Abstract:We introduce Interleaved Gibbs Diffusion (IGD), a novel generative modeling framework for mixed continuous-discrete data, focusing on constrained generation problems. Prior works on discrete and continuous-discrete diffusion models assume factorized denoising distribution for fast generation, which can hinder the modeling of strong dependencies between random variables encountered in constrained generation. IGD moves beyond this by interleaving continuous and discrete denoising algorithms via a discrete time Gibbs sampling type Markov chain. IGD provides flexibility in the choice of denoisers, allows conditional generation via state-space doubling and inference time scaling via the ReDeNoise method. Empirical evaluations on three challenging tasks-solving 3-SAT, generating molecule structures, and generating layouts-demonstrate state-of-the-art performance. Notably, IGD achieves a 7% improvement on 3-SAT out of the box and achieves state-of-the-art results in molecule generation without relying on equivariant diffusion or domain-specific architectures. We explore a wide range of modeling, and interleaving strategies along with hyperparameters in each of these problems.
Abstract:Quantizing model weights is critical for reducing the communication and inference costs of large models. However, quantizing models -- especially to low precisions like int4 or int2 -- requires a trade-off in model quality; int2, in particular, is known to severely degrade model quality. Consequently, practitioners are often forced to maintain multiple models with different quantization levels or serve a single model that best satisfies the quality-latency trade-off. On the other hand, integer data types, such as int8, inherently possess a nested (Matryoshka) structure where smaller bit-width integers, like int4 or int2, are nested within the most significant bits. This paper proposes Matryoshka Quantization (MatQuant), a novel multi-scale quantization technique that addresses the challenge of needing multiple quantized models. It allows training and maintaining just one model, which can then be served at different precision levels. Furthermore, due to the co-training and co-distillation regularization provided by MatQuant, the int2 precision models extracted by MatQuant can be up to $10\%$ more accurate than standard int2 quantization (using techniques like QAT or OmniQuant). This represents significant progress in model quantization, demonstrated by the fact that, with the same recipe, an int2 FFN-quantized Gemma-2 9B model is more accurate than an int8 FFN-quantized Gemma-2 2B model.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are known to be susceptible to crafted adversarial attacks or jailbreaks that lead to the generation of objectionable content despite being aligned to human preferences using safety fine-tuning methods. While the large dimensionality of input token space makes it inevitable to find adversarial prompts that can jailbreak these models, we aim to evaluate whether safety fine-tuned LLMs are safe against natural prompts which are semantically related to toxic seed prompts that elicit safe responses after alignment. We surprisingly find that popular aligned LLMs such as GPT-4 can be compromised using naive prompts that are NOT even crafted with an objective of jailbreaking the model. Furthermore, we empirically show that given a seed prompt that elicits a toxic response from an unaligned model, one can systematically generate several semantically related natural prompts that can jailbreak aligned LLMs. Towards this, we propose a method of Response Guided Question Augmentation (ReG-QA) to evaluate the generalization of safety aligned LLMs to natural prompts, that first generates several toxic answers given a seed question using an unaligned LLM (Q to A), and further leverages an LLM to generate questions that are likely to produce these answers (A to Q). We interestingly find that safety fine-tuned LLMs such as GPT-4o are vulnerable to producing natural jailbreak questions from unsafe content (without denial) and can thus be used for the latter (A to Q) step. We obtain attack success rates that are comparable to/ better than leading adversarial attack methods on the JailbreakBench leaderboard, while being significantly more stable against defenses such as Smooth-LLM and Synonym Substitution, which are effective against existing all attacks on the leaderboard.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are typically trained to predict in the forward direction of time. However, recent works have shown that prompting these models to look back and critique their own generations can produce useful feedback. Motivated by this, we explore the question of whether LLMs can be empowered to think (predict and score) backwards to provide unsupervised feedback that complements forward LLMs. Towards this, we introduce Time Reversed Language Models (TRLMs), which can score and generate queries when conditioned on responses, effectively functioning in the reverse direction of time. Further, to effectively infer in the response to query direction, we pre-train and fine-tune a language model (TRLM-Ba) in the reverse token order from scratch. We show empirically (and theoretically in a stylized setting) that time-reversed models can indeed complement forward model predictions when used to score the query given response for re-ranking multiple forward generations. We obtain up to 5\% improvement on the widely used AlpacaEval Leaderboard over the competent baseline of best-of-N re-ranking using self log-perplexity scores. We further show that TRLM scoring outperforms conventional forward scoring of response given query, resulting in significant gains in applications such as citation generation and passage retrieval. We next leverage the generative ability of TRLM to augment or provide unsupervised feedback to input safety filters of LLMs, demonstrating a drastic reduction in false negative rate with negligible impact on false positive rates against several attacks published on the popular JailbreakBench leaderboard.
Abstract:The visual medium (images and videos) naturally contains a large amount of information redundancy, thereby providing a great opportunity for leveraging efficiency in processing. While Vision Transformer (ViT) based models scale effectively to large data regimes, they fail to capitalize on this inherent redundancy, leading to higher computational costs. Mixture of Experts (MoE) networks demonstrate scalability while maintaining same inference-time costs, but they come with a larger parameter footprint. We present Mixture of Nested Experts (MoNE), which utilizes a nested structure for experts, wherein individual experts fall on an increasing compute-accuracy curve. Given a compute budget, MoNE learns to dynamically choose tokens in a priority order, and thus redundant tokens are processed through cheaper nested experts. Using this framework, we achieve equivalent performance as the baseline models, while reducing inference time compute by over two-fold. We validate our approach on standard image and video datasets - ImageNet-21K, Kinetics400, and Something-Something-v2. We further highlight MoNE$'$s adaptability by showcasing its ability to maintain strong performance across different inference-time compute budgets on videos, using only a single trained model.
Abstract:Vision Transformers (ViT) have emerged as the de-facto choice for numerous industry grade vision solutions. But their inference cost can be prohibitive for many settings, as they compute self-attention in each layer which suffers from quadratic computational complexity in the number of tokens. On the other hand, spatial information in images and spatio-temporal information in videos is usually sparse and redundant. In this work, we introduce LookupViT, that aims to exploit this information sparsity to reduce ViT inference cost. LookupViT provides a novel general purpose vision transformer block that operates by compressing information from higher resolution tokens to a fixed number of tokens. These few compressed tokens undergo meticulous processing, while the higher-resolution tokens are passed through computationally cheaper layers. Information sharing between these two token sets is enabled through a bidirectional cross-attention mechanism. The approach offers multiple advantages - (a) easy to implement on standard ML accelerators (GPUs/TPUs) via standard high-level operators, (b) applicable to standard ViT and its variants, thus generalizes to various tasks, (c) can handle different tokenization and attention approaches. LookupViT also offers flexibility for the compressed tokens, enabling performance-computation trade-offs in a single trained model. We show LookupViT's effectiveness on multiple domains - (a) for image-classification (ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-21K), (b) video classification (Kinetics400 and Something-Something V2), (c) image captioning (COCO-Captions) with a frozen encoder. LookupViT provides $2\times$ reduction in FLOPs while upholding or improving accuracy across these domains. In addition, LookupViT also demonstrates out-of-the-box robustness and generalization on image classification (ImageNet-C,R,A,O), improving by up to $4\%$ over ViT.
Abstract:We present Gecko, a compact and versatile text embedding model. Gecko achieves strong retrieval performance by leveraging a key idea: distilling knowledge from large language models (LLMs) into a retriever. Our two-step distillation process begins with generating diverse, synthetic paired data using an LLM. Next, we further refine the data quality by retrieving a set of candidate passages for each query, and relabeling the positive and hard negative passages using the same LLM. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated by the compactness of the Gecko. On the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB), Gecko with 256 embedding dimensions outperforms all existing entries with 768 embedding size. Gecko with 768 embedding dimensions achieves an average score of 66.31, competing with 7x larger models and 5x higher dimensional embeddings.
Abstract:Autoregressive decoding with generative Large Language Models (LLMs) on accelerators (GPUs/TPUs) is often memory-bound where most of the time is spent on transferring model parameters from high bandwidth memory (HBM) to cache. On the other hand, recent works show that LLMs can maintain quality with significant sparsity/redundancy in the feedforward (FFN) layers by appropriately training the model to operate on a top-$k$ fraction of rows/columns (where $k \approx 0.05$), there by suggesting a way to reduce the transfer of model parameters, and hence latency. However, exploiting this sparsity for improving latency is hindered by the fact that identifying top rows/columns is data-dependent and is usually performed using full matrix operations, severely limiting potential gains. To address these issues, we introduce HiRE (High Recall Approximate Top-k Estimation). HiRE comprises of two novel components: (i) a compression scheme to cheaply predict top-$k$ rows/columns with high recall, followed by full computation restricted to the predicted subset, and (ii) DA-TOP-$k$: an efficient multi-device approximate top-$k$ operator. We demonstrate that on a one billion parameter model, HiRE applied to both the softmax as well as feedforward layers, achieves almost matching pretraining and downstream accuracy, and speeds up inference latency by $1.47\times$ on a single TPUv5e device.
Abstract:The autoregressive nature of conventional large language models (LLMs) inherently limits inference speed, as tokens are generated sequentially. While speculative and parallel decoding techniques attempt to mitigate this, they face limitations: either relying on less accurate smaller models for generation or failing to fully leverage the base LLM's representations. We introduce a novel architecture, Tandem transformers, to address these issues. This architecture uniquely combines (1) a small autoregressive model and (2) a large model operating in block mode (processing multiple tokens simultaneously). The small model's predictive accuracy is substantially enhanced by granting it attention to the large model's richer representations. On the PaLM2 pretraining dataset, a tandem of PaLM2-Bison and PaLM2-Gecko demonstrates a 3.3% improvement in next-token prediction accuracy over a standalone PaLM2-Gecko, offering a 1.16x speedup compared to a PaLM2-Otter model with comparable downstream performance. We further incorporate the tandem model within the speculative decoding (SPEED) framework where the large model validates tokens from the small model. This ensures that the Tandem of PaLM2-Bison and PaLM2-Gecko achieves substantial speedup (around 1.14x faster than using vanilla PaLM2-Gecko in SPEED) while maintaining identical downstream task accuracy.
Abstract:Foundational models with billions of parameters which have been trained on large corpora of data have demonstrated non-trivial skills in a variety of domains. However, due to their monolithic structure, it is challenging and expensive to augment them or impart new skills. On the other hand, due to their adaptation abilities, several new instances of these models are being trained towards new domains and tasks. In this work, we study the problem of efficient and practical composition of existing foundation models with more specific models to enable newer capabilities. To this end, we propose CALM -- Composition to Augment Language Models -- which introduces cross-attention between models to compose their representations and enable new capabilities. Salient features of CALM are: (i) Scales up LLMs on new tasks by 're-using' existing LLMs along with a few additional parameters and data, (ii) Existing model weights are kept intact, and hence preserves existing capabilities, and (iii) Applies to diverse domains and settings. We illustrate that augmenting PaLM2-S with a smaller model trained on low-resource languages results in an absolute improvement of up to 13\% on tasks like translation into English and arithmetic reasoning for low-resource languages. Similarly, when PaLM2-S is augmented with a code-specific model, we see a relative improvement of 40\% over the base model for code generation and explanation tasks -- on-par with fully fine-tuned counterparts.