Abstract:Inverting visual representations within deep neural networks (DNNs) presents a challenging and important problem in the field of security and privacy for deep learning. The main goal is to invert the features of an unidentified target image generated by a pre-trained DNN, aiming to reconstruct the original image. Feature inversion holds particular significance in understanding the privacy leakage inherent in contemporary split DNN execution techniques, as well as in various applications based on the extracted DNN features. In this paper, we explore the use of diffusion models, a promising technique for image synthesis, to enhance feature inversion quality. We also investigate the potential of incorporating alternative forms of prior knowledge, such as textual prompts and cross-frame temporal correlations, to further improve the quality of inverted features. Our findings reveal that diffusion models can effectively leverage hidden information from the DNN features, resulting in superior reconstruction performance compared to previous methods. This research offers valuable insights into how diffusion models can enhance privacy and security within applications that are reliant on DNN features.
Abstract:Empirical auditing has emerged as a means of catching some of the flaws in the implementation of privacy-preserving algorithms. Existing auditing mechanisms, however, are either computationally inefficient requiring multiple runs of the machine learning algorithms or suboptimal in calculating an empirical privacy. In this work, we present a tight and efficient auditing procedure and analysis that can effectively assess the privacy of mechanisms. Our approach is efficient; similar to the recent work of Steinke, Nasr, and Jagielski (2023), our auditing procedure leverages the randomness of examples in the input dataset and requires only a single run of the target mechanism. And it is more accurate; we provide a novel analysis that enables us to achieve tight empirical privacy estimates by using the hypothesized $f$-DP curve of the mechanism, which provides a more accurate measure of privacy than the traditional $\epsilon,\delta$ differential privacy parameters. We use our auditing procure and analysis to obtain empirical privacy, demonstrating that our auditing procedure delivers tighter privacy estimates.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly prevalent in modern software systems, interfacing between the user and the internet to assist with tasks that require advanced language understanding. To accomplish these tasks, the LLM often uses external data sources such as user documents, web retrieval, results from API calls, etc. This opens up new avenues for attackers to manipulate the LLM via prompt injection. Adversarial prompts can be carefully crafted and injected into external data sources to override the user's intended instruction and instead execute a malicious instruction. Prompt injection attacks constitute a major threat to LLM security, making the design and implementation of practical countermeasures of paramount importance. To this end, we show that alignment can be a powerful tool to make LLMs more robust against prompt injection. Our method -- SecAlign -- first builds an alignment dataset by simulating prompt injection attacks and constructing pairs of desirable and undesirable responses. Then, we apply existing alignment techniques to fine-tune the LLM to be robust against these simulated attacks. Our experiments show that SecAlign robustifies the LLM substantially with a negligible hurt on model utility. Moreover, SecAlign's protection generalizes to strong attacks unseen in training. Specifically, the success rate of state-of-the-art GCG-based prompt injections drops from 56% to 2% in Mistral-7B after our alignment process. Our code is released at https://github.com/facebookresearch/SecAlign
Abstract:Protecting privacy during inference with deep neural networks is possible by adding noise to the activations in the last layers prior to the final classifiers or other task-specific layers. The activations in such layers are known as "features" (or, less commonly, as "embeddings" or "feature embeddings"). The added noise helps prevent reconstruction of the inputs from the noisy features. Lower bounding the variance of every possible unbiased estimator of the inputs quantifies the confidentiality arising from such added noise. Convenient, computationally tractable bounds are available from classic inequalities of Hammersley and of Chapman and Robbins -- the HCR bounds. Numerical experiments indicate that the HCR bounds are on the precipice of being effectual for small neural nets with the data sets, "MNIST" and "CIFAR-10," which contain 10 classes each for image classification. The HCR bounds appear to be insufficient on their own to guarantee confidentiality of the inputs to inference with standard deep neural nets, "ResNet-18" and "Swin-T," pre-trained on the data set, "ImageNet-1000," which contains 1000 classes. Supplementing the addition of noise to features with other methods for providing confidentiality may be warranted in the case of ImageNet. In all cases, the results reported here limit consideration to amounts of added noise that incur little degradation in the accuracy of classification from the noisy features. Thus, the added noise enhances confidentiality without much reduction in the accuracy on the task of image classification.
Abstract:Data-dependent privacy accounting frameworks such as per-instance differential privacy (pDP) and Fisher information loss (FIL) confer fine-grained privacy guarantees for individuals in a fixed training dataset. These guarantees can be desirable compared to vanilla DP in real world settings as they tightly upper-bound the privacy leakage for a $\textit{specific}$ individual in an $\textit{actual}$ dataset, rather than considering worst-case datasets. While these frameworks are beginning to gain popularity, to date, there is a lack of private mechanisms that can fully leverage advantages of data-dependent accounting. To bridge this gap, we propose simple modifications of the Gaussian mechanism with bounded support, showing that they amplify privacy guarantees under data-dependent accounting. Experiments on model training with DP-SGD show that using bounded support Gaussian mechanisms can provide a reduction of the pDP bound $\epsilon$ by as much as 30% without negative effects on model utility.
Abstract:Fine-tuning large pretrained models on private datasets may run the risk of violating privacy. Differential privacy is a framework for mitigating privacy risks by enforcing algorithmic stability. DP-SGD enables training models with private data in a privacy-preserving manner, but raises new obstacles in the form of performance loss and significant engineering challenges. We introduce DP-ZO, a new method for fine-tuning large language models that preserves the privacy of training data by privatizing zeroth-order optimization. A key insight into the design of our method is that the direction of the gradient in SPSA, the zeroth-order algorithm we use, is always random and the only information that depends on private data is the step size, i.e., a scalar. Therefore, we only need to privatize the scalar step size, which is memory-efficient. DP-ZO, which can be instantiated with either Laplace or Gaussian noise, provides a strong privacy-utility trade-off across different tasks, and model sizes, under conservative privacy budgets. One noteworthy result is that DP-ZO exhibits just $1.86\%$ performance degradation due to privacy at $(1,10^{-5})$-DP when fine-tuning OPT-66B on 1000 training samples from SQuAD.
Abstract:We construct the first provable watermarking scheme for language models with public detectability or verifiability: we use a private key for watermarking and a public key for watermark detection. Our protocol is the first watermarking scheme that does not embed a statistical signal in generated text. Rather, we directly embed a publicly-verifiable cryptographic signature using a form of rejection sampling. We show that our construction meets strong formal security guarantees and preserves many desirable properties found in schemes in the private-key watermarking setting. In particular, our watermarking scheme retains distortion-freeness and model agnosticity. We implement our scheme and make empirical measurements over open models in the 7B parameter range. Our experiments suggest that our watermarking scheme meets our formal claims while preserving text quality.
Abstract:Bounding privacy leakage over compositions, i.e., privacy accounting, is a key challenge in differential privacy (DP). However, the privacy parameter ($\varepsilon$ or $\delta$) is often easy to estimate but hard to bound. In this paper, we propose a new differential privacy paradigm called estimate-verify-release (EVR), which addresses the challenges of providing a strict upper bound for privacy parameter in DP compositions by converting an estimate of privacy parameter into a formal guarantee. The EVR paradigm first estimates the privacy parameter of a mechanism, then verifies whether it meets this guarantee, and finally releases the query output based on the verification result. The core component of the EVR is privacy verification. We develop a randomized privacy verifier using Monte Carlo (MC) technique. Furthermore, we propose an MC-based DP accountant that outperforms existing DP accounting techniques in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Our empirical evaluation shows the newly proposed EVR paradigm improves the utility-privacy tradeoff for privacy-preserving machine learning.
Abstract:The bulk of existing research in defending against adversarial examples focuses on defending against a single (typically bounded Lp-norm) attack, but for a practical setting, machine learning (ML) models should be robust to a wide variety of attacks. In this paper, we present the first unified framework for considering multiple attacks against ML models. Our framework is able to model different levels of learner's knowledge about the test-time adversary, allowing us to model robustness against unforeseen attacks and robustness against unions of attacks. Using our framework, we present the first leaderboard, MultiRobustBench, for benchmarking multiattack evaluation which captures performance across attack types and attack strengths. We evaluate the performance of 16 defended models for robustness against a set of 9 different attack types, including Lp-based threat models, spatial transformations, and color changes, at 20 different attack strengths (180 attacks total). Additionally, we analyze the state of current defenses against multiple attacks. Our analysis shows that while existing defenses have made progress in terms of average robustness across the set of attacks used, robustness against the worst-case attack is still a big open problem as all existing models perform worse than random guessing.
Abstract:Differentially private training offers a protection which is usually interpreted as a guarantee against membership inference attacks. By proxy, this guarantee extends to other threats like reconstruction attacks attempting to extract complete training examples. Recent works provide evidence that if one does not need to protect against membership attacks but instead only wants to protect against training data reconstruction, then utility of private models can be improved because less noise is required to protect against these more ambitious attacks. We investigate this further in the context of DP-SGD, a standard algorithm for private deep learning, and provide an upper bound on the success of any reconstruction attack against DP-SGD together with an attack that empirically matches the predictions of our bound. Together, these two results open the door to fine-grained investigations on how to set the privacy parameters of DP-SGD in practice to protect against reconstruction attacks. Finally, we use our methods to demonstrate that different settings of the DP-SGD parameters leading to the same DP guarantees can result in significantly different success rates for reconstruction, indicating that the DP guarantee alone might not be a good proxy for controlling the protection against reconstruction attacks.