Abstract:In this work, we propose a method that leverages CLIP feature distillation, achieving efficient 3D segmentation through language guidance. Unlike previous methods that rely on multi-scale CLIP features and are limited by processing speed and storage requirements, our approach aims to streamline the workflow by directly and effectively distilling dense CLIP features, thereby achieving precise segmentation of 3D scenes using text. To achieve this, we introduce an adapter module and mitigate the noise issue in the dense CLIP feature distillation process through a self-cross-training strategy. Moreover, to enhance the accuracy of segmentation edges, this work presents a low-rank transient query attention mechanism. To ensure the consistency of segmentation for similar colors under different viewpoints, we convert the segmentation task into a classification task through label volume, which significantly improves the consistency of segmentation in color-similar areas. We also propose a simplified text augmentation strategy to alleviate the issue of ambiguity in the correspondence between CLIP features and text. Extensive experimental results show that our method surpasses current state-of-the-art technologies in both training speed and performance. Our code is available on: https://github.com/xingy038/Laser.git.
Abstract:Adversarial training is one of the most effective methods for enhancing model robustness. Recent approaches incorporate adversarial distillation in adversarial training architectures. However, we notice two scenarios of defense methods that limit their performance: (1) Previous methods primarily use static ground truth for adversarial training, but this often causes robust overfitting; (2) The loss functions are either Mean Squared Error or KL-divergence leading to a sub-optimal performance on clean accuracy. To solve those problems, we propose a dynamic label adversarial training (DYNAT) algorithm that enables the target model to gradually and dynamically gain robustness from the guide model's decisions. Additionally, we found that a budgeted dimension of inner optimization for the target model may contribute to the trade-off between clean accuracy and robust accuracy. Therefore, we propose a novel inner optimization method to be incorporated into the adversarial training. This will enable the target model to adaptively search for adversarial examples based on dynamic labels from the guiding model, contributing to the robustness of the target model. Extensive experiments validate the superior performance of our approach.
Abstract:Compositional Zero-shot Learning (CZSL) aims to identify novel compositions via known attribute-object pairs. The primary challenge in CZSL tasks lies in the significant discrepancies introduced by the complex interaction between the visual primitives of attribute and object, consequently decreasing the classification performance towards novel compositions. Previous remarkable works primarily addressed this issue by focusing on disentangling strategy or utilizing object-based conditional probabilities to constrain the selection space of attributes. Unfortunately, few studies have explored the problem from the perspective of modeling the mechanism of visual primitive interactions. Inspired by the success of vanilla adversarial learning in Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning, we take a step further and devise a model-agnostic and Primitive-Based Adversarial training (PBadv) method to deal with this problem. Besides, the latest studies highlight the weakness of the perception of hard compositions even under data-balanced conditions. To this end, we propose a novel over-sampling strategy with object-similarity guidance to augment target compositional training data. We performed detailed quantitative analysis and retrieval experiments on well-established datasets, such as UT-Zappos50K, MIT-States, and C-GQA, to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, and the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance demonstrates the superiority of our approach. The code is available at https://github.com/lisuyi/PBadv_czsl.
Abstract:While traditional feature engineering for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) involves a trial-anderror process, deep learning has emerged as a preferred method for high-level representations of sensor-based human activities. However, most deep learning-based HAR requires a large amount of labelled data and extracting HAR features from unlabelled data for effective deep learning training remains challenging. We, therefore, introduce a deep semi-supervised HAR approach, MixHAR, which concurrently uses labelled and unlabelled activities. Our MixHAR employs a linear interpolation mechanism to blend labelled and unlabelled activities while addressing both inter- and intra-activity variability. A unique challenge identified is the activityintrusion problem during mixing, for which we propose a mixing calibration mechanism to mitigate it in the feature embedding space. Additionally, we rigorously explored and evaluated the five conventional/popular deep semi-supervised technologies on HAR, acting as the benchmark of deep semi-supervised HAR. Our results demonstrate that MixHAR significantly improves performance, underscoring the potential of deep semi-supervised techniques in HAR.
Abstract:Text-to-3D content creation is a rapidly evolving research area. Given the scarcity of 3D data, current approaches often adapt pre-trained 2D diffusion models for 3D synthesis. Among these approaches, Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) has been widely adopted. However, the issue of over-smoothing poses a significant limitation on the high-fidelity generation of 3D models. To address this challenge, LucidDreamer replaces the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) in SDS with the Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model (DDIM) to construct Interval Score Matching (ISM). However, ISM inevitably inherits inconsistencies from DDIM, causing reconstruction errors during the DDIM inversion process. This results in poor performance in the detailed generation of 3D objects and loss of content. To alleviate these problems, we propose a novel method named Exact Score Matching (ESM). Specifically, ESM leverages auxiliary variables to mathematically guarantee exact recovery in the DDIM reverse process. Furthermore, to effectively capture the dynamic changes of the original and auxiliary variables, the LoRA of a pre-trained diffusion model implements these exact paths. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of ESM in text-to-3D generation, particularly highlighting its superiority in detailed generation.
Abstract:In this work, we propose a novel Trajectory Score Matching (TSM) method that aims to solve the pseudo ground truth inconsistency problem caused by the accumulated error in Interval Score Matching (ISM) when using the Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM) inversion process. Unlike ISM which adopts the inversion process of DDIM to calculate on a single path, our TSM method leverages the inversion process of DDIM to generate two paths from the same starting point for calculation. Since both paths start from the same starting point, TSM can reduce the accumulated error compared to ISM, thus alleviating the problem of pseudo ground truth inconsistency. TSM enhances the stability and consistency of the model's generated paths during the distillation process. We demonstrate this experimentally and further show that ISM is a special case of TSM. Furthermore, to optimize the current multi-stage optimization process from high-resolution text to 3D generation, we adopt Stable Diffusion XL for guidance. In response to the issues of abnormal replication and splitting caused by unstable gradients during the 3D Gaussian splatting process when using Stable Diffusion XL, we propose a pixel-by-pixel gradient clipping method. Extensive experiments show that our model significantly surpasses the state-of-the-art models in terms of visual quality and performance. Code: \url{https://github.com/xingy038/Dreamer-XL}.
Abstract:With increasing concerns over data privacy and model copyrights, especially in the context of collaborations between AI service providers and data owners, an innovative SG-ZSL paradigm is proposed in this work. SG-ZSL is designed to foster efficient collaboration without the need to exchange models or sensitive data. It consists of a teacher model, a student model and a generator that links both model entities. The teacher model serves as a sentinel on behalf of the data owner, replacing real data, to guide the student model at the AI service provider's end during training. Considering the disparity of knowledge space between the teacher and student, we introduce two variants of the teacher model: the omniscient and the quasi-omniscient teachers. Under these teachers' guidance, the student model seeks to match the teacher model's performance and explores domains that the teacher has not covered. To trade off between privacy and performance, we further introduce two distinct security-level training protocols: white-box and black-box, enhancing the paradigm's adaptability. Despite the inherent challenges of real data absence in the SG-ZSL paradigm, it consistently outperforms in ZSL and GZSL tasks, notably in the white-box protocol. Our comprehensive evaluation further attests to its robustness and efficiency across various setups, including stringent black-box training protocol.
Abstract:Most of the existing works on arbitrary 3D NeRF style transfer required retraining on each single style condition. This work aims to achieve zero-shot controlled stylization in 3D scenes utilizing text or visual input as conditioning factors. We introduce ConRF, a novel method of zero-shot stylization. Specifically, due to the ambiguity of CLIP features, we employ a conversion process that maps the CLIP feature space to the style space of a pre-trained VGG network and then refine the CLIP multi-modal knowledge into a style transfer neural radiation field. Additionally, we use a 3D volumetric representation to perform local style transfer. By combining these operations, ConRF offers the capability to utilize either text or images as references, resulting in the generation of sequences with novel views enhanced by global or local stylization. Our experiment demonstrates that ConRF outperforms other existing methods for 3D scene and single-text stylization in terms of visual quality.
Abstract:The goal of our work is to generate high-quality novel views from monocular videos of complex and dynamic scenes. Prior methods, such as DynamicNeRF, have shown impressive performance by leveraging time-varying dynamic radiation fields. However, these methods have limitations when it comes to accurately modeling the motion of complex objects, which can lead to inaccurate and blurry renderings of details. To address this limitation, we propose a novel approach that builds upon a recent generalization NeRF, which aggregates nearby views onto new viewpoints. However, such methods are typically only effective for static scenes. To overcome this challenge, we introduce a module that operates in both the time and frequency domains to aggregate the features of object motion. This allows us to learn the relationship between frames and generate higher-quality images. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods on dynamic scene datasets. Specifically, our approach outperforms existing methods in terms of both the accuracy and visual quality of the synthesized views.
Abstract:Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to infer novel classes without training samples by transferring knowledge from seen classes. Existing embedding-based approaches for ZSL typically employ attention mechanisms to locate attributes on an image. However, these methods often ignore the complex entanglement among different attributes' visual features in the embedding space. Additionally, these methods employ a direct attribute prediction scheme for classification, which does not account for the diversity of attributes in images of the same category. To address these issues, we propose a novel Dual Feature Augmentation Network (DFAN), which comprises two feature augmentation modules, one for visual features and the other for semantic features. The visual feature augmentation module explicitly learns attribute features and employs cosine distance to separate them, thus enhancing attribute representation. In the semantic feature augmentation module, we propose a bias learner to capture the offset that bridges the gap between actual and predicted attribute values from a dataset's perspective. Furthermore, we introduce two predictors to reconcile the conflicts between local and global features. Experimental results on three benchmarks demonstrate the marked advancement of our method compared to state-of-the-art approaches. Our code is available at https://github.com/Sion1/DFAN.