University of Freiburg
Abstract:The remarkable generalization performance of contrastive vision-language models like CLIP is often attributed to the diversity of their training distributions. However, key questions remain unanswered: Can CLIP generalize to an entirely unseen domain when trained on a diverse mixture of domains (domain generalization)? Can it generalize to unseen classes within partially seen domains (compositional generalization)? What factors affect such generalization? To answer these questions, we trained CLIP models on systematically constructed training distributions with controlled domain diversity and object class exposure. Our experiments show that domain diversity is essential for both domain and compositional generalization, yet compositional generalization can be surprisingly weaker than domain generalization when the training distribution contains a suboptimal subset of the test domain. Through data-centric and mechanistic analyses, we find that successful generalization requires learning of shared representations already in intermediate layers and shared circuitry.
Abstract:Reconstructing unbounded outdoor scenes from sparse outward-facing views poses significant challenges due to minimal view overlap. Previous methods often lack cross-scene understanding and their primitive-centric formulations overload local features to compensate for missing global context, resulting in blurriness in unseen parts of the scene. We propose sshELF, a fast, single-shot pipeline for sparse-view 3D scene reconstruction via hierarchal extrapolation of latent features. Our key insights is that disentangling information extrapolation from primitive decoding allows efficient transfer of structural patterns across training scenes. Our method: (1) learns cross-scene priors to generate intermediate virtual views to extrapolate to unobserved regions, (2) offers a two-stage network design separating virtual view generation from 3D primitive decoding for efficient training and modular model design, and (3) integrates a pre-trained foundation model for joint inference of latent features and texture, improving scene understanding and generalization. sshELF can reconstruct 360 degree scenes from six sparse input views and achieves competitive results on synthetic and real-world datasets. We find that sshELF faithfully reconstructs occluded regions, supports real-time rendering, and provides rich latent features for downstream applications. The code will be released.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance in various tasks, including In-Context Learning (ICL), where the model performs new tasks by conditioning solely on the examples provided in the context, without updating the model's weights. While prior research has explored the roles of pretraining data and model architecture, the key mechanism behind ICL remains unclear. In this work, we systematically uncover properties present in LLMs that support the emergence of ICL. To disambiguate these factors, we conduct a study with a controlled dataset and data sequences using a deep autoregressive model. We show that conceptual repetitions in the data sequences are crucial for ICL, more so than previously indicated training data properties like burstiness or long-tail distribution. Conceptual repetitions could refer to $n$-gram repetitions in textual data or exact image copies in image sequence data. Such repetitions also offer other previously overlooked benefits such as reduced transiency in ICL performance. Furthermore, we show that the emergence of ICL depends on balancing the in-weight learning objective with the in-context solving ability during training.
Abstract:Models for egocentric 3D and 4D reconstruction, including few-shot interpolation and extrapolation settings, can benefit from having images from exocentric viewpoints as supervision signals. No existing dataset provides the necessary mixture of complex, dynamic, and multi-view data. To facilitate the development of 3D and 4D reconstruction methods in the autonomous driving context, we propose a Synthetic Ego--Exo Dynamic 4D (SEED4D) data generator and dataset. We present a customizable, easy-to-use data generator for spatio-temporal multi-view data creation. Our open-source data generator allows the creation of synthetic data for camera setups commonly used in the NuScenes, KITTI360, and Waymo datasets. Additionally, SEED4D encompasses two large-scale multi-view synthetic urban scene datasets. Our static (3D) dataset encompasses 212k inward- and outward-facing vehicle images from 2k scenes, while our dynamic (4D) dataset contains 16.8M images from 10k trajectories, each sampled at 100 points in time with egocentric images, exocentric images, and LiDAR data. The datasets and the data generator can be found at
Abstract:Constrained Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a significant research area within RL, where integrating constraints with rewards is crucial for enhancing safety and performance across diverse control tasks. In the context of heating systems in the buildings, optimizing the energy efficiency while maintaining the residents' thermal comfort can be intuitively formulated as a constrained optimization problem. However, to solve it with RL may require large amount of data. Therefore, an accurate and versatile simulator is favored. In this paper, we propose a novel building simulator I4B which provides interfaces for different usages and apply a model-free constrained RL algorithm named constrained Soft Actor-Critic with Linear Smoothed Log Barrier function (CSAC-LB) to the heating optimization problem. Benchmarking against baseline algorithms demonstrates CSAC-LB's efficiency in data exploration, constraint satisfaction and performance.
Abstract:Learning from expert demonstrations is a promising approach for training robotic manipulation policies from limited data. However, imitation learning algorithms require a number of design choices ranging from the input modality, training objective, and 6-DoF end-effector pose representation. Diffusion-based methods have gained popularity as they enable predicting long-horizon trajectories and handle multimodal action distributions. Recently, Conditional Flow Matching (CFM) (or Rectified Flow) has been proposed as a more flexible generalization of diffusion models. In this paper, we investigate the application of CFM in the context of robotic policy learning and specifically study the interplay with the other design choices required to build an imitation learning algorithm. We show that CFM gives the best performance when combined with point cloud input observations. Additionally, we study the feasibility of a CFM formulation on the SO(3) manifold and evaluate its suitability with a simplified example. We perform extensive experiments on RLBench which demonstrate that our proposed PointFlowMatch approach achieves a state-of-the-art average success rate of 67.8% over eight tasks, double the performance of the next best method.
Abstract:Sparse Mixture of Expert (SMoE) models have emerged as a scalable alternative to dense models in language modeling. These models use conditionally activated feedforward subnetworks in transformer blocks, allowing for a separation between total model parameters and per-example computation. However, large token-routed SMoE models face a significant challenge: during inference, the entire model must be used for a sequence or a batch, resulting in high latencies in a distributed setting that offsets the advantages of per-token sparse activation. Our research explores task-specific model pruning to inform decisions about designing SMoE architectures, mainly modulating the choice of expert counts in pretraining. We investigate whether such pruned models offer advantages over smaller SMoE models trained from scratch, when evaluating and comparing them individually on tasks. To that end, we introduce an adaptive task-aware pruning technique UNCURL to reduce the number of experts per MoE layer in an offline manner post-training. Our findings reveal a threshold pruning factor for the reduction that depends on the number of experts used in pretraining, above which, the reduction starts to degrade model performance. These insights contribute to our understanding of model design choices when pretraining with SMoE architectures, particularly useful when considering task-specific inference optimization for later stages.
Abstract:In the rapidly expanding domain of web video content, the task of text-video retrieval has become increasingly critical, bridging the semantic gap between textual queries and video data. This paper introduces a novel data-centric approach, Generalized Query Expansion (GQE), to address the inherent information imbalance between text and video, enhancing the effectiveness of text-video retrieval systems. Unlike traditional model-centric methods that focus on designing intricate cross-modal interaction mechanisms, GQE aims to expand the text queries associated with videos both during training and testing phases. By adaptively segmenting videos into short clips and employing zero-shot captioning, GQE enriches the training dataset with comprehensive scene descriptions, effectively bridging the data imbalance gap. Furthermore, during retrieval, GQE utilizes Large Language Models (LLM) to generate a diverse set of queries and a query selection module to filter these queries based on relevance and diversity, thus optimizing retrieval performance while reducing computational overhead. Our contributions include a detailed examination of the information imbalance challenge, a novel approach to query expansion in video-text datasets, and the introduction of a query selection strategy that enhances retrieval accuracy without increasing computational costs. GQE achieves state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks, including MSR-VTT, MSVD, LSMDC, and VATEX, demonstrating the effectiveness of addressing text-video retrieval from a data-centric perspective.
Abstract:In recent years, research on out-of-distribution (OoD) detection for semantic segmentation has mainly focused on road scenes -- a domain with a constrained amount of semantic diversity. In this work, we challenge this constraint and extend the domain of this task to general natural images. To this end, we introduce: 1. the ADE-OoD benchmark, which is based on the ADE20k dataset and includes images from diverse domains with a high semantic diversity, and 2. a novel approach that uses Diffusion score matching for OoD detection (DOoD) and is robust to the increased semantic diversity. ADE-OoD features indoor and outdoor images, defines 150 semantic categories as in-distribution, and contains a variety of OoD objects. For DOoD, we train a diffusion model with an MLP architecture on semantic in-distribution embeddings and build on the score matching interpretation to compute pixel-wise OoD scores at inference time. On common road scene OoD benchmarks, DOoD performs on par or better than the state of the art, without using outliers for training or making assumptions about the data domain. On ADE-OoD, DOoD outperforms previous approaches, but leaves much room for future improvements.
Abstract:There has been considerable recent interest in interpretable concept-based models such as Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs), which first predict human-interpretable concepts and then map them to output classes. To reduce reliance on human-annotated concepts, recent works have converted pretrained black-box models into interpretable CBMs post-hoc. However, these approaches predefine a set of concepts, assuming which concepts a black-box model encodes in its representations. In this work, we eliminate this assumption by leveraging unsupervised concept discovery to automatically extract concepts without human annotations or a predefined set of concepts. We further introduce an input-dependent concept selection mechanism that ensures only a small subset of concepts is used across all classes. We show that our approach improves downstream performance and narrows the performance gap to black-box models, while using significantly fewer concepts in the classification. Finally, we demonstrate how large vision-language models can intervene on the final model weights to correct model errors.