Abstract:Diffusion models may be formulated as a time-indexed sequence of energy-based models, where the score corresponds to the negative gradient of an energy function. As opposed to learning the score directly, an energy parameterization is attractive as the energy itself can be used to control generation via Monte Carlo samplers. Architectural constraints and training instability in energy parameterized models have so far yielded inferior performance compared to directly approximating the score or denoiser. We address these deficiencies by introducing a novel training regime for the energy function through distillation of pre-trained diffusion models, resembling a Helmholtz decomposition of the score vector field. We further showcase the synergies between energy and score by casting the diffusion sampling procedure as a Feynman Kac model where sampling is controlled using potentials from the learnt energy functions. The Feynman Kac model formalism enables composition and low temperature sampling through sequential Monte Carlo.
Abstract:Detecting oriented tiny objects, which are limited in appearance information yet prevalent in real-world applications, remains an intricate and under-explored problem. To address this, we systemically introduce a new dataset, benchmark, and a dynamic coarse-to-fine learning scheme in this study. Our proposed dataset, AI-TOD-R, features the smallest object sizes among all oriented object detection datasets. Based on AI-TOD-R, we present a benchmark spanning a broad range of detection paradigms, including both fully-supervised and label-efficient approaches. Through investigation, we identify a learning bias presents across various learning pipelines: confident objects become increasingly confident, while vulnerable oriented tiny objects are further marginalized, hindering their detection performance. To mitigate this issue, we propose a Dynamic Coarse-to-Fine Learning (DCFL) scheme to achieve unbiased learning. DCFL dynamically updates prior positions to better align with the limited areas of oriented tiny objects, and it assigns samples in a way that balances both quantity and quality across different object shapes, thus mitigating biases in prior settings and sample selection. Extensive experiments across eight challenging object detection datasets demonstrate that DCFL achieves state-of-the-art accuracy, high efficiency, and remarkable versatility. The dataset, benchmark, and code are available at https://chasel-tsui.github.io/AI-TOD-R/.
Abstract:Normalizing Flows (NFs) are likelihood-based models for continuous inputs. They have demonstrated promising results on both density estimation and generative modeling tasks, but have received relatively little attention in recent years. In this work, we demonstrate that NFs are more powerful than previously believed. We present TarFlow: a simple and scalable architecture that enables highly performant NF models. TarFlow can be thought of as a Transformer-based variant of Masked Autoregressive Flows (MAFs): it consists of a stack of autoregressive Transformer blocks on image patches, alternating the autoregression direction between layers. TarFlow is straightforward to train end-to-end, and capable of directly modeling and generating pixels. We also propose three key techniques to improve sample quality: Gaussian noise augmentation during training, a post training denoising procedure, and an effective guidance method for both class-conditional and unconditional settings. Putting these together, TarFlow sets new state-of-the-art results on likelihood estimation for images, beating the previous best methods by a large margin, and generates samples with quality and diversity comparable to diffusion models, for the first time with a stand-alone NF model. We make our code available at https://github.com/apple/ml-tarflow.
Abstract:Tiny objects, with their limited spatial resolution, often resemble point-like distributions. As a result, bounding box prediction using point-level supervision emerges as a natural and cost-effective alternative to traditional box-level supervision. However, the small scale and lack of distinctive features of tiny objects make point annotations prone to noise, posing significant hurdles for model robustness. To tackle these challenges, we propose Point Teacher--the first end-to-end point-supervised method for robust tiny object detection in aerial images. To handle label noise from scale ambiguity and location shifts in point annotations, Point Teacher employs the teacher-student architecture and decouples the learning into a two-phase denoising process. In this framework, the teacher network progressively denoises the pseudo boxes derived from noisy point annotations, guiding the student network's learning. Specifically, in the first phase, random masking of image regions facilitates regression learning, enabling the teacher to transform noisy point annotations into coarse pseudo boxes. In the second phase, these coarse pseudo boxes are refined using dynamic multiple instance learning, which adaptively selects the most reliable instance from dynamically constructed proposal bags around the coarse pseudo boxes. Extensive experiments on three tiny object datasets (i.e., AI-TOD-v2, SODA-A, and TinyPerson) validate the proposed method's effectiveness and robustness against point location shifts. Notably, relying solely on point supervision, our Point Teacher already shows comparable performance with box-supervised learning methods. Codes and models will be made publicly available.
Abstract:Evaluating text-to-image generative models remains a challenge, despite the remarkable progress being made in their overall performances. While existing metrics like CLIPScore work for coarse evaluations, they lack the sensitivity to distinguish finer differences as model performance rapidly improves. In this work, we focus on the text rendering aspect of these models, which provides a lens for evaluating a generative model's fine-grained instruction-following capabilities. To this end, we introduce a new evaluation framework called TypeScore to sensitively assess a model's ability to generate images with high-fidelity embedded text by following precise instructions. We argue that this text generation capability serves as a proxy for general instruction-following ability in image synthesis. TypeScore uses an additional image description model and leverages an ensemble dissimilarity measure between the original and extracted text to evaluate the fidelity of the rendered text. Our proposed metric demonstrates greater resolution than CLIPScore to differentiate popular image generation models across a range of instructions with diverse text styles. Our study also evaluates how well these vision-language models (VLMs) adhere to stylistic instructions, disentangling style evaluation from embedded-text fidelity. Through human evaluation studies, we quantitatively meta-evaluate the effectiveness of the metric. Comprehensive analysis is conducted to explore factors such as text length, captioning models, and current progress towards human parity on this task. The framework provides insights into remaining gaps in instruction-following for image generation with embedded text.
Abstract:Fine-Grained Object Detection (FGOD) is a critical task in high-resolution aerial image analysis. This letter introduces Orthogonal Mapping (OM), a simple yet effective method aimed at addressing the challenge of semantic confusion inherent in FGOD. OM introduces orthogonal constraints in the feature space by decoupling features from the last layer of the classification branch with a class-wise orthogonal vector basis. This effectively mitigates semantic confusion and enhances classification accuracy. Moreover, OM can be seamlessly integrated into mainstream object detectors. Extensive experiments conducted on three FGOD datasets (FAIR1M, ShipRSImageNet, and MAR20) demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed approach. Notably, with just one line of code, OM achieves a 4.08% improvement in mean Average Precision (mAP) over FCOS on the ShipRSImageNet dataset. Codes are released at https://github.com/ZhuHaoranEIS/Orthogonal-FGOD.
Abstract:Large language models have revolutionized natural language processing by leveraging self-supervised pretraining on vast textual data. Inspired by this success, researchers have investigated complicated speech tokenization methods to discretize continuous speech signals so that language modeling techniques can be applied to speech data. However, existing approaches either model semantic tokens, potentially losing acoustic information, or model acoustic tokens, risking the loss of semantic information. Having multiple token types also complicates the architecture and requires additional pretraining. Here we show that discretizing mel-filterbank channels into discrete intensity bins produces a simple representation (dMel), that performs better than other existing speech tokenization methods. Using a transformer decoder-only architecture for speech-text modeling, we comprehensively evaluate different speech tokenization methods on speech recognition (ASR), speech synthesis (TTS). Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of dMel in achieving high performance on both tasks within a unified framework, paving the way for efficient and effective joint modeling of speech and text.
Abstract:Diffusion models have become the \textit{de-facto} approach for generating visual data, which are trained to match the distribution of the training dataset. In addition, we also want to control generation to fulfill desired properties such as alignment to a text description, which can be specified with a black-box reward function. Prior works fine-tune pretrained diffusion models to achieve this goal through reinforcement learning-based algorithms. Nonetheless, they suffer from issues including slow credit assignment as well as low quality in their generated samples. In this work, we explore techniques that do not directly maximize the reward but rather generate high-reward images with relatively high probability -- a natural scenario for the framework of generative flow networks (GFlowNets). To this end, we propose the \textbf{D}iffusion \textbf{A}lignment with \textbf{G}FlowNet (DAG) algorithm to post-train diffusion models with black-box property functions. Extensive experiments on Stable Diffusion and various reward specifications corroborate that our method could effectively align large-scale text-to-image diffusion models with given reward information.
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as GPT-4V have recently demonstrated incredible strides on diverse vision language tasks. We dig into vision-based deductive reasoning, a more sophisticated but less explored realm, and find previously unexposed blindspots in the current SOTA VLMs. Specifically, we leverage Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPMs), to assess VLMs' abilities to perform multi-hop relational and deductive reasoning relying solely on visual clues. We perform comprehensive evaluations of several popular VLMs employing standard strategies such as in-context learning, self-consistency, and Chain-of-thoughts (CoT) on three diverse datasets, including the Mensa IQ test, IntelligenceTest, and RAVEN. The results reveal that despite the impressive capabilities of LLMs in text-based reasoning, we are still far from achieving comparable proficiency in visual deductive reasoning. We found that certain standard strategies that are effective when applied to LLMs do not seamlessly translate to the challenges presented by visual reasoning tasks. Moreover, a detailed analysis reveals that VLMs struggle to solve these tasks mainly because they are unable to perceive and comprehend multiple, confounding abstract patterns in RPM examples.
Abstract:Precise detection of tiny objects in remote sensing imagery remains a significant challenge due to their limited visual information and frequent occurrence within scenes. This challenge is further exacerbated by the practical burden and inherent errors associated with manual annotation: annotating tiny objects is laborious and prone to errors (i.e., label noise). Training detectors for such objects using noisy labels often leads to suboptimal performance, with networks tending to overfit on noisy labels. In this study, we address the intricate issue of tiny object detection under noisy label supervision. We systematically investigate the impact of various types of noise on network training, revealing the vulnerability of object detectors to class shifts and inaccurate bounding boxes for tiny objects. To mitigate these challenges, we propose a DeNoising Tiny Object Detector (DN-TOD), which incorporates a Class-aware Label Correction (CLC) scheme to address class shifts and a Trend-guided Learning Strategy (TLS) to handle bounding box noise. CLC mitigates inaccurate class supervision by identifying and filtering out class-shifted positive samples, while TLS reduces noisy box-induced erroneous supervision through sample reweighting and bounding box regeneration. Additionally, Our method can be seamlessly integrated into both one-stage and two-stage object detection pipelines. Comprehensive experiments conducted on synthetic (i.e., noisy AI-TOD-v2.0 and DOTA-v2.0) and real-world (i.e., AI-TOD) noisy datasets demonstrate the robustness of DN-TOD under various types of label noise. Notably, when applied to the strong baseline RFLA, DN-TOD exhibits a noteworthy performance improvement of 4.9 points under 40% mixed noise. Datasets, codes, and models will be made publicly available.