Abstract:Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has made significant progress, largely fueled by the development of specialized testbeds that enable systematic evaluation of algorithms in controlled yet challenging scenarios. However, existing testbeds often focus on purely virtual simulations or limited robot morphologies such as robotic arms, quadrupeds, and humanoids, leaving high-mobility platforms with real-world physical constraints like drones underexplored. To bridge this gap, we present VolleyBots, a new MARL testbed where multiple drones cooperate and compete in the sport of volleyball under physical dynamics. VolleyBots features a turn-based interaction model under volleyball rules, a hierarchical decision-making process that combines motion control and strategic play, and a high-fidelity simulation for seamless sim-to-real transfer. We provide a comprehensive suite of tasks ranging from single-drone drills to multi-drone cooperative and competitive tasks, accompanied by baseline evaluations of representative MARL and game-theoretic algorithms. Results in simulation show that while existing algorithms handle simple tasks effectively, they encounter difficulty in complex tasks that require both low-level control and high-level strategy. We further demonstrate zero-shot deployment of a simulation-learned policy to real-world drones, highlighting VolleyBots' potential to propel MARL research involving agile robotic platforms. The project page is at https://sites.google.com/view/volleybots/home.
Abstract:Executing precise and agile flight maneuvers is critical for quadrotors in various applications. Traditional quadrotor control approaches are limited by their reliance on flat trajectories or time-consuming optimization, which restricts their flexibility. Recently, RL-based policy has emerged as a promising alternative due to its ability to directly map observations to actions, reducing the need for detailed system knowledge and actuation constraints. However, a significant challenge remains in bridging the sim-to-real gap, where RL-based policies often experience instability when deployed in real world. In this paper, we investigate key factors for learning robust RL-based control policies that are capable of zero-shot deployment in real-world quadrotors. We identify five critical factors and we develop a PPO-based training framework named SimpleFlight, which integrates these five techniques. We validate the efficacy of SimpleFlight on Crazyflie quadrotor, demonstrating that it achieves more than a 50% reduction in trajectory tracking error compared to state-of-the-art RL baselines, and achieves 70% improvement over the traditional MPC. The policy derived by SimpleFlight consistently excels across both smooth polynominal trajectories and challenging infeasible zigzag trajectories on small thrust-to-weight quadrotors. In contrast, baseline methods struggle with high-speed or infeasible trajectories. To support further research and reproducibility, we integrate SimpleFlight into a GPU-based simulator Omnidrones and provide open-source access to the code and model checkpoints. We hope SimpleFlight will offer valuable insights for advancing RL-based quadrotor control. For more details, visit our project website at https://sites.google.com/view/simpleflight/.
Abstract:Formation control of multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is vital for practical applications. This paper tackles the task of behavior-based UAV formation while avoiding static and dynamic obstacles during directed flight. We present a two-stage reinforcement learning (RL) training pipeline to tackle the challenge of multi-objective optimization, large exploration spaces, and the sim-to-real gap. The first stage searches in a simplified scenario for a linear utility function that balances all task objectives simultaneously, whereas the second stage applies the utility function in complex scenarios, utilizing curriculum learning to navigate large exploration spaces. Additionally, we apply an attention-based observation encoder to enhance formation maintenance and manage varying obstacle quantity. Experiments in simulation and real world demonstrate that our method outperforms planning-based and RL-based baselines regarding collision-free rate and formation maintenance in scenarios with static, dynamic, and mixed obstacles.
Abstract:Multi-UAV pursuit-evasion, where pursuers aim to capture evaders, poses a key challenge for UAV swarm intelligence. Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has demonstrated potential in modeling cooperative behaviors, but most RL-based approaches remain constrained to simplified simulations with limited dynamics or fixed scenarios. Previous attempts to deploy RL policy to real-world pursuit-evasion are largely restricted to two-dimensional scenarios, such as ground vehicles or UAVs at fixed altitudes. In this paper, we address multi-UAV pursuit-evasion by considering UAV dynamics and physical constraints. We introduce an evader prediction-enhanced network to tackle partial observability in cooperative strategy learning. Additionally, we propose an adaptive environment generator within MARL training, enabling higher exploration efficiency and better policy generalization across diverse scenarios. Simulations show our method significantly outperforms all baselines in challenging scenarios, generalizing to unseen scenarios with a 100% capture rate. Finally, we derive a feasible policy via a two-stage reward refinement and deploy the policy on real quadrotors in a zero-shot manner. To our knowledge, this is the first work to derive and deploy an RL-based policy using collective thrust and body rates control commands for multi-UAV pursuit-evasion in unknown environments. The open-source code and videos are available at https://sites.google.com/view/pursuit-evasion-rl.
Abstract:Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) represents the predominant framework in Whole Slide Image (WSI) classification, covering aspects such as sub-typing, diagnosis, and beyond. Current MIL models predominantly rely on instance-level features derived from pretrained models such as ResNet. These models segment each WSI into independent patches and extract features from these local patches, leading to a significant loss of global spatial context and restricting the model's focus to merely local features. To address this issue, we propose a novel MIL framework, named SAM-MIL, that emphasizes spatial contextual awareness and explicitly incorporates spatial context by extracting comprehensive, image-level information. The Segment Anything Model (SAM) represents a pioneering visual segmentation foundational model that can capture segmentation features without the need for additional fine-tuning, rendering it an outstanding tool for extracting spatial context directly from raw WSIs. Our approach includes the design of group feature extraction based on spatial context and a SAM-Guided Group Masking strategy to mitigate class imbalance issues. We implement a dynamic mask ratio for different segmentation categories and supplement these with representative group features of categories. Moreover, SAM-MIL divides instances to generate additional pseudo-bags, thereby augmenting the training set, and introduces consistency of spatial context across pseudo-bags to further enhance the model's performance. Experimental results on the CAMELYON-16 and TCGA Lung Cancer datasets demonstrate that our proposed SAM-MIL model outperforms existing mainstream methods in WSIs classification. Our open-source implementation code is is available at https://github.com/FangHeng/SAM-MIL.
Abstract:Multiple instance learning (MIL) is the most widely used framework in computational pathology, encompassing sub-typing, diagnosis, prognosis, and more. However, the existing MIL paradigm typically requires an offline instance feature extractor, such as a pre-trained ResNet or a foundation model. This approach lacks the capability for feature fine-tuning within the specific downstream tasks, limiting its adaptability and performance. To address this issue, we propose a Re-embedded Regional Transformer (R$^2$T) for re-embedding the instance features online, which captures fine-grained local features and establishes connections across different regions. Unlike existing works that focus on pre-training powerful feature extractor or designing sophisticated instance aggregator, R$^2$T is tailored to re-embed instance features online. It serves as a portable module that can seamlessly integrate into mainstream MIL models. Extensive experimental results on common computational pathology tasks validate that: 1) feature re-embedding improves the performance of MIL models based on ResNet-50 features to the level of foundation model features, and further enhances the performance of foundation model features; 2) the R$^2$T can introduce more significant performance improvements to various MIL models; 3) R$^2$T-MIL, as an R$^2$T-enhanced AB-MIL, outperforms other latest methods by a large margin. The code is available at:~\href{https://github.com/DearCaat/RRT-MIL}{https://github.com/DearCaat/RRT-MIL}.
Abstract:In recent years, the rapid development of deep learning has led to a wide range of applications in the field of medical image classification. The variants of neural network models with ever-increasing performance share some commonalities: to try to mitigate overfitting, improve generalization, avoid gradient vanishing and exploding, etc. AlexNet first utilizes the dropout technique to mitigate overfitting and the ReLU activation function to avoid gradient vanishing. Therefore, we focus our discussion on AlexNet, which has contributed greatly to the development of CNNs in 2012. After reviewing over 40 papers, including journal papers and conference papers, we give a narrative on the technical details, advantages, and application areas of AlexNet.
Abstract:The whole slide image (WSI) classification is often formulated as a multiple instance learning (MIL) problem. Since the positive tissue is only a small fraction of the gigapixel WSI, existing MIL methods intuitively focus on identifying salient instances via attention mechanisms. However, this leads to a bias towards easy-to-classify instances while neglecting hard-to-classify instances. Some literature has revealed that hard examples are beneficial for modeling a discriminative boundary accurately. By applying such an idea at the instance level, we elaborate a novel MIL framework with masked hard instance mining (MHIM-MIL), which uses a Siamese structure (Teacher-Student) with a consistency constraint to explore the potential hard instances. With several instance masking strategies based on attention scores, MHIM-MIL employs a momentum teacher to implicitly mine hard instances for training the student model, which can be any attention-based MIL model. This counter-intuitive strategy essentially enables the student to learn a better discriminating boundary. Moreover, the student is used to update the teacher with an exponential moving average (EMA), which in turn identifies new hard instances for subsequent training iterations and stabilizes the optimization. Experimental results on the CAMELYON-16 and TCGA Lung Cancer datasets demonstrate that MHIM-MIL outperforms other latest methods in terms of performance and training cost. The code is available at: https://github.com/DearCaat/MHIM-MIL.
Abstract:Scene text detection is a challenging computer vision task due to the high variation in text shapes and ratios. In this work, we propose a scene text detector named Deformable Kernel Expansion (DKE), which incorporates the merits of both segmentation and contour-based detectors. DKE employs a segmentation module to segment the shrunken text region as the text kernel, then expands the text kernel contour to obtain text boundary by regressing the vertex-wise offsets. Generating the text kernel by segmentation enables DKE to inherit the arbitrary-shaped text region modeling capability of segmentation-based detectors. Regressing the kernel contour with some sampled vertices enables DKE to avoid the complicated pixel-level post-processing and better learn contour deformation as the contour-based detectors. Moreover, we propose an Optimal Bipartite Graph Matching Loss (OBGML) that measures the matching error between the predicted contour and the ground truth, which efficiently minimizes the global contour matching distance. Extensive experiments on CTW1500, Total-Text, MSRA-TD500, and ICDAR2015 demonstrate that DKE achieves a good tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency in scene text detection.
Abstract:Automatic pavement distress classification facilitates improving the efficiency of pavement maintenance and reducing the cost of labor and resources. A recently influential branch of this task divides the pavement image into patches and addresses these issues from the perspective of multi-instance learning. However, these methods neglect the correlation between patches and suffer from a low efficiency in the model optimization and inference. Meanwhile, Swin Transformer is able to address both of these issues with its unique strengths. Built upon Swin Transformer, we present a vision Transformer named \textbf{P}avement \textbf{I}mage \textbf{C}lassification \textbf{T}ransformer (\textbf{PicT}) for pavement distress classification. In order to better exploit the discriminative information of pavement images at the patch level, the \textit{Patch Labeling Teacher} is proposed to leverage a teacher model to dynamically generate pseudo labels of patches from image labels during each iteration, and guides the model to learn the discriminative features of patches. The broad classification head of Swin Transformer may dilute the discriminative features of distressed patches in the feature aggregation step due to the small distressed area ratio of the pavement image. To overcome this drawback, we present a \textit{Patch Refiner} to cluster patches into different groups and only select the highest distress-risk group to yield a slim head for the final image classification. We evaluate our method on CQU-BPDD. Extensive results show that \textbf{PicT} outperforms the second-best performed model by a large margin of $+2.4\%$ in P@R on detection task, $+3.9\%$ in $F1$ on recognition task, and 1.8x throughput, while enjoying 7x faster training speed using the same computing resources. Our codes and models have been released on \href{https://github.com/DearCaat/PicT}{https://github.com/DearCaat/PicT}.