Abstract:Accurate instrument pose estimation is a crucial step towards the future of robotic surgery, enabling applications such as autonomous surgical task execution. Vision-based methods for surgical instrument pose estimation provide a practical approach to tool tracking, but they often require markers to be attached to the instruments. Recently, more research has focused on the development of marker-less methods based on deep learning. However, acquiring realistic surgical data, with ground truth instrument poses, required for deep learning training, is challenging. To address the issues in surgical instrument pose estimation, we introduce the Surgical Robot Instrument Pose Estimation (SurgRIPE) challenge, hosted at the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) in 2023. The objectives of this challenge are: (1) to provide the surgical vision community with realistic surgical video data paired with ground truth instrument poses, and (2) to establish a benchmark for evaluating markerless pose estimation methods. The challenge led to the development of several novel algorithms that showcased improved accuracy and robustness over existing methods. The performance evaluation study on the SurgRIPE dataset highlights the potential of these advanced algorithms to be integrated into robotic surgery systems, paving the way for more precise and autonomous surgical procedures. The SurgRIPE challenge has successfully established a new benchmark for the field, encouraging further research and development in surgical robot instrument pose estimation.
Abstract:Polyps in the colon can turn into cancerous cells if not removed with early intervention. Deep learning models are used to minimize the number of polyps that goes unnoticed by the experts, and to accurately segment the detected polyps during these interventions. Although these models perform well on these tasks, they require too many parameters, which can pose a problem with real-time applications. To address this problem, we propose a novel segmentation model called PlutoNet which requires only 2,626,337 parameters while outperforming state-of-the-art models on multiple medical image segmentation tasks. We use EfficientNetB0 architecture as a backbone and propose the novel \emph{modified partial decoder}, which is a combination of partial decoder and full scale connections, which further reduces the number of parameters required, as well as captures semantic details. We use asymmetric convolutions to handle varying polyp sizes. Finally, we weight each feature map to improve segmentation by using a squeeze and excitation block. In addition to polyp segmentation in colonoscopy, we tested our model on segmentation of nuclei and surgical instruments to demonstrate its generalizability to different medical image segmentation tasks. Our model outperformed the state-of-the-art models with a Dice score of \%92.3 in CVC-ClinicDB dataset and \%89.3 in EndoScene dataset, a Dice score of \%91.93 on the 2018 Data Science Bowl Challenge dataset, and a Dice score of \%94.8 on Kvasir-Instrument dataset. Our experiments and ablation studies show that our model is superior in terms of accuracy, and it is able generalize well to multiple medical segmentation tasks.
Abstract:Automatically recognizing surgical activities plays an important role in providing feedback to surgeons, and is a fundamental step towards computer-aided surgical systems. Human gaze and visual saliency carry important information about visual attention, and can be used in computer vision systems. Although state-of-the-art surgical activity recognition models learn spatial temporal features, none of these models make use of human gaze and visual saliency. In this study, we propose to use human gaze with a spatial temporal attention mechanism for activity recognition in surgical videos. Our model consists of an I3D-based architecture, learns spatio-temporal features using 3D convolutions, as well as learning an attention map using human gaze. We evaluated our model on the Suturing task of JIGSAWS which is a publicly available surgical video understanding dataset. Our evaluations on a subset of random video segments in this task suggest that our approach achieves promising results with an accuracy of 86.2%.
Abstract:Cancer is a disease that occurs as a result of uncontrolled division and proliferation of cells. The number of cancer cases has been on the rise over the recent years.. Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world. Polyps that can be seen in the large intestine can cause cancer if not removed with early intervention. Deep learning and image segmentation techniques are used to minimize the number of polyps that goes unnoticed by the experts during the diagnosis. Although these techniques give good results, they require too many parameters. We propose a new model to solve this problem. Our proposed model includes less parameters as well as outperforming the success of the state of the art models. In the proposed model, a partial decoder is used to reduce the number of parameters while maintaning success. EfficientNetB0, which gives successfull results as well as requiring few parameters, is used in the encoder part. Since polyps have variable aspect and aspect ratios, an asymetric convolution block was used instead of using classic convolution block. Kvasir and CVC-ClinicDB datasets were seperated as training, validation and testing, and CVC-ColonDB, ETIS and Endoscene datasets were used for testing. According to the dice metric, our model had the best results with %71.8 in the ColonDB test dataset, %89.3 in the EndoScene test dataset and %74.8 in the ETIS test dataset. Our model requires a total of 2.626.337 parameters. When we compare it in the literature, according to similar studies, the model that requires the least parameters is U-Net++ with 9.042.177 parameters.
Abstract:The "MIcro-Surgical Anastomose Workflow recognition on training sessions" (MISAW) challenge provided a data set of 27 sequences of micro-surgical anastomosis on artificial blood vessels. This data set was composed of videos, kinematics, and workflow annotations described at three different granularity levels: phase, step, and activity. The participants were given the option to use kinematic data and videos to develop workflow recognition models. Four tasks were proposed to the participants: three of them were related to the recognition of surgical workflow at three different granularity levels, while the last one addressed the recognition of all granularity levels in the same model. One ranking was made for each task. We used the average application-dependent balanced accuracy (AD-Accuracy) as the evaluation metric. This takes unbalanced classes into account and it is more clinically relevant than a frame-by-frame score. Six teams, including a non-competing team, participated in at least one task. All models employed deep learning models, such as CNN or RNN. The best models achieved more than 95% AD-Accuracy for phase recognition, 80% for step recognition, 60% for activity recognition, and 75% for all granularity levels. For high levels of granularity (i.e., phases and steps), the best models had a recognition rate that may be sufficient for applications such as prediction of remaining surgical time or resource management. However, for activities, the recognition rate was still low for applications that can be employed clinically. The MISAW data set is publicly available to encourage further research in surgical workflow recognition. It can be found at www.synapse.org/MISAW
Abstract:Recent developments in data science in general and machine learning in particular have transformed the way experts envision the future of surgery. Surgical data science is a new research field that aims to improve the quality of interventional healthcare through the capture, organization, analysis and modeling of data. While an increasing number of data-driven approaches and clinical applications have been studied in the fields of radiological and clinical data science, translational success stories are still lacking in surgery. In this publication, we shed light on the underlying reasons and provide a roadmap for future advances in the field. Based on an international workshop involving leading researchers in the field of surgical data science, we review current practice, key achievements and initiatives as well as available standards and tools for a number of topics relevant to the field, namely (1) technical infrastructure for data acquisition, storage and access in the presence of regulatory constraints, (2) data annotation and sharing and (3) data analytics. Drawing from this extensive review, we present current challenges for technology development and (4) describe a roadmap for faster clinical translation and exploitation of the full potential of surgical data science.
Abstract:Video understanding of robot-assisted surgery (RAS) videos is an active research area. Modeling the gestures and skill level of surgeons presents an interesting problem. The insights drawn may be applied in effective skill acquisition, objective skill assessment, real-time feedback, and human-robot collaborative surgeries. We propose a solution to the tool detection and localization open problem in RAS video understanding, using a strictly computer vision approach and the recent advances of deep learning. We propose an architecture using multimodal convolutional neural networks for fast detection and localization of tools in RAS videos. To our knowledge, this approach will be the first to incorporate deep neural networks for tool detection and localization in RAS videos. Our architecture applies a Region Proposal Network (RPN), and a multi-modal two stream convolutional network for object detection, to jointly predict objectness and localization on a fusion of image and temporal motion cues. Our results with an Average Precision (AP) of 91% and a mean computation time of 0.1 seconds per test frame detection indicate that our study is superior to conventionally used methods for medical imaging while also emphasizing the benefits of using RPN for precision and efficiency. We also introduce a new dataset, ATLAS Dione, for RAS video understanding. Our dataset provides video data of ten surgeons from Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) (Buffalo, NY) performing six different surgical tasks on the daVinci Surgical System (dVSS R ) with annotations of robotic tools per frame.
Abstract:Purpose Modeling and recognition of surgical activities poses an interesting research problem. Although a number of recent works studied automatic recognition of surgical activities, generalizability of these works across different tasks and different datasets remains a challenge. We introduce a modality that is robust to scene variation, based on spatial temporal graph representations of surgical tools in videos for surgical activity recognition. Methods To show its effectiveness, we model and recognize surgical gestures with the proposed modality. We construct spatial graphs connecting the joint pose estimations of surgical tools. Then, we connect each joint to the corresponding joint in the consecutive frames forming inter-frame edges representing the trajectory of the joint over time. We then learn hierarchical spatial temporal graph representations using Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks (ST-GCN). Results Our experimental results show that learned spatial temporal graph representations of surgical videos perform well in surgical gesture recognition even when used individually. We experiment with the Suturing task of the JIGSAWS dataset where the chance baseline for gesture recognition is 10%. Our results demonstrate 68% average accuracy which suggests a significant improvement. Conclusions Our experimental results show that our model learns meaningful representations.These learned representations can be used either individually, in cascades or as a complementary modality in surgical activity recognition, therefore provide a benchmark. To our knowledge, our paper is the first to use spatial temporal graph representations based on pose estimations of surgical tools in surgical activity recognition.
Abstract:In this paper, we address the open research problem of surgical gesture recognition using motion cues from video data only. We adapt Optical flow ConvNets initially proposed by Simonyan et al.. While Simonyan uses both RGB frames and dense optical flow, we use only dense optical flow representations as input to emphasize the role of motion in surgical gesture recognition, and present it as a robust alternative to kinematic data. We also overcome one of the limitations of Optical flow ConvNets by initializing our model with cross modality pre-training. A large number of promising studies that address surgical gesture recognition highly rely on kinematic data which requires additional recording devices. To our knowledge, this is the first paper that addresses surgical gesture recognition using dense optical flow information only. We achieve competitive results on JIGSAWS dataset, moreover, our model achieves more robust results with less standard deviation, which suggests optical flow information can be used as an alternative to kinematic data for the recognition of surgical gestures.
Abstract:We propose a novel multi-modal and multi-task architecture for simultaneous low level gesture and surgical task classification in Robot Assisted Surgery (RAS) videos.Our end-to-end architecture is based on the principles of a long short-term memory network (LSTM) that jointly learns temporal dynamics on rich representations of visual and motion features, while simultaneously classifying activities of low-level gestures and surgical tasks. Our experimental results show that our approach is superior compared to an ar- chitecture that classifies the gestures and surgical tasks separately on visual cues and motion cues respectively. We train our model on a fixed random set of 1200 gesture video segments and use the rest 422 for testing. This results in around 42,000 gesture frames sampled for training and 14,500 for testing. For a 6 split experimentation, while the conventional approach reaches an Average Precision (AP) of only 29% (29.13%), our architecture reaches an AP of 51% (50.83%) for 3 tasks and 14 possible gesture labels, resulting in an improvement of 22% (21.7%). Our architecture learns temporal dynamics on rich representations of visual and motion features that compliment each other for classification of low-level gestures and surgical tasks. Its multi-task learning nature makes use of learned joint re- lationships and combinations of shared and task-specific representations. While benchmark studies focus on recognizing gestures that take place under specific tasks, we focus on recognizing common gestures that reoccur across different tasks and settings and significantly perform better compared to conventional architectures.