Abstract:Overestimation in single-agent reinforcement learning has been extensively studied. In contrast, overestimation in the multiagent setting has received comparatively little attention although it increases with the number of agents and leads to severe learning instability. Previous works concentrate on reducing overestimation in the estimation process of target Q-value. They ignore the follow-up optimization process of online Q-network, thus making it hard to fully address the complex multiagent overestimation problem. To solve this challenge, in this study, we first establish an iterative estimation-optimization analysis framework for multiagent value-mixing Q-learning. Our analysis reveals that multiagent overestimation not only comes from the computation of target Q-value but also accumulates in the online Q-network's optimization. Motivated by it, we propose the Dual Ensembled Multiagent Q-Learning with Hypernet Regularizer algorithm to tackle multiagent overestimation from two aspects. First, we extend the random ensemble technique into the estimation of target individual and global Q-values to derive a lower update target. Second, we propose a novel hypernet regularizer on hypernetwork weights and biases to constrain the optimization of online global Q-network to prevent overestimation accumulation. Extensive experiments in MPE and SMAC show that the proposed method successfully addresses overestimation across various tasks.
Abstract:Deep neural networks provide Reinforcement Learning (RL) powerful function approximators to address large-scale decision-making problems. However, these approximators introduce challenges due to the non-stationary nature of RL training. One source of the challenges in RL is that output predictions can churn, leading to uncontrolled changes after each batch update for states not included in the batch. Although such a churn phenomenon exists in each step of network training, how churn occurs and impacts RL remains under-explored. In this work, we start by characterizing churn in a view of Generalized Policy Iteration with function approximation, and we discover a chain effect of churn that leads to a cycle where the churns in value estimation and policy improvement compound and bias the learning dynamics throughout the iteration. Further, we concretize the study and focus on the learning issues caused by the chain effect in different settings, including greedy action deviation in value-based methods, trust region violation in proximal policy optimization, and dual bias of policy value in actor-critic methods. We then propose a method to reduce the chain effect across different settings, called Churn Approximated ReductIoN (CHAIN), which can be easily plugged into most existing DRL algorithms. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in both reducing churn and improving learning performance across online and offline, value-based and policy-based RL settings, as well as a scaling setting.
Abstract:In recent years, Multi-modal Foundation Models (MFMs) and Embodied Artificial Intelligence (EAI) have been advancing side by side at an unprecedented pace. The integration of the two has garnered significant attention from the AI research community. In this work, we attempt to provide an in-depth and comprehensive evaluation of the performance of MFM s on embodied task planning, aiming to shed light on their capabilities and limitations in this domain. To this end, based on the characteristics of embodied task planning, we first develop a systematic evaluation framework, which encapsulates four crucial capabilities of MFMs: object understanding, spatio-temporal perception, task understanding, and embodied reasoning. Following this, we propose a new benchmark, named MFE-ETP, characterized its complex and variable task scenarios, typical yet diverse task types, task instances of varying difficulties, and rich test case types ranging from multiple embodied question answering to embodied task reasoning. Finally, we offer a simple and easy-to-use automatic evaluation platform that enables the automated testing of multiple MFMs on the proposed benchmark. Using the benchmark and evaluation platform, we evaluated several state-of-the-art MFMs and found that they significantly lag behind human-level performance. The MFE-ETP is a high-quality, large-scale, and challenging benchmark relevant to real-world tasks.
Abstract:Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning (ERL), which integrates Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) for optimization, has demonstrated remarkable performance advancements. By fusing the strengths of both approaches, ERL has emerged as a promising research direction. This survey offers a comprehensive overview of the diverse research branches in ERL. Specifically, we systematically summarize recent advancements in relevant algorithms and identify three primary research directions: EA-assisted optimization of RL, RL-assisted optimization of EA, and synergistic optimization of EA and RL. Following that, we conduct an in-depth analysis of each research direction, organizing multiple research branches. We elucidate the problems that each branch aims to tackle and how the integration of EA and RL addresses these challenges. In conclusion, we discuss potential challenges and prospective future research directions across various research directions.
Abstract:Knowing the learning dynamics of policy is significant to unveiling the mysteries of Reinforcement Learning (RL). It is especially crucial yet challenging to Deep RL, from which the remedies to notorious issues like sample inefficiency and learning instability could be obtained. In this paper, we study how the policy networks of typical DRL agents evolve during the learning process by empirically investigating several kinds of temporal change for each policy parameter. On typical MuJoCo and DeepMind Control Suite (DMC) benchmarks, we find common phenomena for TD3 and RAD agents: 1) the activity of policy network parameters is highly asymmetric and policy networks advance monotonically along very few major parameter directions; 2) severe detours occur in parameter update and harmonic-like changes are observed for all minor parameter directions. By performing a novel temporal SVD along policy learning path, the major and minor parameter directions are identified as the columns of right unitary matrix associated with dominant and insignificant singular values respectively. Driven by the discoveries above, we propose a simple and effective method, called Policy Path Trimming and Boosting (PPTB), as a general plug-in improvement to DRL algorithms. The key idea of PPTB is to periodically trim the policy learning path by canceling the policy updates in minor parameter directions, while boost the learning path by encouraging the advance in major directions. In experiments, we demonstrate the general and significant performance improvements brought by PPTB, when combined with TD3 and RAD in MuJoCo and DMC environments respectively.
Abstract:Pessimism is of great importance in offline reinforcement learning (RL). One broad category of offline RL algorithms fulfills pessimism by explicit or implicit behavior regularization. However, most of them only consider policy divergence as behavior regularization, ignoring the effect of how the offline state distribution differs with that of the learning policy, which may lead to under-pessimism for some states and over-pessimism for others. Taking account of this problem, we propose a principled algorithmic framework for offline RL, called \emph{State-Aware Proximal Pessimism} (SA-PP). The key idea of SA-PP is leveraging discounted stationary state distribution ratios between the learning policy and the offline dataset to modulate the degree of behavior regularization in a state-wise manner, so that pessimism can be implemented in a more appropriate way. We first provide theoretical justifications on the superiority of SA-PP over previous algorithms, demonstrating that SA-PP produces a lower suboptimality upper bound in a broad range of settings. Furthermore, we propose a new algorithm named \emph{State-Aware Conservative Q-Learning} (SA-CQL), by building SA-PP upon representative CQL algorithm with the help of DualDICE for estimating discounted stationary state distribution ratios. Extensive experiments on standard offline RL benchmark show that SA-CQL outperforms the popular baselines on a large portion of benchmarks and attains the highest average return.
Abstract:Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep RL) and Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) are two major paradigms of policy optimization with distinct learning principles, i.e., gradient-based v.s. gradient free. An appealing research direction is integrating Deep RL and EA to devise new methods by fusing their complementary advantages. However, existing works on combining Deep RL and EA have two common drawbacks: 1) the RL agent and EA agents learn their policies individually, neglecting efficient sharing of useful common knowledge; 2) parameter-level policy optimization guarantees no semantic level of behavior evolution for the EA side. In this paper, we propose Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning with Two-scale State Representation and Policy Representation (ERL-Re2), a novel solution to the aforementioned two drawbacks. The key idea of ERL-Re2 is two-scale representation: all EA and RL policies share the same nonlinear state representation while maintaining individual linear policy representations. The state representation conveys expressive common features of the environment learned by all the agents collectively; the linear policy representation provides a favorable space for efficient policy optimization, where novel behavior-level crossover and mutation operations can be performed. Moreover, the linear policy representation allows convenient generalization of policy fitness with the help of Policy-extended Value Function Approximator (PeVFA), further improving the sample efficiency of fitness estimation. The experiments on a range of continuous control tasks show that ERL-Re2 consistently outperforms strong baselines and achieves significant improvement over both its Deep RL and EA components.
Abstract:Lying on the heart of intelligent decision-making systems, how policy is represented and optimized is a fundamental problem. The root challenge in this problem is the large scale and the high complexity of policy space, which exacerbates the difficulty of policy learning especially in real-world scenarios. Towards a desirable surrogate policy space, recently policy representation in a low-dimensional latent space has shown its potential in improving both the evaluation and optimization of policy. The key question involved in these studies is by what criterion we should abstract the policy space for desired compression and generalization. However, both the theory on policy abstraction and the methodology on policy representation learning are less studied in the literature. In this work, we make very first efforts to fill up the vacancy. First, we propose a unified policy abstraction theory, containing three types of policy abstraction associated to policy features at different levels. Then, we generalize them to three policy metrics that quantify the distance (i.e., similarity) of policies, for more convenient use in learning policy representation. Further, we propose a policy representation learning approach based on deep metric learning. For the empirical study, we investigate the efficacy of the proposed policy metrics and representations, in characterizing policy difference and conveying policy generalization respectively. Our experiments are conducted in both policy optimization and evaluation problems, containing trust-region policy optimization (TRPO), diversity-guided evolution strategy (DGES) and off-policy evaluation (OPE). Somewhat naturally, the experimental results indicate that there is no a universally optimal abstraction for all downstream learning problems; while the influence-irrelevance policy abstraction can be a generally preferred choice.
Abstract:Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been a promising solution to many complex decision-making problems. Nevertheless, the notorious weakness in generalization among environments prevent widespread application of DRL agents in real-world scenarios. Although advances have been made recently, most prior works assume sufficient online interaction on training environments, which can be costly in practical cases. To this end, we focus on an \textit{offline-training-online-adaptation} setting, in which the agent first learns from offline experiences collected in environments with different dynamics and then performs online policy adaptation in environments with new dynamics. In this paper, we propose Policy Adaptation with Decoupled Representations (PAnDR) for fast policy adaptation. In offline training phase, the environment representation and policy representation are learned through contrastive learning and policy recovery, respectively. The representations are further refined by mutual information optimization to make them more decoupled and complete. With learned representations, a Policy-Dynamics Value Function (PDVF) (Raileanu et al., 2020) network is trained to approximate the values for different combinations of policies and environments. In online adaptation phase, with the environment context inferred from few experiences collected in new environments, the policy is optimized by gradient ascent with respect to the PDVF. Our experiments show that PAnDR outperforms existing algorithms in several representative policy adaptation problems.
Abstract:Learning to collaborate is critical in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). A number of previous works promote collaboration by maximizing the correlation of agents' behaviors, which is typically characterised by mutual information (MI) in different forms. However, in this paper, we reveal that strong correlation can emerge from sub-optimal collaborative behaviors, and simply maximizing the MI can, surprisingly, hinder the learning towards better collaboration. To address this issue, we propose a novel MARL framework, called Progressive Mutual Information Collaboration (PMIC), for more effective MI-driven collaboration. In PMIC, we use a new collaboration criterion measured by the MI between global states and joint actions. Based on the criterion, the key idea of PMIC is maximizing the MI associated with superior collaborative behaviors and minimizing the MI associated with inferior ones. The two MI objectives play complementary roles by facilitating learning towards better collaborations while avoiding falling into sub-optimal ones. Specifically, PMIC stores and progressively maintains sets of superior and inferior interaction experiences, from which dual MI neural estimators are established. Experiments on a wide range of MARL benchmarks show the superior performance of PMIC compared with other algorithms.