Abstract:Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS) with image-level labels typically uses Class Activation Maps (CAM) to achieve dense predictions. Recently, Vision Transformer (ViT) has provided an alternative to generate localization maps from class-patch attention. However, due to insufficient constraints on modeling such attention, we observe that the Localization Attention Maps (LAM) often struggle with the artifact issue, i.e., patch regions with minimal semantic relevance are falsely activated by class tokens. In this work, we propose MoRe to address this issue and further explore the potential of LAM. Our findings suggest that imposing additional regularization on class-patch attention is necessary. To this end, we first view the attention as a novel directed graph and propose the Graph Category Representation module to implicitly regularize the interaction among class-patch entities. It ensures that class tokens dynamically condense the related patch information and suppress unrelated artifacts at a graph level. Second, motivated by the observation that CAM from classification weights maintains smooth localization of objects, we devise the Localization-informed Regularization module to explicitly regularize the class-patch attention. It directly mines the token relations from CAM and further supervises the consistency between class and patch tokens in a learnable manner. Extensive experiments are conducted on PASCAL VOC and MS COCO, validating that MoRe effectively addresses the artifact issue and achieves state-of-the-art performance, surpassing recent single-stage and even multi-stage methods. Code is available at https://github.com/zwyang6/MoRe.
Abstract:The expensive fine-grained annotation and data scarcity have become the primary obstacles for the widespread adoption of deep learning-based Whole Slide Images (WSI) classification algorithms in clinical practice. Unlike few-shot learning methods in natural images that can leverage the labels of each image, existing few-shot WSI classification methods only utilize a small number of fine-grained labels or weakly supervised slide labels for training in order to avoid expensive fine-grained annotation. They lack sufficient mining of available WSIs, severely limiting WSI classification performance. To address the above issues, we propose a novel and efficient dual-tier few-shot learning paradigm for WSI classification, named FAST. FAST consists of a dual-level annotation strategy and a dual-branch classification framework. Firstly, to avoid expensive fine-grained annotation, we collect a very small number of WSIs at the slide level, and annotate an extremely small number of patches. Then, to fully mining the available WSIs, we use all the patches and available patch labels to build a cache branch, which utilizes the labeled patches to learn the labels of unlabeled patches and through knowledge retrieval for patch classification. In addition to the cache branch, we also construct a prior branch that includes learnable prompt vectors, using the text encoder of visual-language models for patch classification. Finally, we integrate the results from both branches to achieve WSI classification. Extensive experiments on binary and multi-class datasets demonstrate that our proposed method significantly surpasses existing few-shot classification methods and approaches the accuracy of fully supervised methods with only 0.22$\%$ annotation costs. All codes and models will be publicly available on https://github.com/fukexue/FAST.
Abstract:Weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) with image-level labels intends to achieve dense tasks without laborious annotations. However, due to the ambiguous contexts and fuzzy regions, the performance of WSSS, especially the stages of generating Class Activation Maps (CAMs) and refining pseudo masks, widely suffers from ambiguity while being barely noticed by previous literature. In this work, we propose UniA, a unified single-staged WSSS framework, to efficiently tackle this issue from the perspective of uncertainty inference and affinity diversification, respectively. When activating class objects, we argue that the false activation stems from the bias to the ambiguous regions during the feature extraction. Therefore, we design a more robust feature representation with a probabilistic Gaussian distribution and introduce the uncertainty estimation to avoid the bias. A distribution loss is particularly proposed to supervise the process, which effectively captures the ambiguity and models the complex dependencies among features. When refining pseudo labels, we observe that the affinity from the prevailing refinement methods intends to be similar among ambiguities. To this end, an affinity diversification module is proposed to promote diversity among semantics. A mutual complementing refinement is proposed to initially rectify the ambiguous affinity with multiple inferred pseudo labels. More importantly, a contrastive affinity loss is further designed to diversify the relations among unrelated semantics, which reliably propagates the diversity into the whole feature representations and helps generate better pseudo masks. Extensive experiments are conducted on PASCAL VOC, MS COCO, and medical ACDC datasets, which validate the efficiency of UniA tackling ambiguity and the superiority over recent single-staged or even most multi-staged competitors.
Abstract:Attributed to the frequent coupling of co-occurring objects and the limited supervision from image-level labels, the challenging co-occurrence problem is widely present and leads to false activation of objects in weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS). In this work, we devise a 'Separate and Conquer' scheme SeCo to tackle this issue from dimensions of image space and feature space. In the image space, we propose to 'separate' the co-occurring objects with image decomposition by subdividing images into patches. Importantly, we assign each patch a category tag from Class Activation Maps (CAMs), which spatially helps remove the co-context bias and guide the subsequent representation. In the feature space, we propose to 'conquer' the false activation by enhancing semantic representation with multi-granularity knowledge contrast. To this end, a dual-teacher-single-student architecture is designed and tag-guided contrast is conducted to guarantee the correctness of knowledge and further facilitate the discrepancy among co-occurring objects. We streamline the multi-staged WSSS pipeline end-to-end and tackle co-occurrence without external supervision. Extensive experiments are conducted, validating the efficiency of our method tackling co-occurrence and the superiority over previous single-staged and even multi-staged competitors on PASCAL VOC and MS COCO. Code will be available at https://github.com/zwyang6/SeCo.git.
Abstract:Point cloud registration is a task to estimate the rigid transformation between two unaligned scans, which plays an important role in many computer vision applications. Previous learning-based works commonly focus on supervised registration, which have limitations in practice. Recently, with the advance of inexpensive RGB-D sensors, several learning-based works utilize RGB-D data to achieve unsupervised registration. However, most of existing unsupervised methods follow a cascaded design or fuse RGB-D data in a unidirectional manner, which do not fully exploit the complementary information in the RGB-D data. To leverage the complementary information more effectively, we propose a network implementing multi-scale bidirectional fusion between RGB images and point clouds generated from depth images. By bidirectionally fusing visual and geometric features in multi-scales, more distinctive deep features for correspondence estimation can be obtained, making our registration more accurate. Extensive experiments on ScanNet and 3DMatch demonstrate that our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance. Code will be released at https://github.com/phdymz/PointMBF
Abstract:This paper introduces the novel concept of few-shot weakly supervised learning for pathology Whole Slide Image (WSI) classification, denoted as FSWC. A solution is proposed based on prompt learning and the utilization of a large language model, GPT-4. Since a WSI is too large and needs to be divided into patches for processing, WSI classification is commonly approached as a Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) problem. In this context, each WSI is considered a bag, and the obtained patches are treated as instances. The objective of FSWC is to classify both bags and instances with only a limited number of labeled bags. Unlike conventional few-shot learning problems, FSWC poses additional challenges due to its weak bag labels within the MIL framework. Drawing inspiration from the recent achievements of vision-language models (V-L models) in downstream few-shot classification tasks, we propose a two-level prompt learning MIL framework tailored for pathology, incorporating language prior knowledge. Specifically, we leverage CLIP to extract instance features for each patch, and introduce a prompt-guided pooling strategy to aggregate these instance features into a bag feature. Subsequently, we employ a small number of labeled bags to facilitate few-shot prompt learning based on the bag features. Our approach incorporates the utilization of GPT-4 in a question-and-answer mode to obtain language prior knowledge at both the instance and bag levels, which are then integrated into the instance and bag level language prompts. Additionally, a learnable component of the language prompts is trained using the available few-shot labeled data. We conduct extensive experiments on three real WSI datasets encompassing breast cancer, lung cancer, and cervical cancer, demonstrating the notable performance of the proposed method in bag and instance classification. All codes will be made publicly accessible.
Abstract:The recent multi-modality models have achieved great performance in many vision tasks because the extracted features contain the multi-modality knowledge. However, most of the current registration descriptors have only concentrated on local geometric structures. This paper proposes a method to boost point cloud registration accuracy by transferring the multi-modality knowledge of pre-trained multi-modality model to a new descriptor neural network. Different to the previous multi-modality methods that requires both modalities, the proposed method only requires point clouds during inference. Specifically, we propose an ensemble descriptor neural network combining pre-trained sparse convolution branch and a new point-based convolution branch. By fine-tuning on a single modality data, the proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art results on 3DMatch and competitive accuracy on 3DLoMatch and KITTI.
Abstract:3D point cloud registration is a fundamental problem in computer vision and robotics. Recently, learning-based point cloud registration methods have made great progress. However, these methods are sensitive to outliers, which lead to more incorrect correspondences. In this paper, we propose a novel deep graph matching-based framework for point cloud registration. Specifically, we first transform point clouds into graphs and extract deep features for each point. Then, we develop a module based on deep graph matching to calculate a soft correspondence matrix. By using graph matching, not only the local geometry of each point but also its structure and topology in a larger range are considered in establishing correspondences, so that more correct correspondences are found. We train the network with a loss directly defined on the correspondences, and in the test stage the soft correspondences are transformed into hard one-to-one correspondences so that registration can be performed by a correspondence-based solver. Furthermore, we introduce a transformer-based method to generate edges for graph construction, which further improves the quality of the correspondences. Extensive experiments on object-level and scene-level benchmark datasets show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code is available at: \href{https://github.com/fukexue/RGM}{https://github.com/fukexue/RGM}.
Abstract:Masked language modeling (MLM) has become one of the most successful self-supervised pre-training task. Inspired by its success, Point-BERT, as a pioneer work in point cloud, proposed masked point modeling (MPM) to pre-train point transformer on large scale unanotated dataset. Despite its great performance, we find the inherent difference between language and point cloud tends to cause ambiguous tokenization for point cloud. For point cloud, there doesn't exist a gold standard for point cloud tokenization. Point-BERT use a discrete Variational AutoEncoder (dVAE) as tokenizer, but it might generate different token ids for semantically-similar patches and generate the same token ids for semantically-dissimilar patches. To tackle above problem, we propose our McP-BERT, a pre-training framework with multi-choice tokens. Specifically, we ease the previous single-choice constraint on patch token ids in Point-BERT, and provide multi-choice token ids for each patch as supervision. Moreover, we utilitze the high-level semantics learned by transformer to further refine our supervision signals. Extensive experiments on point cloud classification, few-shot classification and part segmentation tasks demonstrate the superiority of our method, e.g., the pre-trained transformer achieves 94.1% accuracy on ModelNet40, 84.28% accuracy on the hardest setting of ScanObjectNN and new state-of-the-art performance on few-shot learning. We also demonstrate that our method not only improves the performance of Point-BERT on all downstream tasks, but also incurs almost no extra computational overhead. The code will be released in https://github.com/fukexue/McP-BERT.
Abstract:Recently, the pre-training paradigm combining Transformer and masked language modeling has achieved tremendous success in NLP, images, and point clouds, such as BERT. However, directly extending BERT from NLP to point clouds requires training a fixed discrete Variational AutoEncoder (dVAE) before pre-training, which results in a complex two-stage method called Point-BERT. Inspired by BERT and MoCo, we propose POS-BERT, a one-stage BERT pre-training method for point clouds. Specifically, we use the mask patch modeling (MPM) task to perform point cloud pre-training, which aims to recover masked patches information under the supervision of the corresponding tokenizer output. Unlike Point-BERT, its tokenizer is extra-trained and frozen. We propose to use the dynamically updated momentum encoder as the tokenizer, which is updated and outputs the dynamic supervision signal along with the training process. Further, in order to learn high-level semantic representation, we combine contrastive learning to maximize the class token consistency between different transformation point clouds. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that POS-BERT can extract high-quality pre-training features and promote downstream tasks to improve performance. Using the pre-training model without any fine-tuning to extract features and train linear SVM on ModelNet40, POS-BERT achieves the state-of-the-art classification accuracy, which exceeds Point-BERT by 3.5\%. In addition, our approach has significantly improved many downstream tasks, such as fine-tuned classification, few-shot classification, part segmentation. The code and trained-models will be available at: \url{https://github.com/fukexue/POS-BERT}.