Abstract:Today's generative AI systems are tuned to present information by default rather than engage users in service of learning as a human tutor would. To address the wide range of potential education use cases for these systems, we reframe the challenge of injecting pedagogical behavior as one of \textit{pedagogical instruction following}, where training and evaluation examples include system-level instructions describing the specific pedagogy attributes present or desired in subsequent model turns. This framing avoids committing our models to any particular definition of pedagogy, and instead allows teachers or developers to specify desired model behavior. It also clears a path to improving Gemini models for learning -- by enabling the addition of our pedagogical data to post-training mixtures -- alongside their rapidly expanding set of capabilities. Both represent important changes from our initial tech report. We show how training with pedagogical instruction following produces a LearnLM model (available on Google AI Studio) that is preferred substantially by expert raters across a diverse set of learning scenarios, with average preference strengths of 31\% over GPT-4o, 11\% over Claude 3.5, and 13\% over the Gemini 1.5 Pro model LearnLM was based on.
Abstract:This paper investigates how generative AI can potentially undermine the integrity of collective knowledge and the processes we rely on to acquire, assess, and trust information, posing a significant threat to our knowledge ecosystem and democratic discourse. Grounded in social and political philosophy, we introduce the concept of \emph{generative algorithmic epistemic injustice}. We identify four key dimensions of this phenomenon: amplified and manipulative testimonial injustice, along with hermeneutical ignorance and access injustice. We illustrate each dimension with real-world examples that reveal how generative AI can produce or amplify misinformation, perpetuate representational harm, and create epistemic inequities, particularly in multilingual contexts. By highlighting these injustices, we aim to inform the development of epistemically just generative AI systems, proposing strategies for resistance, system design principles, and two approaches that leverage generative AI to foster a more equitable information ecosystem, thereby safeguarding democratic values and the integrity of knowledge production.
Abstract:Atmospheric states derived from reanalysis comprise a substantial portion of weather and climate simulation outputs. Many stakeholders -- such as researchers, policy makers, and insurers -- use this data to better understand the earth system and guide policy decisions. Atmospheric states have also received increased interest as machine learning approaches to weather prediction have shown promising results. A key issue for all audiences is that dense time series of these high-dimensional states comprise an enormous amount of data, precluding all but the most well resourced groups from accessing and using historical data and future projections. To address this problem, we propose a method for compressing atmospheric states using methods from the neural network literature, adapting spherical data to processing by conventional neural architectures through the use of the area-preserving HEALPix projection. We investigate two model classes for building neural compressors: the hyperprior model from the neural image compression literature and recent vector-quantised models. We show that both families of models satisfy the desiderata of small average error, a small number of high-error reconstructed pixels, faithful reproduction of extreme events such as hurricanes and heatwaves, preservation of the spectral power distribution across spatial scales. We demonstrate compression ratios in excess of 1000x, with compression and decompression at a rate of approximately one second per global atmospheric state.
Abstract:We interviewed twenty professional comedians who perform live shows in front of audiences and who use artificial intelligence in their artistic process as part of 3-hour workshops on ``AI x Comedy'' conducted at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August 2023 and online. The workshop consisted of a comedy writing session with large language models (LLMs), a human-computer interaction questionnaire to assess the Creativity Support Index of AI as a writing tool, and a focus group interrogating the comedians' motivations for and processes of using AI, as well as their ethical concerns about bias, censorship and copyright. Participants noted that existing moderation strategies used in safety filtering and instruction-tuned LLMs reinforced hegemonic viewpoints by erasing minority groups and their perspectives, and qualified this as a form of censorship. At the same time, most participants felt the LLMs did not succeed as a creativity support tool, by producing bland and biased comedy tropes, akin to ``cruise ship comedy material from the 1950s, but a bit less racist''. Our work extends scholarship about the subtle difference between, one the one hand, harmful speech, and on the other hand, ``offensive'' language as a practice of resistance, satire and ``punching up''. We also interrogate the global value alignment behind such language models, and discuss the importance of community-based value alignment and data ownership to build AI tools that better suit artists' needs.
Abstract:Probabilistic weather forecasting is critical for decision-making in high-impact domains such as flood forecasting, energy system planning or transportation routing, where quantifying the uncertainty of a forecast -- including probabilities of extreme events -- is essential to guide important cost-benefit trade-offs and mitigation measures. Traditional probabilistic approaches rely on producing ensembles from physics-based models, which sample from a joint distribution over spatio-temporally coherent weather trajectories, but are expensive to run. An efficient alternative is to use a machine learning (ML) forecast model to generate the ensemble, however state-of-the-art ML forecast models for medium-range weather are largely trained to produce deterministic forecasts which minimise mean-squared-error. Despite improving skills scores, they lack physical consistency, a limitation that grows at longer lead times and impacts their ability to characterize the joint distribution. We introduce GenCast, a ML-based generative model for ensemble weather forecasting, trained from reanalysis data. It forecasts ensembles of trajectories for 84 weather variables, for up to 15 days at 1 degree resolution globally, taking around a minute per ensemble member on a single Cloud TPU v4 device. We show that GenCast is more skillful than ENS, a top operational ensemble forecast, for more than 96\% of all 1320 verification targets on CRPS and Ensemble-Mean RMSE, while maintaining good reliability and physically consistent power spectra. Together our results demonstrate that ML-based probabilistic weather forecasting can now outperform traditional ensemble systems at 1 degree, opening new doors to skillful, fast weather forecasts that are useful in key applications.
Abstract:Understanding how well a deep generative model captures a distribution of high-dimensional data remains an important open challenge. It is especially difficult for certain model classes, such as Generative Adversarial Networks and Diffusion Models, whose models do not admit exact likelihoods. In this work, we demonstrate that generalized empirical likelihood (GEL) methods offer a family of diagnostic tools that can identify many deficiencies of deep generative models (DGMs). We show, with appropriate specification of moment conditions, that the proposed method can identify which modes have been dropped, the degree to which DGMs are mode imbalanced, and whether DGMs sufficiently capture intra-class diversity. We show how to combine techniques from Maximum Mean Discrepancy and Generalized Empirical Likelihood to create not only distribution tests that retain per-sample interpretability, but also metrics that include label information. We find that such tests predict the degree of mode dropping and mode imbalance up to 60% better than metrics such as improved precision/recall.
Abstract:We introduce a machine-learning (ML)-based weather simulator--called "GraphCast"--which outperforms the most accurate deterministic operational medium-range weather forecasting system in the world, as well as all previous ML baselines. GraphCast is an autoregressive model, based on graph neural networks and a novel high-resolution multi-scale mesh representation, which we trained on historical weather data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)'s ERA5 reanalysis archive. It can make 10-day forecasts, at 6-hour time intervals, of five surface variables and six atmospheric variables, each at 37 vertical pressure levels, on a 0.25-degree latitude-longitude grid, which corresponds to roughly 25 x 25 kilometer resolution at the equator. Our results show GraphCast is more accurate than ECMWF's deterministic operational forecasting system, HRES, on 90.0% of the 2760 variable and lead time combinations we evaluated. GraphCast also outperforms the most accurate previous ML-based weather forecasting model on 99.2% of the 252 targets it reported. GraphCast can generate a 10-day forecast (35 gigabytes of data) in under 60 seconds on Cloud TPU v4 hardware. Unlike traditional forecasting methods, ML-based forecasting scales well with data: by training on bigger, higher quality, and more recent data, the skill of the forecasts can improve. Together these results represent a key step forward in complementing and improving weather modeling with ML, open new opportunities for fast, accurate forecasting, and help realize the promise of ML-based simulation in the physical sciences.
Abstract:Fashion is one of the ways in which we show ourselves to the world. It is a reflection of our personal decisions and one of the ways in which people distinguish and represent themselves. In this paper, we focus on the fashion design process and expand computer vision for fashion beyond its current focus on western fashion. We discuss the history of Southern African se-Shweshwe fabric fashion, the collection of a se-Shweshwe dataset, and the application of sketch-to-design image generation for affordable fashion-design. The application to fashion raises both technical questions of training with small amounts of data, and also important questions for computer vision beyond fairness, in particular ethical considerations on creating and employing fashion datasets, and how computer vision supports cultural representation and might avoid algorithmic cultural appropriation.
Abstract:Precipitation nowcasting, the high-resolution forecasting of precipitation up to two hours ahead, supports the real-world socio-economic needs of many sectors reliant on weather-dependent decision-making. State-of-the-art operational nowcasting methods typically advect precipitation fields with radar-based wind estimates, and struggle to capture important non-linear events such as convective initiations. Recently introduced deep learning methods use radar to directly predict future rain rates, free of physical constraints. While they accurately predict low-intensity rainfall, their operational utility is limited because their lack of constraints produces blurry nowcasts at longer lead times, yielding poor performance on more rare medium-to-heavy rain events. To address these challenges, we present a Deep Generative Model for the probabilistic nowcasting of precipitation from radar. Our model produces realistic and spatio-temporally consistent predictions over regions up to 1536 km x 1280 km and with lead times from 5-90 min ahead. In a systematic evaluation by more than fifty expert forecasters from the Met Office, our generative model ranked first for its accuracy and usefulness in 88% of cases against two competitive methods, demonstrating its decision-making value and ability to provide physical insight to real-world experts. When verified quantitatively, these nowcasts are skillful without resorting to blurring. We show that generative nowcasting can provide probabilistic predictions that improve forecast value and support operational utility, and at resolutions and lead times where alternative methods struggle.
Abstract:Advances in algorithmic fairness have largely omitted sexual orientation and gender identity. We explore queer concerns in privacy, censorship, language, online safety, health, and employment to study the positive and negative effects of artificial intelligence on queer communities. These issues underscore the need for new directions in fairness research that take into account a multiplicity of considerations, from privacy preservation, context sensitivity and process fairness, to an awareness of sociotechnical impact and the increasingly important role of inclusive and participatory research processes. Most current approaches for algorithmic fairness assume that the target characteristics for fairness--frequently, race and legal gender--can be observed or recorded. Sexual orientation and gender identity are prototypical instances of unobserved characteristics, which are frequently missing, unknown or fundamentally unmeasurable. This paper highlights the importance of developing new approaches for algorithmic fairness that break away from the prevailing assumption of observed characteristics.