Abstract:Recent advancements in autoregressive Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved significant milestones, largely attributed to their scalability, often referred to as the "scaling law". Inspired by these achievements, there has been a growing interest in adapting LLMs for Recommendation Systems (RecSys) by reformulating RecSys tasks into generative problems. However, these End-to-End Generative Recommendation (E2E-GR) methods tend to prioritize idealized goals, often at the expense of the practical advantages offered by traditional Deep Learning based Recommendation Models (DLRMs) in terms of in features, architecture, and practices. This disparity between idealized goals and practical needs introduces several challenges and limitations, locking the scaling law in industrial RecSys. In this paper, we introduce a large user model (LUM) that addresses these limitations through a three-step paradigm, designed to meet the stringent requirements of industrial settings while unlocking the potential for scalable recommendations. Our extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that LUM outperforms both state-of-the-art DLRMs and E2E-GR approaches. Notably, LUM exhibits excellent scalability, with performance improvements observed as the model scales up to 7 billion parameters. Additionally, we have successfully deployed LUM in an industrial application, where it achieved significant gains in an A/B test, further validating its effectiveness and practicality.
Abstract:In many web applications, deep learning-based CTR prediction models (deep CTR models for short) are widely adopted. Traditional deep CTR models learn patterns in a static manner, i.e., the network parameters are the same across all the instances. However, such a manner can hardly characterize each of the instances which may have different underlying distribution. It actually limits the representation power of deep CTR models, leading to sub-optimal results. In this paper, we propose an efficient, effective, and universal module, Adaptive Parameter Generation network (APG), where the parameters of deep CTR models are dynamically generated on-the-fly based on different instances. Extensive experimental evaluation results show that APG can be applied to a variety of deep CTR models and significantly improve their performance. We have deployed APG in the Taobao sponsored search system and achieved 3\% CTR gain and 1\% RPM gain respectively.
Abstract:Nowadays, deep learning models are widely adopted in web-scale applications such as recommender systems, and online advertising. In these applications, embedding learning of categorical features is crucial to the success of deep learning models. In these models, a standard method is that each categorical feature value is assigned a unique embedding vector which can be learned and optimized. Although this method can well capture the characteristics of the categorical features and promise good performance, it can incur a huge memory cost to store the embedding table, especially for those web-scale applications. Such a huge memory cost significantly holds back the effectiveness and usability of EDRMs. In this paper, we propose a binary code based hash embedding method which allows the size of the embedding table to be reduced in arbitrary scale without compromising too much performance. Experimental evaluation results show that one can still achieve 99\% performance even if the embedding table size is reduced 1000$\times$ smaller than the original one with our proposed method.
Abstract:Embedding learning for categorical features is crucial for the deep learning-based recommendation models (DLRMs). Each feature value is mapped to an embedding vector via an embedding learning process. Conventional methods configure a fixed and uniform embedding size to all feature values from the same feature field. However, such a configuration is not only sub-optimal for embedding learning but also memory costly. Existing methods that attempt to resolve these problems, either rule-based or neural architecture search (NAS)-based, need extensive efforts on the human design or network training. They are also not flexible in embedding size selection or in warm-start-based applications. In this paper, we propose a novel and effective embedding size selection scheme. Specifically, we design an Adaptively-Masked Twins-based Layer (AMTL) behind the standard embedding layer. AMTL generates a mask vector to mask the undesired dimensions for each embedding vector. The mask vector brings flexibility in selecting the dimensions and the proposed layer can be easily added to either untrained or trained DLRMs. Extensive experimental evaluations show that the proposed scheme outperforms competitive baselines on all the benchmark tasks, and is also memory-efficient, saving 60\% memory usage without compromising any performance metrics.
Abstract:Cross features play an important role in click-through rate (CTR) prediction. Most of the existing methods adopt a DNN-based model to capture the cross features in an implicit manner. These implicit methods may lead to a sub-optimized performance due to the limitation in explicit semantic modeling. Although traditional statistical explicit semantic cross features can address the problem in these implicit methods, it still suffers from some challenges, including lack of generalization and expensive memory cost. Few works focus on tackling these challenges. In this paper, we take the first step in learning the explicit semantic cross features and propose Pre-trained Cross Feature learning Graph Neural Networks (PCF-GNN), a GNN based pre-trained model aiming at generating cross features in an explicit fashion. Extensive experiments are conducted on both public and industrial datasets, where PCF-GNN shows competence in both performance and memory-efficiency in various tasks.