Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich
Abstract:Artificial intelligence commonly refers to the science and engineering of artificial systems that can carry out tasks generally associated with requiring aspects of human intelligence, such as playing games, translating languages, and driving cars. In recent years, there have been exciting advances in learning-based, data-driven approaches towards AI, and machine learning and deep learning have enabled computer systems to perceive the world in unprecedented ways. Reinforcement learning has enabled breakthroughs in complex games such as Go and challenging robotics tasks such as quadrupedal locomotion. A key aspect of intelligence is to not only make predictions, but reason about the uncertainty in these predictions, and to consider this uncertainty when making decisions. This is what this manuscript on "Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence" is about. The first part covers probabilistic approaches to machine learning. We discuss the differentiation between "epistemic" uncertainty due to lack of data and "aleatoric" uncertainty, which is irreducible and stems, e.g., from noisy observations and outcomes. We discuss concrete approaches towards probabilistic inference and modern approaches to efficient approximate inference. The second part of the manuscript is about taking uncertainty into account in sequential decision tasks. We consider active learning and Bayesian optimization -- approaches that collect data by proposing experiments that are informative for reducing the epistemic uncertainty. We then consider reinforcement learning and modern deep RL approaches that use neural network function approximation. We close by discussing modern approaches in model-based RL, which harness epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty to guide exploration, while also reasoning about safety.
Abstract:In reinforcement learning (RL), agents often struggle to perform well on tasks that differ from those encountered during training. This limitation presents a challenge to the broader deployment of RL in diverse and dynamic task settings. In this work, we introduce memory augmentation, a memory-based RL approach to improve task generalization. Our approach leverages task-structured augmentations to simulate plausible out-of-distribution scenarios and incorporates memory mechanisms to enable context-aware policy adaptation. Trained on a predefined set of tasks, our policy demonstrates the ability to generalize to unseen tasks through memory augmentation without requiring additional interactions with the environment. Through extensive simulation experiments and real-world hardware evaluations on legged locomotion tasks, we demonstrate that our approach achieves zero-shot generalization to unseen tasks while maintaining robust in-distribution performance and high sample efficiency.
Abstract:The first International AI Safety Report comprehensively synthesizes the current evidence on the capabilities, risks, and safety of advanced AI systems. The report was mandated by the nations attending the AI Safety Summit in Bletchley, UK. Thirty nations, the UN, the OECD, and the EU each nominated a representative to the report's Expert Advisory Panel. A total of 100 AI experts contributed, representing diverse perspectives and disciplines. Led by the report's Chair, these independent experts collectively had full discretion over the report's content.
Abstract:Learning robust and generalizable world models is crucial for enabling efficient and scalable robotic control in real-world environments. In this work, we introduce a novel framework for learning world models that accurately capture complex, partially observable, and stochastic dynamics. The proposed method employs a dual-autoregressive mechanism and self-supervised training to achieve reliable long-horizon predictions without relying on domain-specific inductive biases, ensuring adaptability across diverse robotic tasks. We further propose a policy optimization framework that leverages world models for efficient training in imagined environments and seamless deployment in real-world systems. Through extensive experiments, our approach consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating superior autoregressive prediction accuracy, robustness to noise, and generalization across manipulation and locomotion tasks. Notably, policies trained with our method are successfully deployed on ANYmal D hardware in a zero-shot transfer, achieving robust performance with minimal sim-to-real performance loss. This work advances model-based reinforcement learning by addressing the challenges of long-horizon prediction, error accumulation, and sim-to-real transfer. By providing a scalable and robust framework, the introduced methods pave the way for adaptive and efficient robotic systems in real-world applications.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms aim to balance exploiting the current best strategy with exploring new options that could lead to higher rewards. Most common RL algorithms use undirected exploration, i.e., select random sequences of actions. Exploration can also be directed using intrinsic rewards, such as curiosity or model epistemic uncertainty. However, effectively balancing task and intrinsic rewards is challenging and often task-dependent. In this work, we introduce a framework, MaxInfoRL, for balancing intrinsic and extrinsic exploration. MaxInfoRL steers exploration towards informative transitions, by maximizing intrinsic rewards such as the information gain about the underlying task. When combined with Boltzmann exploration, this approach naturally trades off maximization of the value function with that of the entropy over states, rewards, and actions. We show that our approach achieves sublinear regret in the simplified setting of multi-armed bandits. We then apply this general formulation to a variety of off-policy model-free RL methods for continuous state-action spaces, yielding novel algorithms that achieve superior performance across hard exploration problems and complex scenarios such as visual control tasks.
Abstract:We consider the problem of predicting perturbation effects via causal models. In many applications, it is a priori unknown which mechanisms of a system are modified by an external perturbation, even though the features of the perturbation are available. For example, in genomics, some properties of a drug may be known, but not their causal effects on the regulatory pathways of cells. We propose a generative intervention model (GIM) that learns to map these perturbation features to distributions over atomic interventions in a jointly-estimated causal model. Contrary to prior approaches, this enables us to predict the distribution shifts of unseen perturbation features while gaining insights about their mechanistic effects in the underlying data-generating process. On synthetic data and scRNA-seq drug perturbation data, GIMs achieve robust out-of-distribution predictions on par with unstructured approaches, while effectively inferring the underlying perturbation mechanisms, often better than other causal inference methods.
Abstract:We propose practical deep Gaussian process models on Riemannian manifolds, similar in spirit to residual neural networks. With manifold-to-manifold hidden layers and an arbitrary last layer, they can model manifold- and scalar-valued functions, as well as vector fields. We target data inherently supported on manifolds, which is too complex for shallow Gaussian processes thereon. For example, while the latter perform well on high-altitude wind data, they struggle with the more intricate, nonstationary patterns at low altitudes. Our models significantly improve performance in these settings, enhancing prediction quality and uncertainty calibration, and remain robust to overfitting, reverting to shallow models when additional complexity is unneeded. We further showcase our models on Bayesian optimisation problems on manifolds, using stylised examples motivated by robotics, and obtain substantial improvements in later stages of the optimisation process. Finally, we show our models to have potential for speeding up inference for non-manifold data, when, and if, it can be mapped to a proxy manifold well enough.
Abstract:With the multitude of pretrained models available thanks to the advancements in large-scale supervised and self-supervised learning, choosing the right model is becoming increasingly pivotal in the machine learning lifecycle. However, much like the training process, choosing the best pretrained off-the-shelf model for raw, unlabeled data is a labor-intensive task. To overcome this, we introduce MODEL SELECTOR, a framework for label-efficient selection of pretrained classifiers. Given a pool of unlabeled target data, MODEL SELECTOR samples a small subset of highly informative examples for labeling, in order to efficiently identify the best pretrained model for deployment on this target dataset. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that MODEL SELECTOR drastically reduces the need for labeled data while consistently picking the best or near-best performing model. Across 18 model collections on 16 different datasets, comprising over 1,500 pretrained models, MODEL SELECTOR reduces the labeling cost by up to 94.15% to identify the best model compared to the cost of the strongest baseline. Our results further highlight the robustness of MODEL SELECTOR in model selection, as it reduces the labeling cost by up to 72.41% when selecting a near-best model, whose accuracy is only within 1% of the best model.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) is ubiquitous in the development of modern AI systems. However, state-of-the-art RL agents require extensive, and potentially unsafe, interactions with their environments to learn effectively. These limitations confine RL agents to simulated environments, hindering their ability to learn directly in real-world settings. In this work, we present ActSafe, a novel model-based RL algorithm for safe and efficient exploration. ActSafe learns a well-calibrated probabilistic model of the system and plans optimistically w.r.t. the epistemic uncertainty about the unknown dynamics, while enforcing pessimism w.r.t. the safety constraints. Under regularity assumptions on the constraints and dynamics, we show that ActSafe guarantees safety during learning while also obtaining a near-optimal policy in finite time. In addition, we propose a practical variant of ActSafe that builds on latest model-based RL advancements and enables safe exploration even in high-dimensional settings such as visual control. We empirically show that ActSafe obtains state-of-the-art performance in difficult exploration tasks on standard safe deep RL benchmarks while ensuring safety during learning.
Abstract:Recent efforts in fine-tuning language models often rely on automatic data selection, commonly using Nearest Neighbors retrieval from large datasets. However, we theoretically show that this approach tends to select redundant data, limiting its effectiveness or even hurting performance. To address this, we introduce SIFT, a data selection algorithm designed to reduce uncertainty about the model's response given a prompt, which unifies ideas from retrieval and active learning. Whereas Nearest Neighbor retrieval typically fails in the presence of information duplication, SIFT accounts for information duplication and optimizes the overall information gain of the selected examples. We focus our evaluations on fine-tuning at test-time for prompt-specific language modeling on the Pile dataset, and show that SIFT consistently outperforms Nearest Neighbor retrieval, with minimal computational overhead. Moreover, we show that our uncertainty estimates can predict the performance gain of test-time fine-tuning, and use this to develop an adaptive algorithm that invests test-time compute proportional to realized performance gains. We provide the $\texttt{activeft}$ (Active Fine-Tuning) library which can be used as a drop-in replacement for Nearest Neighbor retrieval.