Abstract:Adversarial attacks are widely used to evaluate model robustness, and in black-box scenarios, the transferability of these attacks becomes crucial. Existing generator-based attacks have excellent generalization and transferability due to their instance-agnostic nature. However, when training generators for multi-target tasks, the success rate of transfer attacks is relatively low due to the limitations of the model's capacity. To address these challenges, we propose a novel Dual-Flow framework for multi-target instance-agnostic adversarial attacks, utilizing Cascading Distribution Shift Training to develop an adversarial velocity function. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Dual-Flow significantly improves transferability over previous multi-target generative attacks. For example, it increases the success rate from Inception-v3 to ResNet-152 by 34.58%. Furthermore, our attack method shows substantially stronger robustness against defense mechanisms, such as adversarially trained models.
Abstract:Capturing and maintaining geometric interactions among different body parts is crucial for successful motion retargeting in skinned characters. Existing approaches often overlook body geometries or add a geometry correction stage after skeletal motion retargeting. This results in conflicts between skeleton interaction and geometry correction, leading to issues such as jittery, interpenetration, and contact mismatches. To address these challenges, we introduce a new retargeting framework, MeshRet, which directly models the dense geometric interactions in motion retargeting. Initially, we establish dense mesh correspondences between characters using semantically consistent sensors (SCS), effective across diverse mesh topologies. Subsequently, we develop a novel spatio-temporal representation called the dense mesh interaction (DMI) field. This field, a collection of interacting SCS feature vectors, skillfully captures both contact and non-contact interactions between body geometries. By aligning the DMI field during retargeting, MeshRet not only preserves motion semantics but also prevents self-interpenetration and ensures contact preservation. Extensive experiments on the public Mixamo dataset and our newly-collected ScanRet dataset demonstrate that MeshRet achieves state-of-the-art performance. Code available at https://github.com/abcyzj/MeshRet.
Abstract:Recently, text-to-3D generation has attracted significant attention, resulting in notable performance enhancements. Previous methods utilize end-to-end 3D generation models to initialize 3D Gaussians, multi-view diffusion models to enforce multi-view consistency, and text-to-image diffusion models to refine details with score distillation algorithms. However, these methods exhibit two limitations. Firstly, they encounter conflicts in generation directions since different models aim to produce diverse 3D assets. Secondly, the issue of over-saturation in score distillation has not been thoroughly investigated and solved. To address these limitations, we propose PlacidDreamer, a text-to-3D framework that harmonizes initialization, multi-view generation, and text-conditioned generation with a single multi-view diffusion model, while simultaneously employing a novel score distillation algorithm to achieve balanced saturation. To unify the generation direction, we introduce the Latent-Plane module, a training-friendly plug-in extension that enables multi-view diffusion models to provide fast geometry reconstruction for initialization and enhanced multi-view images to personalize the text-to-image diffusion model. To address the over-saturation problem, we propose to view score distillation as a multi-objective optimization problem and introduce the Balanced Score Distillation algorithm, which offers a Pareto Optimal solution that achieves both rich details and balanced saturation. Extensive experiments validate the outstanding capabilities of our PlacidDreamer. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/HansenHuang0823/PlacidDreamer}.
Abstract:Choreographers determine what the dances look like, while cameramen determine the final presentation of dances. Recently, various methods and datasets have showcased the feasibility of dance synthesis. However, camera movement synthesis with music and dance remains an unsolved challenging problem due to the scarcity of paired data. Thus, we present DCM, a new multi-modal 3D dataset, which for the first time combines camera movement with dance motion and music audio. This dataset encompasses 108 dance sequences (3.2 hours) of paired dance-camera-music data from the anime community, covering 4 music genres. With this dataset, we uncover that dance camera movement is multifaceted and human-centric, and possesses multiple influencing factors, making dance camera synthesis a more challenging task compared to camera or dance synthesis alone. To overcome these difficulties, we propose DanceCamera3D, a transformer-based diffusion model that incorporates a novel body attention loss and a condition separation strategy. For evaluation, we devise new metrics measuring camera movement quality, diversity, and dancer fidelity. Utilizing these metrics, we conduct extensive experiments on our DCM dataset, providing both quantitative and qualitative evidence showcasing the effectiveness of our DanceCamera3D model. Code and video demos are available at https://github.com/Carmenw1203/DanceCamera3D-Official.
Abstract:Recent score-based diffusion models (SBDMs) show promising results in unpaired image-to-image translation (I2I). However, existing methods, either energy-based or statistically-based, provide no explicit form of the interfered intermediate generative distributions. This work presents a new score-decomposed diffusion model (SDDM) on manifolds to explicitly optimize the tangled distributions during image generation. SDDM derives manifolds to make the distributions of adjacent time steps separable and decompose the score function or energy guidance into an image ``denoising" part and a content ``refinement" part. To refine the image in the same noise level, we equalize the refinement parts of the score function and energy guidance, which permits multi-objective optimization on the manifold. We also leverage the block adaptive instance normalization module to construct manifolds with lower dimensions but still concentrated with the perturbed reference image. SDDM outperforms existing SBDM-based methods with much fewer diffusion steps on several I2I benchmarks.