Abstract:Purpose: To propose a domain-conditioned and temporal-guided diffusion modeling method, termed dynamic Diffusion Modeling (dDiMo), for accelerated dynamic MRI reconstruction, enabling diffusion process to characterize spatiotemporal information for time-resolved multi-coil Cartesian and non-Cartesian data. Methods: The dDiMo framework integrates temporal information from time-resolved dimensions, allowing for the concurrent capture of intra-frame spatial features and inter-frame temporal dynamics in diffusion modeling. It employs additional spatiotemporal ($x$-$t$) and self-consistent frequency-temporal ($k$-$t$) priors to guide the diffusion process. This approach ensures precise temporal alignment and enhances the recovery of fine image details. To facilitate a smooth diffusion process, the nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm is utilized during the reverse diffusion steps. The proposed model was tested on two types of MRI data: Cartesian-acquired multi-coil cardiac MRI and Golden-Angle-Radial-acquired multi-coil free-breathing lung MRI, across various undersampling rates. Results: dDiMo achieved high-quality reconstructions at various acceleration factors, demonstrating improved temporal alignment and structural recovery compared to other competitive reconstruction methods, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This proposed diffusion framework exhibited robust performance in handling both Cartesian and non-Cartesian acquisitions, effectively reconstructing dynamic datasets in cardiac and lung MRI under different imaging conditions. Conclusion: This study introduces a novel diffusion modeling method for dynamic MRI reconstruction.
Abstract:Nonlocal self-similarity within images has become an increasingly popular prior in deep-learning models. Despite their successful image restoration performance, such models remain largely uninterpretable due to their black-box construction. Our previous studies have shown that interpretable construction of a fully convolutional denoiser (CDLNet), with performance on par with state-of-the-art black-box counterparts, is achievable by unrolling a convolutional dictionary learning algorithm. In this manuscript, we seek an interpretable construction of a convolutional network with a nonlocal self-similarity prior that performs on par with black-box nonlocal models. We show that such an architecture can be effectively achieved by upgrading the L1 sparsity prior (soft-thresholding) of CDLNet to an image-adaptive group-sparsity prior (group-thresholding). The proposed learned group-thresholding makes use of nonlocal attention to perform spatially varying soft-thresholding on the latent representation. To enable effective training and inference on large images with global artifacts, we propose a novel circulant-sparse attention. We achieve competitive natural-image denoising performance compared to black-box nonlocal DNNs and transformers. The interpretable construction of our network allows for a straightforward extension to Compressed Sensing MRI (CS-MRI), yielding state-of-the-art performance. Lastly, we show robustness to noise-level mismatches between training and inference for denoising and CS-MRI reconstruction.
Abstract:Accurately estimating the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of lithium-ion batteries is crucial for maintaining the safe and stable operation of rechargeable battery management systems. However, this task is often challenging due to the complex temporal dynamics involved. Recently, attention-based networks, such as Transformers and Informer, have been the popular architecture in time series forecasting. Despite their effectiveness, these models with abundant parameters necessitate substantial training time to unravel temporal patterns. To tackle these challenges, we propose a simple MLP-Mixer-based architecture named 'Intra-Inter Patch Mixer' (IIP-Mixer), which is an architecture based exclusively on multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), extracting information by mixing operations along both intra-patch and inter-patch dimensions for battery RUL prediction. The proposed IIP-Mixer comprises parallel dual-head mixer layers: the intra-patch mixing MLP, capturing local temporal patterns in the short-term period, and the inter-patch mixing MLP, capturing global temporal patterns in the long-term period. Notably, to address the varying importance of features in RUL prediction, we introduce a weighted loss function in the MLP-Mixer-based architecture, marking the first time such an approach has been employed. Our experiments demonstrate that IIP-Mixer achieves competitive performance in battery RUL prediction, outperforming other popular time-series frameworks
Abstract:The rapid advancement of quantum computing has increasingly highlighted its potential in the realm of machine learning, particularly in the context of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Quantum machine learning (QML) leverages the unique capabilities of quantum computing to offer novel perspectives and methodologies for complex data processing and pattern recognition challenges. This paper introduces a novel Quantum Mixed-State Attention Network (QMSAN), which integrates the principles of quantum computing with classical machine learning algorithms, especially self-attention networks, to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in handling NLP tasks. QMSAN model employs a quantum attention mechanism based on mixed states, enabling efficient direct estimation of similarity between queries and keys within the quantum domain, leading to more effective attention weight acquisition. Additionally, we propose an innovative quantum positional encoding scheme, implemented through fixed quantum gates within the quantum circuit, to enhance the model's accuracy. Experimental validation on various datasets demonstrates that QMSAN model outperforms existing quantum and classical models in text classification, achieving significant performance improvements. QMSAN model not only significantly reduces the number of parameters but also exceeds classical self-attention networks in performance, showcasing its strong capability in data representation and information extraction. Furthermore, our study investigates the model's robustness in different quantum noise environments, showing that QMSAN possesses commendable robustness to low noise.
Abstract:Purpose: Echo modulation curve (EMC) modeling can provide accurate and reproducible quantification of T2 relaxation times. The standard EMC-T2 mapping framework, however, requires sufficient echoes and cumbersome pixel-wise dictionary-matching steps. This work proposes a deep learning version of EMC-T2 mapping, called DeepEMC-T2 mapping, to efficiently estimate accurate T2 maps from fewer echoes without a dictionary. Methods: DeepEMC-T2 mapping was developed using a modified U-Net to estimate both T2 and Proton Density (PD) maps directly from multi-echo spin-echo (MESE) images. The modified U-Net employs several new features to improve the accuracy of T2/PD estimation. MESE datasets from 68 subjects were used for training and evaluation of the DeepEMC-T2 mapping technique. Multiple experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of the proposed new features on DeepEMC-T2 mapping. Results: DeepEMC-T2 mapping achieved T2 estimation errors ranging from 3%-12% in different T2 ranges and 0.8%-1.7% for PD estimation with 10/7/5/3 echoes, which yielded more accurate parameter estimation than standard EMC-T2 mapping. The new features proposed in DeepEMC-T2 mapping enabled improved parameter estimation. The use of a larger echo spacing with fewer echoes can maintain the accuracy of T2 and PD estimations while reducing the number of 180-degree refocusing pulses. Conclusions: DeepEMC-T2 mapping enables simplified, efficient, and accurate T2 quantification directly from MESE images without a time-consuming dictionary-matching step and requires fewer echoes. This allows for increased volumetric coverage and/or decreased SAR by reducing the number of 180-degree refocusing pulses.
Abstract:Existing text selection techniques on touchscreen focus on improving the control for moving the carets. Coarse-grained text selection on word and phrase levels has not received much support beyond word-snapping and entity recognition. We introduce 1D-Touch, a novel text selection method that complements the carets-based sub-word selection by facilitating the selection of semantic units of words and above. This method employs a simple vertical slide gesture to expand and contract a selection area from a word. The expansion can be by words or by semantic chunks ranging from sub-phrases to sentences. This technique shifts the concept of text selection, from defining a range by locating the first and last words, towards a dynamic process of expanding and contracting a textual semantic entity. To understand the effects of our approach, we prototyped and tested two variants: WordTouch, which offers a straightforward word-by-word expansion, and ChunkTouch, which leverages NLP to chunk text into syntactic units, allowing the selection to grow by semantically meaningful units in response to the sliding gesture. Our evaluation, focused on the coarse-grained selection tasks handled by 1D-Touch, shows a 20% improvement over the default word-snapping selection method on Android.
Abstract:In Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication, the high mobility of vehicles generates the Doppler shift which leads to channel uncertainties. Moreover, the reasons for channel uncertainties also include the finite channel feedback, channels state information (CSI) loss and latency. With this concern, we formulate a joint spectrum and power allocation problem for V2X communication with imperfect CSI. Specifically, the sum capacity of cellular user equipments (CUEs) is maximized subject to the minimum Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise Ratio (SINR) requirements of CUEs and the outage probability constraints of vehicular user equipments (VUEs). Then, two different robust resource allocation approaches are designed to solve the problem. One is Bernstein Approximation-based Robust Resource Allocation approach. More specifically, Bernstein approximations are employed to convert the chance constraint into a calculable constraint, and Bisection search method is proposed to obtain the optimal allocation solution with low complexity. Then, for further reducing the computational complexity, Self-learning Robust Resource Allocation approach, which includes a learning method and an analytical mapping method, is proposed as the second approach. The learning method is devised to learn the uncertainty set which transforms the chance constraint into calculable constraints, and the analytical mapping method is proposed to obtain closed-form solutions of the resource allocation problem. Finally, the simulation results prove that the proposed approaches can improve the capacity of all CUEs effectively whilst ensuring the reliability of the channel.
Abstract:Intra-frame motion blurring, as a major challenge in free-breathing dynamic MRI, can be reduced if high temporal resolution can be achieved. To address this challenge, this work proposes a highly-accelerated 4D (3D+time) real-time MRI framework with sub-second temporal resolution combining standard stack-of-stars golden-angle radial sampling and tailored GRASP-Pro (Golden-angle RAdial Sparse Parallel) reconstruction. Specifically, 4D real-time MRI acquisition is performed continuously without motion gating or sorting. The k-space centers in stack-of-stars radial data are organized to guide estimation of a temporal basis, with which GRASP-Pro reconstruction is employed to enforce joint low-rank subspace and sparsity constraints. This new basis estimation strategy is the new feature proposed for subspace-based reconstruction in this work to achieve high temporal resolution (e.g., sub-second/3D volume). It does not require sequence modification to acquire additional navigation data, is compatible with commercially available stack-of-stars sequences, and does not need an intermediate reconstruction step. The proposed 4D real-time MRI approach was tested in abdominal motion phantom, free-breathing abdominal MRI, and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI). With the ability to acquire each 3D image in less than one second, intra-frame respiratory blurring can be intrinsically reduced for body applications with our approach, which also eliminates the need for motion detection and motion compensation.
Abstract:The inherent slow imaging speed of Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) has spurred the development of various acceleration methods, typically through heuristically undersampling the MRI measurement domain known as k-space. Recently, deep neural networks have been applied to reconstruct undersampled k-space data and have shown improved reconstruction performance. While most of these methods focus on designing novel reconstruction networks or new training strategies for a given undersampling pattern, e.g., Cartesian undersampling or Non-Cartesian sampling, to date, there is limited research aiming to learn and optimize k-space sampling strategies using deep neural networks. This work proposes a novel optimization framework to learn k-space sampling trajectories by considering it as an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) problem that can be solved using neural ODE. In particular, the sampling of k-space data is framed as a dynamic system, in which neural ODE is formulated to approximate the system with additional constraints on MRI physics. In addition, we have also demonstrated that trajectory optimization and image reconstruction can be learned collaboratively for improved imaging efficiency and reconstruction performance. Experiments were conducted on different in-vivo datasets (e.g., brain and knee images) acquired with different sequences. Initial results have shown that our proposed method can generate better image quality in accelerated MRI than conventional undersampling schemes in Cartesian and Non-Cartesian acquisitions.
Abstract:Identifying oculomotor behaviors relevant for eye-tracking applications is a critical but often challenging task. Aiming to automatically learn and extract knowledge from existing eye-tracking data, we develop a novel method that creates rich representations of oculomotor scanpaths to facilitate the learning of downstream tasks. The proposed stimulus-agnostic Oculomotor Behavior Framework (OBF) model learns human oculomotor behaviors from unsupervised and semi-supervised tasks, including reconstruction, predictive coding, fixation identification, and contrastive learning tasks. The resultant pre-trained OBF model can be used in a variety of applications. Our pre-trained model outperforms baseline approaches and traditional scanpath methods in autism spectrum disorder and viewed-stimulus classification tasks. Ablation experiments further show our proposed method could achieve even better results with larger model sizes and more diverse eye-tracking training datasets, supporting the model's potential for future eye-tracking applications. Open source code: http://github.com/BeibinLi/OBF.