Abstract:Recent advances in one-step generative models typically follow a two-stage process: first training a teacher diffusion model and then distilling it into a one-step student model. This distillation process traditionally relies on both the teacher model's score function to compute the distillation loss and its weights for student initialization. In this paper, we explore whether one-step generative models can be trained directly without this distillation process. First, we show that the teacher's score function is not essential and propose a family of distillation methods that achieve competitive results without relying on score estimation. Next, we demonstrate that initialization from teacher weights is indispensable in successful training. Surprisingly, we find that this benefit is not due to improved ``input-output" mapping but rather the learned feature representations, which dominate distillation quality. Our findings provide a better understanding of the role of initialization in one-step model training and its impact on distillation quality.
Abstract:Predicting masked from visible parts of an image is a powerful self-supervised approach for visual representation learning. However, the common practice of masking random patches of pixels exhibits certain failure modes, which can prevent learning meaningful high-level features, as required for downstream tasks. We propose an alternative masking strategy that operates on a suitable transformation of the data rather than on the raw pixels. Specifically, we perform principal component analysis and then randomly mask a subset of components, which accounts for a fixed ratio of the data variance. The learning task then amounts to reconstructing the masked components from the visible ones. Compared to local patches of pixels, the principal components of images carry more global information. We thus posit that predicting masked from visible components involves more high-level features, allowing our masking strategy to extract more useful representations. This is corroborated by our empirical findings which demonstrate improved image classification performance for component over pixel masking. Our method thus constitutes a simple and robust data-driven alternative to traditional masked image modeling approaches.
Abstract:Effective and reliable evaluation is essential for advancing empirical machine learning. However, the increasing accessibility of generalist models and the progress towards ever more complex, high-level tasks make systematic evaluation more challenging. Benchmarks are plagued by various biases, artifacts, or leakage, while models may behave unreliably due to poorly explored failure modes. Haphazard treatments and inconsistent formulations of such "monsters" can contribute to a duplication of efforts, a lack of trust in results, and unsupported inferences. In this position paper, we argue causality offers an ideal framework to systematically address these challenges. By making causal assumptions in an approach explicit, we can faithfully model phenomena, formulate testable hypotheses with explanatory power, and leverage principled tools for analysis. To make causal model design more accessible, we identify several useful Common Abstract Topologies (CATs) in causal graphs which help gain insight into the reasoning abilities in large language models. Through a series of case studies, we demonstrate how the precise yet pragmatic language of causality clarifies the strengths and limitations of a method and inspires new approaches for systematic progress.
Abstract:We explore the relationship between causality, symmetry, and compression. We build on and generalize the known connection between learning and compression to a setting where causal models are not identifiable. We propose a framework where causality emerges as a consequence of compressing data across multiple environments. We define algorithmic causality as an alternative definition of causality when traditional assumptions for causal identifiability do not hold. We demonstrate how algorithmic causal and symmetric structures can emerge from minimizing upper bounds on Kolmogorov complexity, without knowledge of intervention targets. We hypothesize that these insights may also provide a novel perspective on the emergence of causality in machine learning models, such as large language models, where causal relationships may not be explicitly identifiable.
Abstract:The first International AI Safety Report comprehensively synthesizes the current evidence on the capabilities, risks, and safety of advanced AI systems. The report was mandated by the nations attending the AI Safety Summit in Bletchley, UK. Thirty nations, the UN, the OECD, and the EU each nominated a representative to the report's Expert Advisory Panel. A total of 100 AI experts contributed, representing diverse perspectives and disciplines. Led by the report's Chair, these independent experts collectively had full discretion over the report's content.
Abstract:We study the differences arising from merging predictors in the causal and anticausal directions using the same data. In particular we study the asymmetries that arise in a simple model where we merge the predictors using one binary variable as target and two continuous variables as predictors. We use Causal Maximum Entropy (CMAXENT) as inductive bias to merge the predictors, however, we expect similar differences to hold also when we use other merging methods that take into account asymmetries between cause and effect. We show that if we observe all bivariate distributions, the CMAXENT solution reduces to a logistic regression in the causal direction and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) in the anticausal direction. Furthermore, we study how the decision boundaries of these two solutions differ whenever we observe only some of the bivariate distributions implications for Out-Of-Variable (OOV) generalisation.
Abstract:Understanding how molecular changes caused by genetic variation drive disease risk is crucial for deciphering disease mechanisms. However, interpreting genome sequences is challenging because of the vast size of the human genome, and because its consequences manifest across a wide range of cells, tissues and scales -- spanning from molecular to whole organism level. Here, we present Phenformer, a multi-scale genetic language model that learns to generate mechanistic hypotheses as to how differences in genome sequence lead to disease-relevant changes in expression across cell types and tissues directly from DNA sequences of up to 88 million base pairs. Using whole genome sequencing data from more than 150 000 individuals, we show that Phenformer generates mechanistic hypotheses about disease-relevant cell and tissue types that match literature better than existing state-of-the-art methods, while using only sequence data. Furthermore, disease risk predictors enriched by Phenformer show improved prediction performance and generalisation to diverse populations. Accurate multi-megabase scale interpretation of whole genomes without additional experimental data enables both a deeper understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in disease and improved disease risk prediction at the level of individuals.
Abstract:We consider the problem of predicting perturbation effects via causal models. In many applications, it is a priori unknown which mechanisms of a system are modified by an external perturbation, even though the features of the perturbation are available. For example, in genomics, some properties of a drug may be known, but not their causal effects on the regulatory pathways of cells. We propose a generative intervention model (GIM) that learns to map these perturbation features to distributions over atomic interventions in a jointly-estimated causal model. Contrary to prior approaches, this enables us to predict the distribution shifts of unseen perturbation features while gaining insights about their mechanistic effects in the underlying data-generating process. On synthetic data and scRNA-seq drug perturbation data, GIMs achieve robust out-of-distribution predictions on par with unstructured approaches, while effectively inferring the underlying perturbation mechanisms, often better than other causal inference methods.
Abstract:While AI models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in constrained domains like game strategy, their potential for genuine creativity in open-ended domains like art remains debated. We explore this question by examining how AI can transcend human cognitive limitations in visual art creation. Our research hypothesizes that visual art contains a vast unexplored space of conceptual combinations, constrained not by inherent incompatibility, but by cognitive limitations imposed by artists' cultural, temporal, geographical and social contexts. To test this hypothesis, we present the Alien Recombination method, a novel approach utilizing fine-tuned large language models to identify and generate concept combinations that lie beyond human cognitive availability. The system models and deliberately counteracts human availability bias, the tendency to rely on immediately accessible examples, to discover novel artistic combinations. This system not only produces combinations that have never been attempted before within our dataset but also identifies and generates combinations that are cognitively unavailable to all artists in the domain. Furthermore, we translate these combinations into visual representations, enabling the exploration of subjective perceptions of novelty. Our findings suggest that cognitive unavailability is a promising metric for optimizing artistic novelty, outperforming merely temperature scaling without additional evaluation criteria. This approach uses generative models to connect previously unconnected ideas, providing new insight into the potential of framing AI-driven creativity as a combinatorial problem.
Abstract:Causal structures play a central role in world models that flexibly adapt to changes in the environment. While recent works motivate the benefits of discovering local causal graphs for dynamics modelling, in this work we demonstrate that accurately capturing these relationships in complex settings remains challenging for the current state-of-the-art. To remedy this shortcoming, we postulate that sparsity is a critical ingredient for the discovery of such local causal structures. To this end we present the SPARse TrANsformer World model (SPARTAN), a Transformer-based world model that learns local causal structures between entities in a scene. By applying sparsity regularisation on the attention pattern between object-factored tokens, SPARTAN identifies sparse local causal models that accurately predict future object states. Furthermore, we extend our model to capture sparse interventions with unknown targets on the dynamics of the environment. This results in a highly interpretable world model that can efficiently adapt to changes. Empirically, we evaluate SPARTAN against the current state-of-the-art in object-centric world models on observation-based environments and demonstrate that our model can learn accurate local causal graphs and achieve significantly improved few-shot adaptation to changes in the dynamics of the environment as well as robustness against removing irrelevant distractors.