Abstract:We examine the capability of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) to tackle diverse domains that extend beyond the traditional language and vision tasks these models are typically trained on. Specifically, our focus lies in areas such as Embodied AI, Games, UI Control, and Planning. To this end, we introduce a process of adapting an MLLM to a Generalist Embodied Agent (GEA). GEA is a single unified model capable of grounding itself across these varied domains through a multi-embodiment action tokenizer. GEA is trained with supervised learning on a large dataset of embodied experiences and with online RL in interactive simulators. We explore the data and algorithmic choices necessary to develop such a model. Our findings reveal the importance of training with cross-domain data and online RL for building generalist agents. The final GEA model achieves strong generalization performance to unseen tasks across diverse benchmarks compared to other generalist models and benchmark-specific approaches.
Abstract:Large pretrained models are showing increasingly better performance in reasoning and planning tasks across different modalities, opening the possibility to leverage them for complex sequential decision making problems. In this paper, we investigate the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) for reinforcement learning (RL) across a diversity of interactive domains. We evaluate their ability to produce decision-making policies, either directly, by generating actions, or indirectly, by first generating reward models to train an agent with RL. Our results show that, even without task-specific fine-tuning, LLMs excel at reward modeling. In particular, crafting rewards through artificial intelligence (AI) feedback yields the most generally applicable approach and can enhance performance by improving credit assignment and exploration. Finally, in environments with unfamiliar dynamics, we explore how fine-tuning LLMs with synthetic data can significantly improve their reward modeling capabilities while mitigating catastrophic forgetting, further broadening their utility in sequential decision-making tasks.
Abstract:Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated a wide range of capabilities across many domains, including Embodied AI. In this work, we study how to best ground a MLLM into different embodiments and their associated action spaces, with the goal of leveraging the multimodal world knowledge of the MLLM. We first generalize a number of methods through a unified architecture and the lens of action space adaptors. For continuous actions, we show that a learned tokenization allows for sufficient modeling precision, yielding the best performance on downstream tasks. For discrete actions, we demonstrate that semantically aligning these actions with the native output token space of the MLLM leads to the strongest performance. We arrive at these lessons via a thorough study of seven action space adapters on five different environments, encompassing over 114 embodied tasks.
Abstract:Contrastive learning typically matches pairs of related views among a number of unrelated negative views. Views can be generated (e.g. by augmentations) or be observed. We investigate matching when there are more than two related views which we call poly-view tasks, and derive new representation learning objectives using information maximization and sufficient statistics. We show that with unlimited computation, one should maximize the number of related views, and with a fixed compute budget, it is beneficial to decrease the number of unique samples whilst increasing the number of views of those samples. In particular, poly-view contrastive models trained for 128 epochs with batch size 256 outperform SimCLR trained for 1024 epochs at batch size 4096 on ImageNet1k, challenging the belief that contrastive models require large batch sizes and many training epochs.
Abstract:We show that large language models (LLMs) can be adapted to be generalizable policies for embodied visual tasks. Our approach, called Large LAnguage model Reinforcement Learning Policy (LLaRP), adapts a pre-trained frozen LLM to take as input text instructions and visual egocentric observations and output actions directly in the environment. Using reinforcement learning, we train LLaRP to see and act solely through environmental interactions. We show that LLaRP is robust to complex paraphrasings of task instructions and can generalize to new tasks that require novel optimal behavior. In particular, on 1,000 unseen tasks it achieves 42% success rate, 1.7x the success rate of other common learned baselines or zero-shot applications of LLMs. Finally, to aid the community in studying language conditioned, massively multi-task, embodied AI problems we release a novel benchmark, Language Rearrangement, consisting of 150,000 training and 1,000 testing tasks for language-conditioned rearrangement. Video examples of LLaRP in unseen Language Rearrangement instructions are at https://llm-rl.github.io.
Abstract:A fairly reliable trend in deep reinforcement learning is that the performance scales with the number of parameters, provided a complimentary scaling in amount of training data. As the appetite for large models increases, it is imperative to address, sooner than later, the potential problem of running out of high-quality demonstrations. In this case, instead of collecting only new data via costly human demonstrations or risking a simulation-to-real transfer with uncertain effects, it would be beneficial to leverage vast amounts of readily-available low-quality data. Since classical control algorithms such as behavior cloning or temporal difference learning cannot be used on reward-free or action-free data out-of-the-box, this solution warrants novel training paradigms for continuous control. We propose a simple algorithm called Diffused Value Function (DVF), which learns a joint multi-step model of the environment-robot interaction dynamics using a diffusion model. This model can be efficiently learned from state sequences (i.e., without access to reward functions nor actions), and subsequently used to estimate the value of each action out-of-the-box. We show how DVF can be used to efficiently capture the state visitation measure for multiple controllers, and show promising qualitative and quantitative results on challenging robotics benchmarks.
Abstract:Piecewise linear neural networks can be split into subfunctions, each with its own activation pattern, domain, and empirical error. Empirical error for the full network can be written as an expectation over empirical error of subfunctions. Constructing a generalization bound on subfunction empirical error indicates that the more densely a subfunction is surrounded by training samples in representation space, the more reliable its predictions are. Further, it suggests that models with fewer activation regions generalize better, and models that abstract knowledge to a greater degree generalize better, all else equal. We propose not only a theoretical framework to reason about subfunction error bounds but also a pragmatic way of approximately evaluating it, which we apply to predicting which samples the network will not successfully generalize to. We test our method on detection of misclassification and out-of-distribution samples, finding that it performs competitively in both cases. In short, some network activation patterns are associated with higher reliability than others, and these can be identified using subfunction error bounds.
Abstract:Data efficiency is a key challenge for deep reinforcement learning. We address this problem by using unlabeled data to pretrain an encoder which is then finetuned on a small amount of task-specific data. To encourage learning representations which capture diverse aspects of the underlying MDP, we employ a combination of latent dynamics modelling and unsupervised goal-conditioned RL. When limited to 100k steps of interaction on Atari games (equivalent to two hours of human experience), our approach significantly surpasses prior work combining offline representation pretraining with task-specific finetuning, and compares favourably with other pretraining methods that require orders of magnitude more data. Our approach shows particular promise when combined with larger models as well as more diverse, task-aligned observational data -- approaching human-level performance and data-efficiency on Atari in our best setting. We provide code associated with this work at https://github.com/mila-iqia/SGI.
Abstract:In hospitals, data are siloed to specific information systems that make the same information available under different modalities such as the different medical imaging exams the patient undergoes (CT scans, MRI, PET, Ultrasound, etc.) and their associated radiology reports. This offers unique opportunities to obtain and use at train-time those multiple views of the same information that might not always be available at test-time. In this paper, we propose an innovative framework that makes the most of available data by learning good representations of a multi-modal input that are resilient to modality dropping at test-time, using recent advances in mutual information maximization. By maximizing cross-modal information at train time, we are able to outperform several state-of-the-art baselines in two different settings, medical image classification, and segmentation. In particular, our method is shown to have a strong impact on the inference-time performance of weaker modalities.
Abstract:In this work we study locality and compositionality in the context of learning representations for Zero Shot Learning (ZSL). In order to well-isolate the importance of these properties in learned representations, we impose the additional constraint that, differently from most recent work in ZSL, no pre-training on different datasets (e.g. ImageNet) is performed. The results of our experiments show how locality, in terms of small parts of the input, and compositionality, i.e. how well can the learned representations be expressed as a function of a smaller vocabulary, are both deeply related to generalization and motivate the focus on more local-aware models in future research directions for representation learning.