Abstract:After the great achievement of solving two-player zero-sum games, more and more AI researchers focus on solving multiplayer games. To facilitate the development of designing efficient learning algorithms for solving multiplayer games, we propose a multiplayer game platform for solving Urban Network Security Games (\textbf{UNSG}) that model real-world scenarios. That is, preventing criminal activity is a highly significant responsibility assigned to police officers in cities, and police officers have to allocate their limited security resources to interdict the escaping criminal when a crime takes place in a city. This interaction between multiple police officers and the escaping criminal can be modeled as a UNSG. The variants of UNSGs can model different real-world settings, e.g., whether real-time information is available or not, and whether police officers can communicate or not. The main challenges of solving this game include the large size of the game and the co-existence of cooperation and competition. While previous efforts have been made to tackle UNSGs, they have been hampered by performance and scalability issues. Therefore, we propose an open-source UNSG platform (\textbf{GraphChase}) for designing efficient learning algorithms for solving UNSGs. Specifically, GraphChase offers a unified and flexible game environment for modeling various variants of UNSGs, supporting the development, testing, and benchmarking of algorithms. We believe that GraphChase not only facilitates the development of efficient algorithms for solving real-world problems but also paves the way for significant advancements in algorithmic development for solving general multiplayer games.
Abstract:Recent breakthroughs in large language models (LLMs) offer unprecedented natural language understanding and generation capabilities. However, existing surveys on LLMs in biomedicine often focus on specific applications or model architectures, lacking a comprehensive analysis that integrates the latest advancements across various biomedical domains. This review, based on an analysis of 484 publications sourced from databases including PubMed, Web of Science, and arXiv, provides an in-depth examination of the current landscape, applications, challenges, and prospects of LLMs in biomedicine, distinguishing itself by focusing on the practical implications of these models in real-world biomedical contexts. Firstly, we explore the capabilities of LLMs in zero-shot learning across a broad spectrum of biomedical tasks, including diagnostic assistance, drug discovery, and personalized medicine, among others, with insights drawn from 137 key studies. Then, we discuss adaptation strategies of LLMs, including fine-tuning methods for both uni-modal and multi-modal LLMs to enhance their performance in specialized biomedical contexts where zero-shot fails to achieve, such as medical question answering and efficient processing of biomedical literature. Finally, we discuss the challenges that LLMs face in the biomedicine domain including data privacy concerns, limited model interpretability, issues with dataset quality, and ethics due to the sensitive nature of biomedical data, the need for highly reliable model outputs, and the ethical implications of deploying AI in healthcare. To address these challenges, we also identify future research directions of LLM in biomedicine including federated learning methods to preserve data privacy and integrating explainable AI methodologies to enhance the transparency of LLMs.
Abstract:Nash equilibrium (NE) is a widely adopted solution concept in game theory due to its stability property. However, we observe that the NE strategy might not always yield the best results, especially against opponents who do not adhere to NE strategies. Based on this observation, we pose a new game-solving question: Can we learn a model that can exploit any, even NE, opponent to maximize their own utility? In this work, we make the first attempt to investigate this problem through in-context learning. Specifically, we introduce a novel method, In-Context Exploiter (ICE), to train a single model that can act as any player in the game and adaptively exploit opponents entirely by in-context learning. Our ICE algorithm involves generating diverse opponent strategies, collecting interactive history training data by a reinforcement learning algorithm, and training a transformer-based agent within a well-designed curriculum learning framework. Finally, comprehensive experimental results validate the effectiveness of our ICE algorithm, showcasing its in-context learning ability to exploit any unknown opponent, thereby positively answering our initial game-solving question.
Abstract:Decision-making problems, categorized as single-agent, e.g., Atari, cooperative multi-agent, e.g., Hanabi, competitive multi-agent, e.g., Hold'em poker, and mixed cooperative and competitive, e.g., football, are ubiquitous in the real world. Various methods are proposed to address the specific decision-making problems. Despite the successes in specific categories, these methods typically evolve independently and cannot generalize to other categories. Therefore, a fundamental question for decision-making is: \emph{Can we develop \textbf{a single algorithm} to tackle \textbf{ALL} categories of decision-making problems?} There are several main challenges to address this question: i) different decision-making categories involve different numbers of agents and different relationships between agents, ii) different categories have different solution concepts and evaluation measures, and iii) there lacks a comprehensive benchmark covering all the categories. This work presents a preliminary attempt to address the question with three main contributions. i) We propose the generalized mirror descent (GMD), a generalization of MD variants, which considers multiple historical policies and works with a broader class of Bregman divergences. ii) We propose the configurable mirror descent (CMD) where a meta-controller is introduced to dynamically adjust the hyper-parameters in GMD conditional on the evaluation measures. iii) We construct the \textsc{GameBench} with 15 academic-friendly games across different decision-making categories. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CMD achieves empirically competitive or better outcomes compared to baselines while providing the capability of exploring diverse dimensions of decision making.
Abstract:Pursuit-evasion games (PEGs) model interactions between a team of pursuers and an evader in graph-based environments such as urban street networks. Recent advancements have demonstrated the effectiveness of the pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm in PSRO to improve scalability in solving large-scale PEGs. However, these methods primarily focus on specific PEGs with fixed initial conditions that may vary substantially in real-world scenarios, which significantly hinders the applicability of the traditional methods. To address this issue, we introduce Grasper, a GeneRAlist purSuer for Pursuit-Evasion pRoblems, capable of efficiently generating pursuer policies tailored to specific PEGs. Our contributions are threefold: First, we present a novel architecture that offers high-quality solutions for diverse PEGs, comprising critical components such as (i) a graph neural network (GNN) to encode PEGs into hidden vectors, and (ii) a hypernetwork to generate pursuer policies based on these hidden vectors. As a second contribution, we develop an efficient three-stage training method involving (i) a pre-pretraining stage for learning robust PEG representations through self-supervised graph learning techniques like GraphMAE, (ii) a pre-training stage utilizing heuristic-guided multi-task pre-training (HMP) where heuristic-derived reference policies (e.g., through Dijkstra's algorithm) regularize pursuer policies, and (iii) a fine-tuning stage that employs PSRO to generate pursuer policies on designated PEGs. Finally, we perform extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world maps, showcasing Grasper's significant superiority over baselines in terms of solution quality and generalizability. We demonstrate that Grasper provides a versatile approach for solving pursuit-evasion problems across a broad range of scenarios, enabling practical deployment in real-world situations.
Abstract:Policy-Space Response Oracles (PSRO) as a general algorithmic framework has achieved state-of-the-art performance in learning equilibrium policies of two-player zero-sum games. However, the hand-crafted hyperparameter value selection in most of the existing works requires extensive domain knowledge, forming the main barrier to applying PSRO to different games. In this work, we make the first attempt to investigate the possibility of self-adaptively determining the optimal hyperparameter values in the PSRO framework. Our contributions are three-fold: (1) Using several hyperparameters, we propose a parametric PSRO that unifies the gradient descent ascent (GDA) and different PSRO variants. (2) We propose the self-adaptive PSRO (SPSRO) by casting the hyperparameter value selection of the parametric PSRO as a hyperparameter optimization (HPO) problem where our objective is to learn an HPO policy that can self-adaptively determine the optimal hyperparameter values during the running of the parametric PSRO. (3) To overcome the poor performance of online HPO methods, we propose a novel offline HPO approach to optimize the HPO policy based on the Transformer architecture. Experiments on various two-player zero-sum games demonstrate the superiority of SPSRO over different baselines.
Abstract:In this work, we attempt to bridge the two fields of finite-agent and infinite-agent games, by studying how the optimal policies of agents evolve with the number of agents (population size) in mean-field games, an agent-centric perspective in contrast to the existing works focusing typically on the convergence of the empirical distribution of the population. To this end, the premise is to obtain the optimal policies of a set of finite-agent games with different population sizes. However, either deriving the closed-form solution for each game is theoretically intractable, training a distinct policy for each game is computationally intensive, or directly applying the policy trained in a game to other games is sub-optimal. We address these challenges through the Population-size-Aware Policy Optimization (PAPO). Our contributions are three-fold. First, to efficiently generate efficient policies for games with different population sizes, we propose PAPO, which unifies two natural options (augmentation and hypernetwork) and achieves significantly better performance. PAPO consists of three components: i) the population-size encoding which transforms the original value of population size to an equivalent encoding to avoid training collapse, ii) a hypernetwork to generate a distinct policy for each game conditioned on the population size, and iii) the population size as an additional input to the generated policy. Next, we construct a multi-task-based training procedure to efficiently train the neural networks of PAPO by sampling data from multiple games with different population sizes. Finally, extensive experiments on multiple environments show the significant superiority of PAPO over baselines, and the analysis of the evolution of the generated policies further deepens our understanding of the two fields of finite-agent and infinite-agent games.
Abstract:Offline reinforcement learning (Offline RL) is an emerging field that has recently begun gaining attention across various application domains due to its ability to learn behavior from earlier collected datasets. Using logged data is imperative when further interaction with the environment is expensive (computationally or otherwise), unsafe, or entirely unfeasible. Offline RL proved very successful, paving a path to solving previously intractable real-world problems, and we aim to generalize this paradigm to a multi-agent or multiplayer-game setting. Very little research has been done in this area, as the progress is hindered by the lack of standardized datasets and meaningful benchmarks. In this work, we coin the term offline equilibrium finding (OEF) to describe this area and construct multiple datasets consisting of strategies collected across a wide range of games using several established methods. We also propose a benchmark method -- an amalgamation of a behavior-cloning and a model-based algorithm. Our two model-based algorithms -- OEF-PSRO and OEF-CFR -- are adaptations of the widely-used equilibrium finding algorithms Deep CFR and PSRO in the context of offline learning. In the empirical part, we evaluate the performance of the benchmark algorithms on the constructed datasets. We hope that our efforts may help to accelerate research in large-scale equilibrium finding. Datasets and code are available at https://github.com/SecurityGames/oef.
Abstract:Securing networked infrastructures is important in the real world. The problem of deploying security resources to protect against an attacker in networked domains can be modeled as Network Security Games (NSGs). Unfortunately, existing approaches, including the deep learning-based approaches, are inefficient to solve large-scale extensive-form NSGs. In this paper, we propose a novel learning paradigm, NSG-NFSP, to solve large-scale extensive-form NSGs based on Neural Fictitious Self-Play (NFSP). Our main contributions include: i) reforming the best response (BR) policy network in NFSP to be a mapping from action-state pair to action-value, to make the calculation of BR possible in NSGs; ii) converting the average policy network of an NFSP agent into a metric-based classifier, helping the agent to assign distributions only on legal actions rather than all actions; iii) enabling NFSP with high-level actions, which can benefit training efficiency and stability in NSGs; and iv) leveraging information contained in graphs of NSGs by learning efficient graph node embeddings. Our algorithm significantly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in both scalability and solution quality.
Abstract:In many real-world scenarios, a team of agents coordinate with each other to compete against an opponent. The challenge of solving this type of game is that the team's joint action space grows exponentially with the number of agents, which results in the inefficiency of the existing algorithms, e.g., Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR). To address this problem, we propose a new framework of CFR: CFR-MIX. Firstly, we propose a new strategy representation that represents a joint action strategy using individual strategies of all agents and a consistency relationship to maintain the cooperation between agents. To compute the equilibrium with individual strategies under the CFR framework, we transform the consistency relationship between strategies to the consistency relationship between the cumulative regret values. Furthermore, we propose a novel decomposition method over cumulative regret values to guarantee the consistency relationship between the cumulative regret values. Finally, we introduce our new algorithm CFR-MIX which employs a mixing layer to estimate cumulative regret values of joint actions as a non-linear combination of cumulative regret values of individual actions. Experimental results show that CFR-MIX outperforms existing algorithms on various games significantly.