Abstract:Despite the promising performance of current video segmentation models on existing benchmarks, these models still struggle with complex scenes. In this paper, we introduce the 6th Large-scale Video Object Segmentation (LSVOS) challenge in conjunction with ECCV 2024 workshop. This year's challenge includes two tasks: Video Object Segmentation (VOS) and Referring Video Object Segmentation (RVOS). In this year, we replace the classic YouTube-VOS and YouTube-RVOS benchmark with latest datasets MOSE, LVOS, and MeViS to assess VOS under more challenging complex environments. This year's challenge attracted 129 registered teams from more than 20 institutes across over 8 countries. This report include the challenge and dataset introduction, and the methods used by top 7 teams in two tracks. More details can be found in our homepage https://lsvos.github.io/.
Abstract:Referring video object segmentation (RVOS) relies on natural language expressions to segment target objects in video. In this year, LSVOS Challenge RVOS Track replaced the origin YouTube-RVOS benchmark with MeViS. MeViS focuses on referring the target object in a video through its motion descriptions instead of static attributes, posing a greater challenge to RVOS task. In this work, we integrate strengths of that leading RVOS and VOS models to build up a simple and effective pipeline for RVOS. Firstly, We finetune the state-of-the-art RVOS model to obtain mask sequences that are correlated with language descriptions. Secondly, based on a reliable and high-quality key frames, we leverage VOS model to enhance the quality and temporal consistency of the mask results. Finally, we further improve the performance of the RVOS model using semi-supervised learning. Our solution achieved 62.57 J&F on the MeViS test set and ranked 1st place for 6th LSVOS Challenge RVOS Track.
Abstract:Video Object Segmentation (VOS) task aims to segmenting a particular object instance throughout the entire video sequence given only the object mask of the first frame. Recently, Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2) is proposed, which is a foundation model towards solving promptable visual segmentation in images and videos. SAM 2 builds a data engine, which improves model and data via user interaction, to collect the largest video segmentation dataset to date. SAM 2 is a simple transformer architecture with streaming memory for real-time video processing, which trained on the date provides strong performance across a wide range of tasks. In this work, we evaluate the zero-shot performance of SAM 2 on the more challenging VOS datasets MOSE and LVOS. Without fine-tuning on the training set, SAM 2 achieved 75.79 J&F on the test set and ranked 4th place for 6th LSVOS Challenge VOS Track.
Abstract:Open-Vocabulary Video Instance Segmentation (VIS) is attracting increasing attention due to its ability to segment and track arbitrary objects. However, the recent Open-Vocabulary VIS attempts obtained unsatisfactory results, especially in terms of generalization ability of novel categories. We discover that the domain gap between the VLM features (e.g., CLIP) and the instance queries and the underutilization of temporal consistency are two central causes. To mitigate these issues, we design and train a novel Open-Vocabulary VIS baseline called OVFormer. OVFormer utilizes a lightweight module for unified embedding alignment between query embeddings and CLIP image embeddings to remedy the domain gap. Unlike previous image-based training methods, we conduct video-based model training and deploy a semi-online inference scheme to fully mine the temporal consistency in the video. Without bells and whistles, OVFormer achieves 21.9 mAP with a ResNet-50 backbone on LV-VIS, exceeding the previous state-of-the-art performance by 7.7. Extensive experiments on some Close-Vocabulary VIS datasets also demonstrate the strong zero-shot generalization ability of OVFormer (+ 7.6 mAP on YouTube-VIS 2019, + 3.9 mAP on OVIS). Code is available at https://github.com/fanghaook/OVFormer.
Abstract:Pixel-level Video Understanding in the Wild Challenge (PVUW) focus on complex video understanding. In this CVPR 2024 workshop, we add two new tracks, Complex Video Object Segmentation Track based on MOSE dataset and Motion Expression guided Video Segmentation track based on MeViS dataset. In the two new tracks, we provide additional videos and annotations that feature challenging elements, such as the disappearance and reappearance of objects, inconspicuous small objects, heavy occlusions, and crowded environments in MOSE. Moreover, we provide a new motion expression guided video segmentation dataset MeViS to study the natural language-guided video understanding in complex environments. These new videos, sentences, and annotations enable us to foster the development of a more comprehensive and robust pixel-level understanding of video scenes in complex environments and realistic scenarios. The MOSE challenge had 140 registered teams in total, 65 teams participated the validation phase and 12 teams made valid submissions in the final challenge phase. The MeViS challenge had 225 registered teams in total, 50 teams participated the validation phase and 5 teams made valid submissions in the final challenge phase.
Abstract:Referring video object segmentation (RVOS) relies on natural language expressions to segment target objects in video, emphasizing modeling dense text-video relations. The current RVOS methods typically use independently pre-trained vision and language models as backbones, resulting in a significant domain gap between video and text. In cross-modal feature interaction, text features are only used as query initialization and do not fully utilize important information in the text. In this work, we propose using frozen pre-trained vision-language models (VLM) as backbones, with a specific emphasis on enhancing cross-modal feature interaction. Firstly, we use frozen convolutional CLIP backbone to generate feature-aligned vision and text features, alleviating the issue of domain gap and reducing training costs. Secondly, we add more cross-modal feature fusion in the pipeline to enhance the utilization of multi-modal information. Furthermore, we propose a novel video query initialization method to generate higher quality video queries. Without bells and whistles, our method achieved 51.5 J&F on the MeViS test set and ranked 3rd place for MeViS Track in CVPR 2024 PVUW workshop: Motion Expression guided Video Segmentation.
Abstract:Depth images and thermal images contain the spatial geometry information and surface temperature information, which can act as complementary information for the RGB modality. However, the quality of the depth and thermal images is often unreliable in some challenging scenarios, which will result in the performance degradation of the two-modal based salient object detection (SOD). Meanwhile, some researchers pay attention to the triple-modal SOD task, where they attempt to explore the complementarity of the RGB image, the depth image, and the thermal image. However, existing triple-modal SOD methods fail to perceive the quality of depth maps and thermal images, which leads to performance degradation when dealing with scenes with low-quality depth and thermal images. Therefore, we propose a quality-aware selective fusion network (QSF-Net) to conduct VDT salient object detection, which contains three subnets including the initial feature extraction subnet, the quality-aware region selection subnet, and the region-guided selective fusion subnet. Firstly, except for extracting features, the initial feature extraction subnet can generate a preliminary prediction map from each modality via a shrinkage pyramid architecture. Then, we design the weakly-supervised quality-aware region selection subnet to generate the quality-aware maps. Concretely, we first find the high-quality and low-quality regions by using the preliminary predictions, which further constitute the pseudo label that can be used to train this subnet. Finally, the region-guided selective fusion subnet purifies the initial features under the guidance of the quality-aware maps, and then fuses the triple-modal features and refines the edge details of prediction maps through the intra-modality and inter-modality attention (IIA) module and the edge refinement (ER) module, respectively. Extensive experiments are performed on VDT-2048
Abstract:Sample selection is an effective strategy to mitigate the effect of label noise in robust learning. Typical strategies commonly apply the small-loss criterion to identify clean samples. However, those samples lying around the decision boundary with large losses usually entangle with noisy examples, which would be discarded with this criterion, leading to the heavy degeneration of the generalization performance. In this paper, we propose a novel selection strategy, \textbf{S}elf-\textbf{F}il\textbf{t}ering (SFT), that utilizes the fluctuation of noisy examples in historical predictions to filter them, which can avoid the selection bias of the small-loss criterion for the boundary examples. Specifically, we introduce a memory bank module that stores the historical predictions of each example and dynamically updates to support the selection for the subsequent learning iteration. Besides, to reduce the accumulated error of the sample selection bias of SFT, we devise a regularization term to penalize the confident output distribution. By increasing the weight of the misclassified categories with this term, the loss function is robust to label noise in mild conditions. We conduct extensive experiments on three benchmarks with variant noise types and achieve the new state-of-the-art. Ablation studies and further analysis verify the virtue of SFT for sample selection in robust learning.
Abstract:This paper aims to address few-shot semantic segmentation. While existing prototype-based methods have achieved considerable success, they suffer from uncertainty and ambiguity caused by limited labelled examples. In this work, we propose attentional prototype inference (API), a probabilistic latent variable framework for few-shot semantic segmentation. We define a global latent variable to represent the prototype of each object category, which we model as a probabilistic distribution. The probabilistic modeling of the prototype enhances the model's generalization ability by handling the inherent uncertainty caused by limited data and intra-class variations of objects. To further enhance the model, we introduce a local latent variable to represent the attention map of each query image, which enables the model to attend to foreground objects while suppressing background. The optimization of the proposed model is formulated as a variational Bayesian inference problem, which is established by amortized inference networks.We conduct extensive experiments on three benchmarks, where our proposal obtains at least competitive and often better performance than state-of-the-art methods. We also provide comprehensive analyses and ablation studies to gain insight into the effectiveness of our method for few-shot semantic segmentation.
Abstract:Early and accurate prediction of overall survival (OS) time can help to obtain better treatment planning for brain tumor patients. Although many OS time prediction methods have been developed and obtain promising results, there are still several issues. First, conventional prediction methods rely on radiomic features at the local lesion area of a magnetic resonance (MR) volume, which may not represent the full image or model complex tumor patterns. Second, different types of scanners (i.e., multi-modal data) are sensitive to different brain regions, which makes it challenging to effectively exploit the complementary information across multiple modalities and also preserve the modality-specific properties. Third, existing methods focus on prediction models, ignoring complex data-to-label relationships. To address the above issues, we propose an end-to-end OS time prediction model; namely, Multi-modal Multi-channel Network (M2Net). Specifically, we first project the 3D MR volume onto 2D images in different directions, which reduces computational costs, while preserving important information and enabling pre-trained models to be transferred from other tasks. Then, we use a modality-specific network to extract implicit and high-level features from different MR scans. A multi-modal shared network is built to fuse these features using a bilinear pooling model, exploiting their correlations to provide complementary information. Finally, we integrate the outputs from each modality-specific network and the multi-modal shared network to generate the final prediction result. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our M2Net model over other methods.