Abstract:Geolocation, the task of identifying an image's location, requires complex reasoning and is crucial for navigation, monitoring, and cultural preservation. However, current methods often produce coarse, imprecise, and non-interpretable localization. A major challenge lies in the quality and scale of existing geolocation datasets. These datasets are typically small-scale and automatically constructed, leading to noisy data and inconsistent task difficulty, with images that either reveal answers too easily or lack sufficient clues for reliable inference. To address these challenges, we introduce a comprehensive geolocation framework with three key components: GeoComp, a large-scale dataset; GeoCoT, a novel reasoning method; and GeoEval, an evaluation metric, collectively designed to address critical challenges and drive advancements in geolocation research. At the core of this framework is GeoComp (Geolocation Competition Dataset), a large-scale dataset collected from a geolocation game platform involving 740K users over two years. It comprises 25 million entries of metadata and 3 million geo-tagged locations spanning much of the globe, with each location annotated thousands to tens of thousands of times by human users. The dataset offers diverse difficulty levels for detailed analysis and highlights key gaps in current models. Building on this dataset, we propose Geographical Chain-of-Thought (GeoCoT), a novel multi-step reasoning framework designed to enhance the reasoning capabilities of Large Vision Models (LVMs) in geolocation tasks. GeoCoT improves performance by integrating contextual and spatial cues through a multi-step process that mimics human geolocation reasoning. Finally, using the GeoEval metric, we demonstrate that GeoCoT significantly boosts geolocation accuracy by up to 25% while enhancing interpretability.
Abstract:Existing methods for learning urban space representations from Point-of-Interest (POI) data face several limitations, including issues with geographical delineation, inadequate spatial information modelling, underutilisation of POI semantic attributes, and computational inefficiencies. To address these issues, we propose CaLLiPer (Contrastive Language-Location Pre-training), a novel representation learning model that directly embeds continuous urban spaces into vector representations that can capture the spatial and semantic distribution of urban environment. This model leverages a multimodal contrastive learning objective, aligning location embeddings with textual POI descriptions, thereby bypassing the need for complex training corpus construction and negative sampling. We validate CaLLiPer's effectiveness by applying it to learning urban space representations in London, UK, where it demonstrates 5-15% improvement in predictive performance for land use classification and socioeconomic mapping tasks compared to state-of-the-art methods. Visualisations of the learned representations further illustrate our model's advantages in capturing spatial variations in urban semantics with high accuracy and fine resolution. Additionally, CaLLiPer achieves reduced training time, showcasing its efficiency and scalability. This work provides a promising pathway for scalable, semantically rich urban space representation learning that can support the development of geospatial foundation models. The implementation code is available at https://github.com/xlwang233/CaLLiPer.
Abstract:Predicting traffic accidents is the key to sustainable city management, which requires effective address of the dynamic and complex spatiotemporal characteristics of cities. Current data-driven models often struggle with data sparsity and typically overlook the integration of diverse urban data sources and the high-order dependencies within them. Additionally, they frequently rely on predefined topologies or weights, limiting their adaptability in spatiotemporal predictions. To address these issues, we introduce the Spatiotemporal Multiview Adaptive HyperGraph Learning (SMA-Hyper) model, a dynamic deep learning framework designed for traffic accident prediction. Building on previous research, this innovative model incorporates dual adaptive spatiotemporal graph learning mechanisms that enable high-order cross-regional learning through hypergraphs and dynamic adaptation to evolving urban data. It also utilises contrastive learning to enhance global and local data representations in sparse datasets and employs an advance attention mechanism to fuse multiple views of accident data and urban functional features, thereby enriching the contextual understanding of risk factors. Extensive testing on the London traffic accident dataset demonstrates that the SMA-Hyper model significantly outperforms baseline models across various temporal horizons and multistep outputs, affirming the effectiveness of its multiview fusion and adaptive learning strategies. The interpretability of the results further underscores its potential to improve urban traffic management and safety by leveraging complex spatiotemporal urban data, offering a scalable framework adaptable to diverse urban environments.
Abstract:The GelSight-like visual tactile (VT) sensor has gained popularity as a high-resolution tactile sensing technology for robots, capable of measuring touch geometry using a single RGB camera. However, the development of multi-modal perception for VT sensors remains a challenge, limited by the mono camera. In this paper, we propose the GelSplitter, a new framework approach the multi-modal VT sensor with synchronized multi-modal cameras and resemble a more human-like tactile receptor. Furthermore, we focus on 3D tactile reconstruction and implement a compact sensor structure that maintains a comparable size to state-of-the-art VT sensors, even with the addition of a prism and a near infrared (NIR) camera. We also design a photometric fusion stereo neural network (PFSNN), which estimates surface normals of objects and reconstructs touch geometry from both infrared and visible images. Our results demonstrate that the accuracy of RGB and NIR fusion is higher than that of RGB images alone. Additionally, our GelSplitter framework allows for a flexible configuration of different camera sensor combinations, such as RGB and thermal imaging.
Abstract:Accurate human mobility prediction underpins many important applications across a variety of domains, including epidemic modelling, transport planning, and emergency responses. Due to the sparsity of mobility data and the stochastic nature of people's daily activities, achieving precise predictions of people's locations remains a challenge. While recently developed large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated superior performance across numerous language-related tasks, their applicability to human mobility studies remains unexplored. Addressing this gap, this article delves into the potential of LLMs for human mobility prediction tasks. We introduce a novel method, LLM-Mob, which leverages the language understanding and reasoning capabilities of LLMs for analysing human mobility data. We present concepts of historical stays and context stays to capture both long-term and short-term dependencies in human movement and enable time-aware prediction by using time information of the prediction target. Additionally, we design context-inclusive prompts that enable LLMs to generate more accurate predictions. Comprehensive evaluations of our method reveal that LLM-Mob excels in providing accurate and interpretable predictions, highlighting the untapped potential of LLMs in advancing human mobility prediction techniques. We posit that our research marks a significant paradigm shift in human mobility modelling, transitioning from building complex domain-specific models to harnessing general-purpose LLMs that yield accurate predictions through language instructions. The code for this work is available at https://github.com/xlwang233/LLM-Mob.
Abstract:Image-guided depth completion aims to generate dense depth maps with sparse depth measurements and corresponding RGB images. Currently, spatial propagation networks (SPNs) are the most popular affinity-based methods in depth completion, but they still suffer from the representation limitation of the fixed affinity and the over smoothing during iterations. Our solution is to estimate independent affinity matrices in each SPN iteration, but it is over-parameterized and heavy calculation. This paper introduces an efficient model that learns the affinity among neighboring pixels with an attention-based, dynamic approach. Specifically, the Dynamic Spatial Propagation Network (DySPN) we proposed makes use of a non-linear propagation model (NLPM). It decouples the neighborhood into parts regarding to different distances and recursively generates independent attention maps to refine these parts into adaptive affinity matrices. Furthermore, we adopt a diffusion suppression (DS) operation so that the model converges at an early stage to prevent over-smoothing of dense depth. Finally, in order to decrease the computational cost required, we also introduce three variations that reduce the amount of neighbors and attentions needed while still retaining similar accuracy. In practice, our method requires less iteration to match the performance of other SPNs and yields better results overall. DySPN outperforms other state-of-the-art (SoTA) methods on KITTI Depth Completion (DC) evaluation by the time of submission and is able to yield SoTA performance in NYU Depth v2 dataset as well.
Abstract:Cycling is a promising sustainable mode for commuting and leisure in cities, however, the fear of getting hit or fall reduces its wide expansion as a commuting mode. In this paper, we introduce a novel method called CyclingNet for detecting cycling near misses from video streams generated by a mounted frontal camera on a bike regardless of the camera position, the conditions of the built, the visual conditions and without any restrictions on the riding behaviour. CyclingNet is a deep computer vision model based on convolutional structure embedded with self-attention bidirectional long-short term memory (LSTM) blocks that aim to understand near misses from both sequential images of scenes and their optical flows. The model is trained on scenes of both safe rides and near misses. After 42 hours of training on a single GPU, the model shows high accuracy on the training, testing and validation sets. The model is intended to be used for generating information that can draw significant conclusions regarding cycling behaviour in cities and elsewhere, which could help planners and policy-makers to better understand the requirement of safety measures when designing infrastructure or drawing policies. As for future work, the model can be pipelined with other state-of-the-art classifiers and object detectors simultaneously to understand the causality of near misses based on factors related to interactions of road-users, the built and the natural environments.
Abstract:Extracting information related to weather and visual conditions at a given time and space is indispensable for scene awareness, which strongly impacts our behaviours, from simply walking in a city to riding a bike, driving a car, or autonomous drive-assistance. Despite the significance of this subject, it is still not been fully addressed by the machine intelligence relying on deep learning and computer vision to detect the multi-labels of weather and visual conditions with a unified method that can be easily used for practice. What has been achieved to-date is rather sectorial models that address limited number of labels that do not cover the wide spectrum of weather and visual conditions. Nonetheless, weather and visual conditions are often addressed individually. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework to automatically extract this information from street-level images relying on deep learning and computer vision using a unified method without any pre-defined constraints in the processed images. A pipeline of four deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models, so-called the WeatherNet, is trained, relying on residual learning using ResNet50 architecture, to extract various weather and visual conditions such as Dawn/dusk, day and night for time detection, and glare for lighting conditions, and clear, rainy, snowy, and foggy for weather conditions. The WeatherNet shows strong performance in extracting this information from user-defined images or video streams that can be used not limited to: autonomous vehicles and drive-assistance systems, tracking behaviours, safety-related research, or even for better understanding cities through images for policy-makers.
Abstract:Within the burgeoning expansion of deep learning and computer vision across the different fields of science, when it comes to urban development, deep learning and computer vision applications are still limited towards the notions of smart cities and autonomous vehicles. Indeed, a wide gap of knowledge appears when it comes to cities and urban regions in less developed countries where the chaos of informality is the dominant scheme. How can deep learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) untangle the complexities of informality to advance urban modelling and our understanding of cities? Various questions and debates can be raised concerning the future of cities of the North and the South in the paradigm of AI and computer vision. In this paper, we introduce a new method for multipurpose realistic-dynamic urban modelling relying on deep learning and computer vision, using deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), to sense and detect informality and slums in urban scenes from aerial and street view images in addition to detection of pedestrian and transport modes. The model has been trained on images of urban scenes in cities across the globe. The model shows a good validation of understanding a wide spectrum of nuances among the planned and the unplanned regions, including informal and slum areas. We attempt to advance urban modelling for better understanding the dynamics of city developments. We also aim to exemplify the significant impacts of AI in cities beyond how smart cities are discussed and perceived in the mainstream. The algorithms of the URBAN-i model are fully-coded in Python programming with the pre-trained deep learning models to be used as a tool for mapping and city modelling in the various corner of the globe, including informal settlements and slum regions.
Abstract:Identifying current and future informal regions within cities remains a crucial issue for policymakers and governments in developing countries. The delineation process of identifying such regions in cities requires a lot of resources. While there are various studies that identify informal settlements based on satellite image classification, relying on both supervised or unsupervised machine learning approaches, these models either require multiple input data to function or need further development with regards to precision. In this paper, we introduce a novel method for identifying and predicting informal settlements using only street intersections data, regardless of the variation of urban form, number of floors, materials used for construction or street width. With such minimal input data, we attempt to provide planners and policy-makers with a pragmatic tool that can aid in identifying informal zones in cities. The algorithm of the model is based on spatial statistics and a machine learning approach, using Multinomial Logistic Regression (MNL) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The proposed model relies on defining informal settlements based on two ubiquitous characteristics that these regions tend to be filled in with smaller subdivided lots of housing relative to the formal areas within the local context, and the paucity of services and infrastructure within the boundary of these settlements that require relatively bigger lots. We applied the model in five major cities in Egypt and India that have spatial structures in which informality is present. These cities are Greater Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada and Minya in Egypt, and Mumbai in India. The predictSLUMS model shows high validity and accuracy for identifying and predicting informality within the same city the model was trained on or in different ones of a similar context.