Abstract:Federated learning (FL) empowers privacy-preservation in model training by only exposing users' model gradients. Yet, FL users are susceptible to the gradient inversion (GI) attack which can reconstruct ground-truth training data such as images based on model gradients. However, reconstructing high-resolution images by existing GI attack works faces two challenges: inferior accuracy and slow-convergence, especially when the context is complicated, e.g., the training batch size is much greater than 1 on each FL user. To address these challenges, we present a Robust, Accurate and Fast-convergent GI attack algorithm, called RAF-GI, with two components: 1) Additional Convolution Block (ACB) which can restore labels with up to 20% improvement compared with existing works; 2) Total variance, three-channel mEan and cAnny edge detection regularization term (TEA), which is a white-box attack strategy to reconstruct images based on labels inferred by ACB. Moreover, RAF-GI is robust that can still accurately reconstruct ground-truth data when the users' training batch size is no more than 48. Our experimental results manifest that RAF-GI can diminish 94% time costs while achieving superb inversion quality in ImageNet dataset. Notably, with a batch size of 1, RAF-GI exhibits a 7.89 higher Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) compared to the state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:As a new distributed computing framework that can protect data privacy, federated learning (FL) has attracted more and more attention in recent years. It receives gradients from users to train the global model and releases the trained global model to working users. Nonetheless, the gradient inversion (GI) attack reflects the risk of privacy leakage in federated learning. Attackers only need to use gradients through hundreds of thousands of simple iterations to obtain relatively accurate private data stored on users' local devices. For this, some works propose simple but effective strategies to obtain user data under a single-label dataset. However, these strategies induce a satisfactory visual effect of the inversion image at the expense of higher time costs. Due to the semantic limitation of a single label, the image obtained by gradient inversion may have semantic errors. We present a novel gradient inversion strategy based on canny edge detection (MGIC) in both the multi-label and single-label datasets. To reduce semantic errors caused by a single label, we add new convolution layers' blocks in the trained model to obtain the image's multi-label. Through multi-label representation, serious semantic errors in inversion images are reduced. Then, we analyze the impact of parameters on the difficulty of input image reconstruction and discuss how image multi-subjects affect the inversion performance. Our proposed strategy has better visual inversion image results than the most widely used ones, saving more than 78% of time costs in the ImageNet dataset.
Abstract:Existing text selection techniques on touchscreen focus on improving the control for moving the carets. Coarse-grained text selection on word and phrase levels has not received much support beyond word-snapping and entity recognition. We introduce 1D-Touch, a novel text selection method that complements the carets-based sub-word selection by facilitating the selection of semantic units of words and above. This method employs a simple vertical slide gesture to expand and contract a selection area from a word. The expansion can be by words or by semantic chunks ranging from sub-phrases to sentences. This technique shifts the concept of text selection, from defining a range by locating the first and last words, towards a dynamic process of expanding and contracting a textual semantic entity. To understand the effects of our approach, we prototyped and tested two variants: WordTouch, which offers a straightforward word-by-word expansion, and ChunkTouch, which leverages NLP to chunk text into syntactic units, allowing the selection to grow by semantically meaningful units in response to the sliding gesture. Our evaluation, focused on the coarse-grained selection tasks handled by 1D-Touch, shows a 20% improvement over the default word-snapping selection method on Android.
Abstract:Understanding why a neural network model makes certain decisions can be as important as the inference performance. Various methods have been proposed to help practitioners explain the prediction of a neural network model, of which Shapley values are most popular. SHAP package is a leading implementation of Shapley values to explain neural networks implemented in TensorFlow or PyTorch but lacks cross-platform support, one-shot deployment and is highly inefficient. To address these problems, we present the ONNXExplainer, which is a generic framework to explain neural networks using Shapley values in the ONNX ecosystem. In ONNXExplainer, we develop its own automatic differentiation and optimization approach, which not only enables One-Shot Deployment of neural networks inference and explanations, but also significantly improves the efficiency to compute explanation with less memory consumption. For fair comparison purposes, we also implement the same optimization in TensorFlow and PyTorch and measure its performance against the current state of the art open-source counterpart, SHAP. Extensive benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed optimization approach improves the explanation latency of VGG19, ResNet50, DenseNet201, and EfficientNetB0 by as much as 500%.
Abstract:Prompts have been shown to be an effective method to adapt a frozen Pretrained Language Model (PLM) to perform well on downstream tasks. Prompts can be represented by a human-engineered word sequence or by a learned continuous embedding. In this work, we investigate conditional and compositional differentiable prompting. We propose a new model, Prompt Production System (PRopS), which learns to transform task instructions or input metadata, into continuous prompts that elicit task-specific outputs from the PLM. Our model uses a modular network structure based on our neural formulation of Production Systems, which allows the model to learn discrete rules -- neural functions that learn to specialize in transforming particular prompt input patterns, making it suitable for compositional transfer learning and few-shot learning. We present extensive empirical and theoretical analysis and show that PRopS consistently surpasses other PLM adaptation techniques, and often improves upon fully fine-tuned models, on compositional generalization tasks, controllable summarization and multilingual translation, while needing fewer trainable parameters.
Abstract:Self-supervised contrastive learning between pairs of multiple views of the same image has been shown to successfully leverage unlabeled data to produce meaningful visual representations for both natural and medical images. However, there has been limited work on determining how to select pairs for medical images, where availability of patient metadata can be leveraged to improve representations. In this work, we develop a method to select positive pairs coming from views of possibly different images through the use of patient metadata. We compare strategies for selecting positive pairs for chest X-ray interpretation including requiring them to be from the same patient, imaging study or laterality. We evaluate downstream task performance by fine-tuning the linear layer on 1% of the labeled dataset for pleural effusion classification. Our best performing positive pair selection strategy, which involves using images from the same patient from the same study across all lateralities, achieves a performance increase of 3.4% and 14.4% in mean AUC from both a previous contrastive method and ImageNet pretrained baseline respectively. Our controlled experiments show that the keys to improving downstream performance on disease classification are (1) using patient metadata to appropriately create positive pairs from different images with the same underlying pathologies, and (2) maximizing the number of different images used in query pairing. In addition, we explore leveraging patient metadata to select hard negative pairs for contrastive learning, but do not find improvement over baselines that do not use metadata. Our method is broadly applicable to medical image interpretation and allows flexibility for incorporating medical insights in choosing pairs for contrastive learning.
Abstract:Navigating fluently around pedestrians is a necessary capability for mobile robots deployed in human environments, such as office buildings and homes. While related literature has addressed the co-navigation problem focused on the scalability with the number of pedestrians in open spaces, typical indoor environments present the additional challenge of constrained spaces such as corridors, doorways and crosswalks that limit maneuverability and influence patterns of pedestrian interaction. We present an approach based on reinforcement learning to learn policies capable of dynamic adaptation to the presence of moving pedestrians while navigating between desired locations in constrained environments. The policy network receives guidance from a motion planner that provides waypoints to follow a globally planned trajectory, whereas the reinforcement component handles the local interactions. We explore a compositional principle for multi-layout training and find that policies trained in a small set of geometrically simple layouts successfully generalize to unseen and more complex layouts that exhibit composition of the simple structural elements available during training. Going beyond wall-world like domains, we show transfer of the learned policy to unseen 3D reconstructions of two real environments (market, home). These results support the applicability of the compositional principle to real-world environments and indicate promising usage of agent simulation within reconstructed environments for tasks that involve interaction.
Abstract:Training a Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) for a new domain from scratch requires an enormous amount of training data and days of training time. To this end, we propose DAWSON, a Domain Adaptive FewShot Generation FrameworkFor GANs based on meta-learning. A major challenge of applying meta-learning GANs is to obtain gradients for the generator from evaluating it on development sets due to the likelihood-free nature of GANs. To address this challenge, we propose an alternative GAN training procedure that naturally combines the two-step training procedure of GANs and the two-step training procedure of meta-learning algorithms. DAWSON is a plug-and-play framework that supports a broad family of meta-learning algorithms and various GANs with architectural-variants. Based on DAWSON, We also propose MUSIC MATINEE, which is the first few-shot music generation model. Our experiments show that MUSIC MATINEE could quickly adapt to new domains with only tens of songs from the target domains. We also show that DAWSON can learn to generate new digits with only four samples in the MNIST dataset. We release source codes implementation of DAWSON in both PyTorch and Tensorflow, generated music samples on two genres and the lightning video.
Abstract:The process of determining which disease or condition explains a person's symptoms and signs can be very complicated and may be inaccurate in some cases. The general belief is that diagnosing diseases relies on doctors' keen intuition, rich experience and professional equipment. In this work, we employ ideas from recent advances in plantar pressure research and from the powerful capacity of the convolutional neural network for learning representations. Here, we propose a model using convolutional neural network based on plantar pressure for medical diagnosis. Our model learns a network that maps plantar pressure data to its corresponding medical diagnostic label. We then apply our model to make the medical diagnosis on datasets we collected from cooperative hospital and achieve an accuracy of 98.36%. We demonstrate that the model base on the convolutional neural network is competitive in medical diagnosis.