skyeyes/.
Abstract:Establishing consistent and dense correspondences across multiple images is crucial for Structure from Motion (SfM) systems. Significant view changes, such as air-to-ground with very sparse view overlap, pose an even greater challenge to the correspondence solvers. We present a novel optimization-based approach that significantly enhances existing feature matching methods by introducing geometry cues in addition to color cues. This helps fill gaps when there is less overlap in large-scale scenarios. Our method formulates geometric verification as an optimization problem, guiding feature matching within detector-free methods and using sparse correspondences from detector-based methods as anchor points. By enforcing geometric constraints via the Sampson Distance, our approach ensures that the denser correspondences from detector-free methods are geometrically consistent and more accurate. This hybrid strategy significantly improves correspondence density and accuracy, mitigates multi-view inconsistencies, and leads to notable advancements in camera pose accuracy and point cloud density. It outperforms state-of-the-art feature matching methods on benchmark datasets and enables feature matching in challenging extreme large-scale settings.
Abstract:Recent text-guided generation of individual 3D object has achieved great success using diffusion priors. However, these methods are not suitable for object insertion and replacement tasks as they do not consider the background, leading to illumination mismatches within the environment. To bridge the gap, we introduce an illumination-aware 3D scene editing pipeline for 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) representation. Our key observation is that inpainting by the state-of-the-art conditional 2D diffusion model is consistent with background in lighting. To leverage the prior knowledge from the well-trained diffusion models for 3D object generation, our approach employs a coarse-to-fine objection optimization pipeline with inpainted views. In the first coarse step, we achieve image-to-3D lifting given an ideal inpainted view. The process employs 3D-aware diffusion prior from a view-conditioned diffusion model, which preserves illumination present in the conditioning image. To acquire an ideal inpainted image, we introduce an Anchor View Proposal (AVP) algorithm to find a single view that best represents the scene illumination in target region. In the second Texture Enhancement step, we introduce a novel Depth-guided Inpainting Score Distillation Sampling (DI-SDS), which enhances geometry and texture details with the inpainting diffusion prior, beyond the scope of the 3D-aware diffusion prior knowledge in the first coarse step. DI-SDS not only provides fine-grained texture enhancement, but also urges optimization to respect scene lighting. Our approach efficiently achieves local editing with global illumination consistency without explicitly modeling light transport. We demonstrate robustness of our method by evaluating editing in real scenes containing explicit highlight and shadows, and compare against the state-of-the-art text-to-3D editing methods.
Abstract:We present a method for large-mask pluralistic image inpainting based on the generative framework of discrete latent codes. Our method learns latent priors, discretized as tokens, by only performing computations at the visible locations of the image. This is realized by a restrictive partial encoder that predicts the token label for each visible block, a bidirectional transformer that infers the missing labels by only looking at these tokens, and a dedicated synthesis network that couples the tokens with the partial image priors to generate coherent and pluralistic complete image even under extreme mask settings. Experiments on public benchmarks validate our design choices as the proposed method outperforms strong baselines in both visual quality and diversity metrics.
Abstract:Facial action unit (AU) detection is a fundamental block for objective facial expression analysis. Supervised learning approaches require a large amount of manual labeling which is costly. The limited labeled data are also not diverse in terms of gender which can affect model fairness. In this paper, we propose to use synthetically generated data and multi-source domain adaptation (MSDA) to address the problems of the scarcity of labeled data and the diversity of subjects. Specifically, we propose to generate a diverse dataset through synthetic facial expression re-targeting by transferring the expressions from real faces to synthetic avatars. Then, we use MSDA to transfer the AU detection knowledge from a real dataset and the synthetic dataset to a target dataset. Instead of aligning the overall distributions of different domains, we propose Paired Moment Matching (PM2) to align the features of the paired real and synthetic data with the same facial expression. To further improve gender fairness, PM2 matches the features of the real data with a female and a male synthetic image. Our results indicate that synthetic data and the proposed model improve both AU detection performance and fairness across genders, demonstrating its potential to solve AU detection in-the-wild.
Abstract:Physically-based rendering (PBR) is key for immersive rendering effects used widely in the industry to showcase detailed realistic scenes from computer graphics assets. A well-known caveat is that producing the same is computationally heavy and relies on complex capture devices. Inspired by the success in quality and efficiency of recent volumetric neural rendering, we want to develop a physically-based neural shader to eliminate device dependency and significantly boost performance. However, no existing lighting and material models in the current neural rendering approaches can accurately represent the comprehensive lighting models and BRDFs properties required by the PBR process. Thus, this paper proposes a novel lighting representation that models direct and indirect light locally through a light sampling strategy in a learned light sampling field. We also propose BRDF models to separately represent surface/subsurface scattering details to enable complex objects such as translucent material (i.e., skin, jade). We then implement our proposed representations with an end-to-end physically-based neural face skin shader, which takes a standard face asset (i.e., geometry, albedo map, and normal map) and an HDRI for illumination as inputs and generates a photo-realistic rendering as output. Extensive experiments showcase the quality and efficiency of our PBR face skin shader, indicating the effectiveness of our proposed lighting and material representations.
Abstract:Can we customize a deep generative model which can generate images that can match the texture of some given image? When you see an image of a church, you may wonder if you can get similar pictures for that church. Here we present a method, for adapting GANs with one reference image, and then we can generate images that have similar textures to the given image. Specifically, we modify the weights of the pre-trained GAN model, guided by the reference image given by the user. We use a patch discriminator adversarial loss to encourage the output of the model to match the texture on the given image, also we use a laplacian adversarial loss to ensure diversity and realism, and alleviate the contradiction between the two losses. Experiments show that the proposed method can make the outputs of GANs match the texture of the given image as well as keep diversity and realism.
Abstract:Synthesis of ergodic, stationary visual patterns is widely applicable in texturing, shape modeling, and digital content creation. The wide applicability of this technique thus requires the pattern synthesis approaches to be scalable, diverse, and authentic. In this paper, we propose an exemplar-based visual pattern synthesis framework that aims to model the inner statistics of visual patterns and generate new, versatile patterns that meet the aforementioned requirements. To this end, we propose an implicit network based on generative adversarial network (GAN) and periodic encoding, thus calling our network the Implicit Periodic Field Network (IPFN). The design of IPFN ensures scalability: the implicit formulation directly maps the input coordinates to features, which enables synthesis of arbitrary size and is computationally efficient for 3D shape synthesis. Learning with a periodic encoding scheme encourages diversity: the network is constrained to model the inner statistics of the exemplar based on spatial latent codes in a periodic field. Coupled with continuously designed GAN training procedures, IPFN is shown to synthesize tileable patterns with smooth transitions and local variations. Last but not least, thanks to both the adversarial training technique and the encoded Fourier features, IPFN learns high-frequency functions that produce authentic, high-quality results. To validate our approach, we present novel experimental results on various applications in 2D texture synthesis and 3D shape synthesis.