Abstract:In recent years, No-Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment (NR-PCQA) research has achieved significant progress. However, existing methods mostly seek a direct mapping function from visual data to the Mean Opinion Score (MOS), which is contradictory to the mechanism of practical subjective evaluation. To address this, we propose a novel language-driven PCQA method named CLIP-PCQA. Considering that human beings prefer to describe visual quality using discrete quality descriptions (e.g., "excellent" and "poor") rather than specific scores, we adopt a retrieval-based mapping strategy to simulate the process of subjective assessment. More specifically, based on the philosophy of CLIP, we calculate the cosine similarity between the visual features and multiple textual features corresponding to different quality descriptions, in which process an effective contrastive loss and learnable prompts are introduced to enhance the feature extraction. Meanwhile, given the personal limitations and bias in subjective experiments, we further covert the feature similarities into probabilities and consider the Opinion Score Distribution (OSD) rather than a single MOS as the final target. Experimental results show that our CLIP-PCQA outperforms other State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) approaches.
Abstract:Geometry plays a significant role in monocular 3D object detection. It can be used to estimate object depth by using the perspective projection between object's physical size and 2D projection in the image plane, which can introduce mathematical priors into deep models. However, this projection process also introduces error amplification, where the error of the estimated height is amplified and reflected into the projected depth. It leads to unreliable depth inferences and also impairs training stability. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Geometry Uncertainty Propagation Network (GUPNet++) by modeling geometry projection in a probabilistic manner. This ensures depth predictions are well-bounded and associated with a reasonable uncertainty. The significance of introducing such geometric uncertainty is two-fold: (1). It models the uncertainty propagation relationship of the geometry projection during training, improving the stability and efficiency of the end-to-end model learning. (2). It can be derived to a highly reliable confidence to indicate the quality of the 3D detection result, enabling more reliable detection inference. Experiments show that the proposed approach not only obtains (state-of-the-art) SOTA performance in image-based monocular 3D detection but also demonstrates superiority in efficacy with a simplified framework.
Abstract:Clothes-invariant feature extraction is critical to the clothes-changing person re-identification (CC-ReID). It can provide discriminative identity features and eliminate the negative effects caused by the confounder--clothing changes. But we argue that there exists a strong spurious correlation between clothes and human identity, that restricts the common likelihood-based ReID method P(Y|X) to extract clothes-irrelevant features. In this paper, we propose a new Causal Clothes-Invariant Learning (CCIL) method to achieve clothes-invariant feature learning by modeling causal intervention P(Y|do(X)). This new causality-based model is inherently invariant to the confounder in the causal view, which can achieve the clothes-invariant features and avoid the barrier faced by the likelihood-based methods. Extensive experiments on three CC-ReID benchmarks, including PRCC, LTCC, and VC-Clothes, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which achieves a new state of the art.
Abstract:Graph-based models have achieved great success in person re-identification tasks recently, which compute the graph topology structure (affinities) among different people first and then pass the information across them to achieve stronger features. But we find existing graph-based methods in the visible-infrared person re-identification task (VI-ReID) suffer from bad generalization because of two issues: 1) train-test modality balance gap, which is a property of VI-ReID task. The number of two modalities data are balanced in the training stage, but extremely unbalanced in inference, causing the low generalization of graph-based VI-ReID methods. 2) sub-optimal topology structure caused by the end-to-end learning manner to the graph module. We analyze that the well-trained input features weaken the learning of graph topology, making it not generalized enough during the inference process. In this paper, we propose a Counterfactual Intervention Feature Transfer (CIFT) method to tackle these problems. Specifically, a Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Feature Transfer (H2FT) is designed to reduce the train-test modality balance gap by two independent types of well-designed graph modules and an unbalanced scenario simulation. Besides, a Counterfactual Relation Intervention (CRI) is proposed to utilize the counterfactual intervention and causal effect tools to highlight the role of topology structure in the whole training process, which makes the graph topology structure more reliable. Extensive experiments on standard VI-ReID benchmarks demonstrate that CIFT outperforms the state-of-the-art methods under various settings.
Abstract:Geometry Projection is a powerful depth estimation method in monocular 3D object detection. It estimates depth dependent on heights, which introduces mathematical priors into the deep model. But projection process also introduces the error amplification problem, in which the error of the estimated height will be amplified and reflected greatly at the output depth. This property leads to uncontrollable depth inferences and also damages the training efficiency. In this paper, we propose a Geometry Uncertainty Projection Network (GUP Net) to tackle the error amplification problem at both inference and training stages. Specifically, a GUP module is proposed to obtains the geometry-guided uncertainty of the inferred depth, which not only provides high reliable confidence for each depth but also benefits depth learning. Furthermore, at the training stage, we propose a Hierarchical Task Learning strategy to reduce the instability caused by error amplification. This learning algorithm monitors the learning situation of each task by a proposed indicator and adaptively assigns the proper loss weights for different tasks according to their pre-tasks situation. Based on that, each task starts learning only when its pre-tasks are learned well, which can significantly improve the stability and efficiency of the training process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The overall model can infer more reliable object depth than existing methods and outperforms the state-of-the-art image-based monocular 3D detectors by 3.74% and 4.7% AP40 of the car and pedestrian categories on the KITTI benchmark.