Department of Cognitive Robotics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, German Aerospace Center
Abstract:Behavior cloning (BC) traditionally relies on demonstration data, assuming the demonstrated actions are optimal. This can lead to overfitting under noisy data, particularly when expressive models are used (e.g., the energy-based model in Implicit BC). To address this, we extend behavior cloning into an iterative process of optimal action estimation within the Interactive Imitation Learning framework. Specifically, we introduce Contrastive policy Learning from Interactive Corrections (CLIC). CLIC leverages human corrections to estimate a set of desired actions and optimizes the policy to select actions from this set. We provide theoretical guarantees for the convergence of the desired action set to optimal actions in both single and multiple optimal action cases. Extensive simulation and real-robot experiments validate CLIC's advantages over existing state-of-the-art methods, including stable training of energy-based models, robustness to feedback noise, and adaptability to diverse feedback types beyond demonstrations. Our code will be publicly available soon.
Abstract:Inspired by the dynamic coupling of moto-neurons and physical elasticity in animals, this work explores the possibility of generating locomotion gaits by utilizing physical oscillations in a soft snake by means of a low-level spiking neural mechanism. To achieve this goal, we introduce the Double Threshold Spiking neuron model with adjustable thresholds to generate varied output patterns. This neuron model can excite the natural dynamics of soft robotic snakes, and it enables distinct movements, such as turning or moving forward, by simply altering the neural thresholds. Finally, we demonstrate that our approach, termed SpikingSoft, naturally pairs and integrates with reinforcement learning. The high-level agent only needs to adjust the two thresholds to generate complex movement patterns, thus strongly simplifying the learning of reactive locomotion. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed architecture significantly enhances the performance of the soft snake robot, enabling it to achieve target objectives with a 21.6% increase in success rate, a 29% reduction in time to reach the target, and smoother movements compared to the vanilla reinforcement learning controllers or Central Pattern Generator controller acting in torque space.
Abstract:Industrial robotics demands significant energy to operate, making energy-reduction methodologies increasingly important. Strategies for planning minimum-energy trajectories typically involve solving nonlinear optimal control problems (OCPs), which rarely cope with real-time requirements. In this paper, we propose a paradigm for generating near minimum-energy trajectories for manipulators by learning from optimal solutions. Our paradigm leverages a residual learning approach, which embeds boundary conditions while focusing on learning only the adjustments needed to steer a standard solution to an optimal one. Compared to a computationally expensive OCP-based planner, our paradigm achieves 87.3% of the performance near the training dataset and 50.8% far from the dataset, while being two to three orders of magnitude faster.
Abstract:Human fingers achieve exceptional dexterity and adaptability by combining structures with varying stiffness levels, from soft tissues (low) to tendons and cartilage (medium) to bones (high). This paper explores developing a robotic finger with similar multi-stiffness characteristics. Specifically, we propose using a lattice configuration, parameterized by voxel size and unit cell geometry, to optimize and achieve fine-tuned stiffness properties with high granularity. A significant advantage of this approach is the feasibility of 3D printing the designs in a single process, eliminating the need for manual assembly of elements with differing stiffness. Based on this method, we present a novel, human-like finger, and a soft gripper. We integrate the latter with a rigid manipulator and demonstrate the effectiveness in pick and place tasks.
Abstract:Obtaining dynamic models of continuum soft robots is central to the analysis and control of soft robots, and researchers have devoted much attention to the challenge of proposing both data-driven and first-principle solutions. Both avenues have, however, shown their limitations; the former lacks structure and performs poorly outside training data, while the latter requires significant simplifications and extensive expert knowledge to be used in practice. This paper introduces a streamlined method for learning low-dimensional, physics-based models that are both accurate and easy to interpret. We start with an algorithm that uses image data (i.e., shape evolutions) to determine the minimal necessary segments for describing a soft robot's movement. Following this, we apply a dynamic regression and strain sparsification algorithm to identify relevant strains and define the model's dynamics. We validate our approach through simulations with various planar soft manipulators, comparing its performance against other learning strategies, showing that our models are both computationally efficient and 25x more accurate on out-of-training distribution inputs. Finally, we demonstrate that thanks to the capability of the method of generating physically compatible models, the learned models can be straightforwardly combined with model-based control policies.
Abstract:Soft robots have the potential to revolutionize the use of robotic systems with their capability of establishing safe, robust, and adaptable interactions with their environment, but their precise control remains challenging. In contrast, traditional rigid robots offer high accuracy and repeatability but lack the flexibility of soft robots. We argue that combining these characteristics in a hybrid robotic platform can significantly enhance overall capabilities. This work presents a novel hybrid robotic platform that integrates a rigid manipulator with a fully developed soft arm. This system is equipped with the intelligence necessary to perform flexible and generalizable tasks through imitation learning autonomously. The physical softness and machine learning enable our platform to achieve highly generalizable skills, while the rigid components ensure precision and repeatability.
Abstract:Learning from demonstration is a promising way of teaching robots new skills. However, a central problem when executing acquired skills is to recognize risks and failures. This is essential since the demonstrations usually cover only a few mostly successful cases. Inevitable errors during execution require specific reactions that were not apparent in the demonstrations. In this paper, we focus on teaching the robot situational awareness from an initial skill demonstration via kinesthetic teaching and sparse labeling of autonomous skill executions as safe or risky. At runtime, our system, called ILeSiA, detects risks based on the perceived camera images by encoding the images into a low-dimensional latent space representation and training a classifier based on the encoding and the provided labels. In this way, ILeSiA boosts the confidence and safety with which robotic skills can be executed. Our experiments demonstrate that classifiers, trained with only a small amount of user-provided data, can successfully detect numerous risks. The system is flexible because the risk cases are defined by labeling data. This also means that labels can be added as soon as risks are identified by a human supervisor. We provide all code and data required to reproduce our experiments at
Abstract:Even though a variety of methods (e.g., RL, MPC, LQR) have been proposed in the literature, efficient and effective latent-space control of physical systems remains an open challenge. A promising avenue would be to leverage powerful and well-understood closed-form strategies from control theory literature in combination with learned dynamics, such as potential-energy shaping. We identify three fundamental shortcomings in existing latent-space models that have so far prevented this powerful combination: (i) they lack the mathematical structure of a physical system, (ii) they do not inherently conserve the stability properties of the real systems. Furthermore, (iii) these methods do not have an invertible mapping between input and latent-space forcing. This work proposes a novel Coupled Oscillator Network (CON) model that simultaneously tackles all these issues. More specifically, (i) we show analytically that CON is a Lagrangian system - i.e., it presses well-defined potential and kinetic energy terms. Then, (ii) we provide formal proof of global Input-to-State stability using Lyapunov arguments. Moving to the experimental side, (iii) we demonstrate that CON reaches SoA performance when learning complex nonlinear dynamics of mechanical systems directly from images. An additional methodological innovation contributing to achieving this third goal is an approximated closed-form solution for efficient integration of network dynamics, which eases efficient training. We tackle (iv) by approximating the forcing-to-input mapping with a decoder that is trained to reconstruct the input based on the encoded latent space force. Finally, we leverage these four properties and show that they enable latent-space control. We use an integral-saturated PID with potential force compensation and demonstrate high-quality performance on a soft robot using raw pixels as the only feedback information.
Abstract:Planning methods struggle with computational intractability in solving task-level problems in large-scale environments. This work explores leveraging the commonsense knowledge encoded in LLMs to empower planning techniques to deal with these complex scenarios. We achieve this by efficiently using LLMs to prune irrelevant components from the planning problem's state space, substantially simplifying its complexity. We demonstrate the efficacy of this system through extensive experiments within a household simulation environment, alongside real-world validation using a 7-DoF manipulator (video
Abstract:Soft robotics focuses on designing robots with highly deformable materials, allowing them to adapt and operate safely and reliably in unstructured and variable environments. While soft robots offer increased compliance over rigid body robots, their payloads are limited, and they consume significant energy when operating against gravity in terrestrial environments. To address the carrying capacity limitation, we introduce a novel class of soft-rigid hybrid robot manipulators (SRH) that incorporates both soft continuum modules and rigid joints in a serial configuration. The SRH manipulators can seamlessly transition between being compliant and delicate to rigid and strong, achieving this through dynamic shape modulation and employing self-contact among rigid components to effectively form solid structures. We discuss the design and fabrication of SRH robots, and present a class of novel control algorithms for SRH systems. We propose a configuration space PD+ shape controller and a Cartesian impedance controller, both of which are provably stable, endowing the soft robot with the necessary low-level capabilities. We validate the controllers on SRH hardware and demonstrate the robot performing several tasks. Our results highlight the potential for the soft-rigid hybrid paradigm to produce robots that are both physically safe and effective at task performance.