Abstract:In this paper, we propose a global monotonicity consistency training strategy for quality assessment, which includes a differentiable, low-computation monotonicity evaluation loss function and a global perception training mechanism. Specifically, unlike conventional ranking loss and linear programming approaches that indirectly implement the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient (SROCC) function, our method directly converts SROCC into a loss function by making the sorting operation within SROCC differentiable and functional. Furthermore, to mitigate the discrepancies between batch optimization during network training and global evaluation of SROCC, we introduce a memory bank mechanism. This mechanism stores gradient-free predicted results from previous batches and uses them in the current batch's training to prevent abrupt gradient changes. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method on both images and point clouds quality assessment tasks, demonstrating performance gains in both cases.
Abstract:In recent years, No-Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment (NR-PCQA) research has achieved significant progress. However, existing methods mostly seek a direct mapping function from visual data to the Mean Opinion Score (MOS), which is contradictory to the mechanism of practical subjective evaluation. To address this, we propose a novel language-driven PCQA method named CLIP-PCQA. Considering that human beings prefer to describe visual quality using discrete quality descriptions (e.g., "excellent" and "poor") rather than specific scores, we adopt a retrieval-based mapping strategy to simulate the process of subjective assessment. More specifically, based on the philosophy of CLIP, we calculate the cosine similarity between the visual features and multiple textual features corresponding to different quality descriptions, in which process an effective contrastive loss and learnable prompts are introduced to enhance the feature extraction. Meanwhile, given the personal limitations and bias in subjective experiments, we further covert the feature similarities into probabilities and consider the Opinion Score Distribution (OSD) rather than a single MOS as the final target. Experimental results show that our CLIP-PCQA outperforms other State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) approaches.
Abstract:Text-to-3D generation has achieved remarkable progress in recent years, yet evaluating these methods remains challenging for two reasons: i) Existing benchmarks lack fine-grained evaluation on different prompt categories and evaluation dimensions. ii) Previous evaluation metrics only focus on a single aspect (e.g., text-3D alignment) and fail to perform multi-dimensional quality assessment. To address these problems, we first propose a comprehensive benchmark named MATE-3D. The benchmark contains eight well-designed prompt categories that cover single and multiple object generation, resulting in 1,280 generated textured meshes. We have conducted a large-scale subjective experiment from four different evaluation dimensions and collected 107,520 annotations, followed by detailed analyses of the results. Based on MATE-3D, we propose a novel quality evaluator named HyperScore. Utilizing hypernetwork to generate specified mapping functions for each evaluation dimension, our metric can effectively perform multi-dimensional quality assessment. HyperScore presents superior performance over existing metrics on MATE-3D, making it a promising metric for assessing and improving text-to-3D generation. The project is available at https://mate-3d.github.io/.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (GS) demonstrates excellent rendering quality and generation speed in novel view synthesis. However, substantial data size poses challenges for storage and transmission, making 3D GS compression an essential technology. Current 3D GS compression research primarily focuses on developing more compact scene representations, such as converting explicit 3D GS data into implicit forms. In contrast, compression of the GS data itself has hardly been explored. To address this gap, we propose a Hierarchical GS Compression (HGSC) technique. Initially, we prune unimportant Gaussians based on importance scores derived from both global and local significance, effectively reducing redundancy while maintaining visual quality. An Octree structure is used to compress 3D positions. Based on the 3D GS Octree, we implement a hierarchical attribute compression strategy by employing a KD-tree to partition the 3D GS into multiple blocks. We apply farthest point sampling to select anchor primitives within each block and others as non-anchor primitives with varying Levels of Details (LoDs). Anchor primitives serve as reference points for predicting non-anchor primitives across different LoDs to reduce spatial redundancy. For anchor primitives, we use the region adaptive hierarchical transform to achieve near-lossless compression of various attributes. For non-anchor primitives, each is predicted based on the k-nearest anchor primitives. To further minimize prediction errors, the reconstructed LoD and anchor primitives are combined to form new anchor primitives to predict the next LoD. Our method notably achieves superior compression quality and a significant data size reduction of over 4.5 times compared to the state-of-the-art compression method on small scenes datasets.
Abstract:This paper proposes a Generative Face Video Compression (GFVC) approach using Supplemental Enhancement Information (SEI), where a series of compact spatial and temporal representations of a face video signal (i.e., 2D/3D key-points, facial semantics and compact features) can be coded using SEI message and inserted into the coded video bitstream. At the time of writing, the proposed GFVC approach is an official "technology under consideration" (TuC) for standardization by the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET) of ISO/IEC JVT 1/SC 29 and ITU-T SG16. To the best of the authors' knowledge, the JVET work on the proposed SEI-based GFVC approach is the first standardization activity for generative video compression. The proposed SEI approach has not only advanced the reconstruction quality of early-day Model-Based Coding (MBC) via the state-of-the-art generative technique, but also established a new SEI definition for future GFVC applications and deployment. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed SEI-based GFVC approach can achieve remarkable rate-distortion performance compared with the latest Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard, whilst also potentially enabling a wide variety of functionalities including user-specified animation/filtering and metaverse-related applications.
Abstract:To fill the gap of traditional GS compression method, in this paper, we first propose a simple and effective GS data compression anchor called Graph-based GS Compression (GGSC). GGSC is inspired by graph signal processing theory and uses two branches to compress the primitive center and attributes. We split the whole GS sample via KDTree and clip the high-frequency components after the graph Fourier transform. Followed by quantization, G-PCC and adaptive arithmetic coding are used to compress the primitive center and attribute residual matrix to generate the bitrate file. GGSS is the first work to explore traditional GS compression, with advantages that can reveal the GS distortion characteristics corresponding to typical compression operation, such as high-frequency clipping and quantization. Second, based on GGSC, we create a GS Quality Assessment dataset (GSQA) with 120 samples. A subjective experiment is conducted in a laboratory environment to collect subjective scores after rendering GS into Processed Video Sequences (PVS). We analyze the characteristics of different GS distortions based on Mean Opinion Scores (MOS), demonstrating the sensitivity of different attributes distortion to visual quality. The GGSC code and the dataset, including GS samples, MOS, and PVS, are made publicly available at https://github.com/Qi-Yangsjtu/GGSC.
Abstract:Recent years have witnessed the success of the deep learning-based technique in research of no-reference point cloud quality assessment (NR-PCQA). For a more accurate quality prediction, many previous studies have attempted to capture global and local feature in a bottom-up manner, but ignored the interaction and promotion between them. To solve this problem, we propose a novel asynchronous feedback network (AFNet). Motivated by human visual perception mechanisms, AFNet employs a dual-branch structure to deal with global and local feature, simulating the left and right hemispheres of the human brain, and constructs a feedback module between them. Specifically, the input point clouds are first fed into a transformer-based global encoder to generate the attention maps that highlight these semantically rich regions, followed by being merged into the global feature. Then, we utilize the generated attention maps to perform dynamic convolution for different semantic regions and obtain the local feature. Finally, a coarse-to-fine strategy is adopted to merge the two features into the final quality score. We conduct comprehensive experiments on three datasets and achieve superior performance over the state-of-the-art approaches on all of these datasets. The code will be available at https://github.com/zhangyujie-1998/AFNet.
Abstract:Full-reference point cloud quality assessment (FR-PCQA) aims to infer the quality of distorted point clouds with available references. Most of the existing FR-PCQA metrics ignore the fact that the human visual system (HVS) dynamically tackles visual information according to different distortion levels (i.e., distortion detection for high-quality samples and appearance perception for low-quality samples) and measure point cloud quality using unified features. To bridge the gap, in this paper, we propose a perception-guided hybrid metric (PHM) that adaptively leverages two visual strategies with respect to distortion degree to predict point cloud quality: to measure visible difference in high-quality samples, PHM takes into account the masking effect and employs texture complexity as an effective compensatory factor for absolute difference; on the other hand, PHM leverages spectral graph theory to evaluate appearance degradation in low-quality samples. Variations in geometric signals on graphs and changes in the spectral graph wavelet coefficients are utilized to characterize geometry and texture appearance degradation, respectively. Finally, the results obtained from the two components are combined in a non-linear method to produce an overall quality score of the tested point cloud. The results of the experiment on five independent databases show that PHM achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance and offers significant performance improvement in multiple distortion environments. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/zhangyujie-1998/PHM.
Abstract:No-reference point cloud quality assessment (NR-PCQA) aims to automatically evaluate the perceptual quality of distorted point clouds without available reference, which have achieved tremendous improvements due to the utilization of deep neural networks. However, learning-based NR-PCQA methods suffer from the scarcity of labeled data and usually perform suboptimally in terms of generalization. To solve the problem, we propose a novel contrastive pre-training framework tailored for PCQA (CoPA), which enables the pre-trained model to learn quality-aware representations from unlabeled data. To obtain anchors in the representation space, we project point clouds with different distortions into images and randomly mix their local patches to form mixed images with multiple distortions. Utilizing the generated anchors, we constrain the pre-training process via a quality-aware contrastive loss following the philosophy that perceptual quality is closely related to both content and distortion. Furthermore, in the model fine-tuning stage, we propose a semantic-guided multi-view fusion module to effectively integrate the features of projected images from multiple perspectives. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art PCQA methods on popular benchmarks. Further investigations demonstrate that CoPA can also benefit existing learning-based PCQA models.
Abstract:No-reference point cloud quality assessment (NR-PCQA) aims to automatically predict the perceptual quality of point clouds without reference, which has achieved remarkable performance due to the utilization of deep learning-based models. However, these data-driven models suffer from the scarcity of labeled data and perform unsatisfactorily in cross-dataset evaluations. To address this problem, we propose a self-supervised pre-training framework using masked autoencoders (PAME) to help the model learn useful representations without labels. Specifically, after projecting point clouds into images, our PAME employs dual-branch autoencoders, reconstructing masked patches from distorted images into the original patches within reference and distorted images. In this manner, the two branches can separately learn content-aware features and distortion-aware features from the projected images. Furthermore, in the model fine-tuning stage, the learned content-aware features serve as a guide to fuse the point cloud quality features extracted from different perspectives. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art NR-PCQA methods on popular benchmarks in terms of prediction accuracy and generalizability.