Rutgers University
Abstract:Reliable failure detection holds paramount importance in safety-critical applications. Yet, neural networks are known to produce overconfident predictions for misclassified samples. As a result, it remains a problematic matter as existing confidence score functions rely on category-level signals, the logits, to detect failures. This research introduces an innovative strategy, leveraging human-level concepts for a dual purpose: to reliably detect when a model fails and to transparently interpret why. By integrating a nuanced array of signals for each category, our method enables a finer-grained assessment of the model's confidence. We present a simple yet highly effective approach based on the ordinal ranking of concept activation to the input image. Without bells and whistles, our method significantly reduce the false positive rate across diverse real-world image classification benchmarks, specifically by 3.7% on ImageNet and 9% on EuroSAT.
Abstract:Capturing and reconstructing high-speed dynamic 3D scenes has numerous applications in computer graphics, vision, and interdisciplinary fields such as robotics, aerodynamics, and evolutionary biology. However, achieving this using a single imaging modality remains challenging. For instance, traditional RGB cameras suffer from low frame rates, limited exposure times, and narrow baselines. To address this, we propose a novel sensor fusion approach using Gaussian splatting, which combines RGB, depth, and event cameras to capture and reconstruct deforming scenes at high speeds. The key insight of our method lies in leveraging the complementary strengths of these imaging modalities: RGB cameras capture detailed color information, event cameras record rapid scene changes with microsecond resolution, and depth cameras provide 3D scene geometry. To unify the underlying scene representation across these modalities, we represent the scene using deformable 3D Gaussians. To handle rapid scene movements, we jointly optimize the 3D Gaussian parameters and their temporal deformation fields by integrating data from all three sensor modalities. This fusion enables efficient, high-quality imaging of fast and complex scenes, even under challenging conditions such as low light, narrow baselines, or rapid motion. Experiments on synthetic and real datasets captured with our prototype sensor fusion setup demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art techniques, achieving noticeable improvements in both rendering fidelity and structural accuracy.
Abstract:Recent advancements in Mamba have shown promising results in image restoration. These methods typically flatten 2D images into multiple distinct 1D sequences along rows and columns, process each sequence independently using selective scan operation, and recombine them to form the outputs. However, such a paradigm overlooks two vital aspects: i) the local relationships and spatial continuity inherent in natural images, and ii) the discrepancies among sequences unfolded through totally different ways. To overcome the drawbacks, we explore two problems in Mamba-based restoration methods: i) how to design a scanning strategy preserving both locality and continuity while facilitating restoration, and ii) how to aggregate the distinct sequences unfolded in totally different ways. To address these problems, we propose a novel Mamba-based Image Restoration model (MaIR), which consists of Nested S-shaped Scanning strategy (NSS) and Sequence Shuffle Attention block (SSA). Specifically, NSS preserves locality and continuity of the input images through the stripe-based scanning region and the S-shaped scanning path, respectively. SSA aggregates sequences through calculating attention weights within the corresponding channels of different sequences. Thanks to NSS and SSA, MaIR surpasses 40 baselines across 14 challenging datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance on the tasks of image super-resolution, denoising, deblurring and dehazing. Our codes will be available after acceptance.
Abstract:Fine-grained clustering is a practical yet challenging task, whose essence lies in capturing the subtle differences between instances of different classes. Such subtle differences can be easily disrupted by data augmentation or be overwhelmed by redundant information in data, leading to significant performance degradation for existing clustering methods. In this work, we introduce DiFiC a fine-grained clustering method building upon the conditional diffusion model. Distinct from existing works that focus on extracting discriminative features from images, DiFiC resorts to deducing the textual conditions used for image generation. To distill more precise and clustering-favorable object semantics, DiFiC further regularizes the diffusion target and guides the distillation process utilizing neighborhood similarity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DiFiC outperforms both state-of-the-art discriminative and generative clustering methods on four fine-grained image clustering benchmarks. We hope the success of DiFiC will inspire future research to unlock the potential of diffusion models in tasks beyond generation. The code will be released.
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs), such as CLIP, have already seen widespread applications. Researchers actively engage in further fine-tuning VLMs in safety-critical domains. In these domains, prediction rationality is crucial: the prediction should be correct and based on valid evidence. Yet, for VLMs, the impact of fine-tuning on prediction rationality is seldomly investigated. To study this problem, we proposed two new metrics called Prediction Trustworthiness and Inference Reliability. We conducted extensive experiments on various settings and observed some interesting phenomena. On the one hand, we found that the well-adopted fine-tuning methods led to more correct predictions based on invalid evidence. This potentially undermines the trustworthiness of correct predictions from fine-tuned VLMs. On the other hand, having identified valid evidence of target objects, fine-tuned VLMs were more likely to make correct predictions. Moreover, the findings are also consistent under distributional shifts and across various experimental settings. We hope our research offer fresh insights to VLM fine-tuning.
Abstract:Graph contrastive learning (GCL) has shown promising performance in semisupervised graph classification. However, existing studies still encounter significant challenges in GCL. First, successive layers in graph neural network (GNN) tend to produce more similar node embeddings, while GCL aims to increase the dissimilarity between negative pairs of node embeddings. This inevitably results in a conflict between the message-passing mechanism of GNNs and the contrastive learning of negative pairs via intraviews. Second, leveraging the diversity and quantity of data provided by graph-structured data augmentations while preserving intrinsic semantic information is challenging. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised conditional distribution learning (SSCDL) method designed to learn graph representations from graph-structured data for semisupervised graph classification. Specifically, we present an end-to-end graph representation learning model to align the conditional distributions of weakly and strongly augmented features over the original features. This alignment effectively reduces the risk of disrupting intrinsic semantic information through graph-structured data augmentation. To avoid conflict between the message-passing mechanism and contrastive learning of negative pairs, positive pairs of node representations are retained for measuring the similarity between the original features and the corresponding weakly augmented features. Extensive experiments with several benchmark graph datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SSCDL method.
Abstract:A major obstacle to the advancements of machine learning models in marine science, particularly in sonar imagery analysis, is the scarcity of AI-ready datasets. While there have been efforts to make AI-ready sonar image dataset publicly available, they suffer from limitations in terms of environment setting and scale. To bridge this gap, we introduce SeafloorAI, the first extensive AI-ready datasets for seafloor mapping across 5 geological layers that is curated in collaboration with marine scientists. We further extend the dataset to SeafloorGenAI by incorporating the language component in order to facilitate the development of both vision- and language-capable machine learning models for sonar imagery. The dataset consists of 62 geo-distributed data surveys spanning 17,300 square kilometers, with 696K sonar images, 827K annotated segmentation masks, 696K detailed language descriptions and approximately 7M question-answer pairs. By making our data processing source code publicly available, we aim to engage the marine science community to enrich the data pool and inspire the machine learning community to develop more robust models. This collaborative approach will enhance the capabilities and applications of our datasets within both fields.
Abstract:Large pretrained foundation models demonstrate exceptional performance and, in some high-stakes applications, even surpass human experts. However, most of these models are currently evaluated primarily on prediction accuracy, overlooking the validity of the rationales behind their accurate predictions. For the safe deployment of foundation models, there is a pressing need to ensure double-correct predictions, i.e., correct prediction backed by correct rationales. To achieve this, we propose a two-phase scheme: First, we curate a new dataset that offers structured rationales for visual recognition tasks. Second, we propose a rationale-informed optimization method to guide the model in disentangling and localizing visual evidence for each rationale, without requiring manual annotations. Extensive experiments and ablation studies demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art models by up to 10.1% in prediction accuracy across a wide range of tasks. Furthermore, our method significantly improves the model's rationale correctness, improving localization by 7.5% and disentanglement by 36.5%. Our dataset, source code, and pretrained weights:
Abstract:The success of most existing cross-modal retrieval methods heavily relies on the assumption that the given queries follow the same distribution of the source domain. However, such an assumption is easily violated in real-world scenarios due to the complexity and diversity of queries, thus leading to the query shift problem. Specifically, query shift refers to the online query stream originating from the domain that follows a different distribution with the source one. In this paper, we observe that query shift would not only diminish the uniformity (namely, within-modality scatter) of the query modality but also amplify the gap between query and gallery modalities. Based on the observations, we propose a novel method dubbed Test-time adaptation for Cross-modal Retrieval (TCR). In brief, TCR employs a novel module to refine the query predictions (namely, retrieval results of the query) and a joint objective to prevent query shift from disturbing the common space, thus achieving online adaptation for the cross-modal retrieval models with query shift. Expensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed TCR against query shift. The code will be released upon acceptance.
Abstract:Data stream clustering reveals patterns within continuously arriving, potentially unbounded data sequences. Numerous data stream algorithms have been proposed to cluster data streams. The existing data stream clustering algorithms still face significant challenges when addressing high-dimensional data streams. First, it is intractable to measure the similarities among high-dimensional data objects via Euclidean distances when constructing and merging microclusters. Second, these algorithms are highly sensitive to the noise contained in high-dimensional data streams. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical sparse representation clustering (HSRC) method for clustering high-dimensional data streams. HSRC first employs an $l_1$-minimization technique to learn an affinity matrix for data objects in individual landmark windows with fixed sizes, where the number of neighboring data objects is automatically selected. This approach ensures that highly correlated data samples within clusters are grouped together. Then, HSRC applies a spectral clustering technique to the affinity matrix to generate microclusters. These microclusters are subsequently merged into macroclusters based on their sparse similarity degrees (SSDs). Additionally, HSRC introduces sparsity residual values (SRVs) to adaptively select representative data objects from the current landmark window. These representatives serve as dictionary samples for the next landmark window. Finally, HSRC refines each macrocluster through fine-tuning. In particular, HSRC enables the detection of outliers in high-dimensional data streams via the associated SRVs. The experimental results obtained on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of HSRC.