Abstract:In reality, users have different interests in different periods, regions, scenes, etc. Such changes in interest are so drastic that they are difficult to be captured by recommenders. Existing multi-domain learning can alleviate this problem. However, the structure of the industrial recommendation system is complex, the amount of data is huge, and the training cost is extremely high, so it is difficult to modify the structure of the industrial recommender and re-train it. To fill this gap, we consider recommenders as large pre-trained models and fine-tune them. We first propose the theory of the information bottleneck for fine-tuning and present an explanation for the fine-tuning technique in recommenders. To tailor for recommendation, we design an information-aware adaptive kernel (IAK) technique to fine-tune the pre-trained recommender. Specifically, we define fine-tuning as two phases: knowledge compression and knowledge matching and let the training stage of IAK explicitly approximate these two phases. Our proposed approach designed from the essence of fine-tuning is well interpretable. Extensive online and offline experiments show the superiority of our proposed method. Besides, we also share unique and important lessons we learned when deploying the method in a large-scale online platform. We also present the potential issues of fine-tuning techniques in recommendation systems and the corresponding solutions. The recommender with IAK technique has been deployed on the homepage of a billion-scale online food platform for several months and has yielded considerable profits in our business.
Abstract:Identifying the emotional state from speech is essential for the natural interaction of the machine with the speaker. However, extracting effective features for emotion recognition is difficult, as emotions are ambiguous. We propose a novel approach to learn discriminative features from variable length spectrograms for emotion recognition by cooperating softmax cross-entropy loss and center loss together. The softmax cross-entropy loss enables features from different emotion categories separable, and center loss efficiently pulls the features belonging to the same emotion category to their center. By combining the two losses together, the discriminative power will be highly enhanced, which leads to network learning more effective features for emotion recognition. As demonstrated by the experimental results, after introducing center loss, both the unweighted accuracy and weighted accuracy are improved by over 3\% on Mel-spectrogram input, and more than 4\% on Short Time Fourier Transform spectrogram input.
Abstract:Grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) conversion serves as an essential component in Chinese Mandarin text-to-speech (TTS) system, where polyphone disambiguation is the core issue. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework to predict the pronunciation of a polyphonic character, which accepts sentence containing polyphonic character as input in the form of Chinese character sequence without the necessity of any preprocessing. The proposed method consists of a pre-trained bidirectional encoder representations from Transformers (BERT) model and a neural network (NN) based classifier. The pre-trained BERT model extracts semantic features from a raw Chinese character sequence and the NN based classifier predicts the polyphonic character's pronunciation according to BERT output. In out experiments, we implemented three classifiers, a fully-connected network based classifier, a long short-term memory (LSTM) network based classifier and a Transformer block based classifier. The experimental results compared with the baseline approach based on LSTM demonstrate that, the pre-trained model extracts effective semantic features, which greatly enhances the performance of polyphone disambiguation. In addition, we also explored the impact of contextual information on polyphone disambiguation.
Abstract:Capturing and maintaining geometric interactions among different body parts is crucial for successful motion retargeting in skinned characters. Existing approaches often overlook body geometries or add a geometry correction stage after skeletal motion retargeting. This results in conflicts between skeleton interaction and geometry correction, leading to issues such as jittery, interpenetration, and contact mismatches. To address these challenges, we introduce a new retargeting framework, MeshRet, which directly models the dense geometric interactions in motion retargeting. Initially, we establish dense mesh correspondences between characters using semantically consistent sensors (SCS), effective across diverse mesh topologies. Subsequently, we develop a novel spatio-temporal representation called the dense mesh interaction (DMI) field. This field, a collection of interacting SCS feature vectors, skillfully captures both contact and non-contact interactions between body geometries. By aligning the DMI field during retargeting, MeshRet not only preserves motion semantics but also prevents self-interpenetration and ensures contact preservation. Extensive experiments on the public Mixamo dataset and our newly-collected ScanRet dataset demonstrate that MeshRet achieves state-of-the-art performance. Code available at https://github.com/abcyzj/MeshRet.
Abstract:Recent advancements in diffusion models trained on large-scale data have enabled the generation of indistinguishable human-level images, yet they often produce harmful content misaligned with human values, e.g., social bias, and offensive content. Despite extensive research on Large Language Models (LLMs), the challenge of Text-to-Image (T2I) model alignment remains largely unexplored. Addressing this problem, we propose LiVO (Lightweight Value Optimization), a novel lightweight method for aligning T2I models with human values. LiVO only optimizes a plug-and-play value encoder to integrate a specified value principle with the input prompt, allowing the control of generated images over both semantics and values. Specifically, we design a diffusion model-tailored preference optimization loss, which theoretically approximates the Bradley-Terry model used in LLM alignment but provides a more flexible trade-off between image quality and value conformity. To optimize the value encoder, we also develop a framework to automatically construct a text-image preference dataset of 86k (prompt, aligned image, violating image, value principle) samples. Without updating most model parameters and through adaptive value selection from the input prompt, LiVO significantly reduces harmful outputs and achieves faster convergence, surpassing several strong baselines and taking an initial step towards ethically aligned T2I models.
Abstract:Existing Video Corpus Moment Retrieval (VCMR) is limited to coarse-grained understanding, which hinders precise video moment localization when given fine-grained queries. In this paper, we propose a more challenging fine-grained VCMR benchmark requiring methods to localize the best-matched moment from the corpus with other partially matched candidates. To improve the dataset construction efficiency and guarantee high-quality data annotations, we propose VERIFIED, an automatic \underline{V}id\underline{E}o-text annotation pipeline to generate captions with \underline{R}el\underline{I}able \underline{FI}n\underline{E}-grained statics and \underline{D}ynamics. Specifically, we resort to large language models (LLM) and large multimodal models (LMM) with our proposed Statics and Dynamics Enhanced Captioning modules to generate diverse fine-grained captions for each video. To filter out the inaccurate annotations caused by the LLM hallucination, we propose a Fine-Granularity Aware Noise Evaluator where we fine-tune a video foundation model with disturbed hard-negatives augmented contrastive and matching losses. With VERIFIED, we construct a more challenging fine-grained VCMR benchmark containing Charades-FIG, DiDeMo-FIG, and ActivityNet-FIG which demonstrate a high level of annotation quality. We evaluate several state-of-the-art VCMR models on the proposed dataset, revealing that there is still significant scope for fine-grained video understanding in VCMR. Code and Datasets are in \href{https://github.com/hlchen23/VERIFIED}{https://github.com/hlchen23/VERIFIED}.
Abstract:Recent AIGC systems possess the capability to generate digital multimedia content based on human language instructions, such as text, image and video. However, when it comes to speech, existing methods related to human instruction-to-speech generation exhibit two limitations. Firstly, they require the division of inputs into content prompt (transcript) and description prompt (style and speaker), instead of directly supporting human instruction. This division is less natural in form and does not align with other AIGC models. Secondly, the practice of utilizing an independent description prompt to model speech style, without considering the transcript content, restricts the ability to control speech at a fine-grained level. To address these limitations, we propose VoxInstruct, a novel unified multilingual codec language modeling framework that extends traditional text-to-speech tasks into a general human instruction-to-speech task. Our approach enhances the expressiveness of human instruction-guided speech generation and aligns the speech generation paradigm with other modalities. To enable the model to automatically extract the content of synthesized speech from raw text instructions, we introduce speech semantic tokens as an intermediate representation for instruction-to-content guidance. We also incorporate multiple Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) strategies into our codec language model, which strengthens the generated speech following human instructions. Furthermore, our model architecture and training strategies allow for the simultaneous support of combining speech prompt and descriptive human instruction for expressive speech synthesis, which is a first-of-its-kind attempt. Codes, models and demos are at: https://github.com/thuhcsi/VoxInstruct.
Abstract:Recently, text-to-3D generation has attracted significant attention, resulting in notable performance enhancements. Previous methods utilize end-to-end 3D generation models to initialize 3D Gaussians, multi-view diffusion models to enforce multi-view consistency, and text-to-image diffusion models to refine details with score distillation algorithms. However, these methods exhibit two limitations. Firstly, they encounter conflicts in generation directions since different models aim to produce diverse 3D assets. Secondly, the issue of over-saturation in score distillation has not been thoroughly investigated and solved. To address these limitations, we propose PlacidDreamer, a text-to-3D framework that harmonizes initialization, multi-view generation, and text-conditioned generation with a single multi-view diffusion model, while simultaneously employing a novel score distillation algorithm to achieve balanced saturation. To unify the generation direction, we introduce the Latent-Plane module, a training-friendly plug-in extension that enables multi-view diffusion models to provide fast geometry reconstruction for initialization and enhanced multi-view images to personalize the text-to-image diffusion model. To address the over-saturation problem, we propose to view score distillation as a multi-objective optimization problem and introduce the Balanced Score Distillation algorithm, which offers a Pareto Optimal solution that achieves both rich details and balanced saturation. Extensive experiments validate the outstanding capabilities of our PlacidDreamer. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/HansenHuang0823/PlacidDreamer}.
Abstract:In the mobile internet era, the Online Food Ordering Service (OFOS) emerges as an integral component of inclusive finance owing to the convenience it brings to people. OFOS platforms offer dynamic allocation incentives to users and merchants through diverse marketing campaigns to encourage payments while maintaining the platforms' budget efficiency. Despite significant progress, the marketing domain continues to face two primary challenges: (i) how to allocate a limited budget with greater efficiency, demanding precision in predicting users' monotonic response (i.e. sensitivity) to incentives, and (ii) ensuring spatio-temporal adaptability and robustness in diverse marketing campaigns across different times and locations. To address these issues, we propose a Constrained Monotonic Adaptive Network (CoMAN) method for spatio-temporal perception within marketing pricing. Specifically, we capture spatio-temporal preferences within attribute features through two foundational spatio-temporal perception modules. To further enhance catching the user sensitivity differentials to incentives across varied times and locations, we design modules for learning spatio-temporal convexity and concavity as well as for expressing sensitivity functions. CoMAN can achieve a more efficient allocation of incentive investments during pricing, thus increasing the conversion rate and orders while maintaining budget efficiency. Extensive offline and online experimental results within our diverse marketing campaigns demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach while outperforming the monotonic state-of-the-art method.
Abstract:Choreographers determine what the dances look like, while cameramen determine the final presentation of dances. Recently, various methods and datasets have showcased the feasibility of dance synthesis. However, camera movement synthesis with music and dance remains an unsolved challenging problem due to the scarcity of paired data. Thus, we present DCM, a new multi-modal 3D dataset, which for the first time combines camera movement with dance motion and music audio. This dataset encompasses 108 dance sequences (3.2 hours) of paired dance-camera-music data from the anime community, covering 4 music genres. With this dataset, we uncover that dance camera movement is multifaceted and human-centric, and possesses multiple influencing factors, making dance camera synthesis a more challenging task compared to camera or dance synthesis alone. To overcome these difficulties, we propose DanceCamera3D, a transformer-based diffusion model that incorporates a novel body attention loss and a condition separation strategy. For evaluation, we devise new metrics measuring camera movement quality, diversity, and dancer fidelity. Utilizing these metrics, we conduct extensive experiments on our DCM dataset, providing both quantitative and qualitative evidence showcasing the effectiveness of our DanceCamera3D model. Code and video demos are available at https://github.com/Carmenw1203/DanceCamera3D-Official.