Abstract:Recent advancements in autoregressive Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved significant milestones, largely attributed to their scalability, often referred to as the "scaling law". Inspired by these achievements, there has been a growing interest in adapting LLMs for Recommendation Systems (RecSys) by reformulating RecSys tasks into generative problems. However, these End-to-End Generative Recommendation (E2E-GR) methods tend to prioritize idealized goals, often at the expense of the practical advantages offered by traditional Deep Learning based Recommendation Models (DLRMs) in terms of in features, architecture, and practices. This disparity between idealized goals and practical needs introduces several challenges and limitations, locking the scaling law in industrial RecSys. In this paper, we introduce a large user model (LUM) that addresses these limitations through a three-step paradigm, designed to meet the stringent requirements of industrial settings while unlocking the potential for scalable recommendations. Our extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that LUM outperforms both state-of-the-art DLRMs and E2E-GR approaches. Notably, LUM exhibits excellent scalability, with performance improvements observed as the model scales up to 7 billion parameters. Additionally, we have successfully deployed LUM in an industrial application, where it achieved significant gains in an A/B test, further validating its effectiveness and practicality.
Abstract:Distant supervision leverages knowledge bases to automatically label instances, thus allowing us to train relation extractor without human annotations. However, the generated training data typically contain massive noise, and may result in poor performances with the vanilla supervised learning. In this paper, we propose to conduct multi-instance learning with a novel Cross-relation Cross-bag Selective Attention (C$^2$SA), which leads to noise-robust training for distant supervised relation extractor. Specifically, we employ the sentence-level selective attention to reduce the effect of noisy or mismatched sentences, while the correlation among relations were captured to improve the quality of attention weights. Moreover, instead of treating all entity-pairs equally, we try to pay more attention to entity-pairs with a higher quality. Similarly, we adopt the selective attention mechanism to achieve this goal. Experiments with two types of relation extractor demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over the state-of-the-art, while further ablation studies verify our intuitions and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed two techniques.