Abstract:In this paper, we tackle the challenging problem of delayed rewards in reinforcement learning (RL). While Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) has emerged as a leading Policy Gradient method, its performance can degrade under delayed rewards. We introduce two key enhancements to PPO: a hybrid policy architecture that combines an offline policy (trained on expert demonstrations) with an online PPO policy, and a reward shaping mechanism using Time Window Temporal Logic (TWTL). The hybrid architecture leverages offline data throughout training while maintaining PPO's theoretical guarantees. Building on the monotonic improvement framework of Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO), we prove that our approach ensures improvement over both the offline policy and previous iterations, with a bounded performance gap of $(2\varsigma\gamma\alpha^2)/(1-\gamma)^2$, where $\alpha$ is the mixing parameter, $\gamma$ is the discount factor, and $\varsigma$ bounds the expected advantage. Additionally, we prove that our TWTL-based reward shaping preserves the optimal policy of the original problem. TWTL enables formal translation of temporal objectives into immediate feedback signals that guide learning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through extensive experiments on an inverted pendulum and a lunar lander environments, showing improvements in both learning speed and final performance compared to standard PPO and offline-only approaches.
Abstract:Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) have proven to be an effective tool for performing safe control synthesis for nonlinear systems. However, guaranteeing safety in the presence of disturbances and input constraints for high relative degree systems is a difficult problem. In this work, we propose the Robust Policy CBF (RPCBF), a practical method of constructing CBF approximations that is easy to implement and robust to disturbances via the estimation of a value function. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in simulation on a variety of high relative degree input-constrained systems. Finally, we demonstrate the benefits of RPCBF in compensating for model errors on a hardware quadcopter platform by treating the model errors as disturbances. The project page can be found at https://oswinso.xyz/rpcbf.
Abstract:This work develops a zero-shot mechanism for an agent to satisfy a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) specification given existing task primitives. Oftentimes, autonomous robots need to satisfy spatial and temporal goals that are unknown until run time. Prior research addresses the problem by learning policies that are capable of executing a high-level task specified using LTL, but they incorporate the specification into the learning process; therefore, any change to the specification requires retraining the policy. Other related research addresses the problem by creating skill-machines which, given a specification change, do not require full policy retraining but require fine-tuning on the skill-machine to guarantee satisfaction. We present a more a flexible approach -- to learn a set of minimum-violation (MV) task primitive policies that can be used to satisfy arbitrary LTL specifications without retraining or fine-tuning. Task primitives can be learned offline using reinforcement learning (RL) methods and combined using Boolean composition at deployment. This work focuses on creating and pruning a transition system (TS) representation of the environment in order to solve for deterministic, non-ambiguous, and feasible solutions to LTL specifications given an environment and a set of MV task primitive policies. We show that our pruned TS is deterministic, contains no unrealizable transitions, and is sound. Through simulation, we show that our approach is executable and we verify our MV policies produce the expected symbols.
Abstract:The objective of this work is to evaluate multi-agent artificial intelligence methods when deployed on teams of unmanned surface vehicles (USV) in an adversarial environment. Autonomous agents were evaluated in real-world scenarios using the Aquaticus test-bed, which is a Capture-the-Flag (CTF) style competition involving teams of USV systems. Cooperative teaming algorithms of various foundations in behavior-based optimization and deep reinforcement learning (RL) were deployed on these USV systems in two versus two teams and tested against each other during a competition period in the fall of 2023. Deep reinforcement learning applied to USV agents was achieved via the Pyquaticus test bed, a lightweight gymnasium environment that allows simulated CTF training in a low-level environment. The results of the experiment demonstrate that rule-based cooperation for behavior-based agents outperformed those trained in Deep-reinforcement learning paradigms as implemented in these competitions. Further integration of the Pyquaticus gymnasium environment for RL with MOOS-IvP in terms of configuration and control schema will allow for more competitive CTF games in future studies. As the development of experimental deep RL methods continues, the authors expect that the competitive gap between behavior-based autonomy and deep RL will be reduced. As such, this report outlines the overall competition, methods, and results with an emphasis on future works such as reward shaping and sim-to-real methodologies and extending rule-based cooperation among agents to react to safety and security events in accordance with human experts intent/rules for executing safety and security processes.
Abstract:Control barrier functions (CBF) have become popular as a safety filter to guarantee the safety of nonlinear dynamical systems for arbitrary inputs. However, it is difficult to construct functions that satisfy the CBF constraints for high relative degree systems with input constraints. To address these challenges, recent work has explored learning CBFs using neural networks via neural CBF (NCBF). However, such methods face difficulties when scaling to higher dimensional systems under input constraints. In this work, we first identify challenges that NCBFs face during training. Next, to address these challenges, we propose policy neural CBF (PNCBF), a method of constructing CBFs by learning the value function of a nominal policy, and show that the value function of the maximum-over-time cost is a CBF. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in simulation on a variety of systems ranging from toy linear systems to an F-16 jet with a 16-dimensional state space. Finally, we validate our approach on a two-agent quadcopter system on hardware under tight input constraints.
Abstract:Compositionality is a critical aspect of scalable system design. Reinforcement learning (RL) has recently shown substantial success in task learning, but has only recently begun to truly leverage composition. In this paper, we focus on Boolean composition of learned tasks as opposed to functional or sequential composition. Existing Boolean composition for RL focuses on reaching a satisfying absorbing state in environments with discrete action spaces, but does not support composable safety (i.e., avoidance) constraints. We advance the state of the art in Boolean composition of learned tasks with three contributions: i) introduce two distinct notions of safety in this framework; ii) show how to enforce either safety semantics, prove correctness (under some assumptions), and analyze the trade-offs between the two safety notions; and iii) extend Boolean composition from discrete action spaces to continuous action spaces. We demonstrate these techniques using modified versions of value iteration in a grid world, Deep Q-Network (DQN) in a grid world with image observations, and Twin Delayed DDPG (TD3) in a continuous-observation and continuous-action Bullet physics environment. We believe that these contributions advance the theory of safe reinforcement learning by allowing zero-shot composition of policies satisfying safety properties.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a learning-based framework to simultaneously learn the communication and distributed control policies for a heterogeneous multi-agent system (MAS) under complex mission requirements from Capability Temporal Logic plus (CaTL+) specifications. Both policies are trained, implemented, and deployed using a novel neural network model called CatlNet. Taking advantage of the robustness measure of CaTL+, we train CatlNet centrally to maximize it where network parameters are shared among all agents, allowing CatlNet to scale to large teams easily. CatlNet can then be deployed distributedly. A plan repair algorithm is also introduced to guide CatlNet's training and improve both training efficiency and the overall performance of CatlNet. The CatlNet approach is tested in simulation and results show that, after training, CatlNet can steer the decentralized MAS system online to satisfy a CaTL+ specification with a high success rate.
Abstract:This paper explores continuous-time control synthesis for target-driven navigation to satisfy complex high-level tasks expressed as linear temporal logic (LTL). We propose a model-free framework using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) where the underlying dynamic system is unknown (an opaque box). Unlike prior work, this paper considers scenarios where the given LTL specification might be infeasible and therefore cannot be accomplished globally. Instead of modifying the given LTL formula, we provide a general DRL-based approach to satisfy it with minimal violation. %\mminline{Need to decide if we're comfortable calling these "guarantees" due to the stochastic policy. I'm not repeating this comment everywhere that says "guarantees" but there are multiple places.} To do this, we transform a previously multi-objective DRL problem, which requires simultaneous automata satisfaction and minimum violation cost, into a single objective. By guiding the DRL agent with a sampling-based path planning algorithm for the potentially infeasible LTL task, the proposed approach mitigates the myopic tendencies of DRL, which are often an issue when learning general LTL tasks that can have long or infinite horizons. This is achieved by decomposing an infeasible LTL formula into several reach-avoid sub-tasks with shorter horizons, which can be trained in a modular DRL architecture. Furthermore, we overcome the challenge of the exploration process for DRL in complex and cluttered environments by using path planners to design rewards that are dense in the configuration space. The benefits of the presented approach are demonstrated through testing on various complex nonlinear systems and compared with state-of-the-art baselines. The Video demonstration can be found on YouTube Channel:\url{https://youtu.be/jBhx6Nv224E}.
Abstract:In this work we consider the multi-image object matching problem, extend a centralized solution of the problem to a distributed solution, and present an experimental application of the centralized solution. Multi-image feature matching is a keystone of many applications, including simultaneous localization and mapping, homography, object detection, and structure from motion. We first review the QuickMatch algorithm for multi-image feature matching. We then present a scheme for distributing sets of features across computational units (agents) that largely preserves feature match quality and minimizes communication between agents (avoiding, in particular, the need of flooding all data to all agents). Finally, we show how QuickMatch performs on an object matching test with low quality images. The centralized QuickMatch algorithm is compared to other standard matching algorithms, while the Distributed QuickMatch algorithm is compared to the centralized algorithm in terms of preservation of match consistency. The presented experiment shows that QuickMatch matches features across a large number of images and features in larger numbers and more accurately than standard techniques.
Abstract:Robot motion planning is central to real-world autonomous applications, such as self-driving cars, persistence surveillance, and robotic arm manipulation. One challenge in motion planning is generating control signals for nonlinear systems that result in obstacle free paths through dynamic environments. In this paper, we propose Control Barrier Function guided Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (CBF-RRT), a sampling-based motion planning algorithm for continuous-time nonlinear systems in dynamic environments. The algorithm focuses on two objectives: efficiently generating feasible controls that steer the system toward a goal region, and handling environments with dynamical obstacles in continuous time. We formulate the control synthesis problem as a Quadratic Program (QP) that enforces Control Barrier Function (CBF) constraints to achieve obstacle avoidance. Additionally, CBF-RRT does not require nearest neighbor or collision checks when sampling, which greatly reduce the run-time overhead when compared to standard RRT variants.