Abstract:While many algorithms for diversity maximization under imitation constraints are online in nature, many applications require offline algorithms without environment interactions. Tackling this problem in the offline setting, however, presents significant challenges that require non-trivial, multi-stage optimization processes with non-stationary rewards. In this work, we present a novel offline algorithm that enhances diversity using an objective based on Van der Waals (VdW) force and successor features, and eliminates the need to learn a previously used skill discriminator. Moreover, by conditioning the value function and policy on a pre-trained Functional Reward Encoding (FRE), our method allows for better handling of non-stationary rewards and provides zero-shot recall of all skills encountered during training, significantly expanding the set of skills learned in prior work. Consequently, our algorithm benefits from receiving a consistently strong diversity signal (VdW), and enjoys more stable and efficient training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in generating diverse skills for two robotic tasks in simulation: locomotion of a quadruped and local navigation with obstacle traversal.
Abstract:Offline data are both valuable and practical resources for teaching robots complex behaviors. Ideally, learning agents should not be constrained by the scarcity of available demonstrations, but rather generalize beyond the training distribution. However, the complexity of real-world scenarios typically requires huge amounts of data to prevent neural network policies from picking up on spurious correlations and learning non-causal relationships. We propose CAIAC, a data augmentation method that can create feasible synthetic transitions from a fixed dataset without having access to online environment interactions. By utilizing principled methods for quantifying causal influence, we are able to perform counterfactual reasoning by swapping $\it{action}$-unaffected parts of the state-space between independent trajectories in the dataset. We empirically show that this leads to a substantial increase in robustness of offline learning algorithms against distributional shift.
Abstract:Despite many successful applications of data-driven control in robotics, extracting meaningful diverse behaviors remains a challenge. Typically, task performance needs to be compromised in order to achieve diversity. In many scenarios, task requirements are specified as a multitude of reward terms, each requiring a different trade-off. In this work, we take a constrained optimization viewpoint on the quality-diversity trade-off and show that we can obtain diverse policies while imposing constraints on their value functions which are defined through distinct rewards. In line with previous work, further control of the diversity level can be achieved through an attract-repel reward term motivated by the Van der Waals force. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a local navigation task where a quadruped robot needs to reach the target within a finite horizon. Finally, our trained policies transfer well to the real 12-DoF quadruped robot, Solo12, and exhibit diverse agile behaviors with successful obstacle traversal.
Abstract:Inverse design refers to the problem of optimizing the input of an objective function in order to enact a target outcome. For many real-world engineering problems, the objective function takes the form of a simulator that predicts how the system state will evolve over time, and the design challenge is to optimize the initial conditions that lead to a target outcome. Recent developments in learned simulation have shown that graph neural networks (GNNs) can be used for accurate, efficient, differentiable estimation of simulator dynamics, and support high-quality design optimization with gradient- or sampling-based optimization procedures. However, optimizing designs from scratch requires many expensive model queries, and these procedures exhibit basic failures on either non-convex or high-dimensional problems. In this work, we show how denoising diffusion models (DDMs) can be used to solve inverse design problems efficiently and propose a particle sampling algorithm for further improving their efficiency. We perform experiments on a number of fluid dynamics design challenges, and find that our approach substantially reduces the number of calls to the simulator compared to standard techniques.
Abstract:We introduce a simple but effective method for managing risk in model-based reinforcement learning with trajectory sampling that involves probabilistic safety constraints and balancing of optimism in the face of epistemic uncertainty and pessimism in the face of aleatoric uncertainty of an ensemble of stochastic neural networks.Various experiments indicate that the separation of uncertainties is essential to performing well with data-driven MPC approaches in uncertain and safety-critical control environments.
Abstract:There has been significant recent progress in the area of unsupervised skill discovery, with various works proposing mutual information based objectives, as a source of intrinsic motivation. Prior works predominantly focused on designing algorithms that require online access to the environment. In contrast, we develop an \textit{offline} skill discovery algorithm. Our problem formulation considers the maximization of a mutual information objective constrained by a KL-divergence. More precisely, the constraints ensure that the state occupancy of each skill remains close to the state occupancy of an expert, within the support of an offline dataset with good state-action coverage. Our main contribution is to connect Fenchel duality, reinforcement learning and unsupervised skill discovery, and to give a simple offline algorithm for learning diverse skills that are aligned with an expert.
Abstract:To avoid failures on out-of-distribution data, recent works have sought to extract features that have a stable or invariant relationship with the label across domains, discarding the "spurious" or unstable features whose relationship with the label changes across domains. However, unstable features often carry complementary information about the label that could boost performance if used correctly in the test domain. Our main contribution is to show that it is possible to learn how to use these unstable features in the test domain without labels. In particular, we prove that pseudo-labels based on stable features provide sufficient guidance for doing so, provided that stable and unstable features are conditionally independent given the label. Based on this theoretical insight, we propose Stable Feature Boosting (SFB), an algorithm for: (i) learning a predictor that separates stable and conditionally-independent unstable features; and (ii) using the stable-feature predictions to adapt the unstable-feature predictions in the test domain. Theoretically, we prove that SFB can learn an asymptotically-optimal predictor without test-domain labels. Empirically, we demonstrate the effectiveness of SFB on real and synthetic data.
Abstract:Learning diverse skills is one of the main challenges in robotics. To this end, imitation learning approaches have achieved impressive results. These methods require explicitly labeled datasets or assume consistent skill execution to enable learning and active control of individual behaviors, which limits their applicability. In this work, we propose a cooperative adversarial method for obtaining single versatile policies with controllable skill sets from unlabeled datasets containing diverse state transition patterns by maximizing their discriminability. Moreover, we show that by utilizing unsupervised skill discovery in the generative adversarial imitation learning framework, novel and useful skills emerge with successful task fulfillment. Finally, the obtained versatile policies are tested on an agile quadruped robot called Solo 8 and present faithful replications of diverse skills encoded in the demonstrations.
Abstract:Learning agile skills is one of the main challenges in robotics. To this end, reinforcement learning approaches have achieved impressive results. These methods require explicit task information in terms of a reward function or an expert that can be queried in simulation to provide a target control output, which limits their applicability. In this work, we propose a generative adversarial method for inferring reward functions from partial and potentially physically incompatible demonstrations for successful skill acquirement where reference or expert demonstrations are not easily accessible. Moreover, we show that by using a Wasserstein GAN formulation and transitions from demonstrations with rough and partial information as input, we are able to extract policies that are robust and capable of imitating demonstrated behaviors. Finally, the obtained skills such as a backflip are tested on an agile quadruped robot called Solo 8 and present faithful replication of hand-held human demonstrations.
Abstract:Embedding discrete solvers as differentiable layers has given modern deep learning architectures combinatorial expressivity and discrete reasoning capabilities. The derivative of these solvers is zero or undefined, therefore a meaningful replacement is crucial for effective gradient-based learning. Prior works rely on smoothing the solver with input perturbations, relaxing the solver to continuous problems, or interpolating the loss landscape with techniques that typically require additional solver calls, introduce extra hyper-parameters or compromise performance. We propose a principled approach to exploit the geometry of the discrete solution space to treat the solver as a negative identity on the backward pass and further provide a theoretical justification. Our experiments demonstrate that such a straightforward hyper-parameter-free approach is on-par with or outperforms previous more complex methods on numerous experiments such as Traveling Salesman Problem, Shortest Path, Deep Graph Matching, and backpropagating through discrete samplers. Furthermore, we substitute the previously proposed problem-specific and label-dependent margin by a generic regularization procedure that prevents cost collapse and increases robustness.