Big Data and AI Biodiversity Conservation Research Center, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, State Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and Specialty Crops and Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Plant Science Data Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, China National Botanical Garden, Beijing, China
Abstract:This paper introduces Goku, a state-of-the-art family of joint image-and-video generation models leveraging rectified flow Transformers to achieve industry-leading performance. We detail the foundational elements enabling high-quality visual generation, including the data curation pipeline, model architecture design, flow formulation, and advanced infrastructure for efficient and robust large-scale training. The Goku models demonstrate superior performance in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, setting new benchmarks across major tasks. Specifically, Goku achieves 0.76 on GenEval and 83.65 on DPG-Bench for text-to-image generation, and 84.85 on VBench for text-to-video tasks. We believe that this work provides valuable insights and practical advancements for the research community in developing joint image-and-video generation models.
Abstract:Elliptic Fourier analysis (EFA) is a powerful tool for shape analysis, which is often employed in geometric morphometrics. However, the normalization of elliptic Fourier descriptors has persistently posed challenges in obtaining unique results in basic contour transformations, requiring extensive manual alignment. Additionally, contemporary contour/outline extraction methods often struggle to handle complex digital images. Here, we reformulated the procedure of EFDs calculation to improve computational efficiency and introduced a novel approach for EFD normalization, termed true EFD normalization, which remains invariant under all basic contour transformations. These improvements are crucial for processing large sets of contour curves collected from different platforms with varying transformations. Based on these improvements, we developed ElliShape, a user-friendly software. Particularly, the improved contour/outline extraction employs an interactive approach that combines automatic contour generation for efficiency with manual correction for essential modifications and refinements. We evaluated ElliShape's stability, robustness, and ease of use by comparing it with existing software using standard datasets. ElliShape consistently produced reliable reconstructed shapes and normalized EFD values across different contours and transformations, and it demonstrated superior performance in visualization and efficient processing of various digital images for contour analysis.The output annotated images and EFDs could be utilized in deep learning-based data training, thereby advancing artificial intelligence in botany and offering innovative solutions for critical challenges in biodiversity conservation, species classification, ecosystem function assessment, and related critical issues.
Abstract:In asymmetric retrieval systems, models with different capacities are deployed on platforms with different computational and storage resources. Despite the great progress, existing approaches still suffer from a dilemma between retrieval efficiency and asymmetric accuracy due to the limited capacity of the lightweight query model. In this work, we propose an Asymmetric Feature Fusion (AFF) paradigm, which advances existing asymmetric retrieval systems by considering the complementarity among different features just at the gallery side. Specifically, it first embeds each gallery image into various features, e.g., local features and global features. Then, a dynamic mixer is introduced to aggregate these features into compact embedding for efficient search. On the query side, only a single lightweight model is deployed for feature extraction. The query model and dynamic mixer are jointly trained by sharing a momentum-updated classifier. Notably, the proposed paradigm boosts the accuracy of asymmetric retrieval without introducing any extra overhead to the query side. Exhaustive experiments on various landmark retrieval datasets demonstrate the superiority of our paradigm.
Abstract:Asymmetric image retrieval is a task that seeks to balance retrieval accuracy and efficiency by leveraging lightweight and large models for the query and gallery sides, respectively. The key to asymmetric image retrieval is realizing feature compatibility between different models. Despite the great progress, most existing approaches either rely on classifiers inherited from gallery models or simply impose constraints at the instance level, ignoring the structure of embedding space. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective structure similarity preserving method to achieve feature compatibility between query and gallery models. Specifically, we first train a product quantizer offline with the image features embedded by the gallery model. The centroid vectors in the quantizer serve as anchor points in the embedding space of the gallery model to characterize its structure. During the training of the query model, anchor points are shared by the query and gallery models. The relationships between image features and centroid vectors are considered as structure similarities and constrained to be consistent. Moreover, our approach makes no assumption about the existence of any labeled training data and thus can be extended to an unlimited amount of data. Comprehensive experiments on large-scale landmark retrieval demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. Our code is released at:
Abstract:Short Text Classification (STC) is crucial for processing and comprehending the brief but substantial content prevalent on contemporary digital platforms. The STC encounters difficulties in grasping semantic and syntactic intricacies, an issue that is apparent in traditional pre-trained language models. Although Graph Convolutional Networks enhance performance by integrating external knowledge bases, these methods are limited by the quality and extent of the knowledge applied. Recently, the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) has significantly improved the performance of complex reasoning tasks. However, some studies have highlighted the limitations of their application in fundamental NLP tasks. Consequently, this study sought to employ CoT to investigate the capabilities of LLMs in STC tasks. This study introduces Quartet Logic: A Four-Step Reasoning (QLFR) framework. This framework primarily incorporates Syntactic and Semantic Enrichment CoT, effectively decomposing the STC task into four distinct steps: (i) essential concept identification, (ii) common-sense knowledge retrieval, (iii) text rewriting, and (iv) classification. This elicits the inherent knowledge and abilities of LLMs to address the challenges in STC. Surprisingly, we found that QLFR can also improve the performance of smaller models. Therefore, we developed a CoT-Driven Multi-task learning (QLFR-CML) method to facilitate the knowledge transfer from LLMs to smaller models. Extensive experimentation across six short-text benchmarks validated the efficacy of the proposed methods. Notably, QLFR achieved state-of-the-art performance on all datasets, with significant improvements, particularly on the Ohsumed and TagMyNews datasets.
Abstract:Height estimation has long been a pivotal topic within measurement and remote sensing disciplines, proving critical for endeavours such as 3D urban modelling, MR and autonomous driving. Traditional methods utilise stereo matching or multisensor fusion, both well-established techniques that typically necessitate multiple images from varying perspectives and adjunct sensors like SAR, leading to substantial deployment costs. Single image height estimation has emerged as an attractive alternative, boasting a larger data source variety and simpler deployment. However, current methods suffer from limitations such as fixed receptive fields, a lack of global information interaction, leading to noticeable instance-level height deviations. The inherent complexity of height prediction can result in a blurry estimation of object edge depth when using mainstream regression methods based on fixed height division. This paper presents a comprehensive solution for monocular height estimation in remote sensing, termed HeightFormer, combining multilevel interactions and image-adaptive classification-regression. It features the Multilevel Interaction Backbone (MIB) and Image-adaptive Classification-regression Height Generator (ICG). MIB supplements the fixed sample grid in CNN of the conventional backbone network with tokens of different interaction ranges. It is complemented by a pixel-, patch-, and feature map-level hierarchical interaction mechanism, designed to relay spatial geometry information across different scales and introducing a global receptive field to enhance the quality of instance-level height estimation. The ICG dynamically generates height partition for each image and reframes the traditional regression task, using a refinement from coarse to fine classification-regression that significantly mitigates the innate ill-posedness issue and drastically improves edge sharpness.
Abstract:A bio-inspired Neuron-ADC with reconfigurable sampling and static power reduction for biomedical applications is proposed in this work. The Neuron-ADC leverages level-crossing sampling and a bio-inspired refractory circuit to compressively converts bio-signal to digital spikes and information-of-interest. The proposed design can not only avoid dissipating ADC energy on unnecessary data but also achieve reconfigurable sampling, making it appropriate for either low power operation or high accuracy conversion when dealing with various kinds of bio-signals. Moreover, the proposed dynamic comparator can reduce static power up to 41.1% when tested with a 10 kHz sinusoidal input. Simulation results of 40 nm CMOS process show that the Neuron-ADC achieves a maximum ENOB of 6.9 bits with a corresponding FoM of 97 fJ/conversion under 0.6 V supply voltage.
Abstract:Recent years have seen fast advances in neural recording circuits and systems as they offer a promising way to investigate real-time brain monitoring and the closed-loop modulation of psychological disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. In this context, this tutorial brief presents a concise overview of concepts and design methodologies of neural recording, highlighting neural signal characteristics, system-level specifications and architectures, circuit-level implementation, and noise reduction techniques. Future trends and challenges of neural recording are finally discussed.
Abstract:Existing work on VQA explores data augmentation to achieve better generalization by perturbing the images in the dataset or modifying the existing questions and answers. While these methods exhibit good performance, the diversity of the questions and answers are constrained by the available image set. In this work we explore using synthetic computer-generated data to fully control the visual and language space, allowing us to provide more diverse scenarios. We quantify the effect of synthetic data in real-world VQA benchmarks and to which extent it produces results that generalize to real data. By exploiting 3D and physics simulation platforms, we provide a pipeline to generate synthetic data to expand and replace type-specific questions and answers without risking the exposure of sensitive or personal data that might be present in real images. We offer a comprehensive analysis while expanding existing hyper-realistic datasets to be used for VQA. We also propose Feature Swapping (F-SWAP) -- where we randomly switch object-level features during training to make a VQA model more domain invariant. We show that F-SWAP is effective for enhancing a currently existing VQA dataset of real images without compromising on the accuracy to answer existing questions in the dataset.
Abstract:In image retrieval, deep local features learned in a data-driven manner have been demonstrated effective to improve retrieval performance. To realize efficient retrieval on large image database, some approaches quantize deep local features with a large codebook and match images with aggregated match kernel. However, the complexity of these approaches is non-trivial with large memory footprint, which limits their capability to jointly perform feature learning and aggregation. To generate compact global representations while maintaining regional matching capability, we propose a unified framework to jointly learn local feature representation and aggregation. In our framework, we first extract deep local features using CNNs. Then, we design a tokenizer module to aggregate them into a few visual tokens, each corresponding to a specific visual pattern. This helps to remove background noise, and capture more discriminative regions in the image. Next, a refinement block is introduced to enhance the visual tokens with self-attention and cross-attention. Finally, different visual tokens are concatenated to generate a compact global representation. The whole framework is trained end-to-end with image-level labels. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate our approach, which outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on the Revisited Oxford and Paris datasets.