Abstract:Late gadolinium enhancement MRI (LGE MRI) is the gold standard for the detection of myocardial scars for post myocardial infarction (MI). LGE MRI requires the injection of a contrast agent, which carries potential side effects and increases scanning time and patient discomfort. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework that combines cardiac motion observed in cine MRI with image texture information to segment the myocardium and scar tissue in the left ventricle. Cardiac motion tracking can be formulated as a full cardiac image cycle registration problem, which can be solved via deep neural networks. Experimental results prove that the proposed method can achieve scar segmentation based on non-contrasted cine images with comparable accuracy to LGE MRI. This demonstrates its potential as an alternative to contrast-enhanced techniques for scar detection.
Abstract:Creating fully annotated labels for medical image segmentation is prohibitively time-intensive and costly, emphasizing the necessity for innovative approaches that minimize reliance on detailed annotations. Scribble annotations offer a more cost-effective alternative, significantly reducing the expenses associated with full annotations. However, scribble annotations offer limited and imprecise information, failing to capture the detailed structural and boundary characteristics necessary for accurate organ delineation. To address these challenges, we propose HELPNet, a novel scribble-based weakly supervised segmentation framework, designed to bridge the gap between annotation efficiency and segmentation performance. HELPNet integrates three modules. The Hierarchical perturbations consistency (HPC) module enhances feature learning by employing density-controlled jigsaw perturbations across global, local, and focal views, enabling robust modeling of multi-scale structural representations. Building on this, the Entropy-guided pseudo-label (EGPL) module evaluates the confidence of segmentation predictions using entropy, generating high-quality pseudo-labels. Finally, the structural prior refinement (SPR) module incorporates connectivity and bounded priors to enhance the precision and reliability and pseudo-labels. Experimental results on three public datasets ACDC, MSCMRseg, and CHAOS show that HELPNet significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods for scribble-based weakly supervised segmentation and achieves performance comparable to fully supervised methods. The code is available at https://github.com/IPMI-NWU/HELPNet.
Abstract:Exposure correction methods aim to adjust the luminance while maintaining other luminance-unrelated information. However, current exposure correction methods have difficulty in fully separating luminance-related and luminance-unrelated components, leading to distortions in color, loss of detail, and requiring extra restoration procedures. Inspired by principal component analysis (PCA), this paper proposes an exposure correction method called luminance component analysis (LCA). LCA applies the orthogonal constraint to a U-Net structure to decouple luminance-related and luminance-unrelated features. With decoupled luminance-related features, LCA adjusts only the luminance-related components while keeping the luminance-unrelated components unchanged. To optimize the orthogonal constraint problem, LCA employs a geometric optimization algorithm, which converts the constrained problem in Euclidean space to an unconstrained problem in orthogonal Stiefel manifolds. Extensive experiments show that LCA can decouple the luminance feature from the RGB color space. Moreover, LCA achieves the best PSNR (21.33) and SSIM (0.88) in the exposure correction dataset with 28.72 FPS.
Abstract:Multi-modal medical image segmentation plays an essential role in clinical diagnosis. It remains challenging as the input modalities are often not well-aligned spatially. Existing learning-based methods mainly consider sharing trainable layers across modalities and minimizing visual feature discrepancies. While the problem is often formulated as joint supervised feature learning, multiple-scale features and class-specific representation have not yet been explored. In this paper, we propose an affinity-guided fully convolutional network for multimodal image segmentation. To learn effective representations, we design class-specific affinity matrices to encode the knowledge of hierarchical feature reasoning, together with the shared convolutional layers to ensure the cross-modality generalization. Our affinity matrix does not depend on spatial alignments of the visual features and thus allows us to train with unpaired, multimodal inputs. We extensively evaluated our method on two public multimodal benchmark datasets and outperform state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Accurate computing, analysis and modeling of the ventricles and myocardium from medical images are important, especially in the diagnosis and treatment management for patients suffering from myocardial infarction (MI). Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) provides an important protocol to visualize MI. However, automated segmentation of LGE CMR is still challenging, due to the indistinguishable boundaries, heterogeneous intensity distribution and complex enhancement patterns of pathological myocardium from LGE CMR. Furthermore, compared with the other sequences LGE CMR images with gold standard labels are particularly limited, which represents another obstacle for developing novel algorithms for automatic segmentation of LGE CMR. This paper presents the selective results from the Multi-Sequence Cardiac MR (MS-CMR) Segmentation challenge, in conjunction with MICCAI 2019. The challenge offered a data set of paired MS-CMR images, including auxiliary CMR sequences as well as LGE CMR, from 45 patients who underwent cardiomyopathy. It was aimed to develop new algorithms, as well as benchmark existing ones for LGE CMR segmentation and compare them objectively. In addition, the paired MS-CMR images could enable algorithms to combine the complementary information from the other sequences for the segmentation of LGE CMR. Nine representative works were selected for evaluation and comparisons, among which three methods are unsupervised methods and the other six are supervised. The results showed that the average performance of the nine methods was comparable to the inter-observer variations. The success of these methods was mainly attributed to the inclusion of the auxiliary sequences from the MS-CMR images, which provide important label information for the training of deep neural networks.
Abstract:Analysis and modeling of the ventricles and myocardium are important in the diagnostic and treatment of heart diseases. Manual delineation of those tissues in cardiac MR (CMR) scans is laborious and time-consuming. The ambiguity of the boundaries makes the segmentation task rather challenging. Furthermore, the annotations on some modalities such as Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) MRI, are often not available. We propose an end-to-end segmentation framework based on convolutional neural network (CNN) and adversarial learning. A dilated residual U-shape network is used as a segmentor to generate the prediction mask; meanwhile, a CNN is utilized as a discriminator model to judge the segmentation quality. To leverage the available annotations across modalities per patient, a new loss function named weak domain-transfer loss is introduced to the pipeline. The proposed model is evaluated on the public dataset released by the challenge organizer in MICCAI 2019, which consists of 45 sets of multi-sequence CMR images. We demonstrate that the proposed adversarial pipeline outperforms baseline deep-learning methods.