Abstract:Quantum relative entropy, a quantum generalization of the well-known Kullback-Leibler divergence, serves as a fundamental measure of the distinguishability between quantum states and plays a pivotal role in quantum information science. Despite its importance, efficiently estimating quantum relative entropy between two quantum states on quantum computers remains a significant challenge. In this work, we propose the first quantum algorithm for estimating quantum relative entropy and Petz R\'{e}nyi divergence from two unknown quantum states on quantum computers, addressing open problems highlighted in [Phys. Rev. A 109, 032431 (2024)] and [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 70, 5653-5680 (2024)]. This is achieved by combining quadrature approximations of relative entropies, the variational representation of quantum f-divergences, and a new technique for parameterizing Hermitian polynomial operators to estimate their traces with quantum states. Notably, the circuit size of our algorithm is at most 2n+1 with n being the number of qubits in the quantum states and it is directly applicable to distributed scenarios, where quantum states to be compared are hosted on cross-platform quantum computers. We validate our algorithm through numerical simulations, laying the groundwork for its future deployment on quantum hardware devices.
Abstract:We initiate the study of utilizing Quantum Langevin Dynamics (QLD) to solve optimization problems, particularly those non-convex objective functions that present substantial obstacles for traditional gradient descent algorithms. Specifically, we examine the dynamics of a system coupled with an infinite heat bath. This interaction induces both random quantum noise and a deterministic damping effect to the system, which nudge the system towards a steady state that hovers near the global minimum of objective functions. We theoretically prove the convergence of QLD in convex landscapes, demonstrating that the average energy of the system can approach zero in the low temperature limit with an exponential decay rate correlated with the evolution time. Numerically, we first show the energy dissipation capability of QLD by retracing its origins to spontaneous emission. Furthermore, we conduct detailed discussion of the impact of each parameter. Finally, based on the observations when comparing QLD with classical Fokker-Plank-Smoluchowski equation, we propose a time-dependent QLD by making temperature and $\hbar$ time-dependent parameters, which can be theoretically proven to converge better than the time-independent case and also outperforms a series of state-of-the-art quantum and classical optimization algorithms in many non-convex landscapes.
Abstract:Decision Transformers (DT) have demonstrated strong performances in offline reinforcement learning settings, but quickly adapting to unseen novel tasks remains challenging. To address this challenge, we propose a new framework, called Hyper-Decision Transformer (HDT), that can generalize to novel tasks from a handful of demonstrations in a data- and parameter-efficient manner. To achieve such a goal, we propose to augment the base DT with an adaptation module, whose parameters are initialized by a hyper-network. When encountering unseen tasks, the hyper-network takes a handful of demonstrations as inputs and initializes the adaptation module accordingly. This initialization enables HDT to efficiently adapt to novel tasks by only fine-tuning the adaptation module. We validate HDT's generalization capability on object manipulation tasks. We find that with a single expert demonstration and fine-tuning only 0.5% of DT parameters, HDT adapts faster to unseen tasks than fine-tuning the whole DT model. Finally, we explore a more challenging setting where expert actions are not available, and we show that HDT outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in terms of task success rates by a large margin.
Abstract:Masked Language Modeling (MLM) has proven to be an essential component of Vision-Language (VL) pretraining. To implement MLM, the researcher must make two design choices: the masking strategy, which determines which tokens to mask, and the masking rate, which determines how many tokens to mask. Previous work has focused primarily on the masking strategy while setting the masking rate at a default of 15\%. In this paper, we show that increasing this masking rate improves downstream performance while simultaneously reducing performance gap among different masking strategies, rendering the uniform masking strategy competitive to other more complex ones. Surprisingly, we also discover that increasing the masking rate leads to gains in Image-Text Matching (ITM) tasks, suggesting that the role of MLM goes beyond language modeling in VL pretraining.
Abstract:Humans can leverage prior experience and learn novel tasks from a handful of demonstrations. In contrast to offline meta-reinforcement learning, which aims to achieve quick adaptation through better algorithm design, we investigate the effect of architecture inductive bias on the few-shot learning capability. We propose a Prompt-based Decision Transformer (Prompt-DT), which leverages the sequential modeling ability of the Transformer architecture and the prompt framework to achieve few-shot adaptation in offline RL. We design the trajectory prompt, which contains segments of the few-shot demonstrations, and encodes task-specific information to guide policy generation. Our experiments in five MuJoCo control benchmarks show that Prompt-DT is a strong few-shot learner without any extra finetuning on unseen target tasks. Prompt-DT outperforms its variants and strong meta offline RL baselines by a large margin with a trajectory prompt containing only a few timesteps. Prompt-DT is also robust to prompt length changes and can generalize to out-of-distribution (OOD) environments.
Abstract:We propose a unifying view to analyze the representation quality of self-supervised learning (SSL) models without access to supervised labels, while being agnostic to the architecture, learning algorithm or data manipulation used during training. We argue that representations can be evaluated through the lens of expressiveness and learnability. We propose to use the Intrinsic Dimension (ID) to assess expressiveness and introduce Cluster Learnability (CL) to assess learnability. CL is measured as the learning speed of a KNN classifier trained to predict labels obtained by clustering the representations with K-means. We thus combine CL and ID into a single predictor: CLID. Through a large-scale empirical study with a diverse family of SSL algorithms, we find that CLID better correlates with in-distribution model performance than other competing recent evaluation schemes. We also benchmark CLID on out-of-domain generalization, where CLID serves as a predictor of the transfer performance of SSL models on several classification tasks, yielding improvements with respect to the competing baselines.
Abstract:Although neural module networks have an architectural bias towards compositionality, they require gold standard layouts to generalize systematically in practice. When instead learning layouts and modules jointly, compositionality does not arise automatically and an explicit pressure is necessary for the emergence of layouts exhibiting the right structure. We propose to address this problem using iterated learning, a cognitive science theory of the emergence of compositional languages in nature that has primarily been applied to simple referential games in machine learning. Considering the layouts of module networks as samples from an emergent language, we use iterated learning to encourage the development of structure within this language. We show that the resulting layouts support systematic generalization in neural agents solving the more complex task of visual question-answering. Our regularized iterated learning method can outperform baselines without iterated learning on SHAPES-SyGeT (SHAPES Systematic Generalization Test), a new split of the SHAPES dataset we introduce to evaluate systematic generalization, and on CLOSURE, an extension of CLEVR also designed to test systematic generalization. We demonstrate superior performance in recovering ground-truth compositional program structure with limited supervision on both SHAPES-SyGeT and CLEVR.
Abstract:Many complex real-world tasks are composed of several levels of sub-tasks. Humans leverage these hierarchical structures to accelerate the learning process and achieve better generalization. In this work, we study the inductive bias and propose Ordered Memory Policy Network (OMPN) to discover subtask hierarchy by learning from demonstration. The discovered subtask hierarchy could be used to perform task decomposition, recovering the subtask boundaries in an unstruc-tured demonstration. Experiments on Craft and Dial demonstrate that our modelcan achieve higher task decomposition performance under both unsupervised and weakly supervised settings, comparing with strong baselines. OMPN can also bedirectly applied to partially observable environments and still achieve higher task decomposition performance. Our visualization further confirms that the subtask hierarchy can emerge in our model.
Abstract:Language drift has been one of the major obstacles to train language models through interaction. When word-based conversational agents are trained towards completing a task, they tend to invent their language rather than leveraging natural language. In recent literature, two general methods partially counter this phenomenon: Supervised Selfplay (S2P) and Seeded Iterated Learning (SIL). While S2P jointly trains interactive and supervised losses to counter the drift, SIL changes the training dynamics to prevent language drift from occurring. In this paper, we first highlight their respective weaknesses, i.e., late-stage training collapses and higher negative likelihood when evaluated on human corpus. Given these observations, we introduce Supervised Seeded Iterated Learning to combine both methods to minimize their respective weaknesses. We then show the effectiveness of \algo in the language-drift translation game.
Abstract:Supervised learning methods excel at capturing statistical properties of language when trained over large text corpora. Yet, these models often produce inconsistent outputs in goal-oriented language settings as they are not trained to complete the underlying task. Moreover, as soon as the agents are finetuned to maximize task completion, they suffer from the so-called language drift phenomenon: they slowly lose syntactic and semantic properties of language as they only focus on solving the task. In this paper, we propose a generic approach to counter language drift by using iterated learning. We iterate between fine-tuning agents with interactive training steps, and periodically replacing them with new agents that are seeded from last iteration and trained to imitate the latest finetuned models. Iterated learning does not require external syntactic constraint nor semantic knowledge, making it a valuable task-agnostic finetuning protocol. We first explore iterated learning in the Lewis Game. We then scale-up the approach in the translation game. In both settings, our results show that iterated learn-ing drastically counters language drift as well as it improves the task completion metric.