Abstract:In this work, we propose a method that leverages CLIP feature distillation, achieving efficient 3D segmentation through language guidance. Unlike previous methods that rely on multi-scale CLIP features and are limited by processing speed and storage requirements, our approach aims to streamline the workflow by directly and effectively distilling dense CLIP features, thereby achieving precise segmentation of 3D scenes using text. To achieve this, we introduce an adapter module and mitigate the noise issue in the dense CLIP feature distillation process through a self-cross-training strategy. Moreover, to enhance the accuracy of segmentation edges, this work presents a low-rank transient query attention mechanism. To ensure the consistency of segmentation for similar colors under different viewpoints, we convert the segmentation task into a classification task through label volume, which significantly improves the consistency of segmentation in color-similar areas. We also propose a simplified text augmentation strategy to alleviate the issue of ambiguity in the correspondence between CLIP features and text. Extensive experimental results show that our method surpasses current state-of-the-art technologies in both training speed and performance. Our code is available on: https://github.com/xingy038/Laser.git.
Abstract:Neural implicit representations have recently shown promising progress in dense Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM). However, existing works have shortcomings in terms of reconstruction quality and real-time performance, mainly due to inflexible scene representation strategy without leveraging any prior information. In this paper, we introduce SP-SLAM, a novel neural RGB-D SLAM system that performs tracking and mapping in real-time. SP-SLAM computes depth images and establishes sparse voxel-encoded scene priors near the surfaces to achieve rapid convergence of the model. Subsequently, the encoding voxels computed from single-frame depth image are fused into a global volume, which facilitates high-fidelity surface reconstruction. Simultaneously, we employ tri-planes to store scene appearance information, striking a balance between achieving high-quality geometric texture mapping and minimizing memory consumption. Furthermore, in SP-SLAM, we introduce an effective optimization strategy for mapping, allowing the system to continuously optimize the poses of all historical input frames during runtime without increasing computational overhead. We conduct extensive evaluations on five benchmark datasets (Replica, ScanNet, TUM RGB-D, Synthetic RGB-D, 7-Scenes). The results demonstrate that, compared to existing methods, we achieve superior tracking accuracy and reconstruction quality, while running at a significantly faster speed.
Abstract:We propose Exemplar-Condensed federated class-incremental learning (ECoral) to distil the training characteristics of real images from streaming data into informative rehearsal exemplars. The proposed method eliminates the limitations of exemplar selection in replay-based approaches for mitigating catastrophic forgetting in federated continual learning (FCL). The limitations particularly related to the heterogeneity of information density of each summarized data. Our approach maintains the consistency of training gradients and the relationship to past tasks for the summarized exemplars to represent the streaming data compared to the original images effectively. Additionally, our approach reduces the information-level heterogeneity of the summarized data by inter-client sharing of the disentanglement generative model. Extensive experiments show that our ECoral outperforms several state-of-the-art methods and can be seamlessly integrated with many existing approaches to enhance performance.
Abstract:Real-world graph data environments intrinsically exist noise (e.g., link and structure errors) that inevitably disturb the effectiveness of graph representation and downstream learning tasks. For homogeneous graphs, the latest works use original node features to synthesize a similarity graph that can correct the structure of the noised graph. This idea is based on the homogeneity assumption, which states that similar nodes in the homogeneous graph tend to have direct links in the original graph. However, similar nodes in heterogeneous graphs usually do not have direct links, which can not be used to correct the original noise graph. This causes a significant challenge in noised heterogeneous graph learning. To this end, this paper proposes a novel synthesized similarity-based graph neural network compatible with noised heterogeneous graph learning. First, we calculate the original feature similarities of all nodes to synthesize a similarity-based high-order graph. Second, we propose a similarity-aware encoder to embed original and synthesized graphs with shared parameters. Then, instead of graph-to-graph supervising, we synchronously supervise the original and synthesized graph embeddings to predict the same labels. Meanwhile, a target-based graph extracted from the synthesized graph contrasts the structure of the metapath-based graph extracted from the original graph to learn the mutual information. Extensive experiments in numerous real-world datasets show the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art records in the noised heterogeneous graph learning tasks. In highlights, +5$\sim$6\% improvements are observed in several noised datasets compared with previous SOTA methods. The code and datasets are available at https://github.com/kg-cc/NoiseHGNN.
Abstract:While face recognition (FR) models have brought remarkable convenience in face verification and identification, they also pose substantial privacy risks to the public. Existing facial privacy protection schemes usually adopt adversarial examples to disrupt face verification of FR models. However, these schemes often suffer from weak transferability against black-box FR models and permanently damage the identifiable information that cannot fulfill the requirements of authorized operations such as forensics and authentication. To address these limitations, we propose ErasableMask, a robust and erasable privacy protection scheme against black-box FR models. Specifically, via rethinking the inherent relationship between surrogate FR models, ErasableMask introduces a novel meta-auxiliary attack, which boosts black-box transferability by learning more general features in a stable and balancing optimization strategy. It also offers a perturbation erasion mechanism that supports the erasion of semantic perturbations in protected face without degrading image quality. To further improve performance, ErasableMask employs a curriculum learning strategy to mitigate optimization conflicts between adversarial attack and perturbation erasion. Extensive experiments on the CelebA-HQ and FFHQ datasets demonstrate that ErasableMask achieves the state-of-the-art performance in transferability, achieving over 72% confidence on average in commercial FR systems. Moreover, ErasableMask also exhibits outstanding perturbation erasion performance, achieving over 90% erasion success rate.
Abstract:Adversarial training is one of the most effective methods for enhancing model robustness. Recent approaches incorporate adversarial distillation in adversarial training architectures. However, we notice two scenarios of defense methods that limit their performance: (1) Previous methods primarily use static ground truth for adversarial training, but this often causes robust overfitting; (2) The loss functions are either Mean Squared Error or KL-divergence leading to a sub-optimal performance on clean accuracy. To solve those problems, we propose a dynamic label adversarial training (DYNAT) algorithm that enables the target model to gradually and dynamically gain robustness from the guide model's decisions. Additionally, we found that a budgeted dimension of inner optimization for the target model may contribute to the trade-off between clean accuracy and robust accuracy. Therefore, we propose a novel inner optimization method to be incorporated into the adversarial training. This will enable the target model to adaptively search for adversarial examples based on dynamic labels from the guiding model, contributing to the robustness of the target model. Extensive experiments validate the superior performance of our approach.
Abstract:Few-shot medical image segmentation has achieved great progress in improving accuracy and efficiency of medical analysis in the biomedical imaging field. However, most existing methods cannot explore inter-class relations among base and novel medical classes to reason unseen novel classes. Moreover, the same kind of medical class has large intra-class variations brought by diverse appearances, shapes and scales, thus causing ambiguous visual characterization to degrade generalization performance of these existing methods on unseen novel classes. To address the above challenges, in this paper, we propose a \underline{\textbf{P}}rototype correlation \underline{\textbf{M}}atching and \underline{\textbf{C}}lass-relation \underline{\textbf{R}}easoning (i.e., \textbf{PMCR}) model. The proposed model can effectively mitigate false pixel correlation matches caused by large intra-class variations while reasoning inter-class relations among different medical classes. Specifically, in order to address false pixel correlation match brought by large intra-class variations, we propose a prototype correlation matching module to mine representative prototypes that can characterize diverse visual information of different appearances well. We aim to explore prototype-level rather than pixel-level correlation matching between support and query features via optimal transport algorithm to tackle false matches caused by intra-class variations. Meanwhile, in order to explore inter-class relations, we design a class-relation reasoning module to segment unseen novel medical objects via reasoning inter-class relations between base and novel classes. Such inter-class relations can be well propagated to semantic encoding of local query features to improve few-shot segmentation performance. Quantitative comparisons illustrates the large performance improvement of our model over other baseline methods.
Abstract:While traditional feature engineering for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) involves a trial-anderror process, deep learning has emerged as a preferred method for high-level representations of sensor-based human activities. However, most deep learning-based HAR requires a large amount of labelled data and extracting HAR features from unlabelled data for effective deep learning training remains challenging. We, therefore, introduce a deep semi-supervised HAR approach, MixHAR, which concurrently uses labelled and unlabelled activities. Our MixHAR employs a linear interpolation mechanism to blend labelled and unlabelled activities while addressing both inter- and intra-activity variability. A unique challenge identified is the activityintrusion problem during mixing, for which we propose a mixing calibration mechanism to mitigate it in the feature embedding space. Additionally, we rigorously explored and evaluated the five conventional/popular deep semi-supervised technologies on HAR, acting as the benchmark of deep semi-supervised HAR. Our results demonstrate that MixHAR significantly improves performance, underscoring the potential of deep semi-supervised techniques in HAR.
Abstract:Text-to-3D content creation is a rapidly evolving research area. Given the scarcity of 3D data, current approaches often adapt pre-trained 2D diffusion models for 3D synthesis. Among these approaches, Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) has been widely adopted. However, the issue of over-smoothing poses a significant limitation on the high-fidelity generation of 3D models. To address this challenge, LucidDreamer replaces the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) in SDS with the Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model (DDIM) to construct Interval Score Matching (ISM). However, ISM inevitably inherits inconsistencies from DDIM, causing reconstruction errors during the DDIM inversion process. This results in poor performance in the detailed generation of 3D objects and loss of content. To alleviate these problems, we propose a novel method named Exact Score Matching (ESM). Specifically, ESM leverages auxiliary variables to mathematically guarantee exact recovery in the DDIM reverse process. Furthermore, to effectively capture the dynamic changes of the original and auxiliary variables, the LoRA of a pre-trained diffusion model implements these exact paths. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of ESM in text-to-3D generation, particularly highlighting its superiority in detailed generation.
Abstract:We introduce a rehearsal-free federated domain incremental learning framework, RefFiL, based on a global prompt-sharing paradigm to alleviate catastrophic forgetting challenges in federated domain-incremental learning, where unseen domains are continually learned. Typical methods for mitigating forgetting, such as the use of additional datasets and the retention of private data from earlier tasks, are not viable in federated learning (FL) due to devices' limited resources. Our method, RefFiL, addresses this by learning domain-invariant knowledge and incorporating various domain-specific prompts from the domains represented by different FL participants. A key feature of RefFiL is the generation of local fine-grained prompts by our domain adaptive prompt generator, which effectively learns from local domain knowledge while maintaining distinctive boundaries on a global scale. We also introduce a domain-specific prompt contrastive learning loss that differentiates between locally generated prompts and those from other domains, enhancing RefFiL's precision and effectiveness. Compared to existing methods, RefFiL significantly alleviates catastrophic forgetting without requiring extra memory space, making it ideal for privacy-sensitive and resource-constrained devices.