Abstract:Artificial intelligence commonly refers to the science and engineering of artificial systems that can carry out tasks generally associated with requiring aspects of human intelligence, such as playing games, translating languages, and driving cars. In recent years, there have been exciting advances in learning-based, data-driven approaches towards AI, and machine learning and deep learning have enabled computer systems to perceive the world in unprecedented ways. Reinforcement learning has enabled breakthroughs in complex games such as Go and challenging robotics tasks such as quadrupedal locomotion. A key aspect of intelligence is to not only make predictions, but reason about the uncertainty in these predictions, and to consider this uncertainty when making decisions. This is what this manuscript on "Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence" is about. The first part covers probabilistic approaches to machine learning. We discuss the differentiation between "epistemic" uncertainty due to lack of data and "aleatoric" uncertainty, which is irreducible and stems, e.g., from noisy observations and outcomes. We discuss concrete approaches towards probabilistic inference and modern approaches to efficient approximate inference. The second part of the manuscript is about taking uncertainty into account in sequential decision tasks. We consider active learning and Bayesian optimization -- approaches that collect data by proposing experiments that are informative for reducing the epistemic uncertainty. We then consider reinforcement learning and modern deep RL approaches that use neural network function approximation. We close by discussing modern approaches in model-based RL, which harness epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty to guide exploration, while also reasoning about safety.
Abstract:Recent efforts in fine-tuning language models often rely on automatic data selection, commonly using Nearest Neighbors retrieval from large datasets. However, we theoretically show that this approach tends to select redundant data, limiting its effectiveness or even hurting performance. To address this, we introduce SIFT, a data selection algorithm designed to reduce uncertainty about the model's response given a prompt, which unifies ideas from retrieval and active learning. Whereas Nearest Neighbor retrieval typically fails in the presence of information duplication, SIFT accounts for information duplication and optimizes the overall information gain of the selected examples. We focus our evaluations on fine-tuning at test-time for prompt-specific language modeling on the Pile dataset, and show that SIFT consistently outperforms Nearest Neighbor retrieval, with minimal computational overhead. Moreover, we show that our uncertainty estimates can predict the performance gain of test-time fine-tuning, and use this to develop an adaptive algorithm that invests test-time compute proportional to realized performance gains. We provide the $\texttt{activeft}$ (Active Fine-Tuning) library which can be used as a drop-in replacement for Nearest Neighbor retrieval.
Abstract:Pre-trained generalist policies are rapidly gaining relevance in robot learning due to their promise of fast adaptation to novel, in-domain tasks. This adaptation often relies on collecting new demonstrations for a specific task of interest and applying imitation learning algorithms, such as behavioral cloning. However, as soon as several tasks need to be learned, we must decide which tasks should be demonstrated and how often? We study this multi-task problem and explore an interactive framework in which the agent adaptively selects the tasks to be demonstrated. We propose AMF (Active Multi-task Fine-tuning), an algorithm to maximize multi-task policy performance under a limited demonstration budget by collecting demonstrations yielding the largest information gain on the expert policy. We derive performance guarantees for AMF under regularity assumptions and demonstrate its empirical effectiveness to efficiently fine-tune neural policies in complex and high-dimensional environments.
Abstract:We generalize active learning to address real-world settings where sampling is restricted to an accessible region of the domain, while prediction targets may lie outside this region. To this end, we propose ITL, short for information-based transductive learning, an approach which samples adaptively to maximize the information gained about specified prediction targets. We show, under general regularity assumptions, that ITL converges uniformly to the smallest possible uncertainty obtainable from the accessible data. We demonstrate ITL in two key applications: Few-shot fine-tuning of large neural networks and safe Bayesian optimization, and in both cases, ITL significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:We study the active few-shot fine-tuning of large neural networks to downstream tasks. We show that few-shot fine-tuning is an instance of a generalization of classical active learning, transductive active learning, and we propose ITL, short for information-based transductive learning, an approach which samples adaptively to maximize the information gained about specified downstream tasks. Under general regularity assumptions, we prove that ITL converges uniformly to the smallest possible uncertainty obtainable from the accessible data. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to derive generalization bounds of this kind, and they may be of independent interest for active learning. We apply ITL to the few-shot fine-tuning of large neural networks and show that ITL substantially improves upon the state-of-the-art.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning algorithms typically consider discrete-time dynamics, even though the underlying systems are often continuous in time. In this paper, we introduce a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm that represents continuous-time dynamics using nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We capture epistemic uncertainty using well-calibrated probabilistic models, and use the optimistic principle for exploration. Our regret bounds surface the importance of the measurement selection strategy(MSS), since in continuous time we not only must decide how to explore, but also when to observe the underlying system. Our analysis demonstrates that the regret is sublinear when modeling ODEs with Gaussian Processes (GP) for common choices of MSS, such as equidistant sampling. Additionally, we propose an adaptive, data-dependent, practical MSS that, when combined with GP dynamics, also achieves sublinear regret with significantly fewer samples. We showcase the benefits of continuous-time modeling over its discrete-time counterpart, as well as our proposed adaptive MSS over standard baselines, on several applications.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a data-driven strategy to simplify the deployment of model-based controllers in legged robotic hardware platforms. Our approach leverages a model-free safe learning algorithm to automate the tuning of control gains, addressing the mismatch between the simplified model used in the control formulation and the real system. This method substantially mitigates the risk of hazardous interactions with the robot by sample-efficiently optimizing parameters within a probably safe region. Additionally, we extend the applicability of our approach to incorporate the different gait parameters as contexts, leading to a safe, sample-efficient exploration algorithm capable of tuning a motion controller for diverse gait patterns. We validate our method through simulation and hardware experiments, where we demonstrate that the algorithm obtains superior performance on tuning a model-based motion controller for multiple gaits safely.