Abstract:Temporal processing is fundamental for both biological and artificial intelligence systems, as it enables the comprehension of dynamic environments and facilitates timely responses. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) excel in handling such data with high efficiency, owing to their rich neuronal dynamics and sparse activity patterns. Given the recent surge in the development of SNNs, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive evaluation of their temporal processing capabilities. In this paper, we first conduct an in-depth assessment of commonly used neuromorphic benchmarks, revealing critical limitations in their ability to evaluate the temporal processing capabilities of SNNs. To bridge this gap, we further introduce a benchmark suite consisting of three temporal processing tasks characterized by rich temporal dynamics across multiple timescales. Utilizing this benchmark suite, we perform a thorough evaluation of recently introduced SNN approaches to elucidate the current status of SNNs in temporal processing. Our findings indicate significant advancements in recently developed spiking neuron models and neural architectures regarding their temporal processing capabilities, while also highlighting a performance gap in handling long-range dependencies when compared to state-of-the-art non-spiking models. Finally, we discuss the key challenges and outline potential avenues for future research.
Abstract:Context-based offline meta-reinforcement learning (OMRL) methods have achieved appealing success by leveraging pre-collected offline datasets to develop task representations that guide policy learning. However, current context-based OMRL methods often introduce spurious correlations, where task components are incorrectly correlated due to confounders. These correlations can degrade policy performance when the confounders in the test task differ from those in the training task. To address this problem, we propose CausalCOMRL, a context-based OMRL method that integrates causal representation learning. This approach uncovers causal relationships among the task components and incorporates the causal relationships into task representations, enhancing the generalizability of RL agents. We further improve the distinction of task representations from different tasks by using mutual information optimization and contrastive learning. Utilizing these causal task representations, we employ SAC to optimize policies on meta-RL benchmarks. Experimental results show that CausalCOMRL achieves better performance than other methods on most benchmarks.
Abstract:Knowledge distillation effectively reduces model complexity while improving performance, yet the underlying knowledge transfer mechanisms remain poorly understood. We propose novel spectral analysis methods and guidelines to optimize distillation, making the knowledge transfer process more interpretable. Our analysis reveals that CaiT models concentrate information in their first and last few layers, informing optimal layer selection for feature map distillation. Surprisingly, we discover that Swin Transformer and CaiT exhibit similar spectral encoding patterns despite their architectural differences, enhancing our understanding of transformer architectures and leading to improved feature map alignment strategies. Based on these insights, we introduce a simple yet effective spectral alignment method named SpectralKD. Experimental results demonstrate that following our guidelines enables SpectralKD to achieve state-of-the-art performance (DeiT-Tiny: $+5.2\%$, Swin-Tiny: $+1.4\%$ in ImageNet-1k Top-1 accuracy). Furthermore, through spectral analysis of student models trained with and without distillation, we show that distilled models mirror spectral patterns of their teachers, providing a new lens for interpreting knowledge distillation dynamics. Our code, pre-trained models, and experimental logs will be made publicly available.
Abstract:A key aspect of Safe Reinforcement Learning (Safe RL) involves estimating the constraint condition for the next policy, which is crucial for guiding the optimization of safe policy updates. However, the existing Advantage-based Estimation (ABE) method relies on the infinite-horizon discounted advantage function. This dependence leads to catastrophic errors in finite-horizon scenarios with non-discounted constraints, resulting in safety-violation updates. In response, we propose the first estimation method for finite-horizon non-discounted constraints in deep Safe RL, termed Gradient-based Estimation (GBE), which relies on the analytic gradient derived along trajectories. Our theoretical and empirical analyses demonstrate that GBE can effectively estimate constraint changes over a finite horizon. Constructing a surrogate optimization problem with GBE, we developed a novel Safe RL algorithm called Constrained Gradient-based Policy Optimization (CGPO). CGPO identifies feasible optimal policies by iteratively resolving sub-problems within trust regions. Our empirical results reveal that CGPO, unlike baseline algorithms, successfully estimates the constraint functions of subsequent policies, thereby ensuring the efficiency and feasibility of each update.
Abstract:Sleep staging is crucial for assessing sleep quality and diagnosing related disorders. Recent deep learning models for automatic sleep staging using polysomnography often suffer from poor generalization to new subjects because they are trained and tested on the same labeled datasets, overlooking individual differences. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel Source-Free Unsupervised Individual Domain Adaptation (SF-UIDA) framework. This two-step adaptation scheme allows the model to effectively adjust to new unlabeled individuals without needing source data, facilitating personalized customization in clinical settings. Our framework has been applied to three established sleep staging models and tested on three public datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive technique to measure and record brain electrical activity, widely used in various BCI and healthcare applications. Early EEG decoding methods rely on supervised learning, limited by specific tasks and datasets, hindering model performance and generalizability. With the success of large language models, there is a growing body of studies focusing on EEG foundation models. However, these studies still leave challenges: Firstly, most of existing EEG foundation models employ full EEG modeling strategy. It models the spatial and temporal dependencies between all EEG patches together, but ignores that the spatial and temporal dependencies are heterogeneous due to the unique structural characteristics of EEG signals. Secondly, existing EEG foundation models have limited generalizability on a wide range of downstream BCI tasks due to varying formats of EEG data, making it challenging to adapt to. To address these challenges, we propose a novel foundation model called CBraMod. Specifically, we devise a criss-cross transformer as the backbone to thoroughly leverage the structural characteristics of EEG signals, which can model spatial and temporal dependencies separately through two parallel attention mechanisms. And we utilize an asymmetric conditional positional encoding scheme which can encode positional information of EEG patches and be easily adapted to the EEG with diverse formats. CBraMod is pre-trained on a very large corpus of EEG through patch-based masked EEG reconstruction. We evaluate CBraMod on up to 10 downstream BCI tasks (12 public datasets). CBraMod achieves the state-of-the-art performance across the wide range of tasks, proving its strong capability and generalizability. The source code is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/wjq-learning/CBraMod}.
Abstract:Multimodal Entity Linking (MEL) is extensively utilized in the domains of information retrieval. However, existing MEL methods typically utilize mention words as mentions for retrieval. This results in a significant dependence of MEL on mention words, thereby constraining its capacity to effectively leverage information from both images and text. In situations where mention words are absent, MEL methods struggle to leverage image-text pairs for entity linking. To solve these issues, we introduce a Visual Prompts guided Multimodal Entity Linking (VP-MEL) task. VP-MEL directly marks specific regions within the image. These markers are referred to as visual prompts in VP-MEL. Without mention words, VP-MEL aims to utilize marked image-text pairs to align visual prompts with specific entities in the knowledge bases. A new dataset for the VP-MEL task, VPWiki, is proposed in this paper. Moreover, we propose a framework named FBMEL, which enhances the significance of visual prompts and fully leverages the information in image-text pairs. Experimental results on the VPWiki dataset demonstrate that FBMEL outperforms baseline methods across multiple benchmarks for the VP-MEL task.
Abstract:Text-to-image (T2I) generation aims at producing realistic images corresponding to text descriptions. Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) has proven to be successful in this task. Typical T2I GANs are 2 phase methods that first pretrain an inter-modal representation from aligned image-text pairs and then use GAN to train image generator on that basis. However, such representation ignores the inner-modal semantic correspondence, e.g. the images with same label. The semantic label in priory describes the inherent distribution pattern with underlying cross-image relationships, which is supplement to the text description for understanding the full characteristics of image. In this paper, we propose a framework leveraging both inter- and inner-modal correspondence by label guided supervised contrastive learning. We extend the T2I GANs to two parameter-sharing contrast branches in both pretraining and generation phases. This integration effectively clusters the semantically similar image-text pair representations, thereby fostering the generation of higher-quality images. We demonstrate our framework on four novel T2I GANs by both single-object dataset CUB and multi-object dataset COCO, achieving significant improvements in the Inception Score (IS) and Frechet Inception Distance (FID) metrics of imagegeneration evaluation. Notably, on more complex multi-object COCO, our framework improves FID by 30.1%, 27.3%, 16.2% and 17.1% for AttnGAN, DM-GAN, SSA-GAN and GALIP, respectively. We also validate our superiority by comparing with other label guided T2I GANs. The results affirm the effectiveness and competitiveness of our approach in advancing the state-of-the-art GAN for T2I generation
Abstract:Existing large pre-trained models typically map text input to text output in an end-to-end manner, such as ChatGPT, or map a segment of text input to a hierarchy of action decisions, such as OpenVLA. However, humans can simultaneously generate text and actions when receiving specific input signals. For example, a driver can make precise driving decisions while conversing with a friend in the passenger seat. Motivated by this observation, we consider the following question in this work: is it possible to construct a pre-trained model that can provide both language interaction and precise decision-making capabilities in dynamic open scenarios. We provide a definitive answer to this question by developing a new model architecture termed Visual Language Action model for Chatting and Decision Making (VLA4CD), and further demonstrating its performance in challenging autonomous driving tasks. Specifically, we leverage LoRA to fine-tune a pre-trained LLM with data of multiple modalities covering language, visual, and action. Unlike the existing LoRA operations used for LLM fine-tuning, we have designed new computational modules and training cost functions for VLA4CD. These designs enable VLA4CD to provide continuous-valued action decisions while outputting text responses. In contrast, existing LLMs can only output text responses, and current VLA models can only output action decisions. Moreover, these VLA models handle action data by discretizing and then tokenizing the discretized actions, a method unsuitable for complex decision-making tasks involving high-dimensional continuous-valued action vectors, such as autonomous driving. The experimental results on CARLA validate that: (1) our proposed model construction method is effective; (2) compared to the SOTA VLA model, VLA4CD can provide more accurate real-time decision-making while retaining the text interaction capability inherent to LLMs.
Abstract:Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), renowned for their low power consumption, brain-inspired architecture, and spatio-temporal representation capabilities, have garnered considerable attention in recent years. Similar to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), high-quality benchmark datasets are of great importance to the advances of SNNs. However, our analysis indicates that many prevalent neuromorphic datasets lack strong temporal correlation, preventing SNNs from fully exploiting their spatio-temporal representation capabilities. Meanwhile, the integration of event and frame modalities offers more comprehensive visual spatio-temporal information. Yet, the SNN-based cross-modality fusion remains underexplored. In this work, we present a neuromorphic dataset called DVS-SLR that can better exploit the inherent spatio-temporal properties of SNNs. Compared to existing datasets, it offers advantages in terms of higher temporal correlation, larger scale, and more varied scenarios. In addition, our neuromorphic dataset contains corresponding frame data, which can be used for developing SNN-based fusion methods. By virtue of the dual-modal feature of the dataset, we propose a Cross-Modality Attention (CMA) based fusion method. The CMA model efficiently utilizes the unique advantages of each modality, allowing for SNNs to learn both temporal and spatial attention scores from the spatio-temporal features of event and frame modalities, subsequently allocating these scores across modalities to enhance their synergy. Experimental results demonstrate that our method not only improves recognition accuracy but also ensures robustness across diverse scenarios.