Abstract:While diffusion models are powerful in generating high-quality, diverse synthetic data for object-centric tasks, existing methods struggle with scene-aware tasks such as Visual Question Answering (VQA) and Human-Object Interaction (HOI) Reasoning, where it is critical to preserve scene attributes in generated images consistent with a multimodal context, i.e. a reference image with accompanying text guidance query. To address this, we introduce Hummingbird, the first diffusion-based image generator which, given a multimodal context, generates highly diverse images w.r.t. the reference image while ensuring high fidelity by accurately preserving scene attributes, such as object interactions and spatial relationships from the text guidance. Hummingbird employs a novel Multimodal Context Evaluator that simultaneously optimizes our formulated Global Semantic and Fine-grained Consistency Rewards to ensure generated images preserve the scene attributes of reference images in relation to the text guidance while maintaining diversity. As the first model to address the task of maintaining both diversity and fidelity given a multimodal context, we introduce a new benchmark formulation incorporating MME Perception and Bongard HOI datasets. Benchmark experiments show Hummingbird outperforms all existing methods by achieving superior fidelity while maintaining diversity, validating Hummingbird's potential as a robust multimodal context-aligned image generator in complex visual tasks.
Abstract:Temporal Action Localization (TAL) involves localizing and classifying action snippets in an untrimmed video. The emergence of large video foundation models has led RGB-only video backbones to outperform previous methods needing both RGB and optical flow modalities. Leveraging these large models is often limited to training only the TAL head due to the prohibitively large GPU memory required to adapt the video backbone for TAL. To overcome this limitation, we introduce LoSA, the first memory-and-parameter-efficient backbone adapter designed specifically for TAL to handle untrimmed videos. LoSA specializes for TAL by introducing Long-Short-range Adapters that adapt the intermediate layers of the video backbone over different temporal ranges. These adapters run parallel to the video backbone to significantly reduce memory footprint. LoSA also includes Long-Short-range Fusion that strategically combines the output of these adapters from the video backbone layers to enhance the video features provided to the TAL head. Experiments show that LoSA significantly outperforms all existing methods on standard TAL benchmarks, THUMOS-14 and ActivityNet-v1.3, by scaling end-to-end backbone adaptation to billion-parameter-plus models like VideoMAEv2~(ViT-g) and leveraging them beyond head-only transfer learning.
Abstract:Classic approaches to content moderation typically apply a rule-based heuristic approach to flag content. While rules are easily customizable and intuitive for humans to interpret, they are inherently fragile and lack the flexibility or robustness needed to moderate the vast amount of undesirable content found online today. Recent advances in deep learning have demonstrated the promise of using highly effective deep neural models to overcome these challenges. However, despite the improved performance, these data-driven models lack transparency and explainability, often leading to mistrust from everyday users and a lack of adoption by many platforms. In this paper, we present Rule By Example (RBE): a novel exemplar-based contrastive learning approach for learning from logical rules for the task of textual content moderation. RBE is capable of providing rule-grounded predictions, allowing for more explainable and customizable predictions compared to typical deep learning-based approaches. We demonstrate that our approach is capable of learning rich rule embedding representations using only a few data examples. Experimental results on 3 popular hate speech classification datasets show that RBE is able to outperform state-of-the-art deep learning classifiers as well as the use of rules in both supervised and unsupervised settings while providing explainable model predictions via rule-grounding.
Abstract:There is a rapidly growing need for multimodal content moderation (CM) as more and more content on social media is multimodal in nature. Existing unimodal CM systems may fail to catch harmful content that crosses modalities (e.g., memes or videos), which may lead to severe consequences. In this paper, we present a novel CM model, Asymmetric Mixed-Modal Moderation (AM3), to target multimodal and unimodal CM tasks. Specifically, to address the asymmetry in semantics between vision and language, AM3 has a novel asymmetric fusion architecture that is designed to not only fuse the common knowledge in both modalities but also to exploit the unique information in each modality. Unlike previous works that focus on fusing the two modalities while overlooking the intrinsic difference between the information conveyed in multimodality and in unimodality (asymmetry in modalities), we propose a novel cross-modality contrastive loss to learn the unique knowledge that only appears in multimodality. This is critical as some harmful intent may only be conveyed through the intersection of both modalities. With extensive experiments, we show that AM3 outperforms all existing state-of-the-art methods on both multimodal and unimodal CM benchmarks.
Abstract:Video Object Segmentation (VOS) is fundamental to video understanding. Transformer-based methods show significant performance improvement on semi-supervised VOS. However, existing work faces challenges segmenting visually similar objects in close proximity of each other. In this paper, we propose a novel Bilateral Attention Transformer in Motion-Appearance Neighboring space (BATMAN) for semi-supervised VOS. It captures object motion in the video via a novel optical flow calibration module that fuses the segmentation mask with optical flow estimation to improve within-object optical flow smoothness and reduce noise at object boundaries. This calibrated optical flow is then employed in our novel bilateral attention, which computes the correspondence between the query and reference frames in the neighboring bilateral space considering both motion and appearance. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of BATMAN architecture by outperforming all existing state-of-the-art on all four popular VOS benchmarks: Youtube-VOS 2019 (85.0%), Youtube-VOS 2018 (85.3%), DAVIS 2017Val/Testdev (86.2%/82.2%), and DAVIS 2016 (92.5%).
Abstract:Online action detection is the task of predicting the action as soon as it happens in a streaming video. A major challenge is that the model does not have access to the future and has to solely rely on the history, i.e., the frames observed so far, to make predictions. It is therefore important to accentuate parts of the history that are more informative to the prediction of the current frame. We present GateHUB, Gated History Unit with Background Suppression, that comprises a novel position-guided gated cross-attention mechanism to enhance or suppress parts of the history as per how informative they are for current frame prediction. GateHUB further proposes Future-augmented History (FaH) to make history features more informative by using subsequently observed frames when available. In a single unified framework, GateHUB integrates the transformer's ability of long-range temporal modeling and the recurrent model's capacity to selectively encode relevant information. GateHUB also introduces a background suppression objective to further mitigate false positive background frames that closely resemble the action frames. Extensive validation on three benchmark datasets, THUMOS, TVSeries, and HDD, demonstrates that GateHUB significantly outperforms all existing methods and is also more efficient than the existing best work. Furthermore, a flow-free version of GateHUB is able to achieve higher or close accuracy at 2.8x higher frame rate compared to all existing methods that require both RGB and optical flow information for prediction.
Abstract:We present a novel information-theoretic approach to introduce dependency among features of a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). The core idea of our proposed method, called MUSE, is to combine MUtual information and SElf-information to jointly improve the expressivity of all features extracted from different layers in a CNN. We present two variants of the realization of MUSE -- Additive Information and Multiplicative Information. Importantly, we argue and empirically demonstrate that MUSE, compared to other feature discrepancy functions, is a more functional proxy to introduce dependency and effectively improve the expressivity of all features in the knowledge distillation framework. MUSE achieves superior performance over a variety of popular architectures and feature discrepancy functions for self-distillation and online distillation, and performs competitively with the state-of-the-art methods for offline distillation. MUSE is also demonstrably versatile that enables it to be easily extended to CNN-based models on tasks other than image classification such as object detection.
Abstract:We present MetaUVFS as the first Unsupervised Meta-learning algorithm for Video Few-Shot action recognition. MetaUVFS leverages over 550K unlabeled videos to train a two-stream 2D and 3D CNN architecture via contrastive learning to capture the appearance-specific spatial and action-specific spatio-temporal video features respectively. MetaUVFS comprises a novel Action-Appearance Aligned Meta-adaptation (A3M) module that learns to focus on the action-oriented video features in relation to the appearance features via explicit few-shot episodic meta-learning over unsupervised hard-mined episodes. Our action-appearance alignment and explicit few-shot learner conditions the unsupervised training to mimic the downstream few-shot task, enabling MetaUVFS to significantly outperform all unsupervised methods on few-shot benchmarks. Moreover, unlike previous few-shot action recognition methods that are supervised, MetaUVFS needs neither base-class labels nor a supervised pretrained backbone. Thus, we need to train MetaUVFS just once to perform competitively or sometimes even outperform state-of-the-art supervised methods on popular HMDB51, UCF101, and Kinetics100 few-shot datasets.
Abstract:Most existing methods for Neural Architecture Search (NAS) focus on achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on standard datasets and do not explicitly search for adversarially robust models. In this work, we study the adversarial robustness of existing NAS architectures, comparing it with state-of-the-art handcrafted architectures, and provide reasons for why it is essential. We draw some key conclusions on the capacity of current NAS methods to tackle adversarial attacks through experiments on datasets of different sizes.
Abstract:While deep neural networks excel in solving visual recognition tasks, they require significant effort to find hyperparameters that make them work optimally. Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) approaches have automated the process of finding good hyperparameters but they do not adapt to a given task (task-agnostic), making them computationally inefficient. To reduce HPO time, we present HyperSTAR (System for Task Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation), a task-aware method to warm-start HPO for deep neural networks. HyperSTAR ranks and recommends hyperparameters by predicting their performance conditioned on a joint dataset-hyperparameter space. It learns a dataset (task) representation along with the performance predictor directly from raw images in an end-to-end fashion. The recommendations, when integrated with an existing HPO method, make it task-aware and significantly reduce the time to achieve optimal performance. We conduct extensive experiments on 10 publicly available large-scale image classification datasets over two different network architectures, validating that HyperSTAR evaluates 50% less configurations to achieve the best performance compared to existing methods. We further demonstrate that HyperSTAR makes Hyperband (HB) task-aware, achieving the optimal accuracy in just 25% of the budget required by both vanilla HB and Bayesian Optimized HB~(BOHB).